Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch
flowchart I[Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (17)"] AW["Affiliated Works (302)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (42)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk
- Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Novosibirsk
- RAS, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk
- RAS, Geophysical Service, Obninsk
- RAS, Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk
- RAS, Institute of Computational Technologies, Novosibirsk
- RAS, Institute of Metallurgy, Ekaterinburg
- RAS, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk
- RAS, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk
- RAS, Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk
- RAS, Institute of the Earths Crust, Irkutsk
- RAS, Kirensky Institute of Physics, Novokuznetsk
- RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk
- RAS, Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy, Yakutsk
- RAS, United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy
- RAS, Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry
- RAS, Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- ACRIM2 Observations and the Long Term Total Solar Irradiance Database
- Evidence of European Emissions Perturbation on the Background Tropospheric CO and Ozone in Remote Siberia/East Asia
- Natural Climate Variability in Paleoclimatic Proxy Data: Process-Based Simulation of Glaciers and Tree-Rings
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results from Cretaceous Basalts of the Trans-Baikal Region, Southeastern Siberia
- Siberian Landcover Analysis with MODIS and Landsat
- Siberian Landscape Disturbance Study
- The Baikal Seismic Experiment (BASE)
- BEST: Baikal Explosion Seismic Transect
- First Report of Majoritic-Garnet Diamond Inclusions From Yakutian Kimberlites
- Midday Depression of CO2 Assimilation Rate during Summer within a Larix gmelinii Canopy on Permafrost in Eastern Siberia
- Mitigation of Drought Limitation in Photosynthesis of Larix gmelinii Saplings by Clear-cutting in East-Siberian Taiga
- Modeling of spectral characteristics of post-fire forest floors in east Siberian taiga for satellite data interpretation
- Paleozoic and Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Russian and Chinese Altai Mountains: A Preliminary Report
- Composite total solar irradiance time series show a secular 0.04 %/decade trend
- Exceptional High Seismic P-wave Velocity of the Uppermost Mantle around the Mirny Kimberlite in Siberia
- Rifting processes in the centre of Siberia revealed by BEST (Baikal Explosion Seismic Transects)
- Simulation of Energetic Neutral Atom Images at Venus
- Trace gas emissions from boreal forest fires - 1995 to 2002
- Using MODIS Thermal Anomaly Data To Locate And Identify Natural And Anthropogenic Disturbance
- A new method of quantifying contributions from nitrification and denitrification. Tree species effects on soil sources of N<SUB>2</SUB>O.
- Active Monitoring With The Use Of Seismic Vibrators: Experimental Systems And The Results Of Works
- Deep Seismic Researches Of Seismic-Active Zones With Use Of High-Power Vibrators - Technique, Outcomes, Outlooks
- Experiments On Vibroseismic Monitoring Of The Earth's Crust In Siberia.
- Late Quaternary Environment Of Central Yakutia, East Siberia
- Metallogenesis of Gold and Silver in Northeast Russia
- Seismicity and Tectonic Stress Field of the Laptev Sea Shelf
- Stable-Isotope Signals Of Paleo-Winter Temperatures In Permafrost Ice Wedges Of Central Yakutia, Northeastern Siberia
- Vibration Geotechnologies In III Millennium
- Coesite Assemblages in Deep Continental Lithosphere: Additional Evidence for a Protolith from Subduction of Oceanic Crust
- Detecting Siberian Silk Moth Damage in Central Siberia Using Multi-Temporal MODIS Data from 2000 to 2005
- In-situ Study of Multiple Chromite Inclusions in Udachnaya Diamonds, Siberia
- Nanometer-size P/K-Rich Silica Glass (Former Melt) Inclusions in Microdiamond From the Gneisses of Kokchetav and Erzgebirge Massifs: Diversified Characteristics of the Formation Media of Metamorphic Microdiamond in UHP Rocks due to Host-rock
- Paleomagnetic Results From Early Cretaceous Basalts and Sediments of the Trans-Baikal Region, Southeastern Siberia
- Coesite-bearing Assemblages as The Direct Evidence For The Involvement of Subducted Crust in The Deep Mantle
- Monitoring and Modeling of the Northern Eurasia Permafrost Dynamics
- Siberian Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences: magnetic indicator of global paleoclimate cycles
- The Metasomatic Origin of Diamonds: Evidence from the World's Largest Diamondiferous Eclogite
- A Reassessment of Gas Hydrate Occurrences in Lake Baikal
- Alpine forest-tundra ecotone response to temperature change, Sayan Mountains, Siberia
- Carbon Balance Assessment of a Natural Steppe of Southern Siberia by Multiple Constraint Approach
- Determining Regional Carbon Emissions Under Variable Fire Regimes in Central Siberia
- Electron probe microanalysis for high pressure minerals investigation
- Landscape Controls of CH4 Fluxes in a Catchment of the Forest Tundra in Northern Siberia
- New U-Pb SHRIMP-RG Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of the Main and Northern Granitoid Belts of NE Russia
- Paleomagnetic and Geochronologic Data from Central Asia: Inferences for Early Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution and Timing of Worldwide Glacial Events
- Potential Climate-Induced Vegetation Change in Siberia During the 21st Century
- Powerful Vibro-Sources for Active Seismology and Deep Earth Sounding
- Process model simulations of the divergence effect
- Seismicity of the Stanovoi Volcanic Field Region, Eastern Russia
- Textural relationship and compositions of ilmenite-corundum exsolutions in rutile from kimberlitic kyanite eclogite xenoliths: microstructural evidence using EBSD
- The Effect of Fire on Soil Respiration Rates in Siberia Scotch Pine Forest
- Vibroseismic Observations in Seismically Active Zones of Siberia
- Coastal Erosion History Retrieval using Multi-Sensor Imagery on the Permafrost Coasts of the Bykovsky Peninsula
- Effects Of Climate, Permafrost And Fire On Potential Vegetation Change In Siberia In A Warming Climate
- Estimating Fire-Caused Boreal Forest Disturbances Using Remote Sensing Data
- Forest Fire Frequency in Scots Pine Stands of Tuva
- Influence Of Plants On Elements Fluxes Within Central Siberian Ecosystems Dominated By Continuous Permafrost.
- Modeling and Assessing Insect Disturbance on Boreal Forests in the Krasnoyarsk region of Russia by Employing the FAREAST Gap Model and Local Forest Inventory and Disturbance Data.
- Retrograde phase transitions of majoritic garnets included in diamonds: a case study of subcalcic Cr-rich majoritic pyrope from a Snap Lake diamond, Canada
- Seasonal Variations Of Chemical Composition Of Soil Porewaters, Streams And Rivers In Basaltic Watersheds Of Central Siberia: The Origin Of River Dissolved Load In The Permafrost Zone
- Surface Fire Influence on Carbon Balance Components in Scots Pine Forest of Siberia, Russia
- Temporal Variations of Geochemical Fluxes in Boreal Rivers in Permafrost Context: Trace Element and Sr and U Isotope Data (Nizhnaya Tunguska Watershed - Central Siberia).
- The Paleo-Lena River - 200 My of Transcontinental Zircon Transport in Siberia
- The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic
- Trace element speciation and origin of colloids in surface waters of subarctic zone (NW of Russia and Central Siberia)
- An integrative model of the crust and upper mantle of Western and Central Europe (Invited)
- Application of Absorption Spectrophotometry to Study the Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Streams
- Circumpolar Arctic greening: Relationships to summer sea-ice concentrations, land temperatures and disturbance regimes
- Energy conversion in a time-dependent Petschek-reconnection model
- Estimating carbon emissions in Russia using the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
- Interaction of rock, water, and plants in central Siberia (Russia) dominated by continuous permafrost: biotic versus abiotic fluxes
- Long-Term Measurements of Carbon Monoxide and Aerosols at the ZOTTO tall tower, Siberia
- Newly Collected Multibeam Swath Bathymetry Data Herald a New Phase in Gas-hydrate Research on Lake Baikal
- Oxygen isotope zonation of a single garnet from UHPM calcsilicate rock of Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan: a window into the geochemical nature of deeply subducted crustal rocks
- Plant species controls on atmospheric CH4 oxidation by soil
- Possible land cover change feedbacks to surface albedo and net radiation over Siberia in a warming climate
- Shape of the subducted slab beneath the Kuril-Kamchatka arc derived from regional tomographic inversion
- Stable C and O Isotopes from Tree Rings Reveal Changes in the Carbon Water Relations Along a Siberian North South Transect in the Last 150 Years
- Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in waters throughout the Kolyma River basin, East Siberia
- CO2/CH4 flux inversion from cavity ring-down spectroscopy measurement at Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia
- Calcium isotopic compositions as tracers of vegetation activity in boreal permafrost ecosystems (Kulingdakan watershed, Central Siberia)
- Carbon Emission from Forest Fires on Scots Pine Logging Sites in the Angara Region of Central Siberia
- Catastrophic Fires in Russian Forests
- Changes of land use and land cover and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia in response to climate change and the global economy
- Coesite-Diamond Assemblage in Ultrahigh Pressure Crustal and Mantle rocks: Evidence for Carbon Recycling
- Cretaceous tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Kular gneiss dome, northeast Russia
- Estimating Scots Pine Tree Mortality Using High Resolution Multispectral Images
- Increasing Ambient CO2 Concentrations are Reflected in the Stable C and O Isotopes from Tree Rings along a Siberian North South Transect in the Last 150 Years
- Isotope variability in larch tree rings of Siberia: climate and ecology
- Isotopic fractionation of hydrate-bound hydrocarbons in the sub-bottom sediments of Lake Baikal
- Modeling of formation of intraplate partial melting zones
- Quantifying Carbon Bioavailability in Northeast Siberian Soils
- Recent Extreme Forest Fire Activity in Western Russia: Fire Danger Conditions, Fire Behavior and Smoke Transport
- Recent structure of the lithosphere beneath Siberia and surrounding areas based on the results of seismic tomography and numerical thermo-gravity modeling
- Role of Regional Geophisical Characteristics in Climate Change
- Spatial Variation in Soil Nutrient Concentrations and Microbial Activity in the Kolyma River Basin in Eastern Siberia
- The Effect of Fire Intensity on Soil Respiration in Siberia Boreal Forest
- The Influence of the Total Pressure on the Evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability around Unmagnetized Planets
- The physicochemical dynamics of fluid above asthenosphere beneath the Siberian Platform
- The upper mountain forest and tree response to climate change in south Siberian Mountains
- Agroclimatic potential in central Siberia in an altered 21st century climate
- Assessment and Monitoring of Siberian Forest Resources in the Framework of the Eu-Russia ZAPÁS Project
- Drought-Caused Forest Decline In The Trans-Baikal Lake Area
- Dynamics of LIP-forming decompression melting zones in the upper mantle
- Heterotrophic soil respiration in Russia
- Influence of Climate-induced Vegetation Shifts on Future Land Use and Associated Land Carbon Fluxes
- Long- and short-lived nuclide constraints on the recent evolution of permafrost soils
- Metasomatic Re-fertilization of the Siberian Lithospheric Mantle: Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths from Udachnaya and Obnazhennaya
- Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Evolution of the Arctida Paleocontinent and Plate Reconstructions
- Numerical modeling of continental lithospheric weak zone over plume
- On the Genesis of the Lower Kolyma Yedoma Based on Multidisciplinary Approach
- Quantifying the dynamics of land cover and land use, hydrology and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia
- The erosion of Arctic coasts and the subsequent release of organic carbon to the Arctic Seas
- Trace element mobility in UHP metamorphic rocks of Kokchetav massif (Northen Kazakhstan)
- Agrolandscape Research of Geosystems in the South of Central Siberia
- Carbon Stocks in Permafrost-Affected Soils of the Lena River Delta
- Chemical compositions of peridotite xenoliths from Vitim, SE Siberia
- Comparing NDVI and observed stem growth and wood density in forests of Northern Eurasia
- Deep Solar Activity Minimum 2007-2009: Solar Wind Properties and Major Effects on the Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Detection of Subsea Permafrost Using Shallow Georesistivity at Three Arctic Sites
- Dynamics of organic nitrogen in cryoturbated Arctic soils
- Effects of tree species, water and nitrogen on mycorrhizal C flux
- Evaluating the accuracy of a MODIS direct broadcast algorithm for mapping burned areas over Russia
- Features of Scots pine radial growth in conditions of provenance trial
- Fire Emissions Estimates in Siberia: Evaluation of Uncertainties in Area Burned, Land Cover, and Fuel Consumption
- Fire Impact on Carbon Emissions on Logged and Unlogged Scots pine Forest Sites in Siberia
- Forest- and agroclimatic potential in the Altai-Sayan ecoregion under climate change during the XXI century
- Influence of ecosystem conditions on permafrost temperature dynamics of the lower Kolyma region
- Magnetopause conditions at Jupiter and Saturn and implications for the solar wind interaction
- Modeling of Magma Dynamics Based on Two-Fluid Hydrodynamics
- Permarfrost eco-hydrological changes in boreal larch forest manifested by wet climate in eastern Siberia
- Potential enzyme activities in cryoturbated organic matter of arctic soils
- Preliminary Results of the Permafrost Carbon Study in the Lower Kolyma Lowland (Eastern Siberia) Based on Drilling Record
- Priming of soil organic matter decomposition in cryoturbated Arctic soils
- Repeated fires effects on net primary production and soil respiration along a fire induced forest/grassland gradient
- Structure of the upper mantle region in the Circum-Arctic region from regional seismic tomography
- The Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan: "Type locality" of diamond-bearing UHP metamorphic rocks
- The Relationship Between Fire Energy Release and Weather Conditions in Russian Siberia
- The dendroclimatology of Common Era volcanic eruptions
- Web-GIS platform for monitoring and forecasting of regional climate and ecological changes
- Zonobiomes, forests, and major forest-forming conifers across Northern Eurasia by the end of the century under climate warming
- Analysis of Abrupt Changes in Heat, Water, and Carbon Fluxes over a Larch Forest in Eastern Siberia, After a Period of Wet Damage Due to Increased Precipitation
- Analysis of evapotranspiration uncertainty due to uncertain forcing data in the Northern Eurasia
- Applicability of resistivity surveys for examination of heterogeneity in continuous permafrost
- CarboPerm: An interdisciplinary Russian-German project on the formation, turnover and release of carbon in Siberian permafrost landscapes
- Comparison of CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in a larch forest on permafrost and a pine forest on non-permafrost soils in Central Siberia
- Energy Conversion during Magnetic Reconnection
- Greenland ice reveals imprint of the Early Cenozoic passage of the Iceland mantle plume
- High water contents in the Siberian cratonic mantle: an FTIR study of Udachnaya peridotite xenoliths
- In situ crystal chemical study of solid diamond inclusions from Quaternary alluvial deposit in the Siberian craton
- Investigation of the Composition Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Siberian Cratons
- Logging and Fire Effects in Siberian Boreal Forests
- Mapping forest succesion types in Siberia with Landsat data
- Melting and chemical reactivity of hydrocarbons under high pressure and temperature
- Methane Seeps and Records of AOM in the Lake Baikal Freshwater Environment
- Morphology and Sediment Transport Dynamics of the Selenga River Delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- New Insights into Tectonics of the Saint Elias, Alaska, Region Based on Local Seismicity and Tomography
- Numerical Ideal MHD Modeling of the Kink Double-Gradient Magnetic Instability
- Nutrient cycling and ecosystem metabolism in boreal streams of the Central Siberian Plateau
- Permafrost Organic Matter Study in the Lower Kolyma Lowland (Eastern Siberia) Based on Drilling Record
- Permafrost carbon pools in a larch-dominated watershed in northeast Siberia
- Reconstruction of the late Holocene climate in the Minusink Hollow, south-central Siberia, and its potential influence on settled farming versus nomadic cattle herding
- Simulation of Acoustic Impact on the Intraplate Fluid-Magmatic Structures
- Structure of Uturuncu volcano from seismic tomography
- Superplume Metasomatism: Evidence from Siberian mantle xenoliths
- Taking stock of circumboreal forest carbon by combining inventory plot measurements with airborne and spaceborne LiDAR
- The 14 February, 2013, Yakutia Earthquake: Fieldwork, Aftershock Deployment, and Macroseismic Effects
- "Spring break" of Dissolved Organic Matter above the Arctic Circle: New Hints on Source and Composition
- An Inventory of Underwater Landslides in Lake Baikal Suggests a Strong Link with Gas Hydrates
- Challenges and Achievements in Circumpolar Monitoring of Land Surface Hydrology with Satellite Data
- Class@Baikal: the Endurance of the UNESCO Training-Through-Research Programme
- Effect of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations in Asia on the Optimization of Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux
- Effects of Repeated Fires in the Forest Ecosystems of the Zabaikalye Region, Southern Siberia
- Environmental Partitioning of Biomass Combustion Biomarkers in Arctic Rivers across the Spring Freshet Hydrograph
- Glacier Change at Suntar-Khayata Mountains in North-East Siberia
- Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Cover on Water and Carbon Dynamics in Northern Eurasia
- Isotopic Content of Ground Ice in the Lower Kolyma River Valley (Eastern Siberia)
- New Paleomagnetic Data for the Franz Josef Land Archipelago and their Tectonic Consequences
- Permafrost and Forest Degradation after Wet Climate Years in Eastern Siberian Boreal Forest
- Permafrost and Hydrology in the High Latitudes of Eurasia
- Potential Influence of Climate-Induced Vegetation Shifts on Future Land Use and Associated Land Carbon Fluxes in Northern Eurasia
- Rapid Arctic Transitions in Relation to Infrastructure and Climate Change: Comparison of the Permafrost and Geoecological Conditions in the Bovanenkovo Gas Field, Russia and the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, Alaska
- Seasonal Precipitation Variability Effects on Carbon Exchange in a Tropical Dry Forest of Northwest Mexico
- Sediment transport dynamics linked to morphological evolution of the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Tectonic Setting of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions in the UPPER Ordovician of the Siberian Platform
- The Effect of Sedimentation Conditions of Frozen Deposits at the Kolyma Lowland on the Distribution of Methane and Microorganisms Activity
- Variations of the Hydrothermal Characteristics over the Baikal Natural Territory on the Background of Global Climate Changes
- 886-857 Ma granites from Yenisey Ridge formed long before their collision with the western margin of the Siberian Craton
- Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia
- Assessing Silicate Weathering in Permafrost-Dominated Catchments Using Lithium Isotopes: The Lena River, Siberia
- Changes in Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics with Soil Depth, and along a Latitudinal Transect in Western Siberia
- Climatological conditions of enhanced Arctic storm activity in relation to permafrost degradation in eastern Siberia
- Conifer Decline and Mortality in Siberia
- Effects of 45 Years of Heavy Road Traffic and Infrastructure on Permafrost and Tundra at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- First (U-Th)/He Ages of Detrital Zircons From Paleozoic Strata of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago (Russian High Arctic)
- High-Resolution Regional Biomass Map of Siberia from Glas, Palsar L-Band Radar and Landsat Vcf Data
- High-resolution analysis of the terrestrial influence on DOC and POC export in a Siberian Arctic River during the spring freshet
- Ice wedge degradation: Why Arctic lowlands are becoming wetter and drier
- Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
- Near-shore submarine permafrost of the central Laptev Sea, East Siberia
- Projected Impacts of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Climate Change on Potential Habitat for Vegetation and Forest Types in Russia
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- Seasonal Variations of Stable Isotope Composition of River Flow in Permafrost Regions of Yenisei and Kolyma Rivers (Russia)
- Size, distribution and evolution of thermokarst lakes in Central Yakutia, Russia
- Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
- The First Paleomagnetic data from the Cambrian basalts of Henrietta Island (De Long Archipelago, Arctic Ocean)
- Active Layer Thickness Estimation from X-Band SAR Backscatter Intensity
- Decreases in net primary production and net ecosystem production along a repeated-fires induced forest/grassland gradient
- Dissolved organic matter composition and biodegradability in a permafrost-dominated watershed network in central Siberia
- Estimate of temperature change due to ice and snow accretion in the boreal forest regions
- Examining the role of dissolved organic nitrogen in stream ecosystems across biomes and Critical Zone gradients
- Impact of climate change on permafrost degradation in Far North-Eastern Siberia
- Natural and anthropogenic factors controlling variations in distribution and evolution of permafrost-related lakes in Central Yakutia
- Nutrient dynamics across a dissolved organic carbon and burn gradient in central Siberia
- Origin of carbon released from ecosystems affected by permafrost degradation in Northern Siberia
- Quantifying the role of land-use and land-cover changes in Northern Eurasia in global greenhouse gas emissions and biomass supply during the 21st century using an earth system modeling approach
- Recent circum-Arctic ice-wedge degradation and its hydrological impacts
- Reconstruction of Holocene short-term thermokarst dynamics in Central Yakutia
- Seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 emission in the boreal forests in Central Siberia
- Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Five Different Arctic Permafrost Environments
- The signature of bankfull hydraulic conditions reflected by properties of the channel bank: a case study from the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Unprecedented permafrost thaw dynamics on a decadal time scale: Batagay mega thaw slump development, Yana Uplands, Yakutia, Russia
- Climate impact on the tree growth, vigor and productivity in Siberia
- Length scale hierarchy and spatiotemporal change of alluvial morphologies over the Selenga River delta, Russia
- Linking tree demography to climate change feedbacks: fire, larch forests, and carbon pools of the Siberian Arctic
- Methane production as key to the greenhouse gas budget of thawing permafrost on climate relevant time scales
- Modeling of larch forest dynamics under a changing climate in eastern Siberia
- Potential Climate-driven Silvicultural and Agricultural Transformations in Siberia in the 21 Century
- Processes Leading to Beaded Channels Formation in Central Yakutia
- Shoshonites and Associated Calc-Alkaline Rocks from the Eastern Sayan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting
- The Impact of Increasing Fire Frequency on Forest Transformations in the Zabaikal Region, Southern Siberia
- The effect to the water stress to soil CO2 efflux in the Siberian boreal forest
- The role of DOM in nitrogen processing in streams across arctic regions affected by fire
- Wildfires in Siberian Mountain Forest
- An open-path eddy covariance methane flux measurement over a larch forest in eastern Siberia
- Arctic stream resiliency and nutrient uptake dynamics across a wildfire chronosequence
- Climate change consequences for Siberia's forest land adaptation in the warming climate of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Contemporary Environmental Changes over the Dry Land Belt of Northern Eurasia and Their Consequences
- Current Sheet Stability Influenced by the Total Pressure
- Evaluating delta lobe evolution from the tectonically active Selenga River delta: a case study of auto and allogenic controls on sedimentation patterns
- Fuel consumption and fire emissions in Siberia: Improving estimates with ecosystem specific field data
- Gas Emission From Permafrost - New Possible Mechanism of the Lake Formation
- Geographical Basis of the Law "On the protection of permafrost" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russian Federation
- Modelling submarine permafrost extent and development at the circum-Arctic scale
- Post-fire recruitment failure in Scots pine forests of southern Siberia: perspectives from field and satellite data
- Russian Arctic in the PEEX Observational System
- Adaptation of the Arctic limnosystems to the climate change
- Altering seasonal transition of surface energy fluxes in larch forest on permafrost: warming spring and wetting autumn
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Arctic Deltas: Carbon and nitrogen rich deposits in a dynamic permafrost landscape
- Bent magnetotail current sheet stability: Influence of total pressure
- Climate induced change in Ecological Landscape Potential over Mongolia in the current century
- Climate variability may delay post-fire recovery of boreal forest in southern Siberia: modelling with Landsat-derived time series data
- Conifer Decline and Mortality in Siberian Taiga
- Dark-needled forests decline in the southern Siberian mountains
- Downward Radiation and Limited Water Availability May Supress Forest Growth Across the Forest-Steppe Ecotone in Southern Siberia
- Drivers and consequences of an intensifying fire regime in northern high latitudes
- Examining Environmental Gradients in permafrost regions - achievements of the ESA DUE GlobPermafrost project and first results from ESA CCI+ Permafrost
- Increases in the frequency and severity of fires is putting the southern boreal forest at risk
- Inter-annual Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes of a Polygonal Tundra Landscape in the Siberian Arctic
- Investigating Land Use Changes with Development of the Informal Road Networks: Case-Study in Siberia
- Mapping ecosystem integrity in Siberian forests using MODIS time series
- Monitoring of Post-fire Effects and Vegetation Recovery in Larch Forests of Central Siberia Using Remote Sensing Observations
- Neoproterozoic evolution of the continental margin and thermal history of the Yenisei Ridge orogen (western margin of the Siberian Craton)
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Post-fire larch (Larix cajanderi) recruitment in central Siberia is highest in areas with increased fire severity
- Post-fire larch recruitment patterns in the Siberian Arctic indicate forest loss in many areas
- Post-wildfire surface deformation at Batagay, Eastern Siberia: detection by L- and C-band InSAR and preliminary report of field observations
- Practical framework for predicting water and sediment partitioning in a delta under varying discharge conditions
- Regional impacts of water cycle changes on permafrost eco-hydrological environment in north-eastern Eurasia
- Remote Sensing approaches for assessing vegetation stocks and short-term fluxes in the Sub-Arctic permafrost landscape of the Lena River Delta (Siberia)
- Response of permafrost temperature regime in the North-Eastern Yakutia to the recent climate changes.
- Anatomy of the Bezymianny Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia) just before an Explosive Eruption on 20.12.2017 based on Seismic Tomography, Petrology and Satellite Imaging
- Assessment of Population Density in Southern Siberia Using Remote Sensing Data
- Evaluating ecosystem integrity across major forest biomes using ecological theory and MODIS time series
- Increasing runoff trends throughout circumpolar regions
- Informal roads as social-ecological-technological systems (SETS): development, transformations and sustainability challenges
- Leveraging soil moisture assimilation to improve land surface seasonal dynamics in permafrost regions
- Modelling and Monitoring the Climate Induced Human Population Density over Russia During 21st Century
- Siberia: An altered landscape that will act to transform the region and Earth
- Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission response to the extreme changes in limiting factors: results of field experiments in Central Siberia
- Thermokarst Landscape Evolution Recorded by n-Alkanes in a Deep Sediment Core from Bykovsky Peninsula, Northeast Siberia
- Thermokarst primes subsea permafrost degradation and coastal change
- Wind Observations of an Unexpected Precursor to Flapping of the Distant Tail
- A unified first order hyperbolic model for nonlinear dynamic rupture processes in diffuse fracture zones
- Assessing large-scale ecosystem stability across boreal forests: an ecophysiological approach using remote sensing time series
- Bioclimatic modeling seed mass of major conifers of Siberian taiga in a warming climate
- Connecting permafrost degradation and informal road network development in Subarctic taiga
- Developing a ground observation network to monitor carbon fluxes across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Fire Severity and Carbon Combustion in Larch Forest Ecosystems of Northeast Siberia
- Gas compositions and origins of greenhouse gas in permafrost ice wedges at Batagaika megaslump, Yana Uplands, Northeast Siberia.
- Mechanisms of post-fire larch forest recovery in far northeastern Siberia
- Multi-Decadal Declines in Particulate Mercury and Sediment Export from Russian Rivers in the Pan-Arctic Basin
- Short-term Observations of Pinus Sylvestris Recovery Trajectories Following Recurrent Wildfires Across the Trans-Baikal Ecotone in Southern Siberia
- Temperature Control of Spring CO2 Fluxes at a Coniferous Forest and a Peat Bog in Central Siberia
- Understanding formation of ice wedges and origin of trapped greenhouse gas at Zyryanka, Northeastern Siberia
- Understanding permafrost and agriculture interactions for ensuring sustainable, adaptable and resilient permafrost-agroecosystems
- Comparative catchment studies to assess drivers of stream water DOC concentrations in a changing world
- Inter-annual variations in Siberian carbon release and uptake period.
- Post-fire Biomass Observations in Southern Siberia
- Strategic expansion of the Arctic-Boreal carbon flux network
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- Adam S. Wymore
- Alexander Knohl
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- B. Rodriguez-Cardona
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Christian Möstl
- Christine Hatté
- David P. Krabbenhoft
- Duo Li
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elyn Humphreys
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Go Iwahana
- Heather D. Alexander
- J. W. McClelland
- Jeremy W. Lichstein
- Jinho Ahn
- Jörg Kaduk
- Kyle A. Arndt
- M. M. Loranty
- M. S. Torn
- Manuel Helbig
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Martijn Pallandt
- Martin Heimann
- Mathias Goeckede
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- N. M. Tchebakova
- Rebecca C. Scholten
- Rebecca E. Hewitt
- Sander Veraverbeke
- Scott Zolkos
- Susan M. Natali
- Suzanne E. Tank
- Tatiana A. Shestakova
- Tea Thum
- Thomas Opel
- Torben R. Christensen
- Vera Kuklina
- William H. McDowell