Sharif University of Technology, Iran
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Note on the Resonant Interaction of a Surface Wave With two Interfacial Waves
- Effects of Micro-Heterogeneities on Laboratory-Scale Pc-Kr-S Relationships
- ENSO and NAO Influences on the Urmia Lake Basin Meteorology and Hydrology
- Application of Conjunctive Nonlinear Model Based on Wavelet Transforms and Artificial Neural Networks to Drought Forecasting
- The Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrology and Water Resources in Zayandeh-Rood Basin - Iran
- Long-Lead Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasting Using Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) and Large-Scale Climate Signals
- Optimal Design of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Using Entropy Theory
- Evaluation of the potential impact of climate changes on groundwater recharge in Karkheh river basin (Khuzestan, Iran)
- Climate-Base Forecasts of Seasonal Streamflow in the Karoon River Basin Using Support Vector Machine Approach
- Modeling Fate and Transport of Fecal Coliform Bacteria Using SWAT 2005 (Case Study: Jajrood River Watershed, Iran)
- Recognition of Effective Climate Variables on Dez Dam Inflow
- Observations and trends of emissions from gas flaring in the Persian Gulf region using OMI
- Gas Seep-Induced Solute Transport into Submerged Sediments
- Monitoring Rainfall by Combining Ground-based Observed Precipitation and PERSIANN Satellite Product (Case Study Area: Lake Urmia Basin)
- Transport and Retention of Concentrated Oil-in-Water Emulsions in Sandy Porous Media
- A breeze-driven current on sloped littoral waters
- Characterization of Hydroclimatological Changes in Iran
- Compounding Impacts of Climate Change and Increased Human Water Withdrawal on Urmia Lake Water Availability
- Landslide-Generated Waves in a Dam Reservoir: The Effects of Landslide Rheology and Initial Submergence
- Investigating the Changes in Bathymetry and Water Level-Area Relationship of the Lake Urmia using Satellite Imagery
- Remotely-Sensed Assessment of Water Stress in the Lake Urmia Basin
- A cloud computing approach for crop classification using high-resolution satellite imagery
- Emergency Action Plan for Flash Flood Due to Dambreak - Case study: Shahrchai Dam, Urmia (Iran)
- Quantifying the sourcewater contribution of headwater catchments to the reviving Lake Urmia
- Socio-hydrological Issues Preventing Restoration of the Urmia Lake in Iran
- A Probabilistic Framework to Estimate Lake-Groundwater Interaction
- Adaptative System of Interconnected Loops Emerged from People Coping with Degrading Environment
- Assimilating SMAP-Sentinel1 High-Resolution Soil Moisture Data in Numerical Modeling to Quantify the Irrigation Water Use
- The Impact of Plant Growth Cycle and Root Distribution on the Source Water Partitioning in the Critical Zone
- Drivers of the Ecosystem Degradation in the Large Lakes
- Forward and inverse modeling of nonisothermal multiphase poromechanics using physics-informed neural networks
- Modeling Farmer Behavior In Groundwater Irrigation
- RainMan: A Global Change Experiment Integrating Proximal Remote Sensing with Direct Measures of Semiarid Grassland Structure and Function
- The Effects of Staggered, Random, and In-line Arrangements on the Lateral Dispersion of Flexible Emergent Aquatic Canopies
- Uncertainty Quantification and Apportionment of Water Quality Index in South Florida Watershed
- Uncertainty in data-driven approaches for quantifying bay-sea interaction