Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada
flowchart I[Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (118)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Drilling the Newfoundland Margin in the Newfoundland-Iberia Rift
- Geophysical Investigation of Salt Tectonics and Deeper Structure in the Eastern Magdalen Basin, Atlantic Canada.
- Magnetic Signature of a Volcanic to non-Volcanic Margin Transition off Atlantic Canada
- Sediment Thickness and Regional Variations of Basement Depth in the North Atlantic
- Ultrahigh-Resolution Holocene Geomagnetic Paleosecular and Relative Paleointensity Record From the St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada
- Differences Between Labrador Sea and North Atlantic Heinrich Layers:Implications for Iceberg Supply and Meltwater Discharge
- Frequency Dependent Nudging of Hydrographic Data Into a Numerical Model of the North Atlantic
- Morphodynamics of Sand Ridges on Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf: Implications From Multibeam Bathymetry Surveys and in situ Measurements
- Pyrenean Orogeny and Plate Kinematics
- Short-Term Variability on the Scotian Shelf
- Wave-Current Ripple Geometry and Mobile Layer Depths on Sable Island Bank.
- Changes in the deep and intermediate waters of the sub-polar gyre of the North Atlantic since the 1950s
- Comparison of Floc Sizes From a LISST-100 and a Digital Floc Camera
- Geotechnical and Microstructural Characterization of the Recent Delta Po River Flood Deposit, Adriatic Sea, Italy
- Identifying Sources of Fresh Water in the East Greenland Current
- Modelling changes in the North Atlantic caused by long-term variability in freshwater input
- Ocean Evidence for a Shifting Atlantic Fresh Water Balance Over the Past Four Decades
- The Sand-Mud Transition: Observations and Environmental Controls on two Italian Mudlines
- Variations in accumulation rate of late Quaternary turbidite deposits in Santa Monica Basin, offshore southern California
- Vertical Fluxes of Particulate Trace Metals From the Upper Ocean Using <SUP>234</SUP>Th/<SUP>238</SUP>U Disequilibrium
- Arctic Dinoflagellate Migration Marks the Oligocene Glacial Maximum: Implications for the Rupelian-Chattian Boundary
- Decadal Variations of a Long-Term Carbon Sink in the Labrador Sea
- Ice-Bonded Sediments and Massive Ground Ice in a Transgressive Barrier-Lagoon and Delta Complex, Yukon Coast of Beaufort Sea, Western Arctic Canada
- Organic Carbon Contents of Permafrost Soils Along the Yukon Coastal Plain, Canada
- Sources and Fate of Fresh Water in the Arctic Ocean
- Arctic Ocean UNCLOS Article 76 Work for Greenland Starts on Land
- Effects of the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in the Republic of Seychelles
- High resolution imaging of de-watering structures in western Lake Superior
- High-resolution seismic reflection images crossing the Sumatran seismogenic zone: Sumatra Earthquake And Tsunami Offshore Survey (SEATOS), 2005
- Late Glacial Outbursts From Lake Agassiz: the Marine Record on the Labrador, Newfoundland, and Scotian Shelves
- Magnetic anomalies across the transitional crust of the passive conjugate margins of the North Atlantic: Iberian Abyssal Plain/Northern Newfoundland Basin
- The Bay of Bengal and the Statement of Understanding Concerning the Establishment of the Outer Edge of the Continental Margin: Regional Implications for Delimiting the Juridical Continental Shelf
- The Lomonosov, Alpha, and Mendeleev Ridges: Tectonic Scenarios in the Arctic Ocean and the Test of Appurtenance in UNCLOS Article 76
- A Distributed Laboratory for Event-Driven Coastal Prediction and Hazard Planning
- Arctic Ocean freshwater content changes and their causes
- Bottom Simulating Reflector and Hydrate Occurrence Beneath the Mohican Channel, Central Nova Scotia Margin, Eastern Canada
- Circulation and watermasses in the Davis Strait
- Deep Drill 1972 Revisited: New Data on the Composition and Age of the Bermuda Volcanic Edifice
- Floc Fraction in Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers
- High Concentration Suspensions Under Strong Tidal Flows
- Landslides and mass Wasting Offshore Sumatra Results from Marine Surveys Offshore of Sumatra.
- Overview of Decadal Variations in Salinity, Oxygen and Nutrients Based on Recent Repeat Hydrographic Sections
- Paleomagnetic Dating of Holocene Rapidly Deposited Layers From the Saguenay Fjord, Quebec, Canada
- Seismic velocities of basalts, dikes, and gabbros from an intact section of in situ upper oceanic crust
- The 1929 Grand Banks Landslide and Tsuanmi Revisited
- The Effect of Grain-Size on the Erodibility of Bottom Sediments
- The transfer and exchange of ocean climate signals in the subpolar North Atlantic
- Variations in Near-Bottom Flow Speeds of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water During the Last Two Centuries
- Water Masses and Currents in Orphan Basin of the North Atlantic
- Formation and Maintenance of Sand-Mud Transitions
- Comparison of the sea cover properties in eastern Canadian Beaufort Sea as observed with helicopter-borne sensors in April 2004 and April 2008.
- Contribution of Phytoplankton Blooms to Export Production
- Development Of Small Drifting Buoy System With Sea Surface pCO2 Sensor
- Laurentide ice sheet discharge linked to North Atlantic deep water reduction 10,200 years ago
- Nearshore Circulation and Storm Surge Along the Mackenzie Delta Coast
- Tracking and Dating The Drainage of Lake Agassiz: Re-Examining Sedimentary, Micropaleontological and Palynological Evidence Along the Eastern Canadian Margin and Linking it With the 8.2 ka Event
- Variability of Sea Ice Cover and Oceanographic Properties of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
- Assessing the use of dual-polarization RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR imagery for operational sea ice monitoring
- Formation and ridging of flaw leads in the eastern Canadian Beaufort Sea. Special Session C06 on: “Physical, biological and biogeochemical processes associated with young thin ice types”
- The crustal structure of the Flemish Cap Continental Margin (E Canada): New Evidence for Asymmetric Rifting from Goban Spur (NW Europe)
- Applications of two-way nested models for ocean forecasts
- Cadmium and barium distributions in Baffin Bay and Nares Strait summer 2003
- Currents and Hydrographic Variability in Orphan Basin, 2004-2010
- Eastern and Western Boundary Currents in the Labrador Sea, 1995-2008
- Estimates of Turbulent Mixing in Strongly Stratified Yellow Sea in Summer
- Evidence and significance of major meltwater events between H1 and H2 along the eastern Canadian margin
- Model study of interannual variability in the North Atlantic Sub-Polar Ocean
- Seasonal Variations in Sediment Transport Potential in a Tidal Channel-Flat Complex in Willapa Bay, WA
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Temperature and Salinity in the Deep and Abyssal Layers of the Subpolar North Atlantic
- The CO2 System In The Scotian Shelf Region Of The Northwestern Atlantic: From Seasonal To Interannual Variability
- The effect of composition anomalies on the conductivity and density of seawater
- Implications of Ocean Swell Fracturing of Perennial Pack Ice in the Southern Beaufort Sea
- Medieval Climate Anomaly signal in sediment records from drainage lakes in the boreal region of northwestern Ontario
- Observing the snow and ice properties in the Arctic coastal waters of the Canadian Beaufort Sea with helicopter-borne Ground-Penetrating Radar, Laser and Electromagnetic sensors
- Paleogeographic Maps of the Central and North Atlantic Oceans
- Requirements to Sustain Global Ocean Color Observations
- Upper ocean fine-scale features in synthetic aperture radar imagery. Part I: Simultaneous satellite and in-situ measurements
- 2 - 4 million years of sedimentary processes in the Labrador Sea: implication for North Atlantic stratigraphy
- ADApT: A rapid integrated assessment and decision support tool to respond to global change in coastal regions
- An Abyssal Current in the Central Labrador Sea
- Early Storm Detection in the tropical Atlantic & East Pacific: 2005-2012
- Interannual variability in Labrador Sea ventilation inferred from a 19 year time-series of CFC measurements along WOCE line AR7W
- Magnetic stratigraphy and palynostratigraphy of the Mississippian - Pennsylvanian boundary interval in eastern North America and the stratigraphic position of the beginning of the Kiamen
- Predicted velocity and density structure of the exhuming Papua New Guinea (PNG) ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane
- Surfactant-Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer and their Effect on Remote Sensing Technology
- Tidal Wave Characteristics and Water Quality Response at New River Inlet, NC
- Transient Tracer Evidence for an Internal Flow Path of Denmark Strait Overflow Water from the Subpolar to the Subtropical Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Oil Droplet Size Distribution and Optical Properties During Wave Tank Simulated Oil Spills
- Arctic Outflow West Of Greenland: Nine Years Of Volume And Freshwater Transports From Observations In Davis Strait
- History and mechanisms of the Fram Slide, Fram Strait
- Mapping the Surficial Geology of the Arctic Ocean
- Recurrence of Winter Convection in the Warming Labrador Sea and Associated Variability Downstream
- A Numerical Study on the Characteristics of High-frequency Oscillations in the Eyewall of Tropical Cyclones
- Marine and Human Systems: Addressing Multiple Scales and Multiple Stressors
- Observations of Intense Internal Mixing at the Mouth of the Laurentian Channel
- Sediment movement and dispersal patterns on the Grand Banks continental shelf and slope were tied to the dynamics of the Laurentide ice-sheet margin
- A Comparison Study of Typhoons Nuri (2008) and Hagupit (2008) with a Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Modeling System
- Building a high level sample processing and quality assessment model for biogeochemical measurements: a case study from the ocean acidification community
- Geomorphology of the Eastern North American Continental Margin: the role of deep sea sedimentation processes
- Quantifying Basement Characteristics of the Davis Strait Transform Margin by Geophysical Data Modeling
- Surfactant-associated bacteria and natural sea slicks in application to satellite oceanography
- The Grand Banks Landslide area revisited
- Did a slump source cause the 1929 Grand Banks tsunami?
- Discharge of water and sediment from ice-streams on the southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet during Heinrich events: timing and magnitude
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Ocean Winds, Surface Waves and Surface Currents during the Hurricanes
- Effects of fog and aerosol microphysics on visibility observed on the coast of Atlantic Canada
- Large spatial variations in the frontal mass budget of a Greenland tidewater glacier.
- Observations and modelling of ocean waves from the January 2018 nor'easter bomb
- Response of sea level to tide, wind forcing and river discharge in the Kitimat Fjord System
- Sediment Dispersion from the Coast to the Continental Slope in the Southeastern Beaufort Sea
- Sediment dynamic sortable silt suggest variable Labrador Current and Labrador Sea Water strength during the Younger Dryas and 8,200-year meltwater outburst event
- Passive Canadian margin sedimentation during the late Pleistocene: implications for submarine landslides and geohazards
- Variability of Labrador Sea Water Transports and Properties in Flemish Pass Observed During 2009-2019
- Dependence of Beaufort Sea low ice condition in the summer of 1998 on ice export in the prior-winter
- Influence of Surfactants on Sea Spray Generation During Tropical Cyclones
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- The C-FOG Project: Salient Outcomes
- The effect of the diurnal cycle of surfactant-associated bacteria in the sea surface microlayer on SAR imagery