Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Calculated Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil in Seoul, Korea
- Effects of land-use type on urban groundwater quality, Seoul metropolitan city, Korea
- Hydrogeochemical and geostatistical methods to discriminate the effects of seawater mixing and anthropogenic contamination in shallow groundwaters, western coastal area, South Korea
- Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evidences of groundwater salinization in coastal aquifers: A case study in Jeju volcanic island, Korea
- A numerical analysis on the applicability of the water level fluctuation method for quantifying groundwater recharge
- Climatic Signals in the Stable Isotope Composition of Precipitation in Northeast Asia
- Residence Time of Groundwater and its Application to Aquifer Characterization in Jeju Island, Korea
- Behavior of Rare Earth Elements in Fractured Aquifers
- Controls on Regional Gas Hydrate Occurrence at Southern Hydrate Ridge (ODP Leg 204)-Geochemical Evidence
- Deep seismic structure in the margin of the southwestern Yamato Basin, Japan Sea by ocean bottom seismographic experiment
- Measurement of Fracture Geometry for Accurate Computation of Hydraulic Conductivity
- Mineralogical and Fluid Inclusion Studies of the Yugeum Hydrothermal Gold Deposit, Youngdeok Area, Korea
- Quantitative Prediction Models of Landslide Dependent on Lithology
- Focal Mechanisms Of Recent Small To Moderate Sized Earthquakes And Seismogenic Faulting In The Korean Peninsula
- Groundwater Response To Stream Stage In Coastal Aquifer
- Investigation of Cross-Correlations between Fracture Frequencies and Results of the Vertical Flowmeter Test
- Investigation of water movement in the unsaturated zones using oxygen and hydrogen isotopes
- AMT and MT Survey at the Mid-mountain Area of Jeju Island, Korea
- Applicability of Minimum Entropy Deconvolution to the Estimation of Relative Recharge considering the Spatial Relationship between Sampling Points and Recharge Area
- Characterization of a Gas Station Site Contaminated with Fuel Hydrocarbons using Geophysical and Hydrogeological Investigations
- Determination and Standardization of Analytical Conditions for Dissolved Boron in Coastal Waters of East Sea in Korea by ICP-OES
- Hydrochemical and Isotopic Evidence of Natural Attenuation at the Gas Station Contaminated with Fuel Hydrocarbon
- Multi-Resolution Modeling of Ground Motion by Dynamic Rupture Propagation using Hybrid Technique of Finite Difference and Boundary Integral Equation Methods
- Site Characterization of Landfill using Soil gas, Hydrochemical and Geophysical Methods
- Temperature distribution by the effect of groundwater flow in an aquifer thermal energy storage system model
- The Variation of Pore-water Pressure in the Sidewall of the Gully developed on Mountainous Slope in a Temperate Climate, South Korea: Preliminary Study
- Three-Dimensional Topographic Correction in Magnetotelluric Surveys Using Edge Finite-Element Modeling
- A Magnetic Survey Of The MTJ(Mangatolu Triple Junction) Caldera On Lau Basin
- A Practical Approach to Determination of Elements by ICP and ED-XRF in Coastal Waters and Processed Seawaters of East Sea in Korea
- A study on Dokdo and surrounding seamounts in the northeastern part of the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea using geophysical data: Implications for loading history of their seamounts
- Analysis of permeability characteristics using the homogenization analysis
- Application And Comparison Of GeoWEPP Model And USLE Model To Natural Small Catchment - A Case Study In Anseong-si, South Korea
- Characterization of the groundwater flow and nitrate contamination using 3H/3He and CFCs residence time in an agricultural area
- Extraction of Subsurface Information From Microtremor Noise Records
- Extraction of the Moho discontinuity in the Korean Peninsula and its surrounding seas using the GRACE data
- Holocene peat development in the Pyeongtaek blanket peat bog, Korea: Preliminary results
- Marine reservoir correction (delta R) for the southern and western coastal waters, Korea
- Multi-Resolution Modeling of Dynamic Fault Radiation in a 3D Medium
- Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Southern Korea Using Ambient Noise of Accelerograms
- Remediation of trichloroethylene and monochlorobenzene contaminated groundwater by Iron and activated carbon
- The Isotopic and Hydrochemical Studies of Groundwater and Modified Mn Sequential Analysis of Sediments at the Two Riverbank areas
- The Phenomenological Comparison between Results from Single-hole and Cross-hole Hydraulic Tests in Highly Fractured Media
- Tracing Multiple Sources of Groundwater using 87Sr/86Sr and ¥ä13C in Jeju Volcanic Island, Korea
- Uranium Distribution along the Salinity Gradient
- 3-D Local Tomography for the Shallow Crustal Structure of the Gyeongsang Basin in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula
- A Comparison Study of Numerical Simulations in a Borehole Heat Exchanger Field
- A switch from carbonate ocean to silica ocean in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) during the mid- Pleistocene
- Analysis of Runoff Generation under Different Canopies in Mountainous Slope
- Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability for Antropogenic and Geogenic Contaminants in Subwatershed
- Case studies on the fresh-saline water interactions in volcanic rock with numerical modeling
- Data quality assessment of direct counts of virus-sized microsphere in water samples by epifluorescence microscopy
- Estimates of Methane Production Rates Based on d13C of the Residual DIC in Pore Fluids from the Cascadia Margin
- Fast vertical movement of groundwater at the borehole in volcanic confined aquifer detected from point-dilution test with multi-level observations
- Heat Flow and Heat Production in Korea
- Identification of groundwater contamination sources of nitrate and sulfate in shallow alluvial aquifers using a dual-isotope approach in an agricultural area
- Magnetotelluric Surveys Using Near and Very far Remote References
- More Accurate Estimation of Water Table Elevation in the Unconsolidated Sediment Aquifer Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Prediction of Sediment Yield in Small Mountainous Watersheds Using by GeoWEPP and Design Rainfall
- Re-evaluation for a geochemical significance of the fine structure in rare earth element pattern normalized by chondritic abundance: Pseudo-tetrad effect in geological materials
- Seasonal Variations of Biogeochemical Characteristics in Predominantly Anaerobic Groundwater From a Riverine Alluvial Aquifer
- Seismic Reflection Blank Zones in Ulleung Basin, Offshore Korea, Associated With High Concentrations of Gas Hydrate
- Sensitivity Analyses of Groundwater Modeling Associated with Boundary Condition Uncertainties
- Simulation of Long-Period Ground Motions in the Southern Korean Peninsula for Validation of a Three-Dimensional Velocity Model
- The State of Stress in a Seismogenically Quiet Region: a Case Study in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula
- The seasonal variation for the discharge and water quality of a stream in volcanic island, Korea
- Thermal Properties of Granite from Korea
- Three-dimensional Surface-wave Group-velocity Tomography of the Southern Korean Peninsula Using Ambient Seismic Noise Cross-correlation
- Trend Analysis For Nitrate And Chloride Concentrations Of Groundwater In Jeju Island
- Assessment of ground condition changes by 4-D ERT imaging
- Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Groundwater in the Western Coastal Area in Jeju Volcanic Island, Korea
- Crustal thickness of Korean Peninsula and neighboring seas from the free-air gravity and topography
- Electrical Conductivity Structure Of Central Victoria, Australia From Magnetotelluric Measurements
- Feasibility study of EEW application in Korea
- Geophysical Responses of Hydrocarbon-impacted Zones at the Various Contamination Conditions
- Heat Flow and Thermal Modeling of the Gyeongsang Basin and the Ulleung Basin in Korea
- Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater using multivariate statistical analysis and tritium in the mountainous area of Jeju Island, South Korea
- Hydrologic Assessment of Reservoir Interacting With Groundwater System
- Integrated analysis on the change in chemical property of groundwater during pumping
- Korea Integrated Seismic Service (KISS) and Real Time Intensity Color Mapping (RTICOM) for Rapid Earthquake Warning System in Korea
- Lunar global feature of HF radar reflected from near-surface derived from Kaguya/LRS
- Lunar radar sounder observations of subsurface layers under the nearside maria of the Moon
- Massive gas hydrate occurrences in fractured systems: Combined observations from deep drilling campaigns at the Cascadia margin, Krishna-Godhavari Basin, and Ulleung Basin
- Paleoclimatic Studies of the Cretaceous Banyawol Stromatolite: A Review of the Microstructure and Cyclicity
- Recovery of Magnesium from Seawaters and Development of Analytical Techniques for Eco-Friendly Materials Processing.
- Sea-effect correction of 3D magnetotelluric responses in Pohang, Korea
- Seismic noise level variation in South Korea
- Soil Properties Affecting the Reductive Capacity of Volcanic Ash Soils in Korea
- Stable Isotopic and Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Natural Attenuation in a Municipal Landfill
- Surface-wave Tomography of East African Rift System using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Tectonic structure of Dokdo and adjacent area in the northeastern part of the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea using geophysical data
- Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data including sea effects obtained in Pohang, Korea
- Time Series Separation of Non-Stationary Hydrologic Data with Empirical Mode Decomposition
- 3D imaging of geological structures by R-VSP utilizing vibrations caused by shaft excavations at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in Japan
- Analysis of GasHydrate Development R&D Program of Korea Using Technology-Product diagram
- Core lithologies and their constraints on gas hydrate occurrence in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea
- Cost-effective, target-specific, and greener remedial schemes for large, dilute plumes of chlorinate solvents in groundwater
- Eco-Materials Processing of Magnesium Hydroxide Recovered from Seawater for Protein Complex Formation
- Evaluation of Hydrochemical and Hydrogeological Characteristics of Riverbank Filtration Aquifer
- Evaluation of fine sediment settling velocity in an ephemeral stream on Jeju Island, South Korea
- Evapotranspiration monitoring with Eddy covariance system in Seocheon area, Korea
- Experimental Characterization of Seasonal Variations of Infrasonic Travel Times on the Korean Peninsula
- Hydraulic conductivity change of a shear deforming rock fracture
- Infrasound Observation of the Apparent North Korean Nuclear Test of 25 May 2009
- Landslide susceptibility mapping using a neuro-fuzzy
- Low frequency seismic noise from railways
- Microbes in Pliocene paleosols in volcanic terrane on Earth correlated with similar exposures on Mars
- Monitoring North Korea Explosions: Status and Result of 1st and 2nd Tests (Invited)
- Observations of the lunar surface and subsurface features by Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) onboard the Kaguya (SELENE) spacecraft
- Origin of microseism observed in South Korea
- Palynological assemblage indication of environmental changes in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea since the late Pliocene
- Preliminary study on enigmatic synsedimentary cracks in the Lower Cretaceous lacustrine deposits, Jinju Formation, Korea
- Prestack depth migration for seismic reflection data in the southern offshore of Korea
- Reduction of Ferrrihydrite and Akaganeite by Shewanella alga (PAH93)
- Seasonal variation of seismic ambient noise level at King Sejong Station, Antarctica
- Separation of potential data as regional and residuals by geostatistical filtering techniques
- Source identification of nitrate in groundwater using stable isotopes and Cl/Br ratios in an agricultural area
- Spatial Distribution of Pressure Build-up from CO2 Injection in Saline Aquifers
- Stability evaluation of hydrate-bearing sediments during thermally-driven hydrate dissociation
- Stable isotopic and molecular compositions of void and hydrate-bound gases in typical seismic chimney setting of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Korea
- Time Series Separation of Non-Stationary Hydrologic Data with Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Acoustic and Physical Properties of Mud Deposit in the Southern Continental Shelf of Korea
- Analysis of permeability coefficient in a rough fracture using a homogenization method
- Analysis on 3d Topography Effects on Magnetotelluric Responses
- Application of Several Techniques for Prohibiting Fouling in Li-Recovery Pilot Plant
- Assessing the utility of mixed organic materials for removal of metals in mine drainage impacted waters
- CISN Earthquake Early Warning: ShakeAlert Hybrid Branch
- CO2 Sequestraion by Mineral Carbonation of Cement Material
- Characteristics and applications of UV/controlled-release H2O2 for urban runoff treatment
- Chitosan-coated Sorbents for In Situ Treatment of Nonpoint Source Contaminants in Urban Runoff
- Co-contamination of As and F in alluvial aquifer
- Comparison Study of Reflection Seismic Surveys on Paved Site According to Sources and Receivers
- Comparison between Borehole Geophysical Observations and Sedimentary Facies for Three Long Cores Recovered from the Ulleung Basin, Korea: Insights into the Distribution of Gas Hydrate
- Conceptual models for the hydrothermal environment of Seokmo Island geothermal field, Korea
- Detecting abandoned and unknown mineshafts using microgravity survey on South Korea
- Development of a ceramic membrane from a lithian spinel, Li1+xMyMn2-yO4 (M=trivalent or tetravalent cations) for a Li ion-selective electrode
- Earthquake Early Warning: Tools for System Assessment
- Electrical resistivity survey in eastern Jeju Island
- Long-range infrasound observations of eruptions April-May 2010 Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland and June 2009 Sarychev Peak, Kuril Islands
- Moho-reflected shear wave from seismic noise correlations in southern Korea
- Regional variation of As concentration in alluvial plain: An insight obtained from Mankyeong River plain, Korea
- Seismic reflection study in the South Korea Plateau, the Ulleung Interplain Gap, and the northern Ulleung Basin: volcano-tectonic implications for Tertiary back-arc evolution in the southern East Sea
- Stratigraphic implications of early to late Pleistocene tephra layers in the three drill cores from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Korea
- Teleseismic waveform analysis of deep-focus earthquake for the preliminary estimation of crustal structure of the northern part of Korea
- The GIS-based geologic investigation of the South Pole-Aitken basin region of the Moon using SELENE elemental information
- The assessment of groundwater nitrate contamination by using logistic regression model in a representative rural area
- a Review of the Method of Moho Fold Estimation
- A Practical Approach for Studying Fouling Process in Li-Recovery Pilot Plant
- A possible Blake event from coastal terrace sediment in Korea
- Application of Q models to estimate Lg body-wave magnitude for earthquakes around the Korean Peninsula
- Aquifer-Circulating Water Curtain Cultivation System To Recover Groundwater Level And Temperature
- Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability by the Future Land Use Change in Geum River Watershed
- Assessment of borehole resistivity tomography for subsurface CO2 leakage : Lab-scale study
- Biofouling on Reservoir in Sea Water
- CISN ShakeAlert: ElarmS
- Carbon cycling around sulfate methane transition zone in the Ulleung Basin: How much methane is actually coming up?
- Ce isotope abundance in chondritic and HED meteorites
- Characterization of hydraulic properties of Pocheon and Yangsan granites and Boryung and Berea sandstones by measuring porosity, permeability, and electric conductivity
- Combined use of groundwater age data and compound-specific stable isotope data to determine in situ degradation rate of chlorinated solvents
- Contrasting Microfabrics Between Footwall and Hanging-Wall in a Carbonate Thrust and Fault Slip Mechanism
- Controlled-release Hydrogen Peroxide for On-site Treatment of Organic Pollutants in Urban Storm Runoff
- Crustal Velocity Structure beneath Wonju, Korea Using the H-κ Stacking Method and Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface-wave Dispersion Curves
- Depositional style of mass-flow lobes in Ulleung Basin (East Sea, Korea) interpreted from MR1 sonar image, chirp profiles, and piston cores
- Development of 3D Geological Structure Analysis Method Using Multi-geophysical Data: Application to Hwasan Caldera in Korea
- Development of Early Warning System for Landslide Using Electromagnetic, Hydrological, Geotechnical, and Geological Approaches
- Directional Variation of Source Spectral Ratio in North Korea Underground Explosions
- Downhole temperature measurements at NanTroSEIZE input Sites and their implications
- Electrical Resistivity Monitoring for Leachate Distribution at Two Foot-and-Mouth- Disease (FMD) Burial Sites
- Estimation of surface-wave phase velocities and attenuation coefficients in southern Korea from spatial coherency of the ambient seismic noise
- Experimental study of the effect of test-well arrangement for partitioning interwell tracer test on the estimation of NAPL saturation
- Geophysical Investigations of the Uranium Mineralized Formation in the Coaly Black Shale Deposits in Korea
- High Frequency Infrasonic Radiation from the 11 March 2011 Tohoku Mw 9.0 Earthquake
- Holocene polar front migrations over the Conrad Rise in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
- Identification and Tracing Groundwater Contamination by Livestock Burial Sites
- Imaging of unconformity related uranium ore zones by crosshole ERT
- Korea Integrated Seismic System tool(KISStool) for seismic monitoring and data sharing at the local data center
- Lessons from Natural CO2 Leakage Analogue Site Studies and their Application to Secure CO2 Storage and Monitoring
- Numerical Simulation to Evaluate CO2 Behavior Using ERT and CSEM in Porous Sandstone
- Numerical analysis for permeability of clay on natural terrane
- Numerical modeling of the divided bar measurements
- Numerical simulations of heat transfer considering hydraulic discontinuity for an enhanced geothermal system development in Seokmo Island, Korea
- Preliminary 3D inversion of MT data in Pohang including sea effects using conjugate gradients
- Rainfall infiltration into unsaturated soils and its influence on slope stability
- Recent environmental changes enhance coccolithophorid blooms in the Bering Sea
- Shear-Wave Velocity Structure Around the Korean Peninsula Using the Rayleigh Wave Signature of the North Korea Underground Nuclear Explosion on May 25, 2009
- Source estimation with 3D elastic waveform modeling: parallelization on FEM in time-domain
- The application of rock mass classification systems to limestone mine in Korea
- The elemental and Mg isotope geochemistry of primary upper mantle mineral weathering at pH = 1 and T = 25°C
- The geodynamic characteristics of Cretaceous (Paleogene) magmatic belts between the southeastern coast of China and Japan: Implication from ductile deformations time and diagenetic manner
- The trade-off relationship between yield and depth of North Korea's underground nuclear explosions
- Three-dimensional Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data considering the Sea- and Static-effects
- Tomographic surveys for mineral exploration using complex resistivity method
- Unsaturated Shear Strength and Numerical Analysis Methods for Unsaturated Soils
- Wave-planation surfaces in the East Sea back-arc basin: an indicator of back-arc subsidence history
- 3D P and S-wave tomography around the southern part of the Korean peninsula
- A modeling framework for CO2-storage in depleted gas reservoirs
- An alternative method for landslide warning by the volumetric water content graident
- Biofouling Occurrence in Seawater through SEM analysis and Optical microscope
- Capillary pressure: a smart choice of primary variables for multi-phase flow models in subsurface
- Characteristics of SIP Response for Rock Specimens in the Gagok Skarn Deposit, Korea
- Characteristics of a CO2-driven Cold-Water Geyser, Crystal Geyser in Utah: Experimental Observation and Mechanism Analyses
- Detection of Underground Cavities in a Karst Area using an Electrical Resistivity Tomography Technique
- Determination of 1-D surface wave attenuation model in southern Korea from spatial coherency of ambient seismic noise
- Determining optimal location of injection wells using an optimization-coupled groundwater flow model
- Early Pliocene record of ice-rafted debris from ice-proximal site U1359 (IODP Exp 318), Wilkes Land continental rise, Antarctica
- Efficient inversion of induced polarization data using a base-model constraint
- Experimental Investigation of Abnormal Chlorinity Observed in Natural Gas Hydrate Layer
- Experimental analysis on effective factors affecting carbon dioxide storage as hydrate in a consolidated sedimentary rock
- Experimental investigation of depressurization-induced production behavior from hydrate-bearing sediments in various scales
- Geological records of redox change related to methane seepage in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea
- Geomorphologic characteristics of debris flows in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea) interpreted from 3-D seismic data and their implications
- Heavy metal effects on the biodegradation of fluorene by Sphingobacterium sp. KM-02 isolated from PAHs-contaminated mine soil
- Hydrogeochemical characteristics and bacterial community diversity in leachate from animal carcass disposal
- Impact of land use changes on trends in nitrate concentration of groundwater in Jeju volcanic Island
- Infrasound observation of seismic events occurring in North Korea
- Lithospheric-folding-based understanding on the origin of the back-arc basaltic magmatism beneath Jeju volcanic island, Korea
- Mare Volcanism in the nearside of the Moon: Reinterpretation based on Kaguya LRS data
- Methane Replacement in Natural Gas Hydrate Sediments with CO2 and a CO2/N2 Gas Mixture
- Mid-late Holocene climate and ecology reconstruction around the Lagoon Mae-ho, East Korea based on diatom assemblage
- Model parameter uncertainty reduction of time series models using data-based learning algorithms for simulating groundwater level fluctuations
- Numerical modeling of the line-source methods for thermal conductivity measurement
- Optical dating of tidal flat sediments in the western coast of the Korean Peninsula: A comparison between fine- and coarse-grained quartz
- Permeability and of the San Andreas Fault core and damage zone from SAFOD drill core
- Physical and geoacoustic properties of surface sediments in the southwestern Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea
- Preliminary test result of PRESTo application to the southern Korean peninsula
- Preparation and adsorption properties of chitosan/heulandite/magnetite composite for removal of Cu(II) and As(V) ions
- Reciprocity of thermal conductivity of rocks using laser flash and divided-bar methods
- Relocation of regional events occurred in Korean Peninsula
- Resources assessment of gas hydrate in the Ulleung Basin, offshore Korea
- Seismic discrimination of events at the Sangwon, North Korea, area using two-dimensional grid of Pg/Lg spectral ratios
- Structural deformation and mineralization on the ore deposits in the Wondong area, Gangwon, Korea
- Supercritical CO2 migration in a fractured rock at reservoir conditions
- Teleseismic wave backazimuth anomalies observed by KSRS array at Wonju, Korea
- The Holocene climatic optimum in Korea
- The X-ray CT analyses of the natural gas hydrate structures in fine-grained sediments from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Korea
- The effect of the mineral dissolution and deformation of slope stability on nature terrane
- The recent climatic change of subarctic zone recorded in core sediments of Lake Abashiri in the east part of Hokkaido, Japan
- An Example of Cyprus type Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit in the Southeast of Turkey
- Analysis of heat transfer in a borehole heat exchanger (BHE) with the OpenGeoSys model
- Application of the newly constructed Chirp SBP recording system for raw data with phase information for the study of shallow gas in Korea Strait shelf mud
- Biodegradation of biphenyl and removal of 2-chlorobiphenyl by Pseudomonas sp. KM-04 isolated from PCBs-contaminated mine impacted soil
- Buoyancy-driven CO2/brine flow at reservoir conditions
- Cause of large negative Eu anomaly in the highly evolved A-type granites with REE tetrad pattern
- Characteristics of Microorganism's Fouling on Lithium Adsorbents in Okgye Harbor, Gangneung, Korea
- Coupled Transport of Groundwater, Heat, and Radiogenic He in Topography-Driven Basins: Understanding Seal Integrity in Geologic CO2 Storage Sites
- Crustal Velocity Structure beneath Wonju, Korea Using the H-? Stacking Method and Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface-wave Dispersion Curves
- Detection of coastal spring and submarine groundwater discharge using thermal remote sensing and field investigation
- Development of algorithms to link the static model of Petrel with the dynamic model of OpenGeoSys and application to CO2 storage in a saline aquifer
- Effects of eddy flow on solute transport in a single rough-walled fracture : comparison between numerical simulation and microscopic experiment
- Epicenter relocation of microearthquake sequences around Gyeongju and Bakryeong-Do in Korean using Lg-wave cross correlation and double-difference technique
- Estimating the elastic modulus and REV of Inada Granite using a homogenization analysis method
- Feasibility study of application of ROV-towed loop-loop EM sensor for mapping seafloor marine hydrothermal sulfide massive deposit
- Geochemical evidence for fluid flow in the upper and subducting plates of the Costa Rica margin: Results from CRISP drilling during Exp. 334 and 344 (Invited)
- Geoelectric monitoring as an innovative landslide monitoring tool to improve decision finding in early warning and emergency applications
- Groundwater recharge estimation using time series models and hybrid water fluctuation method
- Hydrological and geochemical study of Yuseong hot spring in Korea
- Modulation and application of PRESToPLUS on K-SEIS to the southern Korean peninsula seismic network
- Monitoring of the North Korea's 3rd Nuclear Test using Regional Seismic Network
- Numerical simulation approaches to evaluate nitrate contamination of groundwater through leakage well in layered aquifer system
- Petrophysical Analysis of Oil Sand in Athabasca
- Porosity, Pore Size, and Permeability of Sediments from Site C0002, IODP Expedition 338
- Preparation and application of Mn-substituted δ-FeOOH for oxidative adsorption of As(III)
- Relative Seismic Source Scaling of North Korean Nuclear Explosions Utilizing Regional Data
- Seasonal Characteristics of Phytoplankton at Pilot Plant for Lithium recovery field in Okgye Harbor, Gangneung, Korea
- Sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the late Quaternary deposits in the central Yellow Sea
- Some technical issues on utilizing borehole breakouts for in-situ stress estimation in deepwater sediments
- Terrestrial analog field investigations to enable science and exploration studies of impacts and volcanism on the Moon, NEAs, and moons of Mars (Invited)
- The observation of the physicochemical change of rock under freeze-thawing experiment: CLSM, XRD and ICP analysis
- The paleoenvironmental and climatic recorded in core sediments of Lake Abashiri in the east part of Hokkaido, Japan
- Thermal Properties of oil sand
- Tracking reactive pollutants in large groundwater systems by particle-based simulations
- Treating organic pollutants in urban runoff using slow-release oxidants and storm pipes: A field investigation
- Unusual earthquake sequence at offshore Boryeong, Korea
- Variability in Nitrate and Ammonium Distributions and Associated Processes at the Groundwater/Surface-water Interface in a Groundwater Flow-through Pond
- Effect of land-use changes on sediment transportation in a small catchment during last 60 years
- Epicenter Relocation of 2013 Boryeong Earthquake Sequence in Korea, Using Travel-Time Double- Differences and Lg-Wave Cross- Correlation
- Estimated and Timely Updated Shake Mapping for Earthquake Early Warning by Interpolation of the Processed Values from Geometric Distribution of Stations
- Experimental approaches to figure out Gas Hydrate Production behavior in unconsolidated sediment
- Geochemical Characterization of Bitumen Carbonate from Grosmont Formation, Alberta: Well 10-12-93-24W4 and 11-33-94-22W4
- Geomechanical Behavior of Hydrate-Bearing Sediments in the Ulleung Basin during Methane Production
- Glacier Melting Effect on the Earth's Rotation - Revisited
- Hypocenter relocation of microearthquakes in offshore area of northeastern South Korea
- Ice-cover History and Paleoceanographic Change of the Western Arctic Ocean (Mendeleev Ridge) using Be isotopes
- Indirect Estimations of Frictional Coefficients of Fractures in Sandstones for Analysis of Injection Induced Microseismicity
- Investigating Rare Earth Element Systematics in the Marcellus Shale
- Investigation on seasonal variations of Be-7 and H-3 in the rainwater of Korea
- Millennial-scale sea ice variability in the southern Indian Ocean during the last glacial
- Modelling the Interaction of Multiple Borehole Heat Exchangers in Shallow Geothermal Fields
- Molecular Biological Analysis of Microorganisms in Petroleum Reservoirs
- Multi-centennial scale precipitation and following lagoon ecosystem fluctuation in the Holocene reconstructed by East Korean Lagoon sediment analysis
- Q<SUB>s</SUB>-values in the Southern Korean Peninsula Area
- Seismo-acoustic Signals Recorded at KSIAR, the Infrasound Array Installed at PS31
- Simulation of altering residual water saturation near wellbore for CO<SUB>2</SUB> injectivity
- Tectonic Stress at IODP Site C0002, Nankai, Indicated by Borehole Resistivity Images of Two Boreholes Drilled under Different Annulus Pressures
- The discrimination filter to avoid EEW alerting triggered by teleseismic earthquakes using geometric distribution of triggered stations.
- The intraseasonal process of poleward moisture flux and sea-ice melting in Arctic winter.
- The paleoenvironmental and climatic record of the Common Era in core sediments of Lake Abashiri in the east part of Hokkaido, Japan
- A study on 4D inversion of time-lapse magnetotelluric data sets for monitoring geothermal reservoir
- Analysis of EM dataset with several sensor configurations obtained by the loop-loop EM survey on magnetic anomalies
- Application of KISOS for the Monitoring Environmental Risks Assessment in Deep-water Gas Hydrate Test Production in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea
- Application of δ18O, δD, 3H-3He and CFCs to characterize the nitrate contamination of groundwater in Eumsung, Korea
- Automatic Searching Radioactive Sources by Airborne Radioactive Survey Using Multicopter
- Can North Korean Nuclear Explosions Stir Baekdu (Changbai) Volcano to be Erupted?
- Clay minerals and gravels of late Pleistocene interstadial coastal sediments above the current sea level, south coast of Korea
- Combination of Successive Alkalinity Producing System (SAPS) and Aeration for Passive Treatment of Highly Acidic Mine Drainage
- Controlled Source Magnetics: A Method for Imaging High-resolution Near-surface Magnetic Heterogeneity
- Deep Magma Accumulation at Nyamulagira Volcano in 2011 Detected by GNSS Observations
- Detection of Regional Infrasound Signals Using Array Data - Testing, Tuning, and Physical Interpretation
- Development of 2D SIP Data Processing Software for a Metallic Mineral Deposit Exploration
- Development of IoT-based Urban Sinkhole and Road Collapse Monitoring System
- Double-difference Relocation of Earthquakes in Western Korea, 2009-2015
- Dynamic Change of Water Quality in Hyporheic Zone at Water Curtain Cultivation Area, Cheongju, Korea
- Effect of dissimilatory iron and sulfate reduction on arsenic dynamics in the wetland rhizosphere and its bioaccumulation in plants
- Effects of coupling between sample and electrode on the electrical resistivity measurements of conductive samples
- Exploration criteria for mineral target mapping based on 3D geological modeling in the Taebaek mineralized belt in Korea
- Full-scale Experiments for Roadbed Cavity Detection with GPR
- Geomechanical Risk Assessment on Shear Activation of Faults in the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Test Site, Offshore Pohang, South Korea
- Geophysical Features and Inferred Triggering Factors of Submarine Landslides in the Western Continental Margin of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea
- Historic and Instrumental Records of Repeating Seismicity in the Gyeongju Area, Southeastern Korea
- Infrasound Monitoring of the Volcanic Activities of Japanese Volcanoes in Korea
- Initial application of the maximum likelihood earthquake location method to early warning system in South Korea
- Integration of In Situ Radon Modeling with High Resolution Aerial Remote Sensing for Mapping and Quantifying Local to Regional Flow and Transport of Submarine Groundwater Discharge from Coastal Aquifers
- Microevent Detection Based on Waveform Cross-correlation in the Dogye Mining Area, Korea
- Monitoring and toxicity evaluation of phytoplankton on lithium manganese oxide adsorbents at lithium recovery pilot plant field.
- Numerical simulation of fluid implementing heat transfer in naturally fractured geothermal reservoir with DFN method
- Preparation of pure calcium carbonate by mineral carbonation using industrial byproduct FGD gypsum
- Reliability of Ancient Planetary Magnetic Field Intensity Determination Using the Ratio of Thermoremanence to Saturation Isothermal Remanence
- Retrieving both phase and amplitude information of Green's functions by ambient seismic wave field cross-correlation: A case study with a limestone mine induced seismic event
- Site Characterization of Deep Bedrock with Integrated Geophysical Survey
- Slow-release Permanganate Gel (SRP-G) for Groundwater Remediation: Spreading, Gelation, and Release in Porous and Low-Permeability Media
- Studies based on global subsurface radar sounding of the Moon by SELENE (Kaguya) Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS): A summary
- The Characterization of Microearthquakes in Offshore Area of Northeastern South Korea from Multidisciplinary Data Set
- The discrimination filters to increase the reliability of EEW association on the location using geometric distribution of triggered stations with upgrading a travel time model.
- Upper-crust Tomographic Structure of the Southern Korea Peninsula from Local Earthquakes
- When did the Gardar magmatism begin in southern Greenland?
- A Method to Measure the Temporal Variation of Freshwater-Saltwater Interface and Applications to Coastal Aquifers in Korea
- A comparison of Q-factor estimation methods for marine seismic data
- A simple correction for long-wavelength water-column height variations in high-resolution seismic data
- Adsorption and Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium on the Surface of Vivianite at Acidic Environment
- Analysis of Geochang earthquake on 5 February 2013 and aftershocks occurred in the Korean Peninsula
- Analysis of cracks induced by elevated temperature in rock using micro-focus X-ray CT
- Analysis of gravity anomalies in the Ulleung Basin (East Sea/Sea of Japan) and its implications for the architecture of rift-dominated back-arc basin
- Analysis of the radiation pattern from Chirp SBP data
- Comparison of results of relative location methods and moment tensor inversion for the nuclear explosions experimented in North Korea
- Defining the Sudden Stratospheric Warming in Climate Models
- Depressurization-induced fines migration in hydrate-bearing clayey sands: X-ray CT imaging and quantification
- Development of thermal simulator using DFN model for the carbonate heavy oil reservoir
- Effect of phosphate, iron and sulfate reduction on arsenic dynamics and bioaccumulation in constructed wetlands
- Elastic and acoustic migration comparison on elastic Marmousi-II model using generalized-screen method
- Establishing Long-term Observations of Gas Hydrate Systems: Results from Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory
- Estimation on the yield ratio between the DPRK's 2013 and 2016 underground nuclear explosions using P wave amplitude and corner frequency ratios
- Feasibility of geophysical methods as a tool to detect urban subsurface cavity
- Geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks from selected locations located in Idaho, USA and the Korean Peninsula
- Geoelectrical Structure of Ulleung Island, Korea Deduced from 3D MT Interpretations
- Geothermal characteristics of deep wells using geophysical logs in Pohang area, Korea
- Identification of quarry blasts located around the Geumsan earthquake (M<SUB>L</SUB> 3.5) using hierarchical clustering for waveform similarity
- Impact of Gas Hydrate and Related Fluid Seepage on Submarine Slope Failures along the Margins of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Improvement of a method for positioning of pithead by considering motion of the surface water
- Investigating the characteristics of near-source ground motions using pseudo dynamic source models derived with 1-point and 2-point statistics of earthquake source parameters
- Leaching Characteristics of Lithium Adsorbents in Seawater and its Implication of Marine Environmental Impacts
- Measuring Mudstone Permeability at Two Different (Borehole and Core) Scales
- Multi-Phenomenological Analysis of the 12 August 2015 Tianjin, China Chemical Explosion
- Northern Korean Peninsula 1-D velocity model from surface wave dispersion and full-waveform data
- Optimal Multiple Attenuation Flow for a Seismic Dataset in the Western Jeju Basin, Offshore Southern Korea
- Performance maps for vertical closed-loop geothermal heat pump systems in South Korea
- Preliminary study of subsurface temperature estimation by analyzing temperature dependent geo-electromagnetic conductivity models
- Seismic and Infrasound Characteristics of North Korean Nuclear Explosions Utilizing Regional Data
- Site Amplification Characteristics of the Seismic Stations at Jeju Island, Korea, using Background Noise, S-wave Energy, and Coda waves from Kumamoto Earthquakes Series
- Site Amplification Characteristics of the Several Seismic Stations at Jeju Island, in Korea, using S-wave Energy, Background Noise, and Coda waves from the East Japan earthquake (Mar. 11th, 2011) Series.
- Stability analysis on production well in the hydrate-bearing sediments during depressurization
- Testing three different approaches of extracting empirical Green's functions using ambient noise correlation analysis with a limestone mine induced event in South Korea
- The analysis results of EEWS(Earthquake Early Warning System) about Iksan(Ml4.3) and Ulsan(Ml5.0) earthquakes in Korea
- The change of magma chamber depth in and around the Baekdu Volcanic area from late Cenozoic
- The multidisciplinary, Seismic-Hydroacoustic-Infrasound, observatory in offshore site of the northeastern South Korea
- TrigDB for improving the reliability of the epicenter locations by considering the neighborhood station's trigger and cutting out of outliers in operation of Earthquake Early Warning System.
- Uniform Hazard Spectrum of Several Cities in Korea
- Variations in the depths of sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) in UBGH2-6 drilling site in Ulleung Basin, East sea of Korea
- 3-D crustal structure beneath the southern Korean Peninsula from local earthquakes
- A analysis system for comparing the performance evaluation of the earthquake early warning system
- A shallow water table fluctuation model in response to precipitation with consideration of unsaturated gravitational flow
- Along-fault variation of horizontal displacement during successive earthquakes along the strike-slip Bulnay fault, Mongolia
- Changes in spectral signatures of red lettuce regards to Zinc uptake
- Chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental change in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean during the last 1 Ma
- Comparing the GPR responses of real experiment and simulation of cavity
- Conversion of the magnetic field measured in three components on the magnetic sensor body's random coordinate system into three components on geographical coordinate system through quaternion rotation.
- Determination of timescales of nitrate contamination by groundwater age models in a complex aquifer system
- Development of 3-axis precise positioning seismic physical modeling system in the simulation of marine seismic exploration
- Discrimination of fine-grained sediment provenance using geochemical elements on the inner shelf of the Korean Strait (South Sea), Korea
- Dynamic and thermodynamic impacts of the winter Arctic Oscillation on summer sea ice extent.
- Effective Porosity Measurements by Wet- and Dry-type Vacuum Saturations using Process-Programmable Vacuum Saturation System
- Evaluation for relationship among source parameters of underground nuclear tests in Northern Korean Peninsula
- Evaluation of the Impact of Groundwater Pumping on Freshwater-Saltwater Interface Fluctuations in a Coastal Aquifer of South Korea
- Fault Branching and Long-Term Earthquake Rupture Scenario for Strike-Slip Earthquake
- Geometrical characteristics of sandstone with different sample sizes
- Hydraulic Shearing and Hydraulic Jacking Observed during Hydraulic Stimulations in Fractured Geothermal Reservoir in Pohang, Korea
- Hydro-geophysical responses to the injection of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in core plugs of Berea sandstone
- Implementing real-time GNSS monitoring to investigate continental rift initiation processes
- Measurement of Thermal Properties of Rocks at Temperature up to 1,000°C with Transient Plane Source Techniques
- Microseismic monitoring during Hydraulic stimulation in Pohang (Korea) for EGS pilot project
- Prediction of future subsurface temperatures in Korea
- Recent Sedimentary Processes Along the Western Continental Margin of the South Korea Plateau, East Sea of Korea
- Remote Sensing based multi-temporal observation of North Korea mining activities : A case study of Rakyeon mine
- Reverse-time migration for subsurface imaging using single- and multi- frequency components
- S-Wave Velocities Beneath Jeju Island, Korea, Using Inversion of Receiver Functions and the H-κ Stacking Method
- Seasonal movement change of sediments using RFID tracer monitoring in composite gravel beach, west coast of Korea
- Sedimentary and structural evolution of the Eastern South Korea Plateau (ESKP), East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Seismic Source Scaling and Characteristics of Six North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Spectral inversion of frequency-domain IP data obtained in Haenam, South Korea
- Surface runoff and soil erosion by difference of surface cover characteristics using by an oscillating rainfall simulator
- Tectonic setting of Jurassic basins in Central Mongolia: Insights from the geochemistry of Tsagaan-Ovoo oil shale
- The Effect of Flow Velocity on Waveform Inversion
- The analysis on the characteristics of North Korea 6<SUP>th</SUP> nuclear test, collapse and induced earthquakes
- The characteristics of seismological data from offshore observatory in the northeastern South Korea
- TrigDB back-filling method in EEW for the regional earthquake for reducing false location of the deep focus earthquake event by considering neighborhood triggers and forced association.
- Waveform Classification of the 2016 Gyeongju Earthquake Sequence Using Hierarchical Clustering
- A Comparative Analysis of Earthquake Relocation Methods with Earthquakes of South Korea
- A monitoring system for the data latency of the seismic station based on Hadoop for providing optimal analysis Earthquake early warning system
- A study on analysis of earthquake parameter using LM (Levenberg-Marquardt) inversion algorithm
- A study on increasing resolution of inversion of resistivity data by considering underground structures interpreted from other geophysical data
- A study on seismic velocity according to injection fluid in rock core
- An Advanced Analysis of the 2017 North Korea's Nuclear Test through Seismic and Satellite Radar Observations
- An experimental study to improve CH4-CO2 replacement efficiency in hydrate-bearing sediments
- Application of age-estimation models to manage nitrate contamination in a complex aquifer system
- Application of window-based deghosting processing to marine seismic data, in Ulleung Basin, Korea
- Borehole stress indicators across the Hikurangi Subduction Margin: Preliminary insights from IODP Expedition 372
- Building damage patterns depending on faulting types and seismic waves induced from medium scale earthquake damages
- Calculation of orientation angle of 3C of the sensor using cross correlation or comparison of spectral amplitude between experimental sensor and reference sensor
- Carbon Injection and Storage in a Stratified Geologic Formation: Experimental and Numerical Demonstration
- Characterization and analysis of earthquake swarm after North Korea's sixth Nuclear Test
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Groundwater and Surface Water in Managed Artificial Recharge Demonstration Site Using Fluorescence 3D EEM-PARAFAC
- Clogging behavior of fines associated with gas hydrate production, from pure fines to NGHP-02 and UBGH-02 reservoir fines
- Comparative analysis of specteal characteristics between heavey metal contaminated tailings and soils in mine area
- Constraining the deformation history of the frontal wedge of Hikurangi Subduction Margin with analog modeling and bedding trends from borehole logging of IODP Expedition 372
- Construct Experimental Underwater Seismic Stations in Offshore
- Controlling factors for the formation of gas hydrate chimney in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea
- Convective Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide in a Fractured Media
- Decadal-centennial scale East Asian summer monsoon variability over the past millennium: an oceanic perspective
- Derivation of empirical regression equation for on-site earthquake early warning system in the South Korea
- Detecting a buried active fault by multidisciplinary investigations of geology, geomorphology, remote-sensing and geophysics: A case study from the Yangsan fault, SE Korea
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotope Evidence from the Early Neoproterozoic Successions in the Central-Western Korean Peninsula: Implications for the Precambrian Tectonic History of East Asia
- Development of two dimensional debris flow model based on quadtree grid structure and its application
- Distribution of diatom remains in tidal river and its application for paleo sea-level reconstruction
- Earthquake Early Warning System for Korea Train eXpress (KTX)
- Effects of Morphologic Factors on Soil Erosion in Hiking Trail
- Effects of Urban Development on Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction and Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem in Daejeon City, South Korea
- Estimation of Groundwater Pathogen Outbreaks Based on Non-Linear Time Series Model
- Estimation of gas hydrate saturation from rock physics modeling and seismic inversion in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea.
- Experimental Investigation of Gas Hydrate Production Behavior by Integrated Hot-Brine Injection Method
- Geodetic Observations of Surface Deformation Due to the 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang Earthquake, Korea
- Geoscientific site investigation methods for HLW geological disposal in South Korea
- Identifying Small Scale Inflection Points in Fluvial and Alluvial Transition Zone Using a Stream's Longitudinal Profile Extracted from Airborne LiDAR DTM
- Infrasound Signals from the 2017 North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event
- Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Ensemble based Machine Learning Models in the Southeast of Gyeonggi-do, Korea
- Lithology and cement controls on the evolution of compressional wave velocity and porosity in input materials at northern Hikurangi and other subduction zones
- Magnetotelluric and airborne magnetic data analysis to delineate subsurface structure in South-Eastern part of Korea
- Metagenomic analysis of anaerobic methantrophic archaea ANME-1 and sulfate-reducing bacteria in gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the Chukchi Sea
- Metal Accumulation in Biofilms on Stream Sediments Downstream of Abandoned Coal Mines near Taebaek, South Korea
- Monitoring of the performance of a closed-loop ground source heat pump system
- Open Source IoT monitoring system of a closed-loop geothermal system to balance the thermal energy for heating and cooling year round in Korea
- Optimization of PRESTo Early Warning System for South-Eastern Korea
- Optimum processing work-flow for multiple attenuation of 2D multi-channel seismic data in the continental shelf of the South Sea, Korea.
- Palynological studies from the upper Pliocene-lower Pleistocene hemipelagic sediments of the Eastern South Korea Plateau, East Sea: paleoclimate and paleoceanographic implications
- Prediction of Groundwater Sustainability under different climate change scenarios in Pyoseon Watershed of Jeju Island, South Korea
- Prediction of Natural CO<SUB>2</SUB>Migration and Distribution in Little Grand Wash and Salt Wash Faults System
- Relative Seismic Source Scaling of P<SUB>n</SUB> Phases from Six North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Remediation of hexavalent chromium-contaminated soils using zero-valent magnesium
- Rigorous field-wide simulation of the gas hydrate deposit located in Ulleung Basin and the geomechanical responses during depressurization.
- Saptiotemporal evolutions of two earthquake sequences in South Korea: the 2013 Boryeong offshore earthquake sequence and The 2016 Gyeongju earthquake sequence
- Seasonal variations in coastal morphology of a composite gravel beach using UAV remote sensing
- Seismic Data Processing of a Real Dataset in the Gunsan Basin, Offshore Western Korea using Open-source Software (Madagascar)
- Seismic Observations from Permanent Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer in Shallow Water, Western Offshore Korea
- Simulation Study of Canada Zama Reservoir Using TDRM(AI)
- Site Amplification Characteristics of Bedrock Using three Reference Site Methods
- Site-specific Effects on damages of 2017 Pohang earthquake M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.4 in Korea
- Surface deformation related to the 2017 Pohang earthquake
- Temporal Estimations of Groundwater Pathogen Outbreaks Based on Data-Driven Models
- The enhancement of seismic imaging through the velocity and anisotropic parameter sequential updates for a seismic dataset in the Ulleung basin, East sea of Korea
- The northeastern continental shelf of Korean peninsula in the East Sea records giant submarine landslides during the Late Quaternary
- Two-dimensional analytical solution of land-derived solute transport in groundwater on variable boundary condition
- Uncertainty analysis for CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection scenarios considering wellbore and reservoir flow
- 100 Years of Computational Technologies Have Enabled Advances in Earth and Space Sciences
- 2D resistivity structure around the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake zone in Korea by MT survey
- A Calibration Study of Water Table Fluctuation Model for Hydraulic Characterizations of Thick Unsaturated Zones
- A Study on the Ground Motion Prediction Equation in the Korean peninsula Using Nonlinear Regression Analysis
- Altered Toxicity and Mobility of Arsenic Released by Biotic Reductive Dissolution in the Presence of External Carbon Source under Repetitive Redox Condition Change in Soil
- Application of high-resolution pseudo-3D chirp sub-bottom profile survey for fault investigation in the East Sea, Korea
- Application of single station methods using Korea Train eXpress waveforms to earthquake early warning
- Assessing mean transit time and mixing properties of hydrological components in a small crystalline bedrock catchment
- Assessing water quality of traditionally well-known natural mineral water in South Korea for dissolved inorganic constituents
- Characteristics of Earthquake swarm around the Hyodong-ri, Southeastern part of Korea
- Combining infrasound and seismic data for joint location: application to ground-truth events
- Comparison and Evaluation of the Effect of Water-Rock Reaction using Dissolution Experiments on Various Types of Rocks
- Construction of vehicle-mounted, multi-channel GPR system for detection of roadbed cavities in urban areas
- Estimating earthquake-induced submarine landslide hazards in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea
- Evaluation of geogenic sources using major ions, potential harmful trace elements, and natural organic matter of various drinking water sources in South Korea
- Experimental Studies of Geological Mapping using Thermal UAV remote sensing
- Flow characteristics of geothermal water in Pohang area, South Korea
- GPR Investigation of the Sedimentary Environments for Coastal Sand Dunes in Korea
- Identification of factors affecting the spatial distribution of nitrate in an agricultural watershed using multiple environmental tracers and statistical approach
- Imaging carbonate minerals and ore exploration using hyperspectral scanner
- Kinetic Parameter Determination for Natural Gas Hydrate Production via Gas Injection
- Numerical Simulation of Choked Flow in Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone
- Optimal Sensor Network Design to Detect CO2 Leakage at a Geologic Storage Site Considering Three-Dimensional Aquifer Heterogeneity
- Paleointensity variations around 30 Ma estimated from successive lava flows of the Afro-Arabian Large Igneous Province
- Porosity change of basaltic tuff in Janggi Basin under geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage condition
- Prediction of Ground Motions in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula for Scenario Earthquakes in Northern Kyushu
- Retrieval of S-wave velocity profiles using H/V curves of environmental noises
- Seasonal variation of nitrogen biotransformation with different sediment depths responding to surface and groundwater interaction in Baekseok Reservoir Wetland, Korea
- Seismic Depth Processing of a Real Dataset in the Gunsan Basin, Offshore Western Korea using Migration Velocity Analysis (MVA)
- Seismic noise levels of new new seismic stations in southeastern region, Korea
- Seismic stratigraphy and depositional history of stacked cut-and-fill structures in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Inter-frequency Correlation of Near-source Ground Motions to the Correlation Structure between Earthquake Source Parameters
- Sensitivity analysis of rock properties for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration into heterogeneous saline aquifers
- Surface ruptures and fault damage zones for earthquake hazard assessment
- The Observations and Characteristics of Seismic Signals of Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer in Shallow-Water Site, Eastern Offshore Korea
- Transforming understanding of paleomagnetic recording: Insights from experimental observations and numerical predictions
- Understanding of aquifer characteristics and evaluating the responses of aquifer type to earthquakes from the National Groundwater Monitoring Station
- Unmmaned Airship Magnetic Survey System for Mineral Exploration
- Characteristic variations in offset and deformations for the last two great earthquakes along the Bulnay fault, Mongolia
- Coseismic Slip Distribution and Earthquake Recurrence Along the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Zone (Mongolia) : Insights From UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Paleoseismology
- Directional analysis of high-frequency source using seismic physical modeling
- Efficiency of super learner combining boosted regression tree, deep neural network, and frequency ratio models for mineral water potential mapping
- Fault-valve behavior in the 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB> 5.4 Pohang, South Korea, Earthquake Sequence
- Hydrogeological and Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater and Surface Water in a Small Lake System through Analyses of Water Quantity and Quality
- Impact of inherited fault zone and its surrounding rocks on earthquake rupture behaviors: a case study of the Yangsan strike-slip fault, South Korea
- Numerical Approach for Isotopic Variations of Lithium in River Water
- Relative Seismic Source Scaling Based on P<SUB>n</SUB> Observations from North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Revisiting the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan: preliminary results of image correlation using pre- and post-events aerial photos
- Transpressional earthquakes along the Southern Yangsan Fault, SE Korea and its paleoseismic significance during the late Quaternary
- A Source Model for the 2016 Mw 5.5 Gyeongju, South Korea, Earthquake for High Frequency Wave Propagation Ground Motion Simulation
- A basin-scale aquifer characterization using an inverse analysis based on groundwater level fluctuation in response to precipitation: Practical application to a watershed in Jeju Island, South Korea
- AI-approach to locate groundwater quality suitable for specific usages at a national scale: A case study in South Korea
- Atmospheric Model Inversion using Infrasound Signals from the North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event in 2017
- Characterization of Nonwetting Fluid Displacement in a Heterogeneous Porous Medium Using Time-lapse Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography
- Construction of a 3D Velocity Model of the Southern Korean Peninsula Using Ray-traveltime Forward Modeling
- Elucidating the Magma Plumbing System of the Active Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai, Natron Rift, Tanzania Using Geodesy and Numerical Modeling
- Geophysical Surveys in a LNAPL Contaminated Site in South Korea and Integrated Interpretation with Borehole Data
- High-resolution estimation of porosity with deep-learning-based interpretation of well logging and core data for gas-hydrate-bearing sediments in the Republic of Korea
- Neotectonic strike-slip partitioned transpression in the southeastern Korean Peninsula.
- Polynomial Chaos Expansion-based Global Sensitivity Analysis Workflow for LNAPLs Remediation Efficiency
- Potential Effect of Intra-Fracture Morphology on the Mode of Choked Flow for Injected CO2
- The effect of a magmatic underplated mafic body on the stress level of the seismic faults in southeast Korea
- Three-dimensional Seismic Wave Propagation Simulations in the southern Korean Peninsula using Pseudo-dynamic Rupture Models
- A 3D Integrated Model of Porous Media and Fractured Rock for Predicting DNAPLs Transport and Fate
- Analysis of factors influencing the construction of a check dam to reduce damage caused by debris flow
- Application of the migration velocity analysis to long-offset seismic data in the Ulleung basin, offshore Korea
- Case Study: Tracking Thin Gas Hydrate Layers Using Iterative Seismic Inversion on Two Different 3D Seismic Data
- Case study of high-resolution seismic surveys to investigate changes in seafloor topography in the East Sea of Korea
- Choked Flow Induced by Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Effect of Fracture Morphology
- Data Quality Control Tools Used to Monitor Seismoacoustic Research Arrays in South Korea
- Effect of Various Factors on Temporal Variation in Sedimentation Rate over the Past 100 Years : a Case Study of Sajapyeong Catchment, Korea
- Estimation of Soil Erosion using Radionuclides(Cs-137 and exPb-210) in the Small Catchment of the Daecheong Lake, Korea
- Evaluating sources and fate of nitrate in riparian aquifer under agricultural land using in situ measured noble gases, stable isotopes, and functional genes
- Evaluation of Heterogeneity Effect from Distribution of Clast-Matrix on CO2 Transport in Conglomerate Cores
- Evaluation of the Effects of Agricultural Activities in Aquatic Environments using Fluorescence Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter and Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Evaluation of well yield and groundwater quality changes before and after air surging for well rehabilitation
- Geochemistry and Uranium Mineral Occurrence of Uraniferous Black Slates in Bireyri area, South Korea
- Impact of anthropogenic inputs on Pb content of moss Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske in King George Island, West Antarctica
- Initial analysis of the two Mw 4.6 and 4.1 earthquakes in the central Gunsan Basin, Yellow Sea, on January and December 2021
- Lessons Learned from Seismoacoustic Observation of DPRK Nuclear Explosions
- Multi-component Seismic Data Processing of 3D-4C Ocean Bottom Cable(OBC) Data in the Ulleung Basin, Offshore Korea
- Numerical Modeling of Transient Crustal Deformation in the Korean Peninsula after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Numerical Simulation Study of the Gas Hydrate Using Thermal Stimulation Method
- Postglacial evolution of the subaqueous delta off the southeastern coast of Korea.
- Prediction of climate change and land use change impact on groundwater flow system in Jeju Island, South Korea
- Reaction Kinetics and Removal Mechanism of Cadmium and Zinc by Calcium Polysulfide in Groundwater
- Redox Change of Structural Iron by Dithionite in Fe3+-bearing Clay Minerals
- Seismic exploration for shallow gas in the transition zone
- Source apportionment of PM2.5 sulfate in Seoul, South Korea during winter and early spring (2017-2020), and the cause of sulfate reduction in Seoul during China's COVID-19 lockdown
- Spatiotemporal analysis of three-phase saturations in gas hydrate cores based on deep learning modeling
- Stratigraphic analysis and geoacoustic model at the YMGR-102 long-core site in the Yellow Sea
- Sulfur Isotope Variation of Granitoid Rocks in the Taebaeksan Mineralized District, South Korea
- Surface-to-Borehole and Cross-hole ERT Tomography in a Test-Bed of South Korea
- The Effect of Feature Extraction on Machine Learning-based Gas Hydrate Saturation Prediction Model from CT image
- The Late Quaternary topographic uplift driven by differential density and erosion: Case study of the Mid-Continent region, Ste.Francois Mountains, Missouri.
- Width of fault damage zone depending on fault types developed in drilling cores
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Bernhard Mayer
- Byung‐Dal So
- D. S. Stamps
- Donghoon Lee
- Eungyu Park
- Eunseo Choi
- Giyoon Lee
- Hyunjeong Jeon
- Il‐Young Che
- Jelle Assink
- Jinho Ahn
- Jize Piao
- Jong-Sik Ryu
- Jung‐Hun Song
- Junkee Rhie
- Kue‐Young Kim
- Maurizio Battaglia
- Miwon Son
- Peter K. Kang
- Seok Goo Song
- Seoyoon Kwon
- Seungjun Lee
- Tae Cheon Kang
- YeoJin Ju
- Youngbeom Cheon