Kongju National University, Korea
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A numerical analysis on the applicability of the water level fluctuation method for quantifying groundwater recharge
- Permeability prediction in compaction bands using pore-scale numerical flow simulations
- Reconstruction of 3D Pore Geometry From X-ray Microtomogram and Its Impact on Physical Property Simulations
- Heat Flow and Heat Production in Korea
- Log-scale permeability estimation from thin sections and its impact on the effective permeability of the formation of Donghae-1 gas field, Block VI-1, South Korea
- Sensitivity Analyses of Groundwater Modeling Associated with Boundary Condition Uncertainties
- Thermal Properties of Granite from Korea
- An integrative approach to groundwater recharge estimation: Application to Jeju Island, Korea
- Application of Analysis and Modeling for Surface Water-Ground Water System: Preliminary Study of Artificial Recharge in Jeju Island, Korea
- Computational Approach for Gas Hydrate Formation and Corresponding Physical Property Changes
- Crust and upper-mantle structure beneath the Yellow Sea using Receiver function analysis
- Crustal thickness of Korean Peninsula and neighboring seas from the free-air gravity and topography
- Heat Flow and Thermal Modeling of the Gyeongsang Basin and the Ulleung Basin in Korea
- Resolution and Smoothing Effect of Tomogram and Their Impact on Computational Velocity Estimation
- Depressurization of Natural GH-bearing Sediments using New Instrumented Pressure Chamber with Vertical Effective Stress - Preliminary Results
- Effect of aerosol radiative forcing on the seasonal variation of snow over the northern hemisphere
- Hydrogeological Methods for Assessing Feasibility of Artificial Recharge
- Lateral variation of Moho discontinuity beneath the Yellow Sea region
- Observation of gravity changes associated with variations of ground water table
- Pore-scaling Modeling of Physical Property Changes During CO2 Injection into Sandstone
- Preliminary rock physics analysis on Grosmont carbonate formation, Alberta, Canada
- Artificial Recharge Coupled with Flood Mitigation in Jeju, Korea
- Characteristics of permeability in carbonate areas of Korea
- Comparison Study of Reflection Seismic Surveys on Paved Site According to Sources and Receivers
- Estimation of Physical Property Changes by Oil Saturation in Carbonates and Sandstone Using Computational Rock Physics Methods
- Evaluation of the retrospective seasonal prediction skills of the LC-LRGMME eleven-model ensemble
- Lorenz energy cycle of the global atmosphere based on reanalysis Datasets and GDAPS
- Physical Property Changes During CO2 Injection into Sandstone from Pukpyeong Formation, South Korea: Pore-scale Approach
- Porosity and Velocity Relations of Grosmont Formation, Alberta, Canada
- Application of Carbonate Reservoir using waveform inversion and reverse-time migration methods
- Assessment and Calibration of Ultrasonic Measurement Errors in Estimating Weathering Index of Stone Cultural Heritage
- Correlation between permeability and groundwater flow patterns in carbonate rocks
- Investigation of the crust of the Pannonian Basin, Hungary using low-altitude CHAMP horizontal magnetic gradient anomalies
- Numerical modeling of the divided bar measurements
- Permeability Estimation of Grosmont Formation, Alberta, Canada by Statistically Combining Well-logs and Core Measurements
- Pore-scale Modeling on the Characterization of Kyeongsang Basin, South Korea for the Geological CO2 Sequestration
- Preliminary Rock Physics Characterization of Mississippian Carbonate Reservoir in Canada
- Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Dynamics Using a Fully Coupled Hydrologic Feedback Model between Surface and Subsurface Systems
- 3-D inversion of potential field anomaly data
- Determining optimal location of injection wells using an optimization-coupled groundwater flow model
- Dynamically Downscaled Future Climate Change over East Asia
- Land Cover Classification over the Asian Region with Support Vector Machine
- Numerical modeling of the line-source methods for thermal conductivity measurement
- Observational evidence of EHP effects on the melting of snowpack over the Tibetan Plateau
- Pore-scale Analysis on Physics Property Changes of CO2 Bleached Sandstone, Entrada Fromation, Utah
- Porosity Estimation of Lodgepole Formation, Manitoba, Canana Using Log Data Anaysis and Impedance Inversion of Seismic Data
- Preliminary Rock Physics Analysis on Lodgepole Formation in Manitoba, Canada
- Scatterometer Ocean Surface Winds Provide Observational Evidence for Changes in the Hadley Cell
- The X-ray CT analyses of the natural gas hydrate structures in fine-grained sediments from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Korea
- Amplification of ENSO effect on Indian summer monsoon rainfall by absorbing aerosols
- Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observation Network (DRAGON) - Korea 2012 campaign
- Estimation of hydrothermal deposits location from magnetization distribution and magnetic properties in the North Fiji Basin
- First regional vertical profiles of CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Can we verify reported emissions?
- Possible mechanism of abrupt jump in winter temperature in the late 1980s over the Northern Hemisphere
- Preliminary results on estimating permeability characteristics of carbonate rocks using pore microstructures
- Reservoir property estimation in Pohang Basin, South Korea for the preliminary CO2 storage prospect
- Sensitivity analysis on numerical estimation of physical properties from digital sandstone samples by the X-ray microtomography technique
- Thermal Properties of oil sand
- Wave-planation surfaces in the mid-western East Sea (Sea of Japan): indicators of subsidence history and paleogeographic evolution of back-arc basin
- Amplification of the ENSO Effects on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall by Absorbing Aerosols
- An OSSE study using the GFDL ensemble coupled data assimilation system: Biased twin experiment for deep Argo array
- Evaluation of Accuracy and Reliability of the Six Ensemble Methods Using 198 Sets of Pseudo-Simulation Data
- Furongian Stable Carbon Isotope Excursions (SPICE and HERB) in the Mixed Carbonate-Siliclastics on an Epeiric Platform of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea
- Improved Methodology for Estimating Recovery Factor of Carbonate Reservoirs Using Geological Parameters
- Reconstruction of RegCM4-simulated Surface-layer Meteorology over a Megacity Using the Vegetated Urban Canopy Model
- Results and Discussion on Physical Property Calculation from Pore Microstructures of Carbonate Rocks
- Rock Physics Analysis for the Characterization of the Geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Prospect in Southwestern Ulleung Basin, Korea
- Two-Phase Flow Simulation and Physical Property Changes at Partial Saturations Using Pore Microstructures of Carbonate Rocks
- 3D modeling inversion calculation of magnetic data using iterative reweighted least squares at the Lau basin, Southwest Pacific
- Amplification of the snow melting effect on the heat wave over the Eurasia by absorbing aerosols
- Geomechanical Risk Assessment on Shear Activation of Faults in the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Test Site, Offshore Pohang, South Korea
- Improvements of COMS Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm by considering diurnal variations of boundary layer temperature
- Projection of high-resolution climate change in the late 21st century over Northern East Asian region using multi-regional climate models and ensembles under 4 RCP scenarios
- Simplified data assimilation for simulating wet deposition distribution of radioactive materials in FDNPP accident
- Analysis of long-term variabilities of temperature, salinity and sea surface height around the Korean marginal seas
- Convectively-driven cold layer and its influences on moisture in the UTLS
- Direct and indirect effects of irrigated crop on local and regional climate over Northeast Asia with regional climate model
- Evolution of permeability and microstructure of tight carbonates due to numerical simulation of calcite dissolution
- Horizontal gradient correction of the high resolution ocean climatology
- Impacts of cumulus parameterization and land surface schemes on the simulation skills of RegCM4.0 over CORDEX-East Asia phase 2 domain
- Impacts of snow darkening by absorbing aerosols on South Asian monsoon
- Improvement of the simulated precipitation by applying a Semi-Lagrangian advection scheme in the ECPC Regional Spectral Model
- Long-term warming trends in Korea and contribution of urbanization
- Possible Impact of Snow Darkening by Light-absorbing Aerosols on the Hydrological Cycle over Eurasia
- Study on the air-sea interaction over East Asia by using the Regional Atmosphere-ocean coupled model system
- Study on the impact of hydrological components on the atmospheric condition over the Korean peninsula by the WRF-Hydro coupled model system
- The structures of the west coastal snowfall of the Korean peninsula
- ADMAP-2: The second generation Antarctic crustal magnetic anomaly map.
- Impact of Land-Sea Thermal Contrast on Inland Penetration of Sea Fog over The Yellow Sea
- Lower-stratospheric control of the frequency of sudden stratospheric warming events
- Sensitivity of the sea ice concentration over the Kara-Barents Sea in autumn to the winter temperature variability over East Asia
- A regional atmosphere-ocean coupled model for East Asian climate.
- Changes of the extreme phenomena related to temperature for the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century over South Korea based on the RegCM4's simulation data
- Collapse of Atomic Structure and Hydrophilic Transition of Talc by Mechanical Grinding: Implication for Shallow Seismic Cycles
- Comparison of chemical compositions of particulate matters in Seoul simulated by the WRF-Chem and WRF/CMAQ models
- Contrasting uncertainties of two drought indices on extreme drought in Korea
- Development of Land Fog Detection Algorithm in Daytime Using Himawari-8/AHI and Ground data.
- Future Change in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific in the CORDEX-East Asia Experiment
- Numerical Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Sensible Heat Fluxes Simulated by a CFD Model in an Urban Area
- Source Object-based Model for Emissions (SOME): A novel emission processing approach for multi-scale air-quality modeling
- Strong impact of Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation on Inter-annual Variability of PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration in South Korea during winter season
- An Assessment of JMA serial observation lines in the Northwestern Pacific based on OSSE study with the GFDL ensemble coupled data assimilation system
- Changes of the East Asia Summer Monsoon Precipitation Over Northeast Asia in Projected Future Climate Scenario
- Detailed characteristics of fog over South Korea using the three years (2016-2018) of visibility meter data
- Dynamic Mechanisms of Summer Heat Waves over the Korean Peninsula Simulated in Long-term Unforced CCSM3
- Dynamically downscaled hydrological drought information on the Korean peninsula for 1980-2010
- Estimations of hourly turbulent Prandtl numbers by comparing observed and CFD-simulated sensible heat fluxes
- Evaluation of cloud microphysics parameterizations during the ICEPOP field campaign in Korea
- Formation of Hydrophilic Talc by Mechanical Deformation: Implication for Fault Weakening
- Heatwave mechanism in South Korea and its performance evaluation in CMIP5 models
- Impact of the air-sea interaction on the East Asian Summer Monsoon in AGCM simulation
- Impacts of land use land cover changes over East Asia
- Land surface temperature retrieval algorithm of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A) Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI)
- Long-term sea level change related to the tide modification due to coastal topographic change around the East China Seas including Korea
- Possible impacts of snow darkening effects on the Hydrological Cycle over Western Eurasia and East Asia
- Relationship between Arctic Sea Ice amount and PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration in South Korea on January
- Changes in Climatic Yield Potential of Japonica-type rice in the Korean Peninsula under RCP scenarios using multi-GCM and multi-RCM Ensemble
- Impact of wind pattern and complex topography on microphysics of winter precipitation during ICE-POP 2018
- Performance Evaluation of CMIP5/6 Models on Heatwaves in South Korea
- The North Atlantic-Eurasian Teleconnection associated with Summer Heatwaves in East Asia
- 2D Fully Coupled Poroelastic and Poroviscoelastic Modeling for Injection-Induced Earthquake using Finite Element Method
- Diagnostic method of inundation area by using a dynamical hydrological model and a high resolution geographical information
- Idealized Lagrangian Cloud Model Approach to Investigate Early Collisional Growth of Cloud Droplet: Effect of Giant Aerosol and Turbulence
- Impact of atmospheric structure and air-sea interaction on convective systems over Gyeonggi Bay in Summer
- Study on future change of vertical circulation over East Asia by analyzing terms of the omega equation
- Teleconnection between North Atlantic and East Asia on Extremely High PM10 Cases in January in South Korea
- A study on searching for appropriate time-step of two-dimensional fully coupled poroelasticity numerical simulation
- Assessment of Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks with WRF-Hydro Model over East Asia
- Changes in Heat Stress by the end of the 21st Century over the CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 Domain
- Comparison of Decarbonization Behavior of Calcite and Dolomite
- Effects of replacing a diesel bus with a compressed natural gas bus on air quality in the Seoul metropolitan area
- Geochemical characteristics of magnetite in Shinyemi skarn Fe deposit, South Korea: Implications for ore-forming processes
- Geochemistry and Uranium Mineral Occurrence of Uraniferous Black Slates in Bireyri area, South Korea
- Impact of Arctic-Siberian warming on East Asian heatwaves
- Inter-comparison of Water Isotope-enabled Models and Reanalysis Nudging Effects
- Role of Snow Phenology on Controlling the Interannual Variability of Carbon Flux in Central Siberia during the Last Two Decades
- Study on the Characteristic of Convection Bands Associated with Scales over the Korean Peninsula
- Sulfur Isotope Variation of Granitoid Rocks in the Taebaeksan Mineralized District, South Korea
- Temporal variability of tropospheric ozone and ozone profiles in Korean Peninsula during the East Asian summer monsoon: Insights from multiple measurements and reanalysis datasets
- The Effect of Feature Extraction on Machine Learning-based Gas Hydrate Saturation Prediction Model from CT image
- The Reaction of Fault Gouge Analogue with Supercritical CO2: Changes in Fault Stability by Carbon Sequestration
- Toward acquiring a converged numerical solution of a convective cloud chamber through large-eddy simulations
- Winter cold surge in Asia linked to weaker polar vortex by Arctic sea ice and Eurasia snow