German National Meteorological Service
flowchart I[German National Meteorological Service] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (165)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (48)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Transport Processes in the Fault Zones of the Crystalline Crust - A Conceptual Model for the Natural Flow, Discussed for the KTB Area -
- PIE 2005: An intercomparison of measurement techniques for peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)
- Area-Averaged Fluxes from Field to Kilometer Scale with Optical and Microwave Scintillometers
- Ship based cloud and radiation measurements on the Atlantic Ocean
- Comparison of MMS Pressure, Temperature, and Horizontal Wind Data With CFH/Ozonesonde and AVAPS Dropsonde Profiles Collected During TC4
- Convective and Wave Signatures in Ozone Profiles in Equatorial Americas: Views from TC4 and SHADOZ
- Ozone and Temperature Trends in the Upper Stratosphere at Five Stations of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
- Systematic Pressure and Temperature Differences between Vaisala RS80 and RS92 Radiosonde-Systems
- Tropospheric Ozone Changes
- Approaching a 30-year Record of Water Vapor Vertical Profiles over Boulder, Colorado
- Atmospheric Data over a Solar Cycle: No Connection between Galactic Cosmic Rays and Particle Formation in Boreal Forest
- Integration of a snow slide routine into a 3 dimensional snow model (SnowTran-3D)
- Simulation of the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance during the Eemain Using a Regional Atmospheric Climate Model
- Smart aircraft routing - a possibility for mitigation?
- CO2/CH4 flux inversion from cavity ring-down spectroscopy measurement at Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia
- Combined SSM/I and MERIS Water Vapour Products from the ESA GlobVapour project
- Impact of the Asian monsoon on the chemical composition of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL): (Invited)
- Long-term evaluation of COSMO forecast models over Germany using Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) data
- Long-term satellite-based cloud properties derived at DWD within the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring
- On the fall 2010 Enhancements of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre's Data Sets
- Regional-scale atmospheric inversions of greenhouse gas fluxes in Europe
- The ESA DUE GlobVapour Project
- The impact of mineral dust particles on radiation and cloud formation during a Saharan dust event over Western Europe
- Trends in Stratospheric Water Vapor over Boulder, Colorado: Revelations of the 30-year Boulder Record
- Volatile Organic Compounds in the Global Atmosphere (Invited)
- How to tackle wet-deposition of radionuclides in the context of RN threshold-monitoring for CTBT verification?
- Implementing Downscaling Algorithm in External Coupler for the Coupled Modeling Platform ParFlow-CLM-COSMO
- Persistent disparities in stratospheric water vapor measurements drive large uncertainties in the radiative forcing by lower stratospheric water vapor
- Quality control, data base and gridded analysis products provided by the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) to serve the hydro-climatology community
- Stochastic Representation of Flow-dependent Model Errors in the GME Ensemble Prediction System
- A global experiment to improve observations of snow: The World Meteorological Organization Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (WMO-SPICE)
- A stochastic parametrization scheme for deep convection and its scale adaptivity
- Comparison of space-based lidar observations (CALIOP) with regional model results over Europe
- Earlier Seasonal Maximum in Lower Tropospheric Ozone at Northern Mid-Latitudes
- Extending the humidity measurements of the RS92 radiosonde to the tropopause region
- GNSS tomography, assembled multi model solution, initial results from first experiment of IAG GNSS tomography working group
- GRUAN Reference Radiosonde Data For The Entire Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Geostatistical Interpolation Using Copulas and its Use in Operational Forecasts
- Injection of Water into the Stratosphere by Moderate Volcanic Eruptions
- Instrument Issues Affecting Ozonesonde Measurements and Data Interpretation: Examples from the SHADOZ Network (1998-2011)
- On the variability of tropospheric ozone in the Tropical Eastern Pacific and its impact on the oxidizing capacity
- Peroxy radical measurements during HOPE 2012
- Surface Solar Radiation Climate Data Sets derived from Geostationary and Polar-orbiting Satellites
- The role of stabilised Criegee intermediate in gas phase H2SO4 formation
- VIIRS in AWIPS: Supporting Operational Forecasters
- Assessing Decadal Predictability of the Regional MiKlip Forecast Ensemble for Europe (1961-2010)
- Drift-corrected Trends and Periodic Variations in MIPAS Ozone Measurements
- Evaluating high resolution regional reanalysis with satellite derived data
- Probabilistic evaluation of decadal CMIP5 hindcasts with the VeCAP verification package
- Stationarity of the climate-circulation relationship in regional climate simulations over South America between present and pre-industrial times (Invited)
- The Surface Climate Response to 11-Yr Solar Forcing During Northern Winter: Tests of the Stratospheric (UV-Ozone) Forcing Mechanism
- Tropical And Middle Latitude Balloon Sonde Observations Of Water Vapor And Ozone In The UTLS: A Comparison Between SEAC4RS And Ticosonde
- A new CM SAF Solar Surface Radiation Climate Data Set derived from Meteosat Satellite Observations
- Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) at the UTLS: Global Observations by MIPAS/Envisat and EMAC Model Results
- Climate Model Evaluation Using a Satellite Simulator for TRMM PR
- Downward shortwave radiation trends in Europe since the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century: what we know from direct measurements and sunshine duration records
- Evaluation of a High-Resolution Regional Reanalysis for Europe
- Evaluation of the Miklip Decadal Prediction System Using Satellite Based Cloud Products
- Evaluation results of the optimal estimation based, multi-sensor cloud property data sets derived from AVHRR heritage measurements in the Cloud_cci project.
- Exploring reanalysis application for the purposes of climatological applications at regional scale
- Ground-Based Cloud and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observations for the Project: High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Advancing Climate Prediction, HD(CP)<SUP>2 </SUP>
- High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for advancing Climate Prediction (HD(CP)<SUP>2</SUP>): Large Eddy Simulation Study Over Germany
- Linking the SASSCAL WeatherNet and data management/rescue activities to provide consistent information for climate change assessments in Southern Africa
- Observations of Clouds, Aerosols and Surface Energy Fluxes over the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean with the Oceanet-Atmosphere Platform Onboard RV Polarstern
- On Reliability of Regional Decadal Ensemble Prediction for Europe
- Probabilistic Weather Information Tailored to the Needs of Transmission System Operators
- Profiling the SO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume from Volcan Turrialba: Ticosonde Balloon Measurements Compared with OMI and OMPS Retrievals
- Stochastic and scale-adaptive shallow cumulus parameterization (EDMF-DualM-S in ICON)
- Towards a More Accurate Solar Power Forecast By Improving NWP Model Physics
- A Negative Lifetime Effect in Large-Eddy Simulations of Trade-Wind Cumulus Clouds
- Assessment of Precipitation Trends over Europe by Comparing ERA-20C with a New Homogenized Observational GPCC Dataset
- Decadal changes in all and clear-sky shortwave radiation from high spatial resolution satellite-derived and ground-based observations over Europe
- Downscaling of reanalysis precipitation data using the analog ensemble method for global and regional reanalysis
- Evaluation and Applications of the satellite-based CM SAF Solar Surface Radiation Climate Data Set
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- Identifying Criegee Intermediates As Potential Oxidants In The Troposphere
- Improved Understanding of an Extreme Rainfall Event at the Himalayan Foothills
- Operational Interoperability Challenges on the Example of GEOSS and WIS
- Simultaneous Remote Sensing of Ice Nuclei, Ice Crystals, Liquid Water and Atmospheric Dynamics in and Around Mixed-Phase Layered Clouds
- Temperature Trends over Germany from Homogenized Radiosonde Data.
- The ESA Cloud_cci Project: Generation of Multi-Decadal, Consistent, Global Data Sets of Cloud Properties with Uncertainty Information
- The Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity Waves in Parameterizations: Central Issues and Solution Strategies
- A Regional Reanalysis with a Coupled Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer Model on the Convective Scale
- Automatic Metadata Generation for Dark Data to Support Information Systems
- Is Ozone Going Up Now?
- Novel Semi-Direct OH Reactivity (kOH) Measurements by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry during a Chamber Instrument Comparison Campaign and Continuous Ambient Air Sampling at a Central European GAW Station
- Numerical Studies of Thermal Conditions in Cities - Systematic Model Simulations of Idealized Urban Domains
- A satellite simulator for TRMM PR applied to climate model simulations
- Added value of regional reanalyses: Precipitation and wind
- An improved SVAT model framework for crop water relations and microclimate as a basis for agrometeorological forecasts and projections
- Comparison of OH Reactivity Instruments in the Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR.
- DAPAGLOCO - A global daily precipitation dataset from satellite and rain-gauge measurements
- Evaluation of decadal hindcasts by application of a satellite simulator for SSM/I & SSMIS
- Evaluation of the coupled COSMO-CLM+NEMO-Nordic model with focus on North and Baltic seas
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- Representativeness of single lidar stations and SBUV overpasses in zonally averaged ozone layered means, their trends and the role of proxies
- Statistical Downscaling of 2D Reanalysis Fields with the Analog Ensemble
- Subtropical tropospheric wave forcing of planetary wave 2 in the prephase of the Stratospheric Sudden Warming Event in January 2009
- The impact of convection on upper level cloudiness - transpose AMIP simulations using a hierarchy of models
- Assessment of heat stress related mortality in major Korean cities
- Diagnosing Global Changes in Atmospheric Methane Using Ethane and Propane
- More than a decade of TICOSONDE directly measured and inferred profiles of SO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Quality Assurance & Quality Control of IAGOS In Service Aircraft Measurements: Concept & Experiences Made.
- Ship-based atmospheric measurements show strong climate gradients in a Greenland fjord system
- Smoke Long range transport: monitoring with the new European automatic Lidar and ceilometer network: E-PROFILE
- Twenty Years in the SHADOZ: Milestones in Tropical Ozonesonde Reprocessing and Uncertainties
- WCRP Task team for the Intercomparison of ReAnalyses (TIRA): Motivation and Progress
- Wild fire and climate conditions in Europe during 2018
- Analysis of water vapour clear-sky bias from satellite observations
- Assessing Crop Water Relations in a Changing Climate Using the AMBAV Model
- Assessment of SAGE III-ISS solar ozone data and sampling biases in merged ozone datasets
- COBALD Measurements and CLaMS Simulations of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL) over Nainital in August 2016
- Can we manage the unexpected? Constructing plausible storm tides with high impact potential and consequences for coastal protection and disaster risk management.
- Climate Monitoring SAF: Sustained Generation of Satellite based climate data records
- Evolution to the World Meteorological Organization Information System (WIS) 2.0 at the Global Information System Centre (GISC) Offenbach
- First results of the AIRBOX Antarctic campaign on the RSV Aurora Australis during 2018/2019 resupply season
- Improving comparisons between GCM output and precipitation radar observations
- Influence of Particle Aging and Radiation Interaction on Plume Dispersion after the Raikoke 2019 Eruption
- Investigation of the cloud phase distribution and related parameters in ISCCP cloud types using satellite datasets
- Local Particle Filter Implemented with Minor Modifications to the LETKF Code
- Recent Variability in Stratospheric Water Vapor observed by the SAGE III/ISS
- Representation of Climate Extremes in Reanalyses - An Intercomparison
- Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation
- Scorched Earth: Ecosystem-Atmosphere Interactions Exacerbate Climate Penalty on Ozone Pollution Extremes in Europe
- The ESA Water Vapour Climate Change Initiative (WV_cci)
- The project PerduS - Improving the forecast and observations of Saharan dust induced reductions on photovoltaic power production in Germany
- A machine learning based forward operator for visible and near-infrared satellite images
- A stochastic shallow convection scheme for ICON - two flavors.
- AI-based Assimilation of Clouds into WRF and ICON Using Sky Cameras and Webcams
- Evaluation of micro rain radar-based precipitation classification algorithms to discriminate between stratiform and convective precipitation
- Five years of observations from the International Airborne Sub-millimetre Radiometer
- High Supersaturation in the Wake of Falling Hydrometeors: Implications for Cloud Invigoration and Ice Nucleation
- How did they get there? The Importance of the Particle History for the Ice Habit
- Impact of resolution and interactive SST on climate statistics in global storm-resolving simulations
- Intensification processes of extreme Vb-floods in Central Europe
- Lagrangian Investigation of Secondary Ice Formation in Idealised Deep Convection
- Local impact of the stochastic shallow convection scheme on clouds and precipitation in the tropical Atlantic
- Project SynopSys: Exploiting Synoptic Events during MOSAiC to enable improved Forecast Reliability in the coupled Troposphere-Stratosphere System
- Radar-based ensemble nowcasting: predictability analysis
- Representation of Climate in Reanalyses - An Intercomparison for Europe and North America
- Results from the COORDE Project: A Model Comparison of Resolved and Parametrized Orographic Drag
- Statistics of 19 Years of Heavy Precipitation Events in Germany from Radar Data
- Towards improved turbulence estimation with Doppler wind lidar VAD scans
- Using Copulas for the evaluation of multi-parameter dependencies in reanalyses
- Using Doppler Spectra from a Vertically Pointing Polarimetric Weather Radar to Characterize Precipitation Processes
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- A systematic and Python-based approach to process coupling in atmospheric models
- CLAAS-2.1-based Cloud Regimes Over Europe
- Drivers of the tropospheric ozone anomalies during the year 2020
- Impact of the COVID-19 economic downturn on tropospheric ozone trends: an uncertainty weighted data synthesis for quantifying regional anomalies above western North America and Europe
- Implementation and Validation of the New Stomatal Resistance, Photosynthesis and Two Big Leaf Algorithms in COSMO-CLM
- Improving Global Data Exchange through the World Meteorological Organization with CF-NetCDF
- Infrasound stratospheric guiding and propagation simulations investigated using high-resolution global models resolving gravity waves
- Regional Antarctic Ice Sheet Acceleration from Satellite Gravimetry
- Satellite-based Earth Radiation Budget: The CM SAF CLARA-A3 climate data record
- Top-down estimate of the terrestrial carbon balance for northern boreal regions suggests larger carbon sink in Siberia
- Towards a transient gravity wave parametrization in atmospheric models
- Towards regional reanalysis at the kilometer-scale: Improved representation of urban areas
- Combined GNSS Reflectometry/Refractometry for Continuous In Situ Surface Mass Balance Estimation on an Antarctic Ice Shelf
- Dynamics and variability of the MLT represented by UA-ICON
- Leveraging WIGOS metadata standards to make field study data products interoperable and reusable
- Lower Stratospheric Ozone Trends from Satellite Observations and GMI Chemistry Transport Model Simulations
- MS-GWaM - A Three Dimensional Transient Parameterization for Internal Gravity Waves in Atmospheric Models
- Seamless Prediction and Digital Twins: DWD's Infrastructure for Future Reanalyses
- Towards Earth System Reanalysis: The Impact of Temperature Assimilation at the Interface of Land and Atmosphere
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alain Hauchecorne
- Alexis Le Pichon
- Arianna Valmassoi
- B. D. Belan
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Cenlin He
- Claire Granier
- Claudia Christine Stephan
- Claudia Stolle
- Constantino Listowski
- Cécile Agosta
- D. W. Tarasick
- Debra Wunch
- Ethan Davis
- Georg Sebastian Voelker
- Guy Brasseur
- Hannah Clark
- Hannes Konrad
- Hauke Schmidt
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Ilya Usoskin
- Irina Petropavlovskikh
- Isamu Morino
- James W. Hannigan
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Jörg Klausen
- Kai‐Lan Chang
- Kimberly Strong
- Michaela I. Hegglin
- Motoki Sasakawa
- Nikos Benas
- Olaf Eisen
- Ray Wang
- René Stübi
- Roeland Van Malderen
- S. E. Strahan
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Simone Tilmes
- Sophie Godin‐Beekmann
- Stefano Ubbiali
- T. Oda
- Tao Wang
- Tarique Adnan Siddiqui
- Tsuneo Matsunaga
- Ulrich Achatz
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- Yuhang Wang
- Yukio Yoshida