National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Modeling Basin-scale Runoffs with Precipitation Data from Ground-based Observations and Mesoscale Simulations
- Tectonic Uplift Rates on the East and Northeast Coasts of Taiwan in the Last Hundreds of Years
- Submicron Mineral Inclusions in Garnet: a Key to Unravelling Otherwise Unrecognized Metamorphic Events
- Links between suspended sediment, precipitation, geology and runoff in small mountain watersheds in Taiwan
- Nanometer-size P/K-Rich Silica Glass (Former Melt) Inclusions in Microdiamond From the Gneisses of Kokchetav and Erzgebirge Massifs: Diversified Characteristics of the Formation Media of Metamorphic Microdiamond in UHP Rocks due to Host-rock
- Estimations of Fault Parameters of the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Spatial and Temporal Impacts of Urbanization on Local Hydrological Processes - A Case Study in the Central Taiwan
- An enhancement of seasonal precipitation range under global warming
- Characteristics of Heat, Water Vapor, and CO2 Fluxes above a Mountainous Cypress Forest in Taiwan
- Decadal variations of hydrological processes under the impact of urbanization
- Dehydrogenation-Oxidation of Mantle Olivine: a Possible Mechanism for the Formation of Oriented Hematite/Magnetite Precipitates in Olivine of Peridotite From the Sulu UHP Terrane
- Estimation of the Relative Uplift Rate by Stream Power Erosion Model in Chiayi Area, SW Taiwan
- The Seasonal and Diurnal Patterns of net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange in a Subtropical Montane Cloud Forest.
- Neotectonic effect of Late Quaternary Deposits of the Changhua Coastal Plain in the Frontal Arc-Continent Collision Belt of Central Taiwan
- Rupture Directivity Analysis for the 2008 Wenchuan (China) Earthquake Inferred from the Rayleigh-Wave Phase Velocity
- Unusual PM episode caused by yellow sand over Taiwan on April 25, 2009
- Application of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides to decipher activity of the deformation front in western Taiwan
- Changes of Alpine Climate in East Asia - a Study on Taiwan Yushan
- Decadal Erosion Rates Derived From An Earthquake-Induced Landslide Region, Central Taiwan
- Estimating the carbon loss under the influence of typhoons at a subtropical mountain forest
- Existing large-scale landslides assessment by means of LiDAR data: Example from Tatun volcanic area, northern Taiwan
- Investigating the Flux Patterns within the Forest Subcanopy over a Hilly Terrain
- Pseudotachylyte in the Tananao Metamorphic Complex, Taiwan: Occurrence and Dynamic Phase Changes of Fossil Earthquakes
- Monitoring of Surface Deformation in Northern Taiwan Using Psinsar
- Oceanic dynamics associated with ENSO in affecting the SST variation in the Western Pacific / Philippine Sea sector
- Possibility of the misidentification of contaminated microdiamonds in UHP metamorphic rocks: An example of diamond grains in Dabie garnet clinopyroxenite
- Seismogenic Potential of the Shanchiao Normal Fault Observed in the Tatun Volcanic Region, Northern Taiwan
- Taiwan Snowfall Activity and Its Association with Asian Dust Storm from 1995 to 2009
- The Interdecadal Variability of Tropical Cyclone Intensification Rate in the North Western Pacific
- Utilize InSAR technique to determine the vertical inter-seismic displacement in southeastern Taiwan
- "The Big One" in Taipei: Numerical Simulation Study of the Sanchiao Fault Earthquake Scenarios
- An Updated Catalog of Taiwan Earthquakes (1900-2011) with Homogenized Mw Magnitudes
- Application of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry for Observation of Creeping Landslide in the Vegetated and Mountainous Area of Eastern Taiwan: A Preliminary Result
- Asymmetric Biogeochemical Responses To Wind Forcing During Climate Oscillation In The South China Sea And The West Philippine Sea: Observations And Implications
- Integrations of multiple observations and inversion of subsidence parameters in Choushui River Fluvial Plain of central Taiwan
- Taiwan Earthquake Damage Index Sin Mei Nga* and Masataka Andob a* Department of Geology, Chinese Culture University, No. 55, Hwa-Kang Road, Yang-Ming-Shan, Taipei 11114, Taiwan b Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, 128, Sec2, Academia Road, Nangang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan * Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 (02) 28 61 05 11 ext.26133 fax: +886 (02) 28 61 49 59 E-mail: or
- The Climatic Intensification Rate of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific
- Combine InSAR, leveling and rainfall data to analyze the atmospheric distributions and effects in the spatial
- Forward Modelling of 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Based on SAR Sub-Pixel Offset Data and Refined Dinsar Data
- How fast is the denudation of the Taiwan Mountains? (Invited)
- Identifying ground water recharge and flow path by using δ2H and δ18O in a volcanic hydrothermal region, Taiwan
- Surface deformation monitored on the south eastern part of Uttarakhand State of India by the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) techniques
- The flow path of geothermal fluid and water-rock interaction in the geothermal field, Taiwan
- The geochemical model of neutral and acidic thermal water in the Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan
- The missing delta in the Holocene sedimentological record at the mouth of the Zhuoshui River on the west coast of Taiwan: Preliminary findings
- A Seismic Structure Study in the Kaoping Area, Southwestern Taiwan
- Concentration and Gas-particle Partitioning of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Relation to Monsoons
- Effective research method and problems of the Paleotsunami studies in Taiwan
- Fault Creep and Kinematics of the Chihshang Fault in Eastern Taiwan Derived from the PSInSAR and Geodetic Techniques
- Geological records of paleotsunamis/extreme wave events in the Pacific Coast of Taiwan
- Micro-Raman and micro-XRF analysis of glass beads from the Chungde site, Taiwan
- Rapid Ascent of Aphyric Mantle Melts through the Overriding Crust in Subduction Zones: Evidence from Variable Uranium-Series Disequilibria, Amorphous Hydrous Alteration Microtextures in Crystal Rims, and Two-Pyroxene Pseudo-Decompression Paths
- Real-time monitoring of Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation by TCP-InSAR technology and GPS time series analysis in the Taiwan mountain area
- Research on Earthquake Precursor in E-TEC: A Study on Land Surface Thermal Anomalies Using MODIS LST Product in Taiwan
- Tectonic Evolution of Chingshui Geothermal Field Inferred from Evidence of Quartz and Calcite Veins
- A New Method for Determining the Seismicity Rate and its Dispersion based on the Gutenberg-Richter Law
- Basin-scale Distributed Denudation Patterns Revealed by Multiple Thermo-chronological Results: Example from Lhasa River, Southern Tibet
- Detecting Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes at the Tatun Volcano Group in Taiwan with Dense Arrays
- Implications for the tectonic transition zone of active orogeny in Hoping drainage basin, by landscape evolution at the multi-temporal timescale
- Mineralogical and chemical analyses of ancient glass beads from Taiwan and their implications
- Paleotsunamis in Taiwan
- Study of the Triggering Level of Dynamic Stress Induces Non-Volcanic Tremor in Longitudinal Valley in Eastern Taiwan
- The Climatology of Taiwan extreme rainfall events and the attributions
- The Use of Sodium Bromide as the Tracer to Identify the Regional Groundwater Flow Path in the Tatun Volcano Group(TVG), Taiwan
- The use of the stable isotopes to determine the pattern and spatial extent of groundwater flow in the Tatun Volcano Group(TVG), Taiwan
- To select better adaption plan for water resources management while facing to the uncertainty of the global climate change: A case from Hualien, eastern Taiwan
- A Preliminary Study on Black Colored Potsherds from Taiwan
- Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Simulation of Land Surface Temperature and Snow Depth over the Tibetan Plateau
- In Terms of the Logarithmic Mean Annual Seismicity Rate and Its Standard Deviation to Present the Gutenberg-Richter Relation
- Investigating the impact of diurnal cycle of SST on the intraseasonal and climate variability
- The influence of asymmetric convections on typhoon cyclonic deflection tracks across Taiwan
- The minerals orientation of lava dome in the Shamao mountain of Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan
- The petrography and mineral assemblages of low-grade metamorphic rock in the Central Range, Taiwan
- The petrography and mineral assemblages of porphyritic andesite in Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan
- Theoretical Estimation of the Death Toll caused by collapsed buildings in different regions of Taiwan.
- Erosion and deposition mode in a developing foreland basin: Temporal and spatial distribution of provenance in southwestern Taiwan
- Estimating Seismic Hazards from the Catalog of Taiwan Earthquakes from 1900 to 2014 in Terms of Maximum Magnitude
- Identifying slow-moving landslides using LiDAR DEM and SAR interferometry: An Example of 2006 Meinong Earthquake
- Impact of topography-radiation interaction on surface energy budget of the Tibetan Plateau in GCM simulations
- In terms of the Logarithmic Mean Annual Seismicity Rate and Its Standard Deviation to Present the Gutenberg-Richter Relation
- Interseismic Crustal Deformation and Strain Analysis of the Northern Taiwan from GPS and InSAR Measurements
- Is Fe-Ti type orogenic peridotite of crustal cumulate origin? Implication from Svartberget garnet peridotite/pyroxenite (Western Gneiss Complex, SW Norway)
- Petrographic analysis of prehistoric ceramics from the Huagangshan site of Hualien City, eastern Taiwan
- Probing dynamic hydrologic system of slowly-creeping landslides with passive seismic imaging: A comprehensive landslide monitoring site at Lantai, Ilan area in Taiwan
- A 3D Vp crustal structure of the northern Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan, from a dense seismic array after the 2018 Mw6.4 Hualien earthquake
- Aftershock sequence of 2018 Mw6.4 Hualien earthquake in eastern Taiwan from dense seismic array data set
- Channel Profiles Set by Lithology and Uplift in the Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan Orogen
- Drone-based mapping for surface ruptures of the 2018 Hualien, Taiwan, earthquake
- Geometry and kinematics of last-stage structures in the exhumation of young blueschists in the Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Structural Analysis of Bending Fold and Sub-Horizontal Foliation in the Eastern Central Range of Taiwan and Its Tectonic Implications
- Subsidence, Migration, and Destruction of a Plio-Pleistocene Retrowedge Foredeep Basin in Eastern Taiwan: Evidence for Un-Steady Growth of the Collisional Orogen
- The Characteristics of Alteration Mineral Assemblages of Low-Grade Metamorphic Rocks in the Chingshui Geothermal Field, Ilan, Taiwan
- The characteristics of low evapotranspiration in Chi-Lan montane cloud forest in Taiwan
- Active Volcanism Revealed from a Seismicity Conduit in the Long-resting Tatun Volcano Group of Northern Taiwan
- Aftershock Sequences of 2018 Mw6.4 and 2019 Mw6.2 Hualien Earthquakes in Eastern Taiwan from Dense Geophone Arrays
- Analysis of Structural and Magnetic Fabric in the Backbone Range of Taiwan and Its Tectonic Implications
- New P-T Constraints on Metasedimentary Rocks in the Yuli Belt, Eastern Taiwan: Evidence of Subduction Metamorphism and Implications for Blueschist Exhumation
- Plio-Pleistocene Convergence and Tectonic Recycling at the Oceanward Retrowedge Margin of an Active Arc-Continent Collision, Eastern Taiwan
- The Groundwater Characteristics in Highly Geothermal Potential Areas, the Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan.
- The Petrography Characteristics of Ductile Deformation of Andesite on the Shamao Mountain, Taiwan
- The diurnal surface fluxes-atmosphere relations in Taiwan's montane cloud forests
- Doming induced by rapid exhumed serpentinite bodies in the subduction mélange and the associated structures: a case study of the Yuli Belt in eastern Taiwan
- Madden-Julian Oscillation Enhances Phytoplankton Biomass in the Maritime Continent
- Applications of Sentinel-1 Data in Offshore Wind Farm Construction, Flooding, Earthquake and Taipei Basin
- Coarse sediment supply sets the slope of bedrock channels in rapidly uplifting terrain: Field and topographic evidence from eastern Taiwan
- Damage on living trees contributes to 36% of biomass losses in tropical forests
- Flux Partitioning of Evapotranspiration in Taiwan Montane Cloud Forests
- Characterizing complex metamorphism and deformation processes of high-PT rocks occurred in exhumed subduction channel: a case study of the Yuli Belt in eastern Taiwan
- How Local Processes Related to Deforestation in the Maritime Continent Influence the MJO