National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan
flowchart I[National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (56)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characteristics of Sprites and Elves and Their Effect on the Upper Atmosphere
- Compositions of On-Site Monitoring on Dissolved Gas of Drilling Mud Flow and Pore-Gases of Drilled Cores of TCDP
- Elves spectrum based on the ISUAL photometric data
- Gigantic jet observation by the ISUAL payload of FORMOSAT-2 satellite
- Observations of the O, O2, and OH airglows by the ISUAL instrument onboard the FORMOSAT 2 satellite
- Characteristics of TLEs observed by ISUAL/AP onboard FORMOSAT-2
- Electrical properties of lightning discharges producing sprite streamers and halos measured with the ISUAL/array photometer and ELF magnetometers
- The relationship between sprite luminous intensity and electrical property of parent lightning discharges using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL data
- Rainfall-Runoff Simulations with Regional Circulation Rainfall Model and Hydrological Watershed Model
- Total intensity data in geomagnetic fields locate earthquakes by using the frequency wavenumber analysis in Taiwan
- Variations Of Soil Gases On The Active Chihshang Fault In A Plate Suture Zone, Eastern Taiwan
- Radon and Helium as productive tools for earthquake precursory and fault delineation studies in NW Himalayas, India: An overview
- Spatial variation of radon and helium in soil gas vis-à-vis geology of area, NW Himalayas, India
- Developing of operational hydro-meteorological simulating and displaying system
- Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Morakot
- Applicability of an Integrated Media, Integrated Processes, Physics-Based Model WASH123D to Mountain Area Watersheds
- Radon Anomalies in Soil Gas as a Precursor Related to the 2010 Jiasian Earthquake in Southwestern Taiwan
- New Refined VP, VS, and VP/VS Seismic Tomography of Taiwan Orogen with Near-surface Correction (PS logging data)
- Application of WRF model forecasts and PERSIANN satellite rainfalls for real-time flood forecasting
- Continuous Monitoring of Soil Gas Geochemistry for Seismic Precursory Study in Taiwan
- An automated continuous system for seismo-geochemical research in an active fault zone in SW Taiwan
- Development of Hydrophone and Its Aapplications Use in OBS
- The 3D Velocity Structures beneath the Song Ma Fault Zone, North Vietnam
- The Initiation of Submarine Debris Flow after 2006 Pingtung Earthquake Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- The Study of Crustal Heterogeneity in Ma River Fault Zone, Vietnam : An Application in Receiver Function
- The Study of Fault Valve Behaviour by Using Microearthquake Source Parameters
- Constraint of magnetic models using seismic tomography in Taiwan
- Ground Motion Prediction for the Vicinity by Using the Microtremor Site-effect Correction
- Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone
- Station Correction of EEW System in Ilan, Taiwan
- Study of the Triggering Level of Dynamic Stress Induces Non-Volcanic Tremor in Longitudinal Valley in Eastern Taiwan
- The Case Study of Rupture Process and Its Implications beneath the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan
- Broad-band BOS (BBYB) development and calibration in Taiwan
- Geological implications of 0212 earthquake in 2014 at the Tatun volcanic group of Taiwan: Synergistic effect of volcanic and faulting activities
- Progress Towards a Comprehensive Site Database for Taiwan Strong Motion Network
- Relocation of micro-earthquakes in the Yeongdeok offshore area, Korea using local and Ocean bottom seismometers
- Empirical Site Amplification Factors Incorporating Soil Nonlinearity in Taiwan
- Identification of the Low-velocity Zone Beneath the Northern Taiwan by the P-wave Delays Analysis
- In terms of the Logarithmic Mean Annual Seismicity Rate and Its Standard Deviation to Present the Gutenberg-Richter Relation
- Intrusion of Kuroshio Diminishs Productivity and Coastal Eutrophication of the Northern South China Sea
- Microearthquake monitoring of the Shanchiao fault in northern Taiwan
- Station Corrected PGA Prediction for Onsite EEWs in Western Taiwan
- Deep sea hydrophone calibration and signal compare with seismometer, DPG on sea floor
- Observation of near-fault ground motions: case study of the 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien, Taiwan Earthquake
- Seasonal Distribution of Modern Planktonic Foraminifera in the South China Sea: Observation from Plankton Tows
- Shallow Subsurface Structure Beneath the Northern Part of the Longitudinal Valley in Eastern Taiwan Using the High-Frequency Receiver Function Technique from Dense Seismic Array
- The preliminary result of marine electromagnetic data in the western Okinawa Trough offshore NE Taiwan
- A Preliminary Study of Shallow Crustal Velocity Structures along the Deformation Front of the Taiwan Orogen Revealed by Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- Active Volcanism Revealed from a Seismicity Conduit in the Long-resting Tatun Volcano Group of Northern Taiwan
- Development of the Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Horizontal PGD in Taiwan
- Site correction of high frequency ground motion simulation in Taiwan considering linear to nonlinear soil response
- Study on attenuation structure of seismogenic zone in southwestern Taiwan
- The Implementation of Debris Flow Seismic Detector With Raspberry Shake
- The mud diapirism-dominated aseismic slip on the faults in southern Taiwan
- Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Dispersion and Ellipticity and Receiver Functions for crustal S-wave velocity structure of Northern Taiwan
- The Kuroshio Radiocesium Stream