Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, India
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Arsenic Cycling Within Bangladesh Sediments: Evidence for an Oxidative Front Causing Solid Phase Repartitioning
- Climate Change Projections for Bangladesh using PRECIS Regional Climate Change Model
- Labile Organic Carbon in Recharge and its Impact on Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Bangladesh
- Earthquake Occurrence in Bangladesh and Surrounding Region
- The character of organic carbon in recharge water and arsenic mobilization in Bangladesh aquifers
- Crab Burrows are Important Conduits for Groundwater Recharge in Bangladesh
- Delta Morphodynamics Matters! Ecosystem Services, Poverty and Morphodynamic Change in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Mega-Delta
- Characterization of Organic Carbon and Its Bioavailability in Recharge Waters and Aquifer Sediments: Implications for Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh
- Rainwater Harvesting-based Safe Water Access in Diarrhea-endemic Coastal Communities of Bangladesh under Threats of Climate Change
- The Role of Governance in Connecting Ecosystem Services and Livelihoods: Lessons from Bangladesh
- An integrated framework to assess plausible future livelihood and poverty changes in deltas: an application to coastal Bangladesh
- Comparing and contrasting observed adaptations in three deltas: the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra, Mahanadi and Volta
- Downscaling SSPs in Bangladesh - Integrating Science, Modelling and Stakeholders Through Qualitative and Quantitative Scenarios
- Ecosystem services and livelihoods in deltaic environments
- Salinity Impacts on Agriculture and Groundwater in Delta Regions
- Sensitivity of Different Satellites Gridded data over Brahmaputra Basin by using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Forcing Mechanisms for the Variations of Near-surface Temperature Lapse Rates along the Himalayas, Tibetan Plateau (HTP) and Their Surroundings
- Integrated Socio-Environmental Assessment of Deltas to Support Strategic Planning and Management
- Improving Simulations of Extreme Flows by Coupling a Physically-based Hydrologic Model with a Machine Learning Model
- Using Novel Laboratory Incubations and Field Experiments to Identify the Source and Fate of Reactive Organic Carbon in an Arsenic-contaminated Aquifer System
- Analysis on River Bank Erosion-Accretion of Dharla River (Bangladesh) using Multi-Temporal Satellite Images
- Impact of rainwater harvesting on stormwater runoff: Case Study of Eastern Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Improving Parametric Cyclonic Wind Fields Using CYGNSS (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) Data
- Investing in the Coastal Poor: Societal Trade-offs for Water Security Infrastructure
- A counterfactual approach to causal assessment of the Ganges water agreement
- Climate Change Induced Disaster and Adaption Strategy at Coastal Region of Bangladesh: a Case Study on Saint Martin Island
- Effect of Climate Change to Irrigation Water Requirement in an Irrigation Project of Bangladesh
- Geochemical and Hydrological Controls on Occurrence of Arsenic and Manganese in Aquifers of Chittagong, a Rapidly Expanding Coastal City of Bangladesh
- Impact of Land Subsidence on Extreme Sea Levels and Floodings in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Seasonal Weather Prediction for Bangladesh Based on ENSO Condition
- Climate Change, Water Resources Degradation and Water Scarcity Risk: A Cross-Section of Informal Settlements in Dhaka City
- Informing the Ganges Water Treaty: Analysis of simulated transboundary streamflow and downstream salinity in Bangladesh
- Morpho-dynamic Responses of Braided Bars in Climate Extreme
- Assessing the Potential of Satellite-Retrieved and Global Land Data Assimilation System-Simulated Soil Moisture Datasets for Soil Moisture Mapping in Bangladesh
- Defining the Threshold values of Thermodynamic Indices for Forecasting the Pre-Monsoon Thunderstorms over northeast Bangladesh
- Design of Stormwater Drainage Network in SWMM to Alleviate Urban Flood Hazard of Dhaka City
- Evapotranspiration Estimation Solely from Remote Sensing Data: A Machine Learning Based Approach
- Flood Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network (ANNs): A Case study of Jamuna River
- Flood Forecasting in a data-scarce region based on GRACE and SMAP data
- Modeling Flood Inundation Caused by Embankment Breaching in Eastern Floodplain of Brahmaputra-Jamuna River of Bangladesh using 1D-2D Coupled Hydraulic Model
- Projection of Precipitation and Temperature Extremes over Bangladesh from CMIP6 SSP-RCP Scenarios
- Saved by sediment: a review of sedimentation enhancing strategies for river deltas
- Science in Societies: An International Survey of Over 200 Jurisdictions Using Sea Level Rise Projections in Adaptation Planning
- Sustaining Groundwater-fed Irrigation Through The Ganges Water Machine: Evidence From Bangladesh
- A Comparison of SWAT and Artificial Neural Network Models for Streamflow Simulation in a Data-Scarce Region.
- Assessing Future Climate Change Impacts Using CMIP6 Projections to Design Climate Resilient Infrastructures in North Central Bangladesh
- Assessing Long Term Spatio-temporal Trend on the Confluence of the River Ganges-Jamuna using Geospatial Technology
- Assessment of Rainwater Harvesting Potential in Coastal Region of Bangladesh: An Application of Daily Water Balance Model
- Assessment of the Increasing Intensity of Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) due to Climate Change Using Remote Sensing Analysis in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
- Environmental Flow Assessment by Hydrological Method: A Case Study on Dhaka Peripheral River System
- Evaluation of the Early Warning System of Flood in the North-Eastern Region of Bangladesh
- Gender Considerations in Flood Management: A Case Study in Bangladesh
- Household Level Adaptation Response to Extreme Flood Events
- Impact of Ganges Water Diversion and Discharge-Salinity Variability on the Largest Mangrove Forest 'Sundarban' from 2001 to 2021
- Salinity Simulation of Bishkhali River using HEC-RAS due to Sea Level Rise
- Satellite Fusion Based Historical Inundation Estimates for Accurate Return Period Estimates in Bangladesh