Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
flowchart I[Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (29)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effective lengths of crossed wire antennas onboard Akebono
- 3D Hybrid Simulation method Using Finite Difference and Discrete Wavenumber Method
- A Study on Simulating High-Frequency Strong Vertical Motions
- Characteristics of crossed wire antennas onboard Akebono
- Characteristics of wire antennas onboard Akebono satellite
- Bedform Stability Fields for Smaller Density Ratio
- Bedform morphology under combined flows with a 6-second oscillation period
- Cyclic Steps and Antidunes : Relating Their Features to a Suspension Index
- Delta-foreset bedding reflecting the development of cyclic steps on the alluvial topset surface: Flume experiments
- Bedform existence diagrams for open channel flow: light weight plastic versus quartz
- Development of High-resolution Real-Time Strong Motion Observation Network in CEORKA
- Analog experiments on the formation of spiral troughs on the North Polar Ice cap of Mars : Layered deposits emplaced by cyclic steps on ice
- Boundary Waves on the Ice Surface Created by Currents
- Cyclic steps incised on experimental bedrock
- Experimental study of bedforms formed by Froude supercritical density currents
- Tsunami-genic turbidity currents: observation and estimation of flow conditions (Invited)
- Discriminant functions for formative conditions of bedforms in open-channel flows
- Experimental study on cyclic steps formed by surge-type turbidity currents
- First direct observations linking confined supercritical turbidity currents to their depositional architecture and facies characteristics
- Formation of Cyclic Steps due to Surge-Type Turbidity Currents: Flume Experiments and Numerical Simulation
- Analysis of important environmental factors affecting the nitrate concentration of stream waters in Kinki region of Japan using Random Forest model
- Flume experiments for cyclic steps in submarine channel-lobe transition zone
- Characteristics of precipitation and discharge using a pseudo global warming experiment result of the typhoon No.12, 2011 in the River Shingu,JAPAN
- Trend of long-term changes in precipitation and discharge in the River Yamato basin by pseudo-global warming experiment
- Accompanied by climate change due to global warming Prediction of changes in the flow conditions of the Yamato River system
- Analysis of the Effects of the Number of Visitors and Evacuation Guidance Methods on Crowd Evacuation in an Underground Shopping Mall: Using multi-agent simulation
- Changes of river discharge and temperature by using distributed runoff model with the global warming experiments, frequency analysis of drought
- A Flume Experiment for Features of Turbidity Currents Constructing Cyclic Steps and Grain Size Distribution
- Rational evaluation of river discharge for rainfall considering flowing time