Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
flowchart I[Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (68)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Importance of Permafrost for Water Cycle and Vegetation in East Siberian Taiga
- Long-Term Carbon Dioxide Exchange Measurements above Japanese Forests by FFPRI FluxNet
- Present Status of AsiaFLux Network and a View Toward the Future
- Siberian taiga forest regeneration monitoring with winter LANDSAT ETM+ images
- Modeling of spectral characteristics of post-fire forest floors in east Siberian taiga for satellite data interpretation
- Relation Between Carbon-13/Carbon-12 Ratio and Ring Index of Eastern Siberian Trees Changes Under Different Water Conditions
- Determining the Snow Depth Distribution on a Mountain Slope Using an Airborne Laser Scanner
- Radial Distribution of Photosynthetically Spiked Carbon-13 Tracer in a Tree Ring
- The effect of pore water pressure on debris flow dynamics
- Two-Component Hydrograph Separation and Mean Residence Time at Small Forested Catchments in Japan
- Remote Sensing of Forest Floor and Upper Layer LAI Evaluated With IKONOS Satellite in East Siberian Taiga
- Mapping of Net Ecosystem Productivity Based on Remote Sensing of Upper Canopy and Forest Floor in an East Siberian Larch Forest.
- Measurement and Simulation of the Dew Profile in the Plant Canopy
- Soil respiration model with a plant canopy: Hydrological and thermal effects of canopy characteristics on soil respiration
- Baseflow residence time estimation using seasonal variation in deuterium excess
- Carbon Allocation of 13CO2-labeled Photoassimilate in Larix gmelinii Saplings - A Physiological Basis for Isotope Dendroclimatology in Eastern Siberia.
- Disagreement of End-Members and Geographic Sources of Streamwater: Riparian Control Mechanism
- EBBR Observation and fluctuation of evapotranspiration in a Cambodian evergreen forest
- Influence of canopy snow on water and energy balances above and below the canopy of a coniferous plantation in northern Japan
- Modeling Forest Soil Organic Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Japanese Forest Soils
- Sap Flow Estimate Of Watershed-Scale Transpiration
- Simulation of rainfall interception using multilayer model in evergreen broadleaf forest, Cambodia
- Modeling Forest Soil Organic Carbon of Japanese Forest Soils
- Multi-model analysis of terrestrial water and carbon cycles in Japan: Japan-MIP
- Spatial and temporal variations in oxygen isotopic ratios of tree-ring cellulose in Japan during last three centuries
- Stable isotopes and inorganic elements as potential indicators of timber geographic origin
- Stream water residence time in a small gneiss watershed with a thick weathered layer
- A parsimonious, process-based hydrological model for headwater catchments
- Input-decomposition balance of heterotrophic processes in a warm-temperate mixed forest in Japan
- Stability and vulnerability of organic carbon stored in Japanese forest soils
- Variation of Retention Curves in the Past 70 years in the Tatsunokuchi-yama Forested Experimental Watershed
- Seasonal Variations of δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Biogenic Tracer Compounds in Water-Soluble Organic Aerosols in a Broadleaf Deciduous Forest
- Soil organic matter degradability in four Japanese forest soils
- Relation between deforestation and rainfall intensity - duration thresholds for landslide occurrences: A case study of Mt. Ichifusa, Japan
- Tree manipulation experiment
- Applying ICESat/GLAS data to estimate forest aboveground biomass on Hokkaido, Japan
- Characteristics of nitrogen mineralization rates and controlling factors in forest soils in Japanese archipelago
- Comparison of CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in a larch forest on permafrost and a pine forest on non-permafrost soils in Central Siberia
- On the global relationships between photosynthetic water-use efficiency, leaf mass per unit area and atmospheric demand in woody and herbaceous plants
- Super High Resolution Airborne Remote Sensing for Evaluating the Decomposition Function of Ecosystem of Temperate Forest in Japan
- Effects of anthropogenic nitrogen input on the aquatic food webs of river ecosystem in central Japan
- Carbon Dynamics of Surface Soil after Land Use Change in a Seasonal Tropical Forest in North-eastern Thailand: Application of a Stable Carbon Isotope Mixing Model
- Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia
- Factors Governing Stemflow Production from Plantation Grown Teak Trees in Thailand
- The Clear Seasonal Difference of Carbon Flow in Teak Plantation in Northern Thailand
- The influence of fine sediment on the fluidity of debris flows based on the equilibrium concentration and friction coefficient
- Rainfall interception at the intrastorm scale: insights from a mature coniferous forest
- The topography-mediated temporal and spatial variation in CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux from the leaf litter layer on a warm-temperate forest in Japan
- Calibration of thermal dissipation sap flow probes for Japanese cedar trees
- Changing evapotranspiration in a natural Cambodian tropical seasonal forest under the effect of a strong El Niño
- Effect of throughfall type on drop size distribution and soil erosion potential in a teak plantation in northern Thailand
- Hydrological and biogeochemical responses and recovery processes after forest clear-cutting: The effects of small-scale forest management
- Righting a Wrong: Expressing Stemflow Commensurate with its Ecohydrological Importance
- The importance of gauge calibration in quantifying canopy interception loss
- The importance of understory vegetation to evapotranspirational losses from a Cambodian deciduous forest
- Application of ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data for deforestation monitoring in Japan
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Effect of tree species, leaf states, and rainfall intensity on throughfall generation and throughfall partitioning by use of a large-scale rainfall simulator
- Estimating the influence of seasonal changes in ecophysiological traits on canopy CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O fluxes in a Japanese cedar forest
- Streamflow response and recovery after forest disturbance in different climates
- Investigating Infiltration Areas and Infiltration Funneling Ratios for American Beech Trees
- Observation of CH4 emission at the proglacial land surface, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska
- Peak grain forecasts in the U.S. High Plains amid withering waters
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- Vertical Variation in Branchflow and Stemflow Cycling of Radiocesium between Coniferous and Deciduous Forests in Japan
- Distinctive Lateral Erosion along Rivers as Part of Strath-Terrace Formation during an Unprecedented Rainfall Event in Catchments Rich in Deposits Accumulated under the Past Cold Climate in Hokkaido, Japan
- Infilling rates of hollows in a landslide-prone area of Hiroshima City, western Japan: Estimation from radiocarbon dates and high-resolution DEMs
- Methane emission observed at glaciers terminus area in Alaska, 2019-2022