University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
flowchart I[University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (63)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (16)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of KwaZulu-Natal, Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit
- University of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Dispersion Characteristics for Plasma Resonances of Maxwellian and Kappa Distribution Plasmas and their Comparisons to the IMAGE/RPI Observations
- Results From the European Sprite2003 Campaign
- Toward Defining Archean Plate Motion
- Defining the Magnetic Field of the Early Earth Through Rock Magnetic and Paleomagnetic Analyses of Single Silicate Crystals
- Experimentally Determined Emplacement Conditions of the Ultra-Depleted Komatiites of Commondale, South Africa: More wet Archean Komatiites
- Rock magnetic and paleointensity data from plagioclase crystals of the Stormberg (Karoo) Lavas of Lesotho
- Distinct brief major events in the Karoo large igneous province clarified by new 40Ar/39Ar ages on the Lesotho basalts
- New approaches for the determination of absolute paleointensity: long and short-term trends
- Quantifying the Primary Controls on Silica Storage and Mobilization in Grass Dominated Ecosystems
- Constraints on Earth's oldest magnetic field
- Preliminary paleointensity investigation of Iron Age pottery shards from southern Africa
- Structural and Compositional Constraints on the Emplacement of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- Very High Temporal Resolution Measurements of Subauroral Electric fields Associated With Bursts of Pi 1 Pulsations During the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Departures from Sinusoidal Variation in the Occurrence of Lightning in Equatorial Africa
- Evidence for a 3.45 Billion-Year-Old Geodynamo
- Magnetic Carriers In Archean Cherts from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Multispecimen and temper archeomagnetic studies: Application to Iron Age sites from southern Africa
- Centennial geomagnetic field strength change recorded in Iron Age (1000-1800 AD) ceramics from southern Africa
- Hall Magnetohydrodynamics with Electron inertia
- Paleointensity, solar wind and magnetopause 3.45 billion years ago (Invited)
- Archaeomagnetic analyses of Iron Age burnt hut floors from southern African
- Ionospheric Current System over the African Region and East Asian Region as Observed by MAGDAS Stations (Invited)
- Precipitation downscaling for hydrological applications using regional climate model outputs (Invited)
- What is inverse fabric in basalt? An alternative explanation
- Does the seafloor morphology of the southern Mozambique Channel provide evidence for persistent bottom-current flow and deep-reaching eddy activity?
- The true distribution of TGF fluence measured from space
- Projected Climate Impacts to South African Maize and Wheat Production in 2055: a Comparison of Empirical and Mechanistic Modeling Approaches
- Infilling missing hydrological data - methods and consequences
- Tracing the history of the South Atlantic Anomaly on an Archeomagnetic Timescale
- E-Infrastructure and Data Management for Global Change Research
- Spatial Statistical Model for the Optimal Combination of Direct and Indirect Precipitation Measurements
- An Archeomagnetic Record From Southern Africa and its Bearing on the History of the South Atlantic Anomaly
- Plans for an Enhanced Terrestrial and Freshwater Environmental Observation Network in South Africa
- Space-time simulation and disaggregation of observed precipitation using a copula based stochastic model
- The sequence of events in a lightning stroke: terrestrial gamma ray flash, radio signal and optical lightning.
- Authentic scientific research in an international setting as a path toward higher education
- Combining Radar and Daily Precipitation Data to Estimate Meaningful Sub-daily Precipitation Extremes
- Physicochemical Characterization of Nanoparticles from Indoor Ventilation Systems and Their Potential Health Impacts
- New Pleomagnetic Evidence for Counter Clockwise Rotation of the Dofan Magmatic Segment Linked to Variation in Fault Slip Directions Along the Different Fault Systems, Main Ethiopian Rift.
- Space-time precipitation extremes for urban hydrology
- To Tip or Not to Tip: The Case of the Congo Basin Rainforest Realm
- Archeomagnetism of southern Africa and history of the South Atlantic Anomaly: A new 930 AD record from Makodu, Botswana
- Between a Rock and a Hard place: How the Geological Framework Dictates the Onshore and Offshore Diamond Placer Grade of Southern Namibia
- How the storm-generated lag of a shoreface connected ridge system controls sediment volume partitioning between the upper and lower shoreface
- Nearshore Geological Control by Wave Ravinement: Antecedent and Contemporary Effects in the Response of Coastal Barriers to Sea Level Rise
- Vulnerability of Malawi's water, energy and food security to threshold behaviour of Lake Malawi - A lake-basin modelling study
- Ecosystem response to extreme drought in a South African savanna grassland.
- New Preliminary Magnetostratigraphy Study of the Karoo Large Igneous Province (LIP) Stormberg Lavas, Sani Pass Section, Kwazulu Natal Province (SA) - Lesotho Border.
- Paleointensity variations around 30 Ma estimated from successive lava flows of the Afro-Arabian Large Igneous Province
- The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Index and its Application to the South African Development Community
- Earth Observation data as input to a Water-Energy-Food System Dynamics Model in the Songwe River Basin
- Global risk to livestock of heat stress under climate change
- New preliminary magnetostratigraphy study of the Karoo Large Igneous Province (LIP) Stormberg lavas, SaniPass section, Kwazulu Natal Province (SA) -Lesotho border.
- WEF-Tools: A multifaceted approach to support sustainable and socio-economic development in the SADC and MENA regions
- An Updated Magnetostratigraphy for Karoo Large Igneous Province (LIP) Stormberg Lavas, Sani Pass Section, KwaZulu Natal Province South Africa-Lesotho Border.
- Strain accommodations during rift linkage in the central Afar, East Africa
- "Groundwater usually requires little or no treatment": implications of untreated groundwater for health and climate resilient water supply
- Active faulting suppresses bedform development on a (supercritical) deep-water fan
- Characterization of Emerging Contaminants in the water supply sources of Awash River Basin, central Ethiopia
- Clockwise Rotation of the Gedemsa Magmatic Segment during the Early Pleistocene, Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia
- Health outcome of water scarcity under changing climate and the benefits of sustainable use of groundwater to overcome the growing challenge: Cases from Ethiopia
- Sustainable Agriculture Matrix (SAM) Consortium: a Transdisciplinary and Transnational Network to Guide the Pursuit of Sustainable Agriculture
- The effects of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in the ionospheric F-region on the SuperDARN Near Range Echoes observed in the E-region