Geoscience Australia
flowchart I[Geoscience Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (283)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (55)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cyanobacterial Bioamarkers: Triterpenoids plus Steroids?
- Crustal Structure of the Continent-Ocean Boundary Zone Using Seismic Refraction and Reflection Data, Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia
- Fly River Sediment Input to the Northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Holocene Records of Antarctic Shelf Bottom Currents - A Key to Understanding Global Ocean Circulation in a Warmer Earth?
- New Seismic Reflection Images of the Continent-Ocean Transition across the Exmouth and Cuvier Margins, off Northwestern Australia
- Paleogene tectonics and the sediments deposited as Australia and Antarctica separated: ODP Leg 189
- Tectonic Stress Directions in Japan Obtained Using an Integrated Seismicity Catalog
- Underthrusting at the Hjort Trench, Australia-Pacific Plate Boundary: Incipient Subduction?
- Was Antarctica kept warm by subtropical waters in the Eocene? Part 1: Evidence from biotic endemism
- Was Antarctica kept warm by subtropical waters in the Eocene? Part 2: Climate Model results
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Contrasting Patterns of Climate Variability in the Mid-Latitude North Atlantic During the Last 3 Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Convergence history, topography, and early structural evolution of an obliquely convergent oceanic plate boundary: central and southern Macquarie Ridge Complex, Southwest Pacific
- Evidence for Low Sea Level Incision of the Gulf Of Papua Shelf by the Fly River and by Tidal Currents During the Quaternary
- Insights into along-strike passive continental margin variability from seismic reflection, refraction and gravity data, Northwest Australia
- Late Cretaceous to Oligocene Geological History of the East Tasman Plateau, a Key Piece of the Tasmanian Gateway Story
- Marine Isotopic Stage 5e in the Southwest Pacific: Similarities with Antarctica and ENSO Inferences
- A Geophysical Study of the Cadell Fault Scarp for Earthquake Hazard Assessment in Southeast Australia
- A Marine Geophysical Study of the Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica
- How Big is Bedout?
- Identification of Quaternary Faults in Southwest Western Australia Using DEM-based Hill Shading
- Identifying Active Faulting in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Using a Temporary Seismometer Deployment
- Low Stress Drop Swarm Events in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
- Meteorite Impact at the Bedout High, NW Australian Margin, and Seismic Velocities: is There a Connection?
- Tertiary Sedimentation Patterns on the Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica (100-140E)
- The George V Land Continental Margin (East Antarctica): new Insights Into Bottom Water Production and Quaternary Glacial Processes from the WEGA project
- Automated Regolith Thickness Estimation for Site Classification
- Highly Resolved Kinematic Fault Models of Two Nankai Trough Earthquakes Derived From Tsunami Waveforms
- Historic Tsunami in the Indian Ocean
- National Site Classification Map for Australia
- Preliminary investigation of the hazard faced by Western Australia from tsunami generated along the Sunda Arc
- Using the Assay Data Exchange standard with WFS to build a complete minerals exploration data-transfer chain
- A Probabilistic Tsunami Assessment for Western Australia and the South coast of Java
- Aeromagnetic Survey by Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Magneto-Resistant Magnetometer at the northern Kalgoorlie area, Western Australia
- Analogue and Distinct Element Models of Accretionary Prisms and Fold-and-Thrust Belts
- Correlated carbon and oxygen isotope signatures in eclogitic diamonds with coesite inclusions: A SIMS investigation of diamonds from Guaniamo, Argyle and Orapa mines
- Lipid Biomarker Records Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary from Kap Stosch, Greenland
- Modelling the slip of the 17 July, Java earthquake using seismic, GPS, and tide gauge data
- Near Real-Time Determination of Earthquake Source Properties and Tsunami Potential Using Long Period Surface Waves
- The Impact of the 2006 Java Tsunami on the Australian Coast: Post-tsunami Survey at Steep Point, West Australia
- The May 3, 2006 (Mw 7.9) Tonga Earthquake: Shallow Thrust or Slab Tear? Evidence From Locally Recorded Aftershocks
- Accurate earthquake location using automatically determined later phases
- Coordinating Communities and Building Governance in the Development of Schematic and Semantic Standards: the Key to Solving Global Earth and Space Science Challenges in the 21st Century.
- Deep-ocean tsunami modelling based on the teleseismic source model of the 2006 Kuril earthquake
- EQRM: An open-source event-based earthquake risk modeling program
- GPS observation of compaction or expansion of the Perth basin aquifer system
- GPS-geodetic monitoring of the South West Seismic Zone (SWSZ) of western Australia: progress after two observation epochs in 2002 and 2006
- GeochronML - O&M, GeoSciML and the Age of the Earth: Developing a geochronology data model
- Oblique, ultra-slow Australian-Antarctic spreading mechanism explains lateral differences in transitional crust
- Reconciling Neotectonic and Seismic Recurrence Rates in SW Australia
- Shallow coseismic deformation in Western Australia observed with InSAR and seismic data
- Slip distributions of the southern Sumatra earthquake doublet of September 12, 2007 estimated from teleseismic inversion
- Surface Deformation from ALOS Interferometry Related to the July 2006 Seismic Crisis and Dike Intrusion on Central New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
- The Contribution of Starlette/Stella SLR to Terrestrial Reference Frame Definition
- The GeoSciML Logical Model
- The Potential for Giant Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in the Northern Bay of Bengal
- Towards an operational IDS combination
- World Wide Web Access to Fluid Inclusion Data for Computational Modelling and Simulation
- A First-pass Natural Hazard Risk Assessment for the Asia-Pacific Region
- A review of methods for the statistical comparison of detrital zircon age distributions
- Diatom assemblages as guides to flow conditions during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Phra Thong Island, Thailand
- Environmental Implications of Ediacaran C-isotopic Shifts
- Finite-fault Earthquake Source Inversion to Support Tsunami Warning and Hazard Assessment
- The Role and Practice of Property Optimisation to Help Evaluate 3D Geological Models using Gravity and Magnetic Data
- Using SHRIMP Zircon Geochronology to Characterise the Evolution of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, Australia
- Ambient seismic noise tomography of Southeast Asia and Australia
- Evidence for chondritic Lu/Hf in the early crust - mantle system from Antarctic and Western Australian Eoarchean zircon
- Ground Penetrating Radar as a Means of Studying Palaeofault Scarps in a Deeply Weathered Terrain, Southwestern Western Australia
- IDS contribution to ITRF2008
- Lithosphere Delamination Caused Permanent Subsidence of New Caledonia Trough and Transient Uplift of Lord Howe Rise During Cenozoic Initiation of Tonga-Kermadec Subduction, Western Pacific (Invited)
- Multiple data types used to analyze the 15 July, 2009, Mw=7.8 earthquake south of New Zealand
- New Geodetic Infrastructure for Australia: The NCRIS / AuScope Geospatial Component
- OG1: A Natural Reference Material for Quantifying SIMS Instrumental Mass Fractionation of Pb Isotopes During Zircon Dating
- Receiver function studies of Northern Sumatra
- The Kauring Airborne Gravity Test Site, Western Australia
- Towards Automated Seismic Moment Tensor Inversion in Australia Using 3D Structural Model
- A upper mantle electrical conductivity profile beneath the Australian continent and a comparison with a laboratory-based model
- APREF Project: Results and Analysis
- Anatomy of the central Chile forearc and influence on megathrust seismogenic behavior (Invited)
- Constrained optimisation of the parameters for a simple isostatic Moho model
- Crustal Stress in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, From Earthquake First Motion Data
- The Effect of an Uncalibrated Radome on ITRF
- Autocorrelation of Seismic Traces - Recovery of the Australian Moho
- Characteristics of SCR seismicity inferred from Australia's Quaternary faulting record
- How Do Deep Saline Aquifer Microbial Communities Respond to Supercritical CO2 Injection?
- IGSN e.V.: Registration and Identification Services for Physical Samples in the Digital Universe
- Impact of Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 on DORIS combination
- Rock property data - are these data lost in the long tail or are they just a myth?
- Space currents generated by the earthquakes
- Towards a Collaborative Online Workspace and Unified Standards for Geochemical Data
- Using the Tilt-Depth method to map depth of cover in areas of relatively shallow basement in Australia from high resolution aeromagnetic data
- A GPS, VLBI and local tie inter-comparison: first results for the Australian AuScope Array
- A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Indonesia
- A Strong-motion catalog for Indonesia
- AEM and NMR: Tools for the Future of Groundwater Management
- An evaluation of onshore digital elevation models for tsunami inundation modelling
- Assessing sensitivity of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) to fault parameters: Sumatra case study
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Densification of the ITRF through the weekly combination of regional and global GNSS solutions
- Developments for 3D gravity and magnetic modeling in spherical coordinates
- Improved source parameters using a new regional velocity model for seismic hazard assessment in Indonesia
- Isolation of microorganisms from CO2 sequestration sites through enrichments under high pCO2
- Past, Present, and Future Challenges in Earthquake Hazard Mitigation of Indonesia: A Collaborative Work of Geological Agency Indonesia and Geoscience Australia
- Preliminary work on the DORIS contribution to the next International Terrestrial Reference Frame
- Source Spectra and Site Response for Two Indonesian Earthquakes: the Tasikmalaya and Kerinci Events of 2009
- The 1992 Flores Earthquake Revisited: From Earthquake Source to Tsunami Inundation
- The Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL): Scientific Workflows Operating Across Organizations and Across Infrastructures
- Thermal Modelling of Amagmatic Heat Sources as an Exploration Tool for Hot Rock Geothermal Systems
- Towards international guidelines for CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage resource estimation
- ';Big Data' can make a big difference: Applying Big Data to National Scale Change Analyses
- A Collaborative Approach Toward the Densification of the ITRF Velocity Field
- A Trans-disciplinary Hydrogeological Systems Analysis Approach for Identifying and Assessing Managed Aquifer Recharge Options: Example from the Darling River Floodplain, N.S.W., Australia
- A conceptual model for groundwater - surface water interactions in the Darling River Floodplain, N.S.W., Australia
- A model of weathering intensity for the Australian continent
- Application of 3D back-projection for source properties of large events using small sets of well distributed seismic stations
- Auscope: Australian Earth Science Information Infrastructure using Free and Open Source Software
- Australia's space-geodetic observing system: past, present, and future
- Characterising and modelling regolith stratigraphy using multiple geophysical techniques
- Controlled source back-projection using seismic arrays for early warning
- Coping with the deluge of ';Big Data': The challenge of exploiting satellite earth observation data in the new era of High Performance Data
- Data Scientists ARE coming of age: but WHERE are they coming from?
- Data stewardship - a fundamental part of the scientific method (Invited)
- Development of tsunami hazard maps for the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia, using heterogeneous slip models
- Embedding Data Stewardship in Geoscience Australia
- Enabling a Scientific Cloud Marketplace: VGL (Invited)
- Facilitating Stewardship of scientific data through standards based workflows
- Field-aligned Current Generated by the Acoustic Gravity Waves and Their Structure Inferred from Ground Observations
- GNSS Antenna Calibration Facility at Geoscience Australia
- Global seafloor geomorphic features map: applications for ocean conservation and management
- Interoperability in multi-disciplinary, multi-organisational research environments (Invited)
- Optimising Back-projection for Source Character in 3-D
- Reject the ridiculous and explore the plausible: A Bayesian McMC approach to model assessment and uncertainty analysis for airborne electromagnetic surveys (Invited)
- SEDMI - the Search for Extreme, Deep Magnetization Intensities
- Sensitivity of detection of fugitive methane emissions from coal seam gas fields
- The New world of ';Big Data' Analytics and High Performance Data: A Paradigm shift in the way we interact with very large Earth Observation datasets (Invited)
- Towards Spherical Mesh Gravity and Magnetic Modelling in an HPC Environment
- Will our Current Data Rescue, Curation and Preservation Practices bring us out of the Digital Dark Ages and into the Renaissance of Multi-Source Science? (Invited)
- Collaboratively Architecting a Scalable and Adaptable Petascale Infrastructure to Support Transdisciplinary Scientific Research for the Australian Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Computational Environments and Analysis methods available on the NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform
- Enabling Data Intensive Science through Service Oriented Science: Virtual Laboratories and Science Gateways
- Large-Scale Data Collection Metadata Management at the National Computation Infrastructure
- Paleoseismology of the Mt. Narryer Fault Zone, West Central Western Australia: a Multi-Segment Intraplate Fault System
- The Impact of the AuScope VLBI Observations and the Regional AUSTRAL Sessions on the TRF
- The NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform to Support the Analysis of Petascale Environmental Data Collections
- Tracking Paths of Ocean Source Ambient Seismic Noise into, and through, the 3D Earth
- Tsunamis: Global Exposure and Local Risk Analysis
- Uplift and Erosion Histories of Continents From Inversion of Drainage Networks
- Benchmarking Passive Seismic Methods of Imaging Surface Wave Velocity Interfaces Down to 300 m — Mapping Murray Basin Thickness in Southeastern Australia
- Discrete Global Grid Systems - A Framework for the next Era in Big Earth Data
- Earthquake Performance of Structures in the Philippines: A Post-event Assessment of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake
- From Source to Damage: A Case study of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake
- IGSN at Work in the Land Down Under: Exploiting an International Sample Identifier System to Enhance Reproducibility of Australian Geochemcial and Geochronological Data.
- Modelling properties and understanding processes across different spatial scales within the critical zone through environmental correlation.
- Post-seismic induced deformation after great earthquakes in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Staying in the Light: Evaluating Sustainability Models for Brokering Software
- The Application of Speaker Recognition Techniques in the Detection of Tsunamigenic Earthquakes
- The Australian Geodetic Observing Program. Current Status and Future Plans
- Using Noble Gas Tracers to Estimate CO<SUB>2</SUB> Saturation in the Field: Results from the 2014 CO2CRC Otway Repeat Residual Saturation Test
- A high resolution magnetostratigraphic profile across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Southern Sydney Basin, eastern Australia
- AusLAMP long period magnetotellurics: progress update and new insights into Victorian geology and mineral prospectivity
- Enabling Data-as- a-Service (DaaS) - Biggest Challenge of Geoscience Australia
- First insights into the deep structure across the Tasman Basin and Lord Howe Rise from wide-angle seismic data
- Geoscience Australia's enterprise application of provenance standards and systems for physical and digital objects
- IGSN at Geoscience Australia: implementation and promotion of international sample identifiers system to forster collaboration in Australia and beyond.
- Implementation of the Australian Water Observations from Space (WOfS) Algorithm in Africa and South America using the CEOS Data Cube
- Linking netCDF Data with the Semantic Web - Enhancing Data Discovery Across Domains
- Mapping the depth of base of magnetisation and its uncertainty for Australia, and integrating with potential-field, magnetotelluric and seismic data to further the knowledge of the Australian crustal architecture
- Mid-19<SUP>th</SUP> Century Intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water on Antarctic Margin Recorded by Stylasterid Corals
- QBCov: A Linked Data interface for Discrete Global Grid Systems, a new approach to delivering coverage data on the web
- Realising the Benefits of Adopting and Adapting Existing CF Metadata Conventions to a Broader Range of Geoscience Data
- The Effect of GPS Satellite Antenna Phase Centre Offset Modeling on the ITRF?
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Lord Howe Rise continental ribbon: a fragment of eastern Gondwana that reveals the drivers of continental rifting and plate tectonics
- The Lord Howe Rise: new views of the enigmatic continental ribbon breakup from multi-channel seismic reflection data
- The Role of Discrete Global Grid Systems in the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework
- Titanium Isotopes Link the High 3He/4He Reservoir to Continent Formation
- Towards seismic waveform inversion of long-offset Ocean-Bottom Seismic data for deep crustal imaging offshore Western Australia
- Application of a new genetic classification and semi-automated geomorphic mapping approach in the Perth submarine canyon, Australia
- Breathing new life into old collections - revitalising Geoscience Australia Microscope Slide Based collections through the use of Citizen Science
- Building a Generic Virtual Research Environment Framework for Multiple Earth and Space Science Domains and a Diversity of Users.
- Dynamic Data Citation through Provenance - new approach for reproducible science in Geoscience Australia.
- Earthquake Intensity and Strong Motion Analysis Within SEISCOMP3
- Geoscience Australia Publishes Sample Descriptions using W3C standards
- New insights into the geodiversity of the southeast Indian Ocean seafloor revealed by Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 search data
- Steps towards Improving GNSS Systematic Errors and Biases
- Submarine glacial landforms and interactions with volcanism around Sub-Antarctic Heard and McDonald Islands
- Time dependent data, time independent models: challenges of updating Australia's National Seismic Hazard Assessment
- A low-angle normal fault earthquake and tsunami: The 1852 Banda Sea Earthquake, Eastern Indonesia
- Analysis of the 25th February 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.5 Papua New Guinea Southern Highland Fold-and-Thrust Belt Earthquake using ALOS2 and GNSS Observations
- AusSeabed: Collaborating to Maximise Australian Seabed Mapping Efforts
- Enhancing Australian Foundation Spatial Data Framework to support Australia's future
- Ferruginous upwelling and phosphate availability in the Mesoproterozoic Roper Basin, Australia.
- Geoscience Australia: developing a data strategy to maximise the value of geoscientific and geospatial data to ensure Australia's economic and political future
- International collaboration for magnetotelluric data and model sharing and interoperability
- Machine-learning - converting geoscience data into predictive geochemical and 3D surface models.
- Making Northern Zealandia: The Breakup of Eastern Gondwana
- Modernising Historic Aerial Photography
- OGC Standards and Working Groups for geoscience
- OneGeology; a mechanism for collaboration on global platforms and initiatives for interoperable subsurface data
- Repeatedly Occurring Tsunami Earthquakes in the Kermadec Ridge, New Zealand
- Reviving an old and valuable collection of microscope slides through the use of Citizen Science
- Seabed Sediment Mobilisation In The Deep Ocean - An Example From The Southeastern Indian Ocean
- Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition interval at the Lord Howe Rise, southern Pacific
- Temporal coupling of crustal and continental lithospheric mantle growth with implications for the spatial distribution of giant mineral deposits
- 2D Bayesian inversion of Magnetotelluric data using parsimonious Gaussian Processes
- 3D resistivity models of the Delamerian Orogen, southeast Australia, from AusLAMP
- Base metals and sustainable development: Drawing treasure maps with seismic tomography
- Calibration and Validation of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 : TROPS Preliminary Results
- Critical minerals in conventional ores: implications for supply and ore genesis
- Deformation of the Australian Continent from Intraplate and Far-field Earthquakes
- Development of an Analysis Centre Software for multi-GNSS Precise Orbit and Clock Estimation
- Enabling Communities to integrate Earth, Space and Environmental Data - Australian Location Index
- Ensuring Access to Precise Positioning by Improving Geodetic Standards
- Estimating Extreme Geoelectric Field Values for the Australian Region
- Exploring for the Future in Australia: Characterizing and Assessing the Lithosphere for Resource Discovery
- GIC modelling, validation and implementation for Australia's power grids
- Geoid Models Using Combinations of Airborne and Ground Gravity Data - a Case Study From the Kimberley Region, Australia
- HiPerSeis: Supercharging Seismic Workflows on High Performance Computing Platforms
- Interoperability Across Ocean Research Infrastructures Through Use Of Ocean Best Practices
- Ionospheric products of Taiwan Radio Occultation Process System (TROPS) for FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 mission
- LOOP: An international collaboration to build implicit geological models from existing and new subsurface data
- MTPy: A Python toolbox for magnetotelluric data
- Making metadata be FAIR, in particular enhancing the 'R'? - The Approach of the Australian Metadata Working Group.
- Next version of the IGS Analysis Centre Coordinator (ACC) combination software
- Preliminary Results from the Third IGS Reprocessing Campaign
- Recent Experiences in Dissemination of Geophysics by means of Music: the EMusic Project Crosses 3 Continents
- Solar Illumination Dependence of the Auroral Electrojet Intensity: Interplay between the Solar Zenith Angle and Dipole Tilt
- Supporting machine-machine discovery and access to scientific data: challenges and lessons learned
- Tectonic, Oceanographic, and Climatic Controls on the Cretaceous-Cenozoic Sedimentary Record of the Australian-Antarctic Basin
- The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists:Diversity of thought, Diversity through Membership
- Towards a globally connected cross-disciplinary research data cloud infrastructure - how a global consortium is working together to deliver a federated Cyberinfrastructure through collaborations with the research community.
- Updatable, high-resolution seismic velocity models of the Australian lithosphere
- Adding Regional Economics to Natural Resource Development with Bluecap: Evaluating the Economic Fairways for Mineral and Hydrogen Production
- Ambient noise tomography of Australia: application to AusArray deployment
- Attenuation of the uppermost inner core viewed by tomography
- AusLAMP: imaging the Australian lithosphere for resource potential, an example from northern Australia
- Building Human Capacity and Capability Through Citizen Science - Experience of Youth
- Combining Ground, Marine and Airborne Gravity Data into the 2019 Australian National Gravity Grids
- Correlation between lithospheric resistivity and gold deposits in southeast Australia: statistical and geological significance
- Depth to Basement 3D Model in the South-Nicholson Basin, Northern Australia
- Evaluating the long-term history of surface-rupturing faults in a low strain-rate region; questions for incorporating active fault data into seismic hazard assessments
- Exploring for the Future: advancing the search for mineral resources
- GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations: Network Infrastructure and Related Activities
- Geoscience Australia, Australia's Federal Earth Science Agency - Diversity, Inclusion and Strategy
- Imaging Australia's Lithospheric Architecture: Implications for our Understanding of Mineral Systems
- Improving the Resolution of the Isotropic Moment Tensor Component using Rotational Ground Motions
- Mapping crustal structures through scale reduction magnetotelluric survey in the East Tennant region, northern Australia
- Metadata to the rescue - enabling understanding of data and fitness for use through quality descriptions that also trace its history
- Multi-GNSS Combination of the Orbits of the Third IGS Reprocessing Effort
- Ongoing postseismic deformation of the Australian continent from far-field plate boundary earthquakes
- Past, Present, and Future of Flooding-induced Crop Loss in U.S. Midwest
- Proposing a Deep learning Approach for Extracting Earthquake Source Parameters from InSAR Observations
- Resolving multidisciplinary challenges of seamless integration of data on people, business, and the environment through applying a Discrete Global Grid System Framework.
- Sediment-hosted metal deposits and the billion-year stability of cratonic lithosphere
- Seismic Hazard and Risk: Fragility and Vulnerability of Housing in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, in Response to 2018 Earthquakes
- Sentinel-2 Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF Public Dataset
- Shale geochemistry as an exploration tool for base-metals (Zn-Pb-Ag ± Cu), critical minerals and hydrocarbons in northern Australia
- Subsidence-Derived Aquifer Volume Strain Models for the San Joaquin Valley, California and Central Arizona
- Toward a 3D geological model of Australia.
- Towards Developing Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reuse of Digital Data Quality Information
- Uncovering new exploration frontiers through multi-scale data integration - an example from the East Tennant region, northern Australia
- Variations in the convergent margin metallogenic cycle as a key to secular tectonic processes
- Zinc on the edge: lithospheric controls on the distribution of basin-hosted zinc deposits
- Characterization of the groundwater storage in the south-eastern Australian basins using GPS deformation and groundwater head level data
- Co-Production of a 10-m Cropland Extent Map for Continental Africa using Sentinel-2, Cloud Computing, and the Open-Data-Cube
- Co-seismic and Post-seismic Deformation Associated with the 2018 Lombok, Indonesia, Earthquake Sequence, and its Impact on the Rinjani Volcano Inferred from InSAR Time-series and Seismic Data Analysis
- Coral Reef Islands and Climate Change
- Development of Williams Ridge (Kerguelen Plateau) and Broken Ridge: Tectonics, Hotspot Magmatism, Microcontinents, and Australias Extended Continental Shelf
- Evolution of the CEOS Analysis Ready Data Framework
- Integrating Intraplate Volcanic Geochemical and Seismic Tomographic Observations to Constrain the Thermal Structure of the Upper Mantle
- Preliminary earthquake catalogue for an ongoing temporary seismic network in SW Australia derived using machine-learning phase picker and an automated workflow
- Seismic ambient noise tomography in the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia
- Seismic imaging of layered crust in the Pilbara Craton: A challenge for Paleoarchean crustal overturn?
- Characterizing the shape, size and freeboard of sea-ice floes in the Weddell sea from IceSat-2 and Sentinel-2
- DEA Land Cover: Continental-scale Land Cover Mapping of Australia for Monitoring Landscape Change
- Delayed resurgence of the Mediterranean following the post-Messinian megaflood
- Enhanced 3-D Seismic Structure of Southwest Australia
- Lithospheric Controls on the Distribution of Porphyry Copper Deposits
- Making Dataset Quality Information FAIR - Supporting Open-Source Science and Enhancing (re)Use and Trustworthiness of Scientific Data
- Melting of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maxima Revealed by Beryllium Isotope Ratios and Grain Size Analysis of Marine Sediment Records
- The International GNSS Service: Overview and Update
- Transformation Pathways to Future Landscapes.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Calvert
- Alexandra L. Post
- Ana Vila‐Concejo
- Andrew McC. Hogg
- Andrew P. Roberts
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- B. L. N. Kennett
- Babak Hejrani
- Belle Tissott
- Chad Burton
- Daniel Clewley
- David Heslop
- Derya Gürer
- Eelco J. Rohling
- Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben
- Gabrielle Hunt
- Ge Peng
- Graciela Metternicht
- H. K. Ramapriyan
- Huaiyu Yuan
- J. Ishitsuka
- Joanne M. Whittaker
- John M. Dickey
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Khosro Ghobadi‐Far
- Klaus Gessner
- Léo Martire
- Maria Byrne
- Mark Hoggard
- Meghan Miller
- Michael P. Doublier
- N. A. Ritchey
- Norman Mueller
- Paul Tregoning
- Peter Bunting
- Phil R. Cummins
- Ping Zhang
- P̀etra Heil
- Rebecca K. Schmidt
- Rexha Verdhora Ry
- Robert R. Downs
- Rolf Dach
- Sascha Brune
- Sean Chua
- Simon Stephenson
- Siyuan Zhao
- Stephen Obrochta
- T. A. Herring
- Thomas Westerhold
- Udara Amarathunga
- Xiang Zhao
- Xueke Li
- YoungHyun Koo
- Yūsuke Yokoyama
- Zihan Huang