Royal Dutch Meteor Society
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Coherent structures of low ozone observed by OMI and SCIAMACHY
- Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): First results
- PMC Detection and Mapping Using Aura OMI Measurements
- PMC Variability Observed in Aura OMI Data
- Arctic temperature amplification (Invited)
- Assessing aerosol-cloud interactions linking multi-platform observations and remote sensing
- Development of NASA’s integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from Spaceborne Platforms (ISSARS)
- Earthquake relocation in intraplate context
- Future sea-level rice associated with melting of the Greenland ice sheet
- Greenland ice sheet mass loss variations observed by GRACE
- Li/Mg ratios in shallow- and deep-sea coral exoskeletons as a new temperature proxy
- Optimization and application of satellite observations for air quality monitoring in Central Europe
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud Observations from OMI Compared with Coincident MLS Temperature and Water Vapor Measurements
- Sea level rise estimates based on the transient deconvolution of ice volume and marine benthic records
- Secondary Aerosol Particles and their Precursor Gases: Comparisons of Observations from OMI and MODIS Observations and GEOS-Chem Model Results
- Simulation of the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance during the Eemain Using a Regional Atmospheric Climate Model
- Stable Boundary Layers with Low-Level Jets: What did we Learn from the LES Intercomparison within GABLS?
- Synergetic use of microwave radiometer and multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer observations for the validation of satellite cloud retrievals
- The NOAA-NASA OMI/GOME-2 Near-Real-Time Monitoring System of Volcanic SO2 and Aerosol Clouds
- The coordinated multi-sensor, multi-platform ARCTAS fire plume study on June 30, 2008
- Towards Improving Satellite Tropospheric NO2 Retrieval Products: Impacts of the spatial resolution and lighting NOx production from the a priori chemical transport model
- Towards resolving recent Greenland mass loss (Invited)
- Validation of satellite overland retrievals of AOD at northern high latitudes with coincident measurements from airborne sunphotometer, lidar, and in situ sensors during ARCTAS
- A large-eddy simulation study of the impact of different land-atmosphere coupling schemes on the dynamics of the nocturnal boundary layer (Invited)
- An exploration of the sensitivity of the UV Aerosol Indices, AAI and SCI, from SCIAMACHY, OMI, and GOME-2
- Building the European Seismological Research Infrastructure: results from 4 years NERIES EC project
- Can cloud-climate-feedbacks be constrained by comparison of low-cloud parametrizations in the ECHAM5 GCM using CALIPSO and CloudSat Satellite data?
- Comparison and Evaluation of SCM Results against Observations
- Estimates of methane emissions from India using CH4-CO-C2H6 relationships from CARIBIC observations in monsoon convective outflow
- Future climate and surface mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet using a regional atmospheric climate model: a contribution to Ice2Sea
- Greenland Mass Loss Observed by GRACE
- Importance of Insolation Anomalies for Eemian Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
- Including snowdrift in a regional climate model of Antarctica: preliminary results
- Infrasound analysis of I18DK, northwest Greenland
- Long-range infrasound observations of eruptions April-May 2010 Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland and June 2009 Sarychev Peak, Kuril Islands
- Measurements of NO2-profiles during the CINDI campaign
- NASA's integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from spaceborne platform (ISSARS) and its role for the GPM mission
- Probing atmospheric structure with infrasonic ambient noise interferometry (Invited)
- Radar rainfall estimation of stratiform winter precipitation in the Belgian Ardennes
- Stratospheric and tropospheric NO2 from OMI: New approaches using cloudy data
- The 8-component retrievals from ground-based MAX-DOAS observations
- Tropospheric Gas-phase Composition Reanalyses in GEMS and MACC (Invited)
- A MSG/SEVIRI simulator for the validation of climate models
- A multi-model ensemble method that combines imperfect models through learning
- Air Quality Observations from Space: Results from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and Expected Results from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI)
- Biophysical controls on forest and grassland water and energy exchange under idealized land-atmosphere coupling
- CU Airborne MAX-DOAS Measurements: Application for Satellite Validation
- Dynamic seismic moment tensor creation for the Antelope Environmental Monitoring System
- E-GVAP, the EIG EUMETNET GNSS Water Vapour Programme
- Evaluating NOx Emissions Using Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of NOx emission inventories in California using multi-satellite data sets, in-situ airborne measurements, and regional model simulations during the CalNex 2010 field campaign
- First quantitative bias estimates for tropospheric NO2 data from SCIAMACHY, OMI, and GOME-2 using a common standard
- Future surface mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet using a regional atmospheric climate model
- Intercomparison of Simulated Clouds by Seven SCMs at the ARM SGP Site
- Model unification and scale-adaptivity in the Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux (EDMF) approach
- Multimodel intercomparison of preindustrial, present-day and future tropospheric OH and methane lifetime
- NOx Emissions and Lifetimes: Using DISCOVER-AQ to Evaluate CMAQ NO2 Through Use of Field Observations and Satellite Retrievals
- Regional patterns of ocean mass change from GRACE satellite data
- Seismological data networks and services in Europe
- Surface and lightning NOx emission estimates from data assimilation of OMI and TES satellite data
- Synergy between infrasound, lidar and airglow layer observation networks for atmospheric studies: the ARISE project
- The Earth Clouds and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) Mission and DSCOVR
- Top-down Global NOx Emissions from Spaceborne NO2 Observations: Influence of NOx Sink Uncertainties
- A New A-Train Collocated Cloud Product Combining MODIS and OMI Cloud Information onto the OMI footprint
- CARIBIC observations of greenhouse gases and non-methane hydrocarbons on flights between Germany and South Africa
- Changing snow characteristics over the Greenland Ice Sheet and the impact on surface mass balance in the 21st century.
- Decadal Record of Satellite Carbon Monoxide Observations
- Designing Scatterometer Constellations for Sampling Global Ocean Vector Winds
- Detrainment in deep convection
- Effects of changes in the ECMWF physics on the surface mass balance of Antarctica predicted by a regional atmospheric climate model
- Evaluating NOx Emissions Using Satellite Observations
- Evaluating the Tropospheric Ozone Budget as Part of the POLARCAT Model Intercomparison Project (POLMIP)
- Evaluation of Cloud Fraction in Seven SCMs against the ARM Observation at the SGP Site
- Evaluation of NOx emission inventories in California using multi-satellite data sets, AMAX-DOAS and in-situ airborne measurements, and regional model simulations during the CalNex field campaign
- GEMS(Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer) onboard the GeoKOMPSAT : Requirements for instrument and sciences
- Lagrangian studies of mixing in deep cumulus clouds
- Magic - Marine Arm Gpci Investigation of Clouds
- Operational use of CO observations in MACC-II and the future GMES Atmospheric Service
- Parameterization of the vertical velocity equation for shallow cumulus clouds
- Quantification of North American land cover change impacts on future climate under RCP scenarios
- Quantitative bias estimates for tropospheric NO2 columns retrieved from SCIAMACHY, OMI, and GOME-2 using a common standard for East Asia
- Stochastic parameterization of moist convection estimated from LES data
- The Arctic Amplification and inter-relation between Arctic Sea-Ice, cloud greenhouse heating and atmospheric circulation in ERA-Interim and EC-Earth
- The CREW intercomparison of SEVIRI cloud retrievals
- The Gass-Euclipse Lagrangian Stratocumulus to Shallow Cumulus Transition Cases: les Results of Entrainment
- Towards a Global Climatology of Aerosol Types from Satellite Measurements
- Tying down key chemical NOx uncertainties to better constrain long-term global NOx emission estimates and trends inferred from space observations
- Wind extremes in the North Sea basin under climate change: an ensemble study of 12 CMIP5 GCMs
- Aerosols in the Convective Boundary Layer: Radiation Effects on the Coupled Land-Atmosphere System
- Aspects of Transport of Convected Regional Pollution from the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone based on CARIBIC observations
- Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe: The ARISE Project
- Building a 13 to 16 years cloud climatology using lidar in space observations: CALIOP now, ATLID next
- Constructing a global noise correlation database
- Crowdsourced aerosol measurements using smartphone spectropolarimeters
- Effect of anthropogenic land-use and land cover changes on climate and land carbon storage in CMIP5 projections for the 21st century (Invited)
- Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Seven SCMs under Updraft and Downdraft Regimes
- Evaluation of NOx emission inventories in California using multi-satellite data sets, AMAX-DOAS and in-situ airborne measurements, and regional model simulations during the CalNex field campaign
- Evaluation of the ability of the MACC-II Reanalysis to reproduce the distribution of O3 and CO in the UTLS as measured by MOZAIC-IAGOS
- Extreme accumulation on Patagonian ice fields revealed by high-resolution regional climate modeling
- Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainties in Estimating OMI Tropospheric Column NO<SUB>2</SUB> Trend over The United States
- Remote hydro-acoustic sensing of two large icebergs in the southern Indian Ocean: Implications for iceberg monitoring
- Satellite-based emission constraint for nitrogen oxides: Capability and uncertainty
- Synchronization and super modeling experiments with a complex climate model
- Towards a dynamic Greenland ice sheet in an earth system model
- Trace gas composition in the free and upper troposphere over Asia: Examining the influence of long-range transport and convection of local pollution
- Understanding the relation between extreme precipitation intensities and temperature using conceptual and large-eddy-resolving models
- A Depolarisation Lidar Based Method for the Determination of Liquid-Cloud Microphysical Properties.
- A New Lidar Data Processing Algorithm Including Full Uncertainty Budget and Standardized Vertical Resolution for use Within the NDACC and GRUAN Networks
- An OSSE to Quantify the Impact of S5 Spaceborne Carbon Monoxide Total Column Measurements on Air Pollution Analysis and Forecast over Europe
- Attribution of UK Winter Floods to Anthropogenic Forcing
- Characteristics of the Sinking Branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Global Ocean Model - the Impacts of Model Resolution
- Decadal Regional Trends in Trace Gases and Reflectance As Measured with the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on Eos Aura
- Divergent trajectories of Antarctic ice shelf surface melt under 21<SUP>st</SUP> century climate scenarios
- Downward shortwave radiation trends in Europe since the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century: what we know from direct measurements and sunshine duration records
- Evaluation of methods to determine the fraction of attributable risk for a given extreme event
- Extended Triple Collocation: Estimating Errors And Correlation Coefficients With Respect To An Unknown Target
- Full waveform modelling of aftershock seismicity in the Chilean subduction zone using the VERCE platform
- Ground-Based Cloud and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observations for the Project: High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Advancing Climate Prediction, HD(CP)<SUP>2 </SUP>
- How Would the 2014 Winter with the Anomalous Polar Vortex Look like in 2100?
- Integration of strong motion networks and accelerometric data in Europe
- Land-atmosphere interactions in a changing climate: An overview of the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment
- Model Spatial Resolution and Snowfall on Ice Sheets
- Pomino: An Improved Satellite NO2 Product for the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Processes Controlling Water Vapor in the UT/LS: Eight Years of Monthly Measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC Observatory
- Rain-Induced Sea Surface Winds: What Can We Learn from Satellite Scatterometer Data?
- Spatial Variances of Wind Fields and Their Relation to Second-Order Structure Functions and Spectra
- Stratocumulus Cloud-Feedback to an Idealized Global Warming Scenario
- Summer Snowfall Impact on Greenland Ice Sheet SMB
- Ten Years of OMI Observations: A Unique Contribution to Air Quality, Ozone Layer and Climate Research from Space.
- The EPOS e-Infrastructure: Integrating Solid Earth Science in Europe
- The VERCE Science Gateway: Enabling User Friendly HPC Seismic Wave Simulations.
- Two-Component Extreme Value Distributions for Convective and Stratiform Precipitation
- A tropospheric chemistry reanalysis for the years 2005-2014 based on an assimilation of OMI, MLS, TES and MOPITT satellite data
- Air Quality Applications Based on Space Observations: The Role of the 11 Years OMI Data Record and the Potentials for TROPOMI
- An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems
- Attribution of the record warm 2014 in Central England and the time of emergence of a warming signal
- Aura OMI observations of changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at local, regional and global scales
- Carbon cycle relevant measurements with the TROPOMI instrument on the Sentinel 5 Precursor mission
- Comprehensive Assessment of Land Surface, Snow, and Soil Moisture-Climate Feedbacks by Multi-model Experiments of Land Surface Models under LS3MIP
- Constraining the Methane Budget Variations after the Pinatubo Eruption using a Combined Forward and Inverse Modeling Approach
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- Hydrocarbon Induced Seismicity in Northern Netherlands
- Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA "A Train", NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
- On the Use of Infrasonic Ambient Noise in Imaging the Atmosphere
- POMINO: An improved satellite NO<SUB>2</SUB> product and impacts on emission inversio
- Painting models
- Precipitation Response to Land Cover Changes in the Netherlands
- Quantifying the Causes of Differences in Tropospheric OH within Global Models
- Representativeness Errors in Comparing Chemistry Transport Models with Satellite UV/Vis Tropospheric Column Retrievals
- Satellite-Derived Aerosol Variability over China
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- The MMCO-EOT conundrum: same benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, different CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The Surface Mass Balance of the Antarctic Peninsula at 5.5 km horizontal resolution, as simulated by a regional atmospheric climate model
- The impact of European forests on cloud cover: an observation-based study
- Tropospheric Volcanism and Air-Traffic
- VERCE: a productive e-Infrastructure and e-Science environment for data-intensive seismology research
- dispel4py : An Open Source Python Framework for Encoding, Mapping and Reusing Seismic Continuous Data Streams: Intensive Analysis and Data Mining.
- Application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to ambient seismic noise recorded in Malargüe, Argentina
- COST Action ES1206: Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products forMonitoring Severe Weather Events and Climate (GNSS4SWEC)
- Combination of Alternative Models by Mutual Data Assimilation: Supermodeling With A Suite of Primitive Equation Models
- Decadal changes in global surface NOx emissions from multi-constituent satellite data assimilation
- Derivation of Integrated Tropospheric Refractivity from Radar Satellite Data and its Application in Atmospheric Models
- Enabling data-driven provenance in NetCDF, via OGC WPS operations. Climate Analysis services use case.
- Evaluation of Air Quality Modeling Results Driven by Top-down and Bottom-up Emission Inventories using in-situ Measurements over China
- Extensive meltwater storage in an East Antarctic ice shelf
- How do space-based NOx emissions compare to bottom-up inventories in East Asia?
- Inverting Ground-Based Polarisation Lidar Measurements to Retrieve Cloud Microphysical Properties over Ascension Island
- Modelling tropical-like cyclones (medicanes) over the Mediterranean Sea in a regional climate model ensemble: impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling and increased resolution
- Multi-scale enhancement of climate prediction over land by increasing the model sensitivity to vegetation variability in EC-Earth
- Quantifying VOC emissions from East Asia using 10 years of satellite observations
- Spatio-temporal aerosol particle distributions in the UT/LMS measured by the IAGOS-CARIBIC Observatory
- TROPOMI on the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor: Launched?
- The Antarctic Ozone Hole: New Approaches for Detection of the Onset of Stratospheric Ozone Recovery
- The MUlti-SpEctral, MUlti-SpEcies, MUlti-SEnsors (MUSES) Retrievals from the EOS to the Suomi-NPP Era
- Understanding changes in short-duration rainfall extremes under global warming: The GEWEX cross-cut on sub-daily rainfall extremes (INTENSE)
- Updated SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Estimates over China using OMI/Aura Observations and the CHIMERE CTM
- A global dataset of sub-daily rainfall indices
- An atmospheric turbulence power factor to improve the estimation of surface deformation and atmosphere phase screen using SAR interferometry
- Attribution of extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey, August 2017
- Climate Services Information System Activities in Support of The Global Framework for Climate Services Implementation
- Early Results from TROPOMI on the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor
- Explicit and Observation-based Aerosol Treatment in Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrieval over China from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- First Evaluation of Rainfall Derived from Commercial Microwave Links in São Paulo, Brazil
- Global Modeling Study of the Bioavailable Atmospheric Iron Supply to the Global Ocean
- Global intensification in observed short-duration rainfall extremes
- High-Resolution Observations of a Meteo-Tsunami
- Humid Heat Waves at different warming levels
- ObsPy - A Python Toolbox for Seismology - and Applications
- Ozone Satellite Data Synergy and Combination with Non-satellite Data in the AURORA project
- Probabilistic empirical prediction of seasonal climate: evaluation and potential applications
- RAINLINK: Retrieval algorithm for rainfall monitoring employing microwave links from a cellular communication network
- Seasonal gravity change at Yellowstone caldera
- The Current Status and Future of GNSS-Meteorology in Europe
- The Second Cabauw Intercomparison of Nitrogen Dioxide Measuring Instruments (CINDI-2)
- The capacity of radar, crowdsourced personal weather stations and commercial microwave links to monitor small scale urban rainfall
- Top-down NO<SUB>X</SUB> Emissions of European Cities Derived from Modelled and Spaceborne Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Columns
- Toward Continental-scale Rainfall Monitoring Using Commercial Microwave Links From Cellular Communication Networks
- A 2000 year drought dataset for present-day and 2K temperature increase
- A Multi-model Operational Forecasting System for Air Quality in Eastern China
- Cloud Impacts on Photochemistry: Statistical Analysis of Global Chemistry Models and Measurements from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Cold winters in mid-latitudes coincident with but not caused by reduced Arctic sea ice
- Continuing Satellite Monitoring of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Trace Gases with the Operational SNPP OMPS Instrument and First Comparisons with S5P TROPOMI
- Coordinated Global High Resolution Climate Modelling - PRIMAVERA and CMIP6 HighResMIP
- Detection of continental-scale intensification of hourly rainfall extremes and implications for future changes
- Dual-polarization radar clutter detection and removal
- ESA FRM4DOAS: Towards a Quality-Controlled MAXDOAS Centralized Processing System in Support of Air Quality Satellite Sensors Validation
- European Campaign Activities in 2019 for Calibration and Validation of the S-5p Operational Products
- Exploiting Large-scale Aircraft Measurements to Evaluate and Constrain Vertical Profiles and Speciation in Aerosol Forecasting and Analysis
- Extracting low SNR events with the Hough Transform from sparse array data
- First year of Sulfur Dioxide Retrievals from Sentinel-5 Precursor TROPOMI instrument and comparison with independent satellites and ground-based datasets
- Global Synthetic Tropical Cyclone Generation Under Present and Future Climate Conditions
- Hydro-meteorological changes in European catchments: scale-dependency of the forced climate response and natural variability
- Infrasound Signals from the 2017 North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event
- Integrated Computing in solid Earth sciences: the case of EPOS Integrated Core Services Distributed Infrastructures
- Investigating Groningen Fault Reactivation with Improved Glasses
- Leveraging and Easing End Users' Climate Data Access by Interfacing Infrastructures
- Parameterizing raindrop size distributions using microwave links
- Quality of rainfall data collected from citizen weather stations: automated detection of unobserved rainfall
- Recent updates in the aerosol model of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) of the ECMWF and their impact on skill scores
- S5P/TROPOMI: The first year in orbit
- Sea-Level Change Projections for the Dutch Wadden Sea During the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Sensitivity of Winter North Atlantic-European Climate to Resolved Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics
- Sentinel-5P TROPOMI high-resolution nitrogen dioxide observations
- Smoke Long range transport: monitoring with the new European automatic Lidar and ceilometer network: E-PROFILE
- Summary of Results from the NOAA Shale Oil and Natural Gas Nexus (SONGNEX) Study
- The Climatic Significance of Biogenic Aerosols in the Boreal Region Now and in the Future
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- The Future of the OMI Project after 15 Years of Operation: Overlap with TROPOMI and Exploring an Orbit Change of Aura Optimizing the Integrating Global Observing System for Air Quality
- The Status of the First Sentinel-5 Precursor Products Released during July 2018
- The large impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño on the carbon and water balance of the Amazon derived from sun-induced fluorescence observations and modeling
- Toward large-scale rainfall monitoring using microwave links from cellular communication networks
- Twenty Years in the SHADOZ: Milestones in Tropical Ozonesonde Reprocessing and Uncertainties
- Urban rainfall monitoring with opportunistic sensing: accuracy of personal weather stations and commercial microwave links in describing small scale rainfall
- Using Aerosol and Ozone Forecasting to Improve Numerical Weather Prediction at ECMWF
- A Statistical Analysis of Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production Based on Measurements from TROPOMI and GLM
- A TROPOMI- and GLM-based Estimate of NO<SUB>x</SUB>Production by Lightning over the U.S.
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- Advanced validation of TROPOMI satellite observations of NO<SUB>2</SUB> column densities using co-located direct and scattered sunlight measuring spectrometers (Pandora and MAX-DOAS) at Yokosuka, Japan
- Aeolus - Status of ESA's Doppler Wind Lidar Mission
- Automatic quality control for rainfall monitoring with crowdsourced personal weather stations
- Biomass Burning Efficiency Observed from Space with TROPOMI CO and NO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Climate Data Analysis: Enhancing Usage of Research Data with Climate4impact, EUDAT and DARE
- Copernicus Sentinel-5p Operational Validation: System, Results, Synergies with Suomi-NPP, and Perspectives for the GEO+LEO Air Quality Satellite Constellation
- DARE to Perform Seismological Workflows
- Declined Decrease of Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Past Decade
- Deep Learning Approaches for Visibility Classification Using Traffic Cameras
- Defining Aerosol Layer Height for Ultra-violet Aerosol Index Interpretation Using Aerosol Vertical Distribution Characterized by MERRA-2
- E-GVAP: Status and future
- Estimation of Global Synthetic Tropical Cyclone Hazard Probabilities using the STORM dataset
- Evaluating a Fuel-Based Bottom-up Inventory of Oil and Natural Gas Emissions with OMI and TROPOMI Satellite Retrievals.
- Gravity change associated with Kīlauea's 2018 summit collapse and recovery
- Hypocenter Relocation of Induced Earthquakes in Groningen, the Netherland, using a 3D Regional Model
- Insights into Tropical Ozone Profiles, Biases and Uncertainties Using 20 Years of SHADOZ Reprocessed Data
- Introducing IFS-CB05-BASCOE-GLOMAP (ICBG): A Coupled Tropospheric and Stratospheric Aerosol and Chemistry Option for the ECMWF IFS
- Opportunistic sensing of rainfall using microwave links from cellular communication networks in Africa and Asia
- Overview of activities during the 2019 TROpomi vaLIdation eXperiment (TROLIX'19)
- PECASUS - GNSS Service Domain
- PECASUS, European Space Weather Service Network for Aviation
- Rapid Shifts in Maritime Continent Precipitation Regime
- Rest days detected by OMI and TROPOMI: on the weekly cycle of NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over world's largest cities
- Status and First Results of the Sentinel-5 Precursor Mission after about 2 Years in Orbit
- TROPOMI on Sentinel 5 Precursor: A Unique View on Anthropogenic Emissions
- The 2018 European drought under future climate conditions
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): Reaping the benefits of a long, stable mission
- Towards Improved Tropical African Methane Emission Estimates Using TROPOMI XCH<SUB>4</SUB> Data
- Tropospheric and Stratospheric Ozone Profiles during the 2019 S5P TROpomi vaLIdation eXperiment (TROLIX)
- Two year of TROPOMI methane observations: Data quality and science opportunities
- Using Airborne High-resolution NO<SUB>2</SUB> Columns to Evaluate S5P TROPOMI Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Product During LISTOS
- Using volunteered weather observations to explore urban and regional weather patterns in the Netherlands
- A Global, Gap-filled, Snow-including White-sky Surface Albedo Data Set Based on MODIS
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- Abrupt decline in tropospheric nitrogen dioxide after the outbreak of COVID-19
- Absorbing aerosols optical depth from satellite ultra-violet aerosol index: a deep learning approach
- Advances in aerosol products from Sentinel-5P TROPOMI
- Analysis of Measured and Modeled Formaldehyde over the Permian Basin
- Assimilation of TROPOMI SO2 Layer Height Data in the CAMS System
- CHAPS: A Compact Hyperspectral Imager for Air Pollution Remote Sensing
- Detection of NO2 pollution plumes from individual ships with the TROPOMI/S5P satellite sensor
- Easy Access to Complex Analysis Tools for Climate Researchers and Climate Data End Users
- Evaluation of the GPM IMERG-Late precipitation product and its constituents over the Netherlands
- Extratropical transition of tropical cyclones in global climate models
- High-Resolution NO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations from Space
- Impact of Model Resolution on Tropical Cyclone Simulation of Present-day and Future Projection using the HighResMIP Multi-model Ensemble
- Impact of small scale Gulf Stream SST features on the North Atlantic storm track
- Influence of Model Resolution on Bomb Cyclones Revealed by HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA Simulations
- Insights in the reasons for the model spread in the radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
- Opportunistic Rainfall Nowcasting with Commercial Microwave Link Data
- Rainfall Estimation Using Commercial Microwave Links: Case Study for Sri Lanka
- Recent updates in the aerosol model of the ECMWF IFS and their impact on skill scores
- Simulation of the June 2019 Raikoke eruption with the ECMWF's IFS-CB05-BASCOE-GLOMAP (ICBG) system
- Space-borne and Ground-based Instrument Synergies in Air-Quality Observations
- Strengths and limitations of using model simulations (UNSEEN) to assess and anticipate climate extremes beyond the observed record
- Sudden Changes in Nitrogen Dioxide Emissions over Greece due to Lockdown after the Outbreak of COVID-19
- The ICOVAC project: an ESA initiative to study the impacts of COVID-19 lockdown measures on Air quality and Climate
- The Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns on NO2 as Measured by Sentinel-5P TROPOMI: impacts of Weather and Implications for Emissions and Chemistry
- The Influence of Assimilating CYGNSS DDMs on Global Analyses and Tropical Cyclone Forecasts
- The Role of OMI in a Global Observing System for Air Quality and Atmospheric Composition
- A bird's-eye view on ambient infrasonic soundscapes
- Access to Analysis and Climate Indices Tools for Climate Researchers and End Users
- Atmospheric Model Inversion using Infrasound Signals from the North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event in 2017
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- CHAPS: A New, Compact Instrument for Air Quality Remote Sensing
- CLAAS-2.1-based Cloud Regimes Over Europe
- Chapter 10: Linking global to regional climate change
- Commercial Microwave Links as a Complement to Weather Radars for Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Precipitation
- Coupling GPROF precipitation estimates and DPR reflectivity profiles over the Netherlands to (reflectivity) observations obtained from ground-based dual-polarization radars.
- Coupling infrasound, lightning, and satellite imagery to characterize the 2020 Taal volcanic eruption
- Decrease in Volcano Jet Noise Peak Frequency as Crater Expands
- Deriving Top-Down Biogenic VOC Emissions over Europe based on TROPOMI HCHO Columns
- Evaluating the Retrieval of TROPOMI NO2Columns with the NASA NO2Algorithm
- First Retrieval of Absorbing Aerosol Height Using TROPOMI Oxygen B Band: Algorithm Development and Application for Surface Particulate Matter Estimates
- First Year Observations of Air Quality from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Global tropospheric ozone responses to reduced NOx emissions linked to the COVID-19 worldwide lockdowns
- High Resolution Precipitation for Pluvial Flood Forecasting in the Urban Data Scarce City of Alexandria, Egypt.
- Hydroacoustic Travel Time Variations as a Proxy for Passive Deep-Ocean Thermometry
- Impact of near-term climate forcer mitigation on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Impact of the COVID-19 economic downturn on tropospheric ozone trends: an uncertainty weighted data synthesis for quantifying regional anomalies above western North America and Europe
- Improved Lightning NOx Production Estimates Using TROPOMI and GLM Data
- Investigating Expanding Air Pollution and Climate Change on the African Continent
- Monitoring Emissions from Wildfires using TROPOMI CO Observations
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke, Kuril Islands, and Ulawun ,Papua New Guinea, volcanoes using remote techniques
- On the use of satellite observations to fill gaps in the Halley station total ozone record
- Quantifying NOx Emissions from U.S. Oil and Gas Production Regions using TROPOMI NO2
- Recent developments of the TROPOMI Aerosol Layer Height Product
- Satellite Observations , Machine Learning and Their Potential Contribution to Global Sustainable Goals : a Perspective Based on Experience with TROPOMI and MOPITT Satellite Data
- Satellite-based NOx emissions: methods and applications
- Shallow Cloud Organization during EUREC4A in Multi-day Model Runs using Large-Eddy Simulation and the Mesoscale Weather Prediction Model HARMONIE
- Summertime Circumglobal Rossby Waves in Climate Models: Small Biases in Upper-level Circulation Create Substantial Biases in Surface Imprint
- Surface and aerosol characterization from S5P/TROPOMI: new possibilities and expected performance
- Terrestrial Microwave Links for Ground Validation of Space-Based Precipitation Observations: Potential and Limitations
- The Effect of Differing Drought-Heat Signatures on Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics and Vegetation Composition
- The IPCC WGI Atlas Chapter - A Major Innovation
- Towards rapid surge predictions: Exploring deep learning approaches to predict temporal evolution of surge levels in coastal areas
- Analyzing Changes in Wildfire Emissions Over Time During the Progression From Mainly Flaming to Smoldering Combustion Using Satellite Data
- Climate Data Analysis Tools Along With Pre-Computed Climate Indices Datasets to Support Climate Action
- Dust-sensitive Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in the EC-Earth3 Earth System Model: comparison with INP observations and radiative effects
- E-GVAP Phase V
- Emissions from Mining-Related Activities in Africa Using TROPOMI Observations
- ICESat-2 High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Observations of Blowing Snow at 88S: Comparisons with SNOWPACK Model Predictions and effect on Altimetry Measurements
- Nitrosat, a Satellite Mission Concept for Mapping Reactive Nitrogen at the Landscape Scale
- Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modelling
- Simulating Hydrological Extremes for different Warming Levels - combining Large Scale Climate Ensembles with local observation based Machine Learning models
- The Copernicus Missions Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5, Expected Capabilities with an Operational and Science Perspective.
- The ESA Earth Explorer 10 Harmony mission for ocean-atmosphere interaction
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Overview and Future Perspective Supporting Continued Exploitation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ad Stoffelen
- Adele Young
- Alexa R. Van Eaton
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Andreas Richter
- Andrew G. Turner
- Anna Perttu
- Athanasios Nenes
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benoît Taisne
- Brian McDonald
- Can Li
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Cathy Clerbaux
- Cheng Chen
- Christian Pagé
- Christoph U. Keller
- Cornelis Weemstra
- D. J. Allen
- D. P. Edwards
- D. W. Tarasick
- Daisuke Tokuda
- Diana C. Roman
- Diego Loyola
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Fei Luo
- Fortunat Joos
- Frank Flocke
- Gabriele Pfister
- Guido R. van der Werf
- Guy Brasseur
- H. M. Worden
- Hannah Clark
- Hideo Shiogama
- Hyungjun Kim
- Il‐Young Che
- Irina Petropavlovskikh
- J. A. de Gouw
- J. G. Murphy
- J. P. Burrows
- J. P. Veefkind
- J. Tamminen
- Jakob Zscheischler
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jelle Assink
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- John E. Yorks
- John K. Hillier
- Julie K. Lundquist
- Jun Wang
- K. Chance
- K. R. Anderson
- K. W. Bowman
- Kai Kornhuber
- Kai‐Lan Chang
- Kane Stone
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kathleen McKee
- Kazuyuki Miyazaki
- Kenneth Pickering
- Kwon-Ho Lee
- L. K. Emmons
- L. N. Lamsal
- Larry G. Mastin
- Lily Zhang
- Linda Bogerd
- Luka Ilić
- M. de Graaf
- Marc F. P. Bierkens
- Mark Weber
- Matthew J. McGill
- Meng Ling
- Michael Craig
- Michael Grose
- Montserrat Costa-Surós
- Nander Wever
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Niko Wanders
- Nikos Benas
- Olivier F. C. den Ouden
- Pauline Rivoire
- Peter R. Colarco
- Philip J. Ward
- Pieter Smets
- R. Uijlenhoet
- Rajesh Kumar
- Reindert J. Haarsma
- René Stübi
- Robin S. Matoza
- Roeland Van Malderen
- Ronald van der A
- S. A. Carn
- S. Martínez‐Alonso
- Sanne Muis
- Simone Tilmes
- Si‐Wan Kim
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sophie Godin‐Beekmann
- Stephen P. Palm
- Sujung Go
- Susan Solomon
- T. A. van Kempen
- Takashi Sekiya
- Taufiq Hassan
- Tobias Borsdorff
- Twan van Noije
- W. H. Swartz
- Wenfu Tang
- William J. Gutowski
- William J. Koshak
- Xiangde Xu
- Xueliang Liu
- Yuekui Yang
- Zachary Fasnacht
- Оleg Dubovik