Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Tropical Mechanism for Northern Hemisphere Deglaciation
- Abrupt millennial climatic terrestrial changes from western European eolian records during the last glaciation?
- Assessing the Net Carbon Balance of Western Siberia: Results from the EUROSIBERIAN CARBONFLUX Project (1998-2000)
- Barite in Marine Sediments: new Insights From a Quantitative SEM/EDS Technique
- Central Indian Ridge and Reunion Hotspot in Rodrigues Area : Another Type of Ridge - Hotspot Interaction ?
- Complete Isotope Study of Particulate Sulfate Above the Indian Ocean
- Coral DELTA-C14 and the 1976 Climate Shift in the Pacific
- Coral Isotope Proxies
- Distribution of the Carbon and Oxygen Isotopesin the Glacial Ocean : Paleoceanographic Implications
- Does the NAO index represent zonal circulation? The influence of the NAO on North Atlantic surface temperature
- Doppler Radar Sounding of Volcanic Eruption Dynamics at Mount Etna
- Eastern North Atlantic Deep-Sea Corals: Tracing Intermediate Water <SUP>14</SUP>C During the Holocene
- Expected Improvements in Atmospheric Correction of Ocean Color Imagery Over Case 1 Waters
- Geomagnetic Assisted Stratigraphy and SST Changes in Core MD94-103 (Southern Indian Ocean): Possible Implications for North-South Climatic Relationships Around H4.
- Geomagnetic Field Intensity, North Atlantic Deep Water Circulation and Atmospheric Delta 14C During the Last 65 Kyr
- Geomagnetic Intensity and Inclination Variations at Hawaii for the Past 98 kyr: a new Study From Core SOH-4 (Big Island) and a Comparison With Existing Contemporary Data
- Glacial and Deglacial Rates of Thermohaline Circulation
- HYSPLIT modeling of Rn-222 Transport During the Year 1998 in Europe and in the Indian Ocean, Comparison with Continuous Measurements
- High Temporal Resolution Measurements of Volcanic gas Composition Using FTIR on Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Hydrological Changes in the Indian Ocean Around the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation
- IRIS cruise results on the MAR (May 2001) : Hydrogen and organics from serpentinization
- Influence of snow surface sublimation on stable isotope and chemical records and on surface energy balance over a Bolivian glacier, Illimani.
- Interpreting the 18O signal of the glacial ocean by a three dimensional modelling study
- Long-Range High-Resolution Stratigraphic Correlation Based on Paleointensity Records : Extension of NAPIS-75 to NAPIS-400.
- Magnetic Signature of Environmental Changes in the Last 1.2 My at ODP Site 1146, South China Sea
- Milankovitch and Ice Core Records
- Modelling of <SUP>230</SUP>Th, <SUP>231</SUP>Pa, and <SUP>10</SUP>Be - Sensitivity of Global Distributions for Preferential Scavenging to Different Particle Species
- New Insights Into Southern Hemisphere Temperature Changes From Vostok ice Cores Using Deuterium Excess Correction Over the Last 420,000 Years
- New method for comparing model and data : application to european climate at 6kyBP
- Past Changes in the Carbon Cycle Inferred From a Comparison of <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>10</SUP>Be Records
- Quantification of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chloroform emissions from atmospheric observations at Mace Head and Radon efflux measurement over Ireland
- Radiometric Evidence for a Composite Reefal Terrace of MIS 7 and MIS 5e age in Great Inagua Island, Bahamas
- Radium-226 in Barite : Absolute Dating of Holocene Marine Sediments
- Recent improvements in POLDER-2 Ocean Color processing
- Reconstructing Sea Level, Deep Water Temperature and Oxygen Isotopic Ratio Over the Last Four Climatic Cycles
- Reconstruction of the Surface Temperature Change in Central Greenland During D/O 12, 45 Kyr B.P.
- Scavenging Intensity over the Northwestern Iberian Margin, as Revealed by 230Th and 231Pa
- Seasonal Evolution and Variability of the Biological Activity in the Upwelling of Mauritania Using SEAWIFS Imagery (1998-2000)
- Simulation of Radon transport and comparison with measurements in Europe and in the Indian Ocean
- Use of a Neural Network Approach to Improve Atmospheric Correction of Ocean Color Imagery
- Variability of fluid composition in hydrothermal systems of the Manus Basin
- A Composite Paleointensity Stack for the Last 75 kyr
- A dynamical global vegetation model for studies of the coupled atmosphere-biosphere system
- Aerosol Plume during a Polluted Event Occuring Over Paris Area and its Potential Photochemical Effect
- Aspects of Termination II and MIS 5 as Recorded at the West Spitsbergen Margin
- Evidence for a Change in Iceberg-Drift Patterns in the Nordic Seas During the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution
- Interannual Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources Estimated Using Multiple Transport Models: Results from TransCom 3
- Interpreting Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios in Precipitation Using a Coupled GCM
- LMDz - a New Atmospheric Transport Model With ``Zoom'' Capability
- Latest Holocene Climate Variability Revealed by a High-Resolution Multiple Proxy Record off Lisbon (Portugal).
- Limited Role of Export Production in Glacial-Interglacial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycles?
- Linking current NBP and NPP estimates with the effect of rising CO2 over three forest biomes
- Magnetic Properties and Environmental Changes in Monsoonal Regime (ODP leg 184, South China Sea)
- Modelling climate evolution over millenia : cryosphere-atmosphere-ocean interactions
- North Atlantic climate sensitivity to a change of the thermohaline circulation in a coupled GCM
- Oxygen Isotope Records of Past Precipitation From Deep-lake Ostracods: Quality Control by Hydro-isotopic Monitoring and Modeling Studies
- Recommendations for Estimating Carbonaceous Aerosol Inventories
- Water isotope modelling with General Circulation Models: From the interannual time scale to glacial-interglacial cycles
- Were the North and South Climate Changes Asynchronous Over the Entire Last Glacial Period?
- What Climate Information is Recorded in Isotopic Content of Andean Precipitation, South America ?
- Youthful Belize Barrier Reef: Strengthening the Model for a Mid-Brunhes Global Establishment of Modern Barrier Reefs
- A Non-steady-state Analytical Model to Compute the Stable Isotope Enrichment of Leaf Water at the Evaporative Sites Under Field Conditions
- AEROCOM - First Results from the Global Aerosol Model Intercomparison Project
- AEROCOM : Global Aerosol Models Tested Against Surface Observations
- Changes in Gross and Net CO2 Fluxes Over the Last two Decades Deduced from CO2, 13C, and 18O Atmospheric Measurements
- Cold to Warm and Warm to Cold: A Comparison of rates and signatures of climate change going into and out of the Younger Dryas
- Continental Break-up And Global Climatic Evolution
- Deep-Sea Corals: a New Tool to Track Intermediate Water Masses Variability
- Deuterium and Deuterium Excess in Current Bolivian Precipitation: Towards Improvement in Andean ice Cores Interpretation
- Diurnal Variation of Non Methane Hydrocarbons and Carbon Monoxide in the Subantarctic Atmosphere
- High resolution correlations between South Indian Ocean cores and Antarctic EPICA ice record
- Holocene Geomagnetic Paleointensity Records From Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea Sediments
- Is It Possible To Maintain A Megalake Chad At Mid Holocene ? Analyses Of Model Simulation At 6ka With Emphasis On Hydrologic Cycle variation
- Linking Surface Hydrology in the Tropical Indian Ocean, Ocean Circulation, and Atmospheric Methane Over the Last two Climatic Cycles
- Long-range Transport Of Specific Aerosol Events : A Comparison Between Model And Satellite Retrievals
- Microanalysis of O-C-B Stable Isotopes in Deep Sea Corals by SIMS
- Modeling of Fire-Induced Supercell Convection and Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol Into the Stratosphere: The Chisholm Fire of 28 May, 2001
- New gas Measurements in the GRIP ice Core: Rapid Interglacial Climate Variability Ruled out and Proposal for a Reconstruction of the Last Interglacial in Greenland.
- Parameter Estimation in Biogeochimical Surface Model Using Nonlinear Optimization With Eddy-Covariance Measurements Over Pine Forests.
- Partitioning Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange Into net Assimilation and Respiration With Canopy-scale Isotopic Measurements: an Error Propagation Analysis With Both <SUP>13</SUP>C and <SUP>18</SUP>O Data
- Quantification of Surface Temperature Changes During Rapid Climatic Events 18-20 From air Isotopic Measurements in NorthGRIP ice Core and Precise Phasing With CH4 Variations
- Rapid Eolian Events Within The Last Glacial Loess Series of Europe (EOLE project)
- Rapid Variations in the Biogeochemistry of the Arabian Sea Determined Using Multi-proxy Comparisons From Indian and Somali Margin Cores Over the Last 60 kyr.
- Reconstruction of Past Changes in the Strength of the Thermohaline Circulation Based on Magnetic Proxies From North Atlantic
- Seasonal And Interannual Variations Of Biomass Burning Aerosol Sources As Observed With Satellite
- The Aerocom Project: Diagnostic of Aerosol Modules in Global Models
- The Interpretation of Geochemical Data from Coral Skeleton Need to Be Revisited
- The Plio-Quaternary Volcanic Evolution of Gran Canaria Based on new Unspiked K-Ar ages and Magnetostratigraphy
- 1994-2004 : Ten years of European effort for education in Seismology
- A 475 kyr record of extraterrestrial <SUP>3</SUP>He and <SUP>230</SUP>Th in North Atlantic sediments: caveats to derive MAR from these tracers.
- A High Resolution Isotopic ice Core Record Covering the Last 800 000 Years.
- Accurate Granulometry Of As-Substituted Nanophase Ferrihydrite Particles Using Static And Dynamic Magnetic Properties
- Age and Structure of the Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion
- Calcareous Nannofossil Paleofertility Indicators During the Valanginian Carbon Perturbation in an Epicontinental Basin System (Vocontian, SE France)
- Compared chemistry of natural gas hydrates from different oceanic environments
- Deuterium Excess in Bolivian Precipitation: From Short-term Station Data to ice Core Records
- Dispersion of magmatic volatiles through groundwater system at Unzen volcano, SW Japan: a summary
- Educational Activities of the European Geosciences Union
- Estimation of the regional sources and sinks of CO2 with a focus on Europe using both regional and global atmospheric models
- Field Geometry During the Iceland Basin Event Observed from the North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea
- Geomagnetic Dipole Strength and Reversal Rate
- Holocene Centennial to Millennial-Scale Climatic Variability: Insights From High-Resolution Magnetic Analyses of the last 10 cal. kyr off North Iceland (IMAGES core MD99-2275).
- Holocene Secular Variability and 200-Year Dipolar Oscillations in the Atmospheric Circulation Over Antarctica Deduced From ice Core Dust Records
- Holocene Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Deep Water, a Magnetic Approach
- ISOMAP-UK: A Combined Data - Modelling Investigation of Water Isotopes and Their Interpretation During Rapid Climate-Change Events
- Inversion of CO2 sources and sinks using satellite data: application to TOVS
- Isotopic modelling of Heinrich Events : a method to constrain duration & freshwater release
- Modeling of 6-line Ferrihydrite Low-Temperature Magnetic Properties for Environmental Change Studies
- Monitoring Aerosol Optical Properties Over the Mediterranean From SeaWiFS Images Using a Neural Networks Inversion
- On the Age of the Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion
- Pleistocene Glacial Terminations
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- Sea Surface Salinity reconstruction in Fiji during the last century from Multi-Proxies of Coral Skeleton using Neural Network: preliminary results.
- Testing ocean models using measurements of interannual variations in atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations
- The Anatomy of a Geomagnetic Excursion: The Iceland Basin Excursion (188 ka)
- The Coral Data Time Series Need To Be Revisited
- Thellier-Thellier Paleointensity and Directional Results From Hawaiian Lava Flows
- Understanding Chad Basin Evolution Since Miocene: Climate and Vegetation Simulations, Roles of Orbital Parameters and East African Rift.
- Water Isotopes in a Warmer World : Lessons from General Circulation Model Based Simulations.
- A potential high-elevation deep ice core site at the Northern Patagonia Icefield (Chile): first results from a shallow ice core on San Valentin glacier
- Benthic Foraminifera as Sensitive Recorders of Climate and Environmental Variability in the SE and NE Mediterranean During the Holocene
- CERES, the Carboeurope Regional Experiment Strategy in les Landes, South West France, May-June 2005
- Consistent Simulations of Multiple Proxy Responses to an Abrupt Climate Change Event
- Dome F and Vostok deuterium excess reveal homogeneous variations in East Antarctica moisture origin at orbital scale
- Gradual Deformation Method as a Geostatistical Based Inverse Method for the Estimation of Flow and Transport Parameters of a Heterogeneous Aquifer : Application to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site (New Mexico, USA).
- IODP Expedition 303 (North Atlantic): Excursions and Reversals in the Brunhes and Matuyama Chrons
- International Workshops for Teachers at the European Geosciences Union
- Inverse modeling of biomes and delta_C to reconstruct the Grande Pile Eemian record: Characterization of an instable climate interval.
- Millennial-scale Variability in NADW Strength During the Last Glacial: A Multi-Proxy Comparison Between the North and South Atlantic.
- Multi-Proxy Evidence for Reduced North Atlantic Deep Water Flux Across the 8.2 kyr B.P. Event From Core MD03-2665 at the Eirik Drift
- New Climate Reconstruction Method Well Suited To The Last Centuries: The Coral Exemple
- Optimal Timing of Oceanic, Geological and Biological Carbon Sequestration to Safeguard Climate
- Organics in hydrothermal fluids from ultramafics on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) - Abiogenic and/or biogenic origin?
- Palaeointensities From Hawaiian Surface Lava Flows: a Direct Comparison of Thermal and Microwave Techniques
- Paleomagnetic Results From IODP Exp. 306: Shipboard and Preliminary Post-Cruise Studies
- Past and Future Changes in Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Simulated with a Global Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Published GISP2 Methane Results for Dansgaard-Oeschger Events 19-21 Compared With N2, Ar Isotopes: A Need for a Higher Resolution CH4 Dataset.
- Results From Simulations of an Ensemble of Global Aerosol Models Using the Same Emission Data Within AeroCom
- Selecting samples for paleointensity measurements with FORC diagrams
- Sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Circulation to Northern Glacier Melting in Future Climate Change Experiments.
- Towards a Circum-Antarctic Holocene Paleointensity Record
- Upper and Lower Jaramillo Polarity Transitions Recorded in North Atlantic Sediments From IODP Exp. 303
- A GEOCLIM Simulation Of Climatic And Biogeochemical Consequences Of Pangea Break Up
- A Nd Isotopic Composition Modeling Approach of the Oceanic Thermohaline Circulation Change During LGM
- A mission for TRopospheric composition and Air Quality (TRAQ)
- A new conceptual model of the formation of coral skeleton
- Abrupt pH Changes of sea Surface Waters in the sub-Equatorial Pacific Ocean at the end of the Younger Dryas (YD): MC-ICPMS Analysis of Boron Isotopes in Reef Corals
- An Attempt To Estimate The Contribution Of Variability Of Wetland Extent On The Variability Of The Atmospheric Methane Growth Rate In The Years 1993-2000.
- An Overview of the Magnetic Properties of Sediments From the South China Sea and Their Paleoenvironmental Significance.
- Changes in South American Monsoon During the Holocene
- Chemical Weather Forecasts of Air Pollution in Plumes and Detached Parcels for Field Campaign Flight Planning
- Cold episodes inside Jurassic times: is the carbonate deposition engine controlling atmospheric CO2?
- Continental Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation in SiB-RAMS
- Future Vegetation Damages from Ozone Pollution: Implication for the Carbon Cycle
- Holocene Geomagnetic Paleointensity From the North Atlantic: Comparison With 10Be
- Hydrological Cycle in the Indonesian Archipelago and Rapid Climate Changes During Glacial Period at low Latitudes
- In Situ Measurements of the Mixing State and Light-Scattering Properties of Black Carbon in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere.
- Interannual variations of the isotopic composition of CO2 : what do they tell us about gross fluxes ?
- Interpreting high-resolution stable isotope signals in tree ring cellulose in terms of seasonal climate variations using a simple model of carbohydrate reserves
- Isotopic Variation in Greenland Precipitation in Relation to Changes in Atmospheric Moisture Transport
- Magnetic Stratigraphy and Relative Paleointensity from IODP Site U1313 from 2.4-6 Ma
- Modelling Glaciation Episodes From Neoproterrozoic To Permo-Carboniferous Link With Atmospheric CO2 Evolution
- Modelling the Oceanic Nd Isotopic Composition With a North Atlantic Eddy Permitting Model
- Multiple Brunhes Chron Excursions Recorded in the Eifel Volcanic Field
- Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Deep-sea Corals from Rockall Bank, Implications for Variations of Eastern North Atlantic Intermediate Water Hydrology During the Past 10,000 years
- Northern Hemisphere Forcing of Climatic Cycles Over the Past 360,000 Years Implied by Absolute Dating of Antarctic Ice Cores
- Novel Highly Branched Isoprenoid Biomarkers as Indicators of Sea-Ice Diatoms: Implications for Historical Sea-Ice Records and Future Predictions
- PREV'AIR, A Platform for Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting
- Past changes of the North African monsoon intensity between 5 and 6.2 My, impact of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC)
- Progresses in understanding summertime European heat and drought waves
- Radiative Forcing and Climate Response due to Past and Future Land Cover Change
- Radium isotopes to investigate the water mass pathways on the Kerguelen plateau (KEOPS project)
- Recent Carbon Cycle Anomalies as Seen From Atmospheric Top-down Information
- Record of the Dansgaard-Oechger events in European eolian deposits.
- Seasonal and Inter-Annual Changes in the Distribution of Dominant Phytoplancton Groups in the Global Ocean
- Sensitivity Study Of Stomatal Conductance Effect On Continental River Runoff For Past And Future Climates
- Sensitivity of mineral dust concentrations fields to modelled emissions and meteorology
- Single-Particle Measurements of Black Carbon in the Tropical Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere From the NASA WB-57F Aircraft
- Sources of Contamination in Sedimentary Relative Paleointensity Records: Comparison of Site U1308 (North Atlantic) with Other Matuyama-Brunhes Records
- Terrestrial biomarkers : a proxy for reconstructing the past history of atmospheric circulation and vegetation changes
- The Glacial-Interglacial Deuterium Excess Signal in the Illimani ice Core (Bolivia) Reveals Long Term and Abrupt Climate Changes
- The PARASOL mission
- The importance of fossil fuel emission uncertainties for inverse modelling of CO2 sources and sinks over Europe
- Top-down and bottom-up carbon budgets of North America, Europe and Asia
- Uncertainty and regional air quality model diversity: what do we learn from model ensembles?
- Upper Intermediate Water Reservoir Ages in the Northeastern Atlantic During the Past 11000 Years: New Evidence for Mid Holocene Freshening of the North Atlantic
- Variability of oceanic productivity in the North Atlantic during abrupt climate changes (Heinrich Events)
- 4D-Var Atmospheric Data Assimilation and Flux Inversion Using Current and Future CO2 In- Situ and Satellite Observations
- A geochemical modelling study of the evolution of the chemical composition of seawater linked to a global glaciation
- A single-substrate model to interpret high-resolution intra-annual stable isotope signals in tree ring cellulose
- An Overview of Sea Surface Salinity Variability in the South Pacific Convergence Zone
- Boron Isotopic Composition Correlates with Ultra-Structure in a - Sea Coral Lophelia Pertusa: Implications for Biomineralization and - PH
- Circulation Changes in the Southern Ocean During the Last Glacial Inception, Induced by an Atmospheric Coupling with the Northern Hemisphere
- Different Behavior Of Deuterium And Oxygen 18 In The Lake Vostok Ice
- From Teacher-at-Sea to Authentic Science in the Classroom
- GEMS: Assimilation of Satellite and In-Situ Observations to Monitor and Forecast Global and Regional Air Quality
- High Hydrogen and abiotic hydrocarbons from new ultramafic hydrothermal sites between 12°N and 15°N on the Mid Atlantic Ridge- Results of the Serpentine cruise (March 2007)
- Independent Temperature and Salinity Reconstruction from Coral Skeleton
- Last glacial- Interglacial Cycle Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology Reconstruction: Ostracod Stable Isotope Records From Ohrid Lake and Palaeolake "Les Echets"
- Millennial climatic changes in US and European loess deposits: Links between continental, North Atlantic and Greenland records.
- New Low-Temperature Magnetic Data Acquired on Synthetic Lepidocrocite
- Palaeo-Recharge Impact on Aquifer Hydrodynamics: Paris Basin Case
- Recent Trends in Atmospheric 14CO2
- Size and Longevity of Magma Chambers in the Tuolumne Batholith: A Comparison of Thermal Modeling and Cooling Thermochronology
- The Antarctic Intermediate Water During the Younger Dryas Time Period
- The FORCLIM Eco-Physiological Growth Model for Planktic Foraminifera: a new Tool to Reconstruct Ecological Niches, Abundance and Potential Depth and Season of Growth for Fossil Foraminifera Species in Ocean Sediment Records
- The Rise of Nannoplankton Calcification Correlates With Tectonically-driven Massive Fall of Atmospheric CO2
- The determination of the aerosol optical thickness over land using different satellite instruments and algorithms
- Unravelling nitrogen deposition effects on carbon cycling in forests
- Upper water column hydrology changes off Cape Hatteras and Gulf Stream activity over the Holocene
- Uranium Migration In Organic Rich Sediments
- A Possible Record of the Laschamp Excursion From High Sedimentation Rate Sediments in the Southern Hemisphere
- A Teachers at Sea Program on Board the R-V Marion Dufresne (IPEV) in the Atlantic Ocean.
- A mid-Holocene transition in the nitrogen dynamics of the western equatorial Pacific: Evidence of a deepening thermocline?
- Amsterdam-St Paul Hotspot and Plateau: Geochronological Constraints and Geochemical Characteristics
- Atmospheric CO2 Modeling at the Regional Scale Applied to the CarboEurope Regional Experiment, April 2007.
- Carbon-13 Observations Necessitate Reduced Ocean Ventilation at the Last Glacial Maximum, but Biogeochemical Processes Explain Most of the Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Decrease
- Change in Mediterranean Hydrologic Cycle at Time of Heinrich Events From a High Resolution Multiproxy Record of the Last 50 kyr
- Changing Weather Types in the 2007 IPCC Models
- Constraint on oceanic hydrothermal 3He from inverse modeling
- Continued Melting of Greenland Ice-Sheet Regulated Northern Hemisphere Climate During the Last Interglacial
- Diagenetic Alteration on Magnetic Properties of Core MD06-3040 from East China Sea Inner Continental Shelf
- Dynamics of CO2 and CH4 changes: MIS 11 versus Holocene
- Effect of the Drake Passage on the Cenozoic Glaciation of Antarctica
- Effectiveness of Combined K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar Dating Methods in the 14C age Range
- Effects of Timing of Spring and Autumn Phenological Switches on Temperate and Boreal Forest C Balance
- European Carbon Balance and its Inter-annual Variations From Atmospheric Inversions and Process-based Ecosystem Models: Results From CarboEurope Integrated Project
- Global error maps of aerosol optical properties: an error propagation analysis
- Greigite magnetofossils of Pliocene age
- High Resolution Reconstructions of Arctic Sea Ice for the Last 2 Millennia
- Including Tropical Croplands in a Terrestrial Biosphere Model: Application to West Africa
- Late Slowdown of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During the Last Glacial Inception: New Constraints From Sedimentary (231Pa/230Th)
- Linking Ocean Variabilty to Phytoplankton Changes Over the Last 2000 Years off N. Iceland
- Lithium Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
- Long- and Short Term Holocene Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Deep Water Revealed by the Analysis of the Sedimentary Magnetic Properties.
- Mid-Holocene to Present Climate Transition in Tropical South America
- Modeling dust emissions and transport within Europe: the Ukraine March 2007 event
- Modelling the climate of the last millennium: The relative influences of Volcanism vs. Solar radiative forcings on natural, internal variability
- Modelling the influence of small scale variability in sources of CO2 and CH4 on concentrations at receptor points and implications for high resolution inversion systems.
- Multi-sensor aerosol retrievals using joint inversion of AERONET and satellite observations: concept and applications.
- Natural gas hydrates from different marine environments. Physical and geochemical characterization.
- Neural Network: a Statistical Treatment Well Suited to Coral Skeleton Proxies
- Non Linearity Between Seasonal and Interannual Oxygen Isotopes Measured on Coral Skeleton
- North-Atlantic millennial-timescale variability imprint on Western European loess deposits: a modeling study
- On the Provenance of Freshwater Pulses in the Gulf of Mexico During the Last Deglaciation: the Contribution of Associated Terrigenous Inputs
- Optimizing ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model Using Fluxnet Data and Satellite FAPAR Product: What can we Learn?
- Proxy-Model Comparison of Temperatures in Lake Baikal Region for the Last Climatic Cycle
- Quantifying the Indirect Effect of Sulfate Aerosol on Climate Change Through the Carbon Cycle
- Recent Extremes in European Climate: Assessment, Case Studies and Impacts
- The Alleret Maar lacustrine sequence (French Massif Central): a 150 ka long early-middle Pleistocene continental paleoenvironmental record.
- The cooling occurring during the lower Palaeozoic explained by the paleogeography
- The decline of fog, mist and haze in Europe during the last 30 years: a warming amplifier?
- The role of the ice-shelves in Heinrich events: from a conceptual to a 3D model
- Toward understanding the role of the atmosphere in pan Arctic change and sea ice loss; an update on the status of focused campaigns under POLARCAT.
- Understanding the interannual variability of the oceanic carbon cycle: Results from the coupled biogeochemical-physical global model PISCES-NEMO
- Variability and trends in the C balance of African ecosystems
- Variability in magnetic grain transported by the marine currents in the mid latitude South Indian Ocean and in the Mozambican channel during the interstadials
- Ventilation change in the deep Southern Ocean: a possible solution to the de-glacial radiocarbon 'mystery'?
- What is hiding behind ontogenic d13C variations in mollusk shells: New insights from scallops.
- 17Oexcess in meteoric water: as a new isotopic parameter to decipher water cycle processes
- A 450 year history of extreme floods in annually laminated sediment from pre-alpine Lake Ammersee (Southern Germany)
- An automatic Planetary Boundary Layer height retrieval method with compact EZ backscattering Lidar in the frame of ICOS campaign
- Are Heinrich events triggered by the ocean? From a conceptual model to a 3D ice sheet model
- Boron isotopes in Fiji corals and precise ocean acidification reconstruction
- Carbon monoxide transport in the Arctic: A joint study using IASI satellite and aircraft data in spring and summer 2008. (Invited)
- Climatically driven variations in glacier extent as documented by the laminated proglacial sediment record from Lago del Desierto (Southern Patagonia, Argentina)
- Clumped-isotope thermometry of speleothems: understanding and correcting for large kinetic fractionation induced by CO2 degassing
- Cold-water coral ecosystems in the Penmarc’h and Guilvinec canyons (Bay of Biscay): deep-water versus shallow water settings
- Combining atmospheric and ecosystem observations to monitor greenhouse gas budgets in Europe (Invited)
- Diagenetic formation of gypsum and dolomite in a cold-water coral mound in the Porcupine Seabight, off Ireland
- Diagnostic Up-scaling of GPP from Eddy Covariance to Global Estimates
- Driving factors of winter respiration (Invited)
- Effect of aridity and rainfall seasonality on vegetation in East Africa during the Late Pleistocene
- Estimation of CO2 Surface Fluxes From Satellite Data using a 2-step Approach
- Geomagnetic field intensity and inclination records from the Hawaiian long basaltic cores: geomagnetic implications
- Holocene Vegetation and Marine Environment Variability in the Central Mediterranean: A Marine Pollen Record off Tunisia
- Holocene climate fluctuations in the tropical Andes : what can we learn from glaciers ? (Invited)
- Identification and separation of Mn-rich contaminating phases of planktonic foraminifer for Mg/Ca analysis
- Independent SST and SSS reconstructions from coral skeleton, by using Neural Network
- Li/Mg ratios in shallow- and deep-sea coral exoskeletons as a new temperature proxy
- Lidar observations by circling the London orbital motorway
- Maximizing MODIS aerosol retrieval capability using joint inversions and merged data products with CALIOP, OMI and PARASOL
- Millenial simulation of global water isotope distribution with the ECHAM4 AGCM
- Minor elements incorporation control by ionic radius and growth rate on a stalagmite from the Chauvet Cave (SE-France)
- Modelling the snowball Earth: from its inception to its aftermath
- Molecular DYNAmics of Soil Organic carbon (DYNAMOS *): a project focusing on soils and carbon through data and modeling
- Multi-Scale Analysis of Climatic Controls on Stable Isotopes in Proxy Records from Tropical South America (Invited)
- Nd isotopes in deep-sea corals in the Northeastern Atantic
- Neodymium isotopic composition of deep-sea corals from Rockall Trough : implications for past changes of hydrology during the Holocene
- Neolithic to Bronze Age Somma-Vesuvius activity improved by distal tephrostratigraphy
- Nitrogen deposition, land cover conversion, climate, and contemporary carbon balance of Europe (Invited)
- Organic biomarker records of terrigenous organic matter input to the Indonesian Archipelago, western equatorial Pacific, 0-160,000 years BP: Implications for regional climate
- Polar climatic sequence over the first Dansgaard-Oeschger event (DO 25) of the last glacial period
- Pollen Distribution in Marine Surface Sediments From South-east Pacific and Paleoclimate Changes During the Last 20kyr From Core MD 07 3088 (46°S) off Patagonia
- Potential of Lake Ohrid for long palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironemental records: The last glacial-interglacial cycle (140 ka)
- Rapid Climatic Variability in the Western Mediterranean during the Last 25,000 Years from the High Resolution Pollen Record ODP Site 976
- Reconstructing the climate of the Earth through geological times : what can be expected from models, what can be used as proxies ? (Invited)
- Regional modelling of present and future wind and evaluation of uncertainties
- Relation between the occurence of major glaciations of Antarctica and Greenland and the atmospheric CO2: a modelling approach
- Seasonal behaviour of carbon fluxes in tropical forest ecosystems: fusion of fluxdata and the orchidee model
- Sensitivity of South American tropical climate to Last Glacial Maximum boundary conditions: focus on teleconnections with tropics and extratropics (Invited)
- Spatial Variability of the Glaciological Record of a Mid-Latitude, High Elevation Glacier: San Valentin, Northern Patagonian Icefield, Chile
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of sediment in contrasted mountainous watersheds (Mexican transvolcanic belt and French Southern Alps) combining river gauging, elemental geochemistry and fallout radionuclides
- Spatial pattern of terrestrial carbon dioxide and water vapor coupling
- Testing North Atlantic relative paleointensity correlations for the Brunhes Chron with oxygen isotope data and markers for (Heinrich-type) detrital layers (Invited)
- The CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy: Assessment of the regional carbon balance using inverse and direct methods (Invited)
- The timing of deglacial circulation changes in the Atlantic
- ‘Clumped isotope’ paleothermometry of soil carbonates: a status report
- 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Lower Pleistocene sequence of Kvemo-Orozmani (Republic of Georgia): New chronological constraints for Dmanisi
- A biogenic source of oxalic acid in marine aerosol
- Assessing the performance of dynamical and statistical downscaling techniques to simulate crop yield in West Africa
- Atmosphere/Earth interaction and Earth rotation at geological timescale
- Attributing the increase of atmospheric CO2 to emitters and absorbers
- CO2-MEGAPARIS: Quantification of CO2 emissions from Paris megacity and their spread out to the neightbouring Centre region. (Invited)
- Changes in tropospheric aerosol and reactive gases burdens and concentrations under IPCC-AR5 emission scenarios for 1850-2100
- Complementarities between Biomass and FluxNet data to optimize ORCHIDEE ecosystem model at European forest and grassland sites
- Composition of the spring Siberian troposphere during YAK-AEROSIB 2010: Influence of biomass burning, stratospheric intrusion and the Eyjafjöll eruption
- Distribution and isotopic signature of Thorium and REE-bearing phases in marine particles and sediments
- Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) an intermédiate loess series between Western and eastern European records
- Equatorial Pacific climatic variations during the Miocene - Pliocene at IODP-Site U-1338
- European warming linked to Greenland melting during the Last Interglacial North Atlantic climate optimum
- Evaluation of the aerosol optical depth distribution and its chemical constituents over the Indian subcontinent from combined measurement and modeling platforms
- Fluxnet and Satellite data to optimize carbon and water fluxes simulated by ORCHIDEE biosphere model
- Global Modeling of In-Cloud Oxalate Formation
- Helium-carbon isotopic composition of thermal waters from Tunisia
- How to `Elk-test' biogeochemical models in a data rich world? (Invited)
- Hydrogeological and geochemical modeling of hydrothermal fluids circulation in active ultramafic-hosted systems under CAST3M
- Including sugar cane in the agro-ecosystem model ORCHIDEE-STICS
- Interannual lower trophic level ecosystem variability and nutrient limitation in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from a data-assimilative, coupled physical-biological model (Invited)
- Inverse modelling estimates of N2O surface emissions and stratospheric losses using a global dataset
- Ion microprobe measurements of boron and oxygen isotopes in deep-sea coral: toward a better understanding of vital effects? (Invited)
- Isotopic (δ18O, δD and deuterium excess) records from the TALDICE ice core (East Antarctica) (Invited)
- Isotopic constraints on the relative timing between ice cores and deep-sea cores ?
- Limitations of Single-Basket Trading: A Lesson from the Montreal Protocol for Climate Policy Options
- Long term CO2 trapping and associated leakage efficiency: the role of active faults
- Measurement Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Concentrations in Support of Treaty Monitoring and Verification (Invited)
- Milankovitch forcing and meridional moisture flux in the atmosphere: Insight from a zonally averaged ocean-atmosphere model
- Millennial and sub-millennial scale climatic variability over Marine Isotopic Stage 5: insights from polar ice cores (Invited)
- Miocene-Pliocene alkenone and coccolithophorid stable isotopic data for sea surface condition reconstructions in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (IODP Site U1338). (Invited)
- Modeling dust emission variations in Eastern Europe related to North-Atlantic abrupt climate changes of the last glacial period
- Neodymium isotopes in biogenic carbonates: reliable archives of ɛNd
- On the Limits of Orbital Dating Using EPICA Dome C δO2/N2
- On the use of active remote sensing of CO2 for estimating surface fluxes. (Invited)
- Preliminary Results: Magnetic Bulk Properties and Anisotropy of the Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) Loess-Paleosol Sequence
- Production Flux of Sea-Spray Aerosol
- Projections of climate change impacts on crop yields in Africa and India from a DGVM
- Regional Carbon Budgets from Inversions of Atmospheric CO2 Observations
- Runoff production in a small agricultural catchment in Lao PDR: influence of slope, land-use and observation scale
- Sub-millennial climate variability during past interglacial periods: insights from new high resolution deuterium measurements conducted on the EPICA Dome C ice core (Invited)
- Ten years of CO emissions as seen from MOPITT
- The Influence of Anthropogenic Reactive Nitrogen Deposition on Oceanic N2O Emission
- The response of frozen soil respiration to warming controls the 21st century high-latitude CO2 and CH4 balance
- Variability of North Atlantic surface and subsurface temperatures during the last 2000 years
- Vegetation and Climate Changes in Patagonia (46°S) during the Last 20 kyr cal. BP from South East Pacific MD 07 3088 Core
- Vision for an Open, Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (GHGIS)
- Widespread land surface wind decline in the Northern Hemisphere partly attributed to land surface changes
- A Simple Biomineralization Model to Explain Li, Mg, and Sr Incorporation into Aragonitic Foraminifera and Corals
- A biogenic source of oxalic acid and glyoxal in marine boundary layer
- A new 1-year long record of stable isotopic composition of water vapor in Niamey (Niger) reveals insightful tropical atmospheric processes at different timescales
- Assessing and evaluating urban VOC emissions in mid-latitude megacities from intensive observations in Paris and Los Angeles
- Attempt to obtain a chronologically correct reconstruction of the NEEM corrupted section
- Climatic signals recorded in sediment from Red Sea and the Northern Indian Ocean
- Comparison of lidar-derived PM10 with regional modeling in the frame of MEGAPOLI
- Contribution of aboveground biomass uncertainty to bias in modeled global net ecosystem exchange
- Correlation of Brunhes detrital-layer stratigraphy into the North Atlantic from Orphan Knoll (Labrador Sea)
- Energy and CO2 fluxes in temperate deciduous broadleaf forests: using local eddy-covariance data for a global optimization of ORCHIDEE model
- Evidence of Northeastern Atlantic Ocean Acidification Recorded by Boron Isotopes on Deep-sea Coral Madrepora oculata
- Fingerprinting the main erosion processes delivering sediment to hillside reservoirs: Case of Kamech catchment in Cape Bon, Tunisia
- Greenhouse Gas CCI Project (GHG-CCI): Overview and current status
- Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation records from the East China Sea
- Including sugar cane in the agro-ecosystem model ORCHIDEE-STICS: calibration and validation
- Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures and vegetation change in SE African tropics during the past 800 Kyr
- Isolating the actual signal of paleointensity?
- Land Surface Temperature product validation using NOAA's surface climate observation networks - Scaling methodology for the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
- Linking disturbance intensity and carbon cycle in forest ecosystems
- Major dust events in Europe during the Marine Isotope Stage 5
- Millennial variability and orbital influence on the last glacial inception
- Modeling seasonal canopy dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
- Multimodel intercomparison of preindustrial, present-day and future tropospheric OH and methane lifetime
- Origin and dynamics of suspended sediment during a 10-yr return period flood on the Bès River, Southern French Alps
- Paleoclimate simulations and reconstructions. An intercomparison for the last millennium
- Potential accuracy of climate forced modeling for mesoscale pollutants transport
- Real-time measurements of levoglucosan in fine aerosols (PM2.5) in the region of Paris (France)
- Reconstructing the Depositional Environment at the Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) Loess Site from Magnetic Anisotropy
- Ship-borne measurements of aerosol optical depth over remote oceans and its dependence on wind speed
- Simulated organic aerosol partition during the MEGAPOLI Campaign in the Greater Paris Region
- Statistical Mechanics of Quasi-geostrophic flows on a rotating sphere
- The CO2-MEGAPARIS project: assessing the anthropogenic CO2 emission plume coming out of Paris megacity, its dilution factor, and the role of the different emission sectors
- The Laschamp Excursion in Lava Flows From the Massif Central (France): New Data and Synthesis
- The Paris MEGAPOLI campaign to better quantify carbonaceous aerosol formation in a tertiary type mid-latitude Megacity
- The role of oceanic variability on millennial-scale iceberg discharges: focus on Heinrich events
- Towards a deeper understanding of <SUP>17</SUP>O-excess in Antarctica
- Urban greenhouse gases monitoring with the QualAir Fourier transform spectrometer in Paris
- Variability in apparent soil organic carbon turnover times across climate zones and vegetation classes
- Variations in the Holocene North Atlantic Bottom Current Strength in the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone
- What controls the spatio-temporal distribution of D-excess and O17-excess in precipitation? A general circulation model study
- A Composite Approach to Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperatures in the NE North Atlantic Ocean
- A method of remote sensing of carbon greenhouse gases and water vapour isotopologues in the atmosphere using high resolution ground-based FTIR measurements
- A new deep ice core in the Northern Patagonian Icefield reveals a regional cooling in the Southern Andes over the last 120 years
- Analysis of present day and future OH and methane lifetime in the ACCMIP simulations
- Application of a terrestrial ecosystem model (ORCHIDEE-STICS) in simulating energy and CO2 fluxes in Asian rice croplands
- Assessing Paris megacity CO2 urban dome: analysis of 1 year of data from the CO2-Megaparis project (Aug.2010-Jul.2011)
- Carbon dioxide flux estimates for Amazonia by means of local measurements of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and an atmospheric transport model
- Carbon flux estimation for Siberia by inverse modeling constrained by aircraft and tower CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements
- Carbon observation: the Integrated Carbon Observing System
- Carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP5 Earth system models
- Change in seasonality in the southwest tropical Pacific during the Holocene: a data -model comparison
- Changes in seawater temperature, pH and water mass dynamics since the Penultimate Glaciation derived from the geochemistry of cold-water corals from the Siculo-Tunisian Strait (Central Mediterranean Sea)
- Characterizing subaqueous co-seismic scarps using coeval specific sedimentary events; a case study in Lesser Antilles
- Climate model response from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)
- Climatic Responses of Tropical Ecosystems Control Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rates
- Continuous triple water vapor isotopic composition (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>17</SUP>O, δD) observations in the sub-tropical North Atlantic
- Corals deep under the stream: how the Gulf Stream is driving the interglacial occurrence of cold-water corals off Cape Lookout, NC
- Determination of mixing state and sources of wintertime organic aerosol in Paris using single particle mass spectrometry
- Environment, Health and Climate: Impact of African aerosols
- Evaluation of the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model turbulent air-sea fluxes in tropical regions
- Forest carbon response to management scenarios intended to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce fire impacts in the US West Coast region
- GHG monitoring over Paris megacity and Orléans forest
- Global CO2 flux estimation using GOSAT: An inter-comparison of inversion results
- Global Scale Observations of the Stable Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Molecular Hydrogen
- Global evapotranspiration over the past three decades: estimation based on the water balance equation combined with empirical models
- Global vegetation responses to selected CMIP5 climate model projections: results from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP)
- High Acidification Rate of Norwegian Sea Revealed by Boron Isotopes in the Deep-Sea Coral Madrepora Oculata
- Holocene Geomagnetic Change in the Northern North Atlantic
- ICOS, Integrated Carbon Observing System, a Research Infrastructure to Integrate Greenhouse Gas observations in Europe
- Impact of glacial/interglacial changes in water column geochemistry on the diagenetic cycling of barium in Black Sea sediments
- Inter-annual variability in atmospheric nitrous oxide from 1996 to 2009
- Internal or induced discharges of the Laurentide ice sheet during the last glacial period ?
- Large-Scale Features of Pliocene Climate: Results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project
- Linking structural and functional connectivity in a simple runoff-runon model over soils with heterogeneous infiltrability
- Marine Biogeochemistry in CMIP5 Models
- Measurement of fossil fuel carbon dioxide and other anthropogenic trace gases from MEGAPOLI intensive campaign in Paris during winter 2010
- Modeling the hydrothermal circulation and the hydrogen production at the Rainbow site with Cast3M
- Multi-model terrestrial and oceanic carbon exchange estimates from data assimilation in GEOCARBON
- Observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing from the Atmospheric Chemistry Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)
- Parameters-related uncertainty in modeling sugar cane yield with an agro-Land Surface Model
- Present and past Gulf Stream variability in a cold-water coral area off Cape Lookout, West Atlantic
- Primary Production Reconstructions in the Late Quaternary Tropical Indo Pacific Oceans
- Provision of near-real-time atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the MACC-II project: combining observations, land surface modelling, and high-resolution transport
- Quantify the Effect of Historical Fire Disturbance on Terrestrial Carbon Balance using a Global Vegetation Model with an Improved Prognostic Fire Module
- Quaternary magnetic and isotope stratigraphy at IODP Sites U1306 and U1305 (Eirik Drift, SW Greenland)
- Recent trends in Inner Asian forest dynamics to temperature and precipitation indicate high sensitivity to climate change
- Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux estimates based on GOSAT and ground-based observations
- Relative paleointensity and environmental magnetism since 1.2 Ma at IODP Site U1305 (Eirik Drift, NW Atlantic)
- Response to External Forcing in Simulations and Reconstructions of the Last Millennium
- Retrieval of Paris CO2 and CO emissions using a boundary layer budget method in the framework of the CO2-MEGAPARIS project
- Role of large flank-collapse events on magma evolution of volcanoes. Insights from the Lesser Antilles Arc
- Seawater pH at the dawn of animal life
- Simulated Last Glacial Maximum Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C<SUB>ATM</SUB> and the Deep Glacial Ocean Reservoir
- Space Weather in Magnetic Observatory Noise
- Tephrostratigraphic record from the Northern Ionian Sea and geochemical analytic methods
- The Quaternary History of Nile Paleofloods Recorded in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sediments
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The dissolution effect on the B/Ca ratio of planktic foraminifers: a potential bias for paleo-pH reconstructions
- The impact of past and future climate change on global human mortality due to ozone and PM2.5 outdoor air pollution
- The role of forest age in earth system models
- Towards a global understanding of vertical soil carbon dynamics: meta-analysis of soil 14C data
- Triple water vapor isotopic (H<SUB>2<SUP>18</SUP></SUB>O, HD<SUP>16</SUP>O, H<SUB>2<SUP>17</SUP></SUB>O) measurements above the Greenland Ice Sheet and importance for understanding the atmospheric hydrological cycle in the Arctic
- Vertical Structure and Sources of Aerosols in the Mediterranean Region (VESSAER)
- (U-Th)/He dating and He diffusion in calcite from veins and breccia
- 5 years of long-lived trace gas observations over the Indian subcontinent: a study based on surface flask measurements
- A 100-year long record of alkenone-derived SST changes by Southeast Greenland
- A reassessment of isotopic equilibrium (Δ47 and δ18O) in the Laghetto Basso pool carbonates
- African tropical rainforest net CO2 fluxes in the 20th century
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- Analysis of four years of GOSAT data through the ACOS B3.4 Retrieval Algorithm
- Anoxia and the nitrogen cycle during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (~120 Ma): a data-model comparison
- Assessing CO2 emissions of Paris megacity from observations, inventories and inverse modeling within the CO2-Megaparis and CarboCount projects
- Berylium-10 production rate and relative paleointensity at low latitude across the last geomagnetic reversal
- Carbon cycle and climate change, a tale of increasing emissions and uncertain future sinks
- Carbon cycling along the land to ocean continuum (Invited)
- Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models (Invited)
- Characterization of dust emission from alluvial sediments using aircraft observations and modeling
- Characterization of traffic-emitted CO2 determined from road tunnel measurements in the region of Paris
- Climate extremes and the carbon cycle (Invited)
- Climatostratigraphic position of the Brunhes-Matuyama transition and its precursor (Invited)
- Committed changes in tropical tree cover under the projected 21st century climate change
- Ecoclimatic indicators to study climate suitability of areas for the cultivation of specific crops
- Effect of anthropogenic land-use and land cover changes on climate and land carbon storage in CMIP5 projections for the 21st century (Invited)
- European air pollution in 2050, a regional air quality and climate perspective under CMIP5 scenarios
- Evaluating the predictability of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes integrating long term eddy-covariance and biometric observations with multi-model ensembles (Invited)
- Evidence for extremely rapid directional changes during the Brunhes-Matuyama polarity transition
- Experimental and numerical simulations of heat transfers between flowing water and a horizontal frozen porous medium
- Glacial-interglacial dynamics of Antarctic firn columns: comparison between simulations and ice core air-?15N measurements
- INTERFROST: a benchmark of Thermo-Hydraulic codes for cold regions hydrology
- Interannual variability of vapor isotope in West Africa and its relation to ENSO
- Is hyperspectral imaging a possible new approach for fire reconstruction?
- Is the radiative forcing due to black carbon aerosols as large as some recent studies suggest?
- Isotopic analysis of methane by Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy (CRDS) Application to the deep-sea Congolobe fan
- Land Surface Temperature Variational Assimilation within the ORCHIDEE Continental Surface model
- Measurement of δ18O, δ17O, and 17O-excess by Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- Methane Emissions from the Arctic OCean to the Atmosphere: Present and Future Climate Effects (MOCA)
- Mitigating heat waves through changes in agricultural practices
- Pore-fluid chemistry along the main axis of an active lobe at the Congo deep-sea fan
- Regional differences in the δO2/N2 records from East Antarctica over the last interglacial
- Runoff production on a slope with randomly distributed infiltrabilities
- Simulated permafrost soil thermal dynamics during 1960-2009 in eight offline processed-based models
- The assessments of uncertainties in global vegetation and soil carbon projections in ISI-MIP study
- The effect of future outdoor air pollution on human health and the contribution of climate change
- The modern budget of atmospheric methane determined from measurements (Invited)
- The study of climate suitability for grapevine cropping using ecoclimatic indicators under climatic change conditions in France
- Thirty years of methane sources and sinks (Invited)
- A 200-Year Record of Interannual SST and pH Variability from the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic) Inferred from a Siderastrea Siderea Reef Coral
- A New High-Resolution N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission Inventory for China in 2008
- A Pluridisciplinary Study of the Impact of Future Ice Sheets Instability on Sea Level Rise, Climate Changes, Migrations and Energy Supply
- A Recurrence-Based Technique for Detecting Genuine Extremes in Instrumental Temperature Records
- A Worldwide Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in Water Balance-based Evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2009
- Applications of dendrochronology for informing terrestrial carbon cycle modeling
- Aridification of the Sahara desert caused by Tethys Sea shrinkage during Late Miocene
- Attribution of UK Winter Floods to Anthropogenic Forcing
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Changes in Oxygen Isotopes Composition of Precipitation over Tibetan Plateau during Cenozoic
- Changes in the global methane budget since 2000
- Climate Indicators of Pace and Perception of Projected Changes Using CMIP5 Simulations
- Climate benefits of changes in agricultural practices in the context of heat wave mitigation
- Climatic Controls on Water Vapor Deuterium Excess in the Marine Boundary Layer of the North Atlantic Based on 500 Days of in Situ, Continuous Measurements
- Decadal Contributions of Fire Disturbance to the Carbon Balance of Boreal Ecosystems Using a Process-Based Global Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Dust Model Intercomparison and Extensive Comparison to Observations in the Western Mediterranean for the Summer 2012 Pre-ChArMEx/TRAQA Campaign
- Elevation-induced climate change as a dominant factor causing the late Miocene C<SUB>4</SUB> plant expansion in the Himalayan foreland
- Emplacement and fluctuations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Enhancing our Understanding of the Arctic Atmospheric Hydrological Cycle using Observations from an International Arctic Water Vapor Isotope Network
- Evaluating the Respective Impact of the Radiative Forcing and Fertilization Response of Vegetation to a Carbon Dioxide Enriched Atmosphere during Severe Heatwaves in Western Europe
- Evaluation of Land-Surface Models with GOSAT Carbon Dioxide Measurements
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Glacial/interglacial changes in export production in a series of sediment cores spanning the Indian sector Antarctic Polar Front
- High-Resolution Upscaling of Closed Chamber Fluxes for N<SUB>2</SUB>o Emissions from China's Agricultural Soils
- Implementation of Tritium in the Lmdz-Iso General Circulation Model: First Promising Results for the Study of the Relationships Between Stratospheric Air Inputs into the Lower Troposphere in Polar Regions, Water Cycle and Climate
- Improving Estimates of Cloud Properties Through the Application of an Adiabatic Spectrally Consistent Retrieval to the MODIS Cloud Product
- Improving Solar Cycle Prediction Using Variational Data Assimilation in a Mean-Field Dynamo Model
- Inversions of CO2 Emissions from the Paris Area Using Yearlong Measurement Series
- Investigation of the Impact of a Heinrich-Event-like Abrupt Event Superimposed Onto the RCP 8.5 Scenario
- Magnetic Properties of the Rivers Feeding the South China Sea: a Critical Step for Understanding the Paleo-Marine Records.
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Orbitally Forced Climatic Fluctuations in Snowball Earth: Compelling Evidence from a Data-Model Study
- Paleoclimate diagnostics: robust relationships in past and future simulations
- Paleosecular variation of the earth magnetic field at the Canary Islands over the last 15 ka.
- Planktonic Foraminifera as Sensitive Recorders of Climate Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Last ~90 ka
- Projected Increase in Diurnal and Inter-Diurnal Variations of European Summer Temperatures
- Quantifying CO2 emissions from Paris megacity: a correlation analysis between atmospheric CO2 and co-emitted species to infer the relative role of the different emission sectors.
- Recent changes in North West Greenland climate documented by NEEM shallow ice core data and simulations, and implications for past temperature reconstructions
- Setting up a model intercomparison project for the last deglaciation
- Southern Greenland water vapour isotopic composition at the crossroads of Atlantic and Arctic moisture
- Sr-Nd isotopes and mineralogy as tracers of continental erosion and sediment transport to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden during the last 20,000 years
- Stable carbon isotopes to monitor the CO<SUB>2</SUB> source mix in the urban environment
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- The age of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition: New data from the Sulmona paleolake, Italy
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- The contribution of semi-arid ecosystems to interannual global carbon cycle variability
- The dependence of vertical cloud profiles from CloudSat-CALIPSO retrievals on the degree of convective aggregation
- Time-Lapse Micro-Tomography Measurements and Determination of Effective Transport Properties of Snow Metamorphism Under Advective Conditions
- Towards Disentangling Natural and Anthropogenic GHG Fluxes from Space - The CarbonSat Earth Explorer 8 Candidate Mission
- Towards Greenland Glaciation: Cumulative or Abrupt Transition?
- Transport and Evolution of Aerosol Above/Below the Boundary Layer in the Western Mediterranean Basin
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Using Water Vapor Isotope Observations from above the Greenland Ice Sheet to improve the Interpretation of Ice Core Water Stable Isotope Records
- Verification of non-CO<SUB>2</SUB> greenhouse gas emissions of Europe; capabilities of the current and future surface network
- A Large Contribution of Combustion-related Emissions to the Atmospheric Budget of Phosphorus
- A Model based Investigation of the Relative Importance of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-fertilization, Climate Warming, Nitrogen deposition and Land Use Change on the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in the Historical Period
- A Model-Data Fusion Approach for Constraining Modeled GPP at Global Scales Using GOME2 SIF Data
- A hypothetical model of organic matter sea-to-air exchange processes based on stable carbon fractionation in the Southern Ocean
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- A water-table, soil, vegetation column model to predict catchment hydrology.
- Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing as Indicated by the Reversion of Warming-elevation Relationship
- Arctic Deposition of Black Carbon from Fires in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2013
- Butterflies, Black swans and Dragon kings: How to use the Dynamical Systems Theory to build a "zoology" of mid-latitude circulation atmospheric extremes?
- Calibration and Application of an Array of Portable FTIR Spectrometers (EM27/SUN) for Detecting Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Changes in the global methane budget since 2000
- Combining multiple fallout radionuclides (<SUP>137</SUP>Cs, <SUP>7</SUP>Be, <SUP>210</SUP>Pb<SUB>xs</SUB>) improves our understanding of sediment source dynamics in tropical rivers
- Decadal Trends in Global CO Emissions as Inferred from Atmospheric Inversion
- Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method
- Diagnosing Model Uncertainty on Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with Field manipulative experiments
- Did high Neo-Tethys subduction rates contribute to early Cenozoic warming?
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Dust from Patagonia to Southern Indian Ocean
- Effects of large scale deforestation on precipitation in the monsoon regions: Remote versus local effects
- Enhanced understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle through multiple constraints in model-data-integration approaches
- Evolution of South Atlantic Density and Chemical Stratification across the Last Deglaciation
- Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques
- Experimental determination and theoretical framework of kinetic fractionation at the water vapour - ice interface at low temperature.
- First tephrostratigraphic results of the DEEP site record of Lake Ohrid, Macedonia
- Forest Management in Earth System Modelling: a Vertically Discretised Canopy Description for ORCHIDEE and Effects on European Climate Since 1750
- Global Evaluation of Vegetation Carbon Residence Times as Simulated by ISI-IMP2 Global Vegetation Models (GVMs) Using a Data Product based on Satellite and Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Ground and aircraft-based methane measurements in Siberia: source attribution using tracers and models
- High resolution dating of young magmatic oceanic crust using near-seafloor magnetics
- Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate
- How To Assess The Future Tree-Cover Potential For Reforestation Planning In Semi-Arid Regions? An Attempt Using The Vegetation Model ORCHIDEE
- Ice core measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation
- Identifying sediment sources in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: the application of a novel thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting
- Impact of extreme climate events on European Biome carbon sequestration
- Impact of land use change on the land atmosphere carbon flux of South and South East Asia: A Synthesis of Dynamic Vegetation Model Results
- Insights on Antarctic climate variability from paleo-temperature proxies
- Investigating the pace of temperature change and its implications over the twenty-first century
- Large differences in global and regional soil carbon stocks estimated by different products: intercomparison and evaluation with field measurements.
- Limitation of using Angstrom exponent for source apportionment of black carbon in complex environments - A case study from the North West Indo- Gangetic plain
- MERLIN : a Franco-German active space mission dedicated to atmospheric methane
- Marine Boundary Layer Processes Constrained by Multi-Year Concomitant In-Situ Water Vapor and Precipitation Isotope Measurements from Land-Based and Ship-Based Monitoring Sites in the North Atlantic
- Measurements of Isotopic Composition of Vapour on the Antarctic Plateau
- Methane emission from lakes: biophysical drivers impacts beyond measurement uncertainties
- Millennial Scale Events Of The Last 40 Ky In The South Atlantic: From The Tropics To The Subantarctic
- Modelling urban δ<SUP>13</SUP>C variations in the Greater Toronto Area
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission Trends From a Global Atmospheric Inversion
- New Insights into the 8.2 ka Cold Event and Subsequent Climate Recovery in Central Europe Provided by a Precisely Dated Ostracod δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record from Mondsee (Austria)
- New Insights on Long Term Geomagnetic Moment Variation from Cosmogenic Nuclide and Paleointensity Signatures along Ocean Sediment Cores.
- News insights of the hydrology of the Northwestern subtropical Pacific Ocean from ɛNd investigations of the South China Sea sediments
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Phenomenology and Thermodynamical Characteristics of West African Heat Waves
- Potential of forest management to reduce French carbon emissions - regional modelling of the French forest carbon balance from the forest to the wood.
- Quantification of methane fluxes from industrial sites using a combination of a tracer release method and a Gaussian model
- Reducing uncertainty for estimating forest carbon stocks and dynamics using integrated remote sensing, forest inventory and process-based modeling
- Regional modeling sensitivity experiments for interpreting the UK Winter 2013-2014 extreme rain
- Remotely sensed ground surface temperature variations over Arctic during summer and winter (under snow cover) periods
- Role of Criegee Intermediates in Formation of Sulfuric Acid at BVOCs-rich Cape Corsica Site
- Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
- Sources of suspended sediment in the Lower Roanoke River, NC
- Spatial stabilization and intensification of moistening and drying rate patterns under future climate change
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- The Last Termination in the Central South Atlantic
- The biomineralization and fossilization of magnetotactic bacteria: Insights from experimental and field studies
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- The impact of European forests on cloud cover: an observation-based study
- Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
- Tropical Warm Semi-Arid Regions Expanding Over Temperate Latitudes In The Projected 21st Century
- Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact
- Using in-situ observations of atmospheric water vapor isotopes to benchmark and isotope-enabled General Circulation Models and improve ice core paleo-climate reconstruction
- Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments
- Vegetation canopy and physiological control of GPP decline during drought and heat wave
- Volcanic SO2 Flux Estimates Inferred from Satellite Observations: Sensitivity to Assumptions about Atmospheric Transport and Instrument Sensitivity
- Water cycle dynamic increases resilience of vegetation under higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
- What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- A Simple Approach to Simulate the Complexity of Planktonic Foraminifer Oxygen Isotope Time Series
- Absolute Isotopic Abundance Ratios and the Accuracy of Δ<SUB>47</SUB> Measurements
- Aerosol Study over the Gulf of Guinea Region during DACCIWA Using a Mini Lidar onboard the French Aircraft ATR42
- An evaluation of commercial NDIR sensors for a potential use in future urban GHG monitoring systems
- Analysis of CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux variability in a rural region of Southwestern Europe
- Analysis of the sources and dynamic processes leading to the increase of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>, black carbon and other trace species during recent urban pollution events in the Paris megacity region : a synergy of resources provided by the IPSL OCAPI platform.
- Antarctic climate variability at regional and continental scale over the last 2000 years
- Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach
- Atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) in tropical, boreal, temperate and marine environments
- Can Dynamic Global Vegetation Models Reproduce Satellite Observed Extreme Browning and Greening Events in Vegetation Productivity?
- Climate-related Large-scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate - Evaluating Global Vegetation Models Using Remote Sensing Products of Biomass and NPP
- Consequences of introducing bryophytes and Arctic-shrubs in a land surface model with dynamical vegetation.
- Contstraining CMIP5 simulations of gross carbon fluxes with atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
- Determining spatially discretized surface flow and baseflow in the context of climate change and water quality management
- Environmental Magnetic Record of the Harletz (NW Bulgaria) Loess Sequence
- Expected performances of the MERLIN mission for the estimation of methane surface emissions.
- Forecasting carbon weather: what are the benefits of using high resolution?
- Global carbon uptake by cement carbonation
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- How is Biomass Burning Affected by Grazing and Drought in Central and Western Asia?
- Human-induced greening of the northern extratropical land surface
- Hydrological Dynamics of Central America: Time-of-Emergence of the Global Warming Signal
- IMPS, A Static-Optics Application of Full-Stokes Spectropolarimetry to Search for Extraterrestrial Biosignatures
- Ice core measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> show no evidence of methane release to atmosphere from methane hydrates during a large warming event 11,600 years ago
- Impacts of mitigation strategies in France, via afforestation, on climate in a 1.5°C warmer world
- Inconsistent strategies to spin up models in CMIP5: implications for ocean biogeochemical model performance assessment
- Introduction and Comments by H.E. Ms. Ségolène Royal, President of the COP 21/CMP 11 Bureau
- Late Quaternary evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon: Clay and magnetic mineralogical records retrieved from the northern South China Sea
- Model Meets Data: Challenges and Opportunities to Implement Land Management in Earth System Models
- Modeling the Response of Climate and Precipitation Oxygen Stable Isotopes to the Tectonic Development of the Indian Collision Zone during the Cenozoic
- Multi-tracer atmospheric inversion of Equatorial Asia fire carbon emission
- Natural vs. Anthropogenic: Combined Measurements of Methane and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) for Investigating Sources of Methane Emissions
- New Feed Sources Key to Ambitious Climate Targets
- New insights on the anatomy of abrupt climate changes based on high-resolution ice core records from NorthGRIP (Greenland)
- OH reactivity for screening crop volatiles
- Observational perspectives on cloud-atmosphere-surface coupling at Summit, Greenland
- On the Comparison of the Global Surface Soil Moisture product and Land Surface Modeling
- Origin of carbon released from ecosystems affected by permafrost degradation in Northern Siberia
- Potentials of satellite derived SIF products to constrain GPP simulated by the new ORCHIDEE-FluOR terrestrial model at the global scale
- Precipitation of Nd isotopes in planktonic foraminiferal shells: Approaches from sediment trap and core-top samples in the South China Sea
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Providing favorable conditions to simulate the mid to late Pliocene glaciations (3.3-2.5 Ma)
- Quantification of spatio-temporal climate change due to biochemical and biophysical effects of large-scale land cover change
- Re-evaluating the 1940s CO<SUB>2</SUB> plateau
- Reconciling temporal trends in water-use efficiency from tree rings to continents
- Reconstruction of the Indian monsoon variability and its environmental impacts over the northwestern Arabian Sea and its surrounding continents since the Last Glacial Maximum: Multi-proxy study of a marine core in the Gulf of Aden
- Relationship Between Clumped Isotope and Growth Temperature of Foraminifera: Methodology and Application to the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Respiration the forgotten flux: new insights on ecosystem respiration and its global significance
- Results from a Year of Column CO2 Measurements over Paris France using Harris GreenLITE™
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Revisiting drought impact on tree mortality and carbon fluxes in ORCHIDEE-CAN DGVM
- Simulating the Earth System Response to Negative Emissions
- Slowdown of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from China's croplands
- Soil Carbon Fluxes due to Water Erosion at the Global Scale
- Stable isotope composition of earthworm calcite granules: a new proxy to reconstruct paleoclimate during the Last Glacial in loess deposit
- Study on a Dynamic Vegetation Model for Simulating Land Surface Flux Exchanges at Lien-Hua-Chih Flux Observation Site in Taiwan
- Summertime Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements Above the Arctic Circle by Raman lidar and Comparison to Weather Model Reanalyses
- The COCCON Paris Experiment - Model-Data Comparison of XCO2 (and XCH4) in an Urban Environment
- The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and Experimental Design
- The Status of Global Fire Modeling: Results from the Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP)
- The global methane budget 2000-2012. What's next?
- Towards a new proxy of continental atmospheric humidity: the triple oxygen isotopic composition of plant biosilica
- Trends in fire risk and burned area in Brazil in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Unexpected climatic impacts of orbital forcing out of the Quaternary
- Web-based Data Visualization of the MGClimDeX Climate Model Output: An Integrated Perspective of Climate Change Impact on Natural Resources in Highly Vulnerable Regions.
- When Organic-Rich Turbidites Reach 5000 m: "Cold-Seep Like" Life in the Congo Deep-Sea Fan
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be and relative paleointensity signals across the last geomagnetic reversal
- Acceleration and Counteraction of Changes in Vegetation Seasonality and Patterns using CMIP5 Projections from Different ESMs.
- Acclimation of methane production weakens ecosystem response to climate warming in a northern peatland
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Attribution of Extreme Rainfall Events in the South of France Using EURO-CORDEX Simulations
- CMIP5 land surface models systematically underestimate inter-annual variability of net ecosystem exchange in semi-arid southwestern North America.
- Comparison of OH Reactivity Instruments in the Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR.
- Comparison of several satellite-derived Sun-Induced Fluorescence products
- Contrasting responses of grassland water and carbon exchanges to climate change between Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolia
- Conversion of traditional cropland into teak plantations strongly increased soil erosion in montane catchments of Southeastern Asia (Northern Laos; 2002-2014)
- Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be signature of geomagnetic dipole moment variations over the last 2 Ma
- Deciphering the paleoseismic history of the central Dead Sea fault (Yammouneh fault, Lebanon) based on multiple luminescence dating techniques
- Decreasing Lower Tropospheric Ozone over the North China Plain Observed by IASI: Looking for Explanations
- Developing a lower-cost atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> monitoring system using commercial NDIR sensor
- Dynamic and thermodynamic processes driving the January 2014 precipitation record in southern UK
- Dynamics and Thermodynamics of weather extremes: a dynamical systems approach
- Evidence for the Importance of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Eutrophic Lake Dianchi, China
- Future inhibition of ecosystem productivity by increasing wildfire pollution over boreal North America
- Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project
- Global scale variability of the mineral dust longwave refractive index from laboratory chamber experiments: re−evaluation of its direct radiative effect
- Heinrich Events as an integral part of glacial-interglacial climate dynamics
- Higher Temperature Variability Reduces Temperature Sensitivity of Vegetation Growth in Northern Hemisphere
- How does soil erosion influence the terrestrial carbon cycle and the impacts of land use and land cover change?
- Identification of Holocene millennial-scale forcing in the North Atlantic area: Ocean/atmosphere contribution
- Improvements for retrieval of cloud droplet size by the POLDER instrument
- Integrating Nutrient Enrichment and Forest Management Experiments in Sweden to Constrain the Process-Based Land Surface Model ORCHIDEE
- Integration of research infrastructures and ecosystem models toward development of predictive ecology
- Interpreting OCO-2 Constrained CO2 Surface Flux Estimates Through the Lens of Atmospheric Transport Uncertainty.
- Is the Earth's magnetic field heading for a flip? Hints from the past
- Laboratory estimate of the regional shortwave refractive index and single scattering albedo of mineral dust from major sources worldwide
- MERLIN: a Franco-German LIDAR space mission for atmospheric methane
- Matrix approach to uncertainty assessment and reduction for modeling terrestrial carbon cycle
- Meridional contrasts in productivity changes driven by the Cenozoic opening of Drake Passage
- Methane Emission Estimates in the Canadian Bakken Oil Fields from Mobile Lab Measurements
- Modeling the Space-Time Destiny of Pan-Arctic Permafrost DOC in a Global Land Surface Model: Feedback Implications
- New Magnetic and 10Be/9Be results from ODP site 851 (East Equatorial Pacific)
- New insight on the Toba volcano super eruption (Sumatra Island, Indonesia) from BAR-9425 core.
- Nitrous oxide emissions from grassland ecosystems: Magnitude, spatio-temporal pattern and attribution
- ORCHIDEE-CNP: Site-Scale Evaluation against Observations from a Soil Formation Chronosequence in Hawaii
- Original monitoring of desert dust in African air masses transported over the Mediterranean Sea by quasi-Lagrangian drifting balloons and sounding balloons during the summer 2013 ChArMEx field campaign
- Orogen and long-term carbon cycle, what numerical modelling can tell us about their interactions.
- Permafrost thaw strongly reduces allowable CO2 emissions for 1.5°C and 2°C
- Quantifying the sources and the transit times of sediment using fallout radionuclides (<SUP>7</SUP>Be, <SUP>137</SUP>Cs, <SUP>210</SUP>Pb<SUB>xs</SUB>) in contrasted cultivated catchments across the world
- Rapid Decline in Carbon Monoxide Emissions and Export from East Asia
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Reconciling top-down and bottom-up estimates of CO2 fluxes to understand increased seasonal exchange in Northern ecosystems
- Reduction of uncertainty in global black carbon direct radiative forcing constrained by observations
- Regional Patterns of Future Runoff Changes from Earth System Models Constrained by Observation
- Regional inverse modeling for high reactive species with PYVAR-CHIMERE
- Revised methane emissions from livestock in China
- Satellite passive microwaves for monitoring deforestation and drought-induced carbon losses in sub-Saharan Africa
- Sensitivity of land-use change emission estimates to historical land-use and land-cover mapping
- Simulating C fluxes along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum of the Amazon basin from 1861-2100
- Simulating the Impacts of Climate Extremes Across Sectors: The Case of the 2003 European Heat Wave
- Ten years of multiple data stream assimilation with the ORCHIDEE land surface model to improve regional to global simulated carbon budgets: synthesis and perspectives on directions for the future
- The OCO-2 Level 4 Flux Product: Regional Flux Estimates and Uncertainties for the 2015-2016 El Nino
- The changing phenology of the land carbon fluxes as derived from atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
- The influence of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) on the use of carbonyl sulfide (COS) as a photosynthetic tracer
- Toward a Last Interglacial Compilation Using a Tephra-based Chronology: a Future Reference For Model-data Comparison
- Tropical Hydroclimate Change during Heinrich Stadial 1: An Integrative Proxy-Model Synthesis
- Tropical rainforests dominate multi-decadal variability of the global carbon cycle
- Understanding the dust cycle at high latitudes: integrating models and observations
- Variations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Kerguelen Sector during the Last Deglaciation : sedimentological and geochemical evidences
- Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands
- A rapid, deterministic age-depth modeling routine for geological sequences with inherent depth uncertainty
- A simplified model for operational observations on CH<SUB>4</SUB> wetland emissions
- ARRHENIUS: a Geostationary Carbon Process Explorer for Africa, Europe and the Middle-East
- Addressing Arctic-Boreal Plant Functional Type biases in carbon cycling in the Community Land Model
- Aggravating positive feedback of ecosystem greenhouse gases to climate warming beyond 2<SUP>o</SUP>C
- Airborne Fine-scale Mapping of Urban Meteorology using Fast-response Sensor Packs Mounted on Avian Species
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- An independent quantification of global ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Analysis of One-year Time Series of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration within Paris and its Vicinity
- Atmospheric transport of CO2 in LMDz6A:evaluation and implications for inverse modelling
- Big-data-big-model Fusion to Improve Prediction of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics with Earth System Model
- Calibration of global scale gross primary productivity simulated with the ORCHIDEE model by assimilating OCO-2 SIF products
- Carbon-water interactions: Global-scale effects of terrestrial water variations on carbon cycle
- Changes in Tibetan Plateau latitude as an important factor for understanding East Asian climate since the Eocene: a modeling study
- Characterization of Methane Emissions in the Greater Toronto Area Using In-Situ Mobile Measurements
- Comparing East Asian summer monsoon dynamics response to Mid-Piacenzian and future climate changes
- Contribution of the SWOT mission to Seine reservoirs and gravel pits evaporation modeling
- Contributions of climate change, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, land-use change and human activities to changes in river flow across ten Chinese basins
- Cryohydrogeology - Is Groundwater a Catalyst for Arctic Change?
- Data Assimilation in the Solar Wind
- Decelerating autumn CO<SUB>2</SUB> release with warming induced by attenuated temperature dependence of respiration in northern ecosystems
- Detection and attribution of Southern European cold spells via a statistical Mechanics Approach
- Divergent Hydrological Response to Large-scale Afforestation and Vegetation Greening in China
- Enhanced weathering for carbon dioxide removal in phosphorus poor systems
- Estimating erosion rates and identifying main sediment sources in the north-western of the upper Amazon basin
- Evaluation and impact of emissions over West Africa during the DACCIWA experiment using the GEOS-Chem West African regional model
- Evaluation of CMIP5 Gross Primary Productivity Using Atmospheric COS Seasonal Cycle
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- GCP-CH<SUB>4</SUB> round 3: protocols and first results of atmospheric inversions
- Global and Regional Trends of Land Sink Efficiency in the Last Twenty Years
- Global and regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget comparison between top-down and bottom-up approaches
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Ground-based Persistent Facility-Scale Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases and Other Trace Gases for Environmental and Safety Applications
- Gulf of Aqaba: A new structural model from high resolution multibeam bathymetric data.
- Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
- How a warm ocean will make weather forecasting easier
- Hydroclimate of the Last Interglacial, from models and proxies
- Impact of soil management under no-tillage on the transfer of soil and pesticides to the river in a rural catchment in southern Brazil
- Increased global land carbon sink due to aerosol-caused cooling
- Infrastructure Shapes Differences in the Carbon Intensities of Chinese cities
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Laboratory Studies of Airborne Biological Particles and Common Interferents Using Multiple Ultra-Violet Light Induced Fluorescence (UV-LIF) Instrumentation
- Lower Land Use Emissions Increased Net Land Carbon Sink During the Slow Warming Period
- Mid-Holocene paleoclimate records derived from fossil giant clam shells (Tridacna squamoza) from the Java Sea
- Modeling the impacts of anthropogenic soil erosion on the soil organic carbon storage of the Rhine catchment
- Modelling the Effects of Forest Succession and Large Disturbances in the Land Surface Model ORCHIDEE-CAN
- Most Earth-surface Calcites Precipitate Out of Isotopic Equilibrium
- Nutrient Chemistry in the South Saskatchewan River Basin: Drivers of Spatial Variation and Long-term Change
- Partitioning Global Land Evapotranspiration Using CMIP5 Models Constrained by Field Observations
- Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Mobile FTIR Spectrometry and WRF Modelling during CoMeT
- Quantifying methane-induced warming during the Pliocene
- Quantifying regional tropical carbon fluxes using GOSAT and OCO-2
- Quantifying the contribution of subsurface sediment sources using spectrocolorimetry: A case study in coastal catchments exposed to Fukushima radioactive fallout, Japan
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Reconciling conflicting estimates of the global methane budget during 1980-2012 using ensemble-based accounting
- Reconstructing soil erosion rates and sediment sources during the Anthropocene in ponds and lakes draining contrasted cultivated catchments (Loire River, France)
- Revealing Old Ice with Krypton-81 (<SUP>81</SUP>Kr)
- Seasonal Shift in Timing of African Fire Emissions: Possible Causes and Drivers
- Seasonal co-variation of plant water storage, canopy greenness, and groundwater storage across the globe
- Sensitivity of OCO-2 and In Situ Inversions to Transport, Prior Mean, and Prior Uncertainty: Results from the OCO-2 Model Inter-comparison Project and Beyond
- Sensitivity of carbon cycle inter-annual variability to terrestrial water storage: models vs observations
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of soil erosion across different landscapes
- Species Interactions Slow Warming-induced Upward Shifts of Treelines on the Tibetan Plateau
- State, Trends and the Future of the Carbon Cycle
- Subsiding Sundaland
- Temperature and Oxygen Isotope Composition Changes in the Mediterranean Sea During Sapropel Event of the "Super-Interglacial" MIS 31 Inferred From Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- The EUROCOM project: A collaborative reanalysis of European CO2 fluxes over the period 2006-2015
- The International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD): A new resource for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data across scales.
- The Variation of Global Soil PH of Forest and Grassland Due to Long-term acid deposition and Its Effects on Carbon Fluxes
- The puzzle of renewed growth in atmospheric methane concentrations: engaging with interdisciplinary networks and raising awareness
- Thoughts about satellite land surface products at Medium/High resolution
- Towards a New Federative Chronology for Deep Antarctic Ice Cores
- Towards hydrologic parameter estimation in the ORCHIDEE land surface using the ESA-CCI soil moisture combined product.
- Traceability Analysis of Ensemble Modeling Results with A Unified Diagnostic System to Improve Land Carbon Cycle Predictions
- Unifying land carbon cycle models
- Unseen Impacts of Organic Sulfur from Lower Sulfur Dioxide on Air Quality and Aerosol Properties
- What Can We Get From Plio-Pleistocene Transition Concerning Anthropocene?
- What impact do plant and soil hydrologic schemes of varying complexity have on simulated water and carbon fluxes across semi-arid sites in the southwestern US?
- A circumpolar view of Subantarctic iron fertilization over the last ice age
- A hybrid model-observation analysis of changes in global flood hazard
- Adjustments from ice sheet forcing at the last glacial maximum
- Agriculture increases seasonal drawdown of terrestrial carbon in the Community Land Model
- Bias Correction of Open Path CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations in a Complex Urban Environment for Carbon Cycle Model Inter-Comparison
- Bioenergy Crops Modeling in a Global Vegetation Model
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Characteristics of total column CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory missions: biases, information content and implications for flux inversions
- Co-benefits of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission reduction from China's clean air actions
- Consistent Changes in Nitrate Consumption in Two Sectors of the Antarctic Zone Through the Last Glacial Cycle
- Could continuum pulses over 50 ka of Toba supereruptions cause a global climatic change?
- Deep Learning Optimizes Data-driven Representation of Soil Organic Carbon in Earth System Model over the Conterminous United States
- Earth greening and terrestrial water cycle change
- Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East - Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre (EMME-CARE)
- Evaluating forest spatiotemporal trends of self-thinning trajectories and its implications on carbon storage
- Full implementation of matrix approach to biogeochemistry module of Community Land Model version 5 (CLM5)
- Global Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget 2000-2017 Inferred From Multi-species Atmospheric Inversions
- Global cropland-N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission dataset
- Global irrigation contribution to wheat and maize yield
- Greening of global lands from twenty-year satellite observation
- Highlights on Key Polar Processes Driving Antarctic Surface Mass Balance Estimates
- How can we best constrain terrestrial biosphere model carbon cycle predictions using satellite remote sensing data?
- Impact of gustiness in turbulent fluxes parameterization on the air-sea coupling and ocean feedbacks in climate simulation
- Impact of the Precursors Emissions Reductions on the Recent Evolution of Pollutants in China
- Impacts of the 2018 drought in Europe: a multi-scale perspective from in-situ, remote-sensing and modelling datasets
- Improved Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimates from OCO-2 v9 Retrievals
- Inequality of household consumption and air pollution-related deaths in China
- Influences of hydroxyl radical on the top-down estimate of the global methane budget
- Insolation threshold as a trigger of abrupt oscillations in AMOC at the end of interglacials
- Is Tibetan Plateau uplift more recent than we thought?
- Is there an Optimal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Partial Column for Flux Inversions?
- Joint assimilation of socio-economic and atmospheric measurements to constrain greenhouse gas emissions across urban landscapes
- Large contribution of hematite and goethite to uncertainty in dust direct radiative forcing
- Large-scale observational and modelling-based constraints of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect
- Model intercomparison of climatic effects of idealized global deforestation experiments
- Modelling the drifting snow climate and surface mass balance of Adélie Land
- On the isotopic equilibrium between precipitation and water vapor in the Northern Patagonia during late summer 2017 and its consequences on δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>cellulose</SUB> calculation
- Overview of Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum PMIP4 entry card results
- Overviews of the last release of the Global Methane Budget 2000-2017: what have we learnt about the last 10 years of increasing methane?
- Paleotemperatures over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles from a subaqueous speleothem
- Perspectives on the terrestrial carbon cycle by integrating forest structure within land-surface models
- Projection of the Antarctic surface mass balance by 2100 using MAR
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Recent acceleration of methane growth rate: leading contributions from tropical wetlands and China
- Reconciling carbon exchange efficiency from ecosystem to global scales
- Reconstruction of Sub-grid-scale Buoyancy Fluxes from Large-Scale ocean Variables
- SMOS-IC L-VOD observed tropical aboveground carbon dynamics
- Satellite-constrained ammonia improves performance of CTMs
- Sedimentary perspectives of Pleistocene ocean circulation and climate change from the southernmost Chilean continental margin
- Simulating the effects of large-scale reduction in the use of nitrogen fertilizers over Europe on biodiversity and the ecosystem production and carbon
- Simulations of Miocene climates to infer apes dispersal.
- Subgrid-scale Parametrization of Groundwater-Soil Moisture Interactions in the IPSL Climate Model: Impacts on Historical and Future Heat Waves
- The contribution of the world's main source regions to the global cycle of desert dust
- The global carbon balance of forests based on flux towers and forest age data
- The hammam effect or how a warm ocean enhances large scale atmospheric predictability
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- The terrestrial carbon allocation and turnover times in tropical regions
- Uncertainties regarding ocean biogeochemical cycling exert significant influence on the response of the ocean carbon cycle to climate change at regional scales
- Warming-induced spring net carbon uptake contributes to enhanced carbon sink activity in the northern high latitudes
- What origin(s) for the millennial-timescale variations in rock magnetic parameters observed in northeastern Bulgarian loess through MIS 6 ?
- 4 years of global carbon cycle observed from OCO-2 v9 and in situ data
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A reversal in global terrestrial stilling andits implications for wind energy production
- Abrupt decline in tropospheric nitrogen dioxide after the outbreak of COVID-19
- Adaptive strategies of leaf shedding and consequences for photosynthesis in humid tropical forests
- Agricultural Fertilization Drives Increased Seasonal Amplitude of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange
- Asymmetry in the sensitivity of gross primary productivity to soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit
- Biophysical Climate Effects of Afforestation and Vegetation Greening in China from 1982 to 2011
- Carbon exchange in tropical land, as seen from both bottom-up and top-down perspectives
- Changes in the carbon dioxide column averages across the world during the first months of 2020
- China's CO2 emission trends 2000-2020
- Climatic and biotic factors influencing regional declines and recovery of tropical forest biomass from the 2015/16 El Niño
- Comparison of NOAA's current greenhouse gas observing network to a hypothetical network hosted on commercial aircraft for constraining fluxes at regional to continental scales
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics
- Data sampling from the space and urban fossil-fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions: do we measure often enough?
- Dynamic Global Hunter-gatherer Model Reveals Key Role of Seasonality in Population Density via Diet Composition
- ERA-5 Daily Precipitation Compared with Observational Datasets
- Effects of a public policy that aims to reduce large-scale nitrogen fertilizer usage over European agriculture: ecosystem carbon and biodiversity changes
- Evaluating the dependence structure of compound precipitation and wind speed extremes
- Evaluation of Data Based Estimates of Anthropogenic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean
- Examining trends in synoptic-scale variability in wintertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> readings at Mace Head, Ireland
- From fluxes to signals: A joint analysis of GHG and Air Quality over the Paris Megacity
- Future intensification of extreme Aleutian Low events and their climate impacts
- Global Land-Use Change, Biomass and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Producing Plant- and Animal-based Human Food
- Global trends in carbon monoxide abundance and emissions
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Isotopic Disequilibrium in Carbonate Minerals
- Human ancestors' dispersal: the role of climate
- Impact of an accelerated melting on Malaria distribution over Africa.
- Implementing new hydraulic architecture in ORCHIDEE-CAN to model tree mortality risk in response to drought
- Increased CO2 and decreased CH4 emissions in response to drying of northern peatlands: experimental observations vs. model simulations
- Influence of the Astronomical Forcing on a Conceptal Ice Age Model
- Is the Evolution of Climate a Four-beat Waltz?
- L-VOD vegetation index capabilities for monitoring the dynamics of above-ground biomass: results and perspectives
- Long-term high-resolution land-use/land-cover change dataset for regional climate modeling
- MOSAiC's Pan Arctic Water Isotope Network: Sea ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions observed with water vapor isotope measurements from land and an icebreaker
- Machine Learning Surrogate Models for Oceanic Simulations' Parameter Tuning
- Matrix MIP to trace uncertainty in predicting land carbon dynamics
- Mid-Holocene summer monsoon dynamics over East Asia: robust physics underlying large inter-model spread
- Modeling the Magnitude and Direction of SIF and GPP in Response to Light Conditions Across Evergreen Forests
- Modelling Miocene climate with the IPSL earth system model. Uncertainties and challenges.
- North Atlantic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Pulses and Warm Stadials Linked to AMOC Variability
- Novel Representation of Leaf Phenology Improves Simulation of Amazonian Evergreen Forest Photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE Model
- OCO-3 SAM mode: Spatiotemporal Variability of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> over the Los Angeles Megacity
- Ozone pollution in the North China Plain spreading into the late-winter haze season
- Photosynthesis and Phenology Parameter Optimization Alleviates Terrestrial Biosphere Model Underestimate of Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Interannual Variability at Semiarid Sites
- Reanalyzing carbonate clumped isotope calibration materials using robust carbonate standardization
- Simulation of Nitrogen Isotopes from Numerical Output of Earth System Models
- Southern Ocean upwelling, Earth's obliquity and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> change
- Tall Forests Are More Sensitive and Vulnerable to Drought Than Short Forests in The Tropic
- The Aurora Basin North Ice Core record of temperature variability over the last 2000 years in East Antarctica
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The past, present, and future of multiple breadbasket failures: constructing a 100-year statistical record to constrain risks
- The return of the Eastern European carbon sink
- Toward Using Space-Based CO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations to Estimate Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Towards a New Dating of the Deep Portion of TALDICE Ice Core
- Underestimated Global Warming Hidden by Internal AMOC Weakening
- Understanding Holocene fire regimes from the western Iberian Peninsula using microscopic charcoal preserved in marine sediments
- VOC Levels and Variability in the First Semester of 2020 in the Paris Region: Impact of the National Lockdown
- Water stress and carbon uptake in the tropics: surface temperatures as a new indicator
- XCO2 and Surface Pressure retrievals from the OCO-2 spectra using a Neural Network approach
- A Large but Transient Carbon Sink from Urbanization and Rural Depopulation in China
- A data-model intercomparison of the carbon-phosphorus interaction under elevated CO2 in a mature forest ecosystem (EucFACE)
- Absolute Dating of the Bottom of Ice Cores with 40Ar using Smaller Samples
- Ambient concentrations and source identification of methane and non-methane hydrocarbons in Eastern Mediterranean
- Analysis of the seasonal and inter-annual variations of CO2 emission over Paris based on 3.5-year atmospheric inversion
- Carbon loss from forest degradation exceeds that from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
- Characterizing Atmospheric Jet Regimes Across Different Datasets and Climates
- Climate sensitivity for radial growth and tree-ring stable isotopes suggest a decoupling between carbon sink and carbon source processes as aridity increases in the semiarid Central Andes
- Closing the Antarctic Void: Tighter Constraints on Biogeographic Affinities of Modern Dinoflagellate Cysts in the Southern Ocean with Implications for Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Reconstructions
- Comparing National Greenhouse Gas Budgets Reported in UNFCCC Inventories against Atmospheric Inversions
- Comparison of CH4 emissions reported in UNFCCC inventories against atmospheric inversions
- Confronting the water potential information gap
- Data Assimilation as a Tool for Improving Seasonal Predictions of T/ET Partitioning in Southwestern US Semiarid Ecosystems
- Deep Learning Enables Country-wide Individual Tree Canopy Segmentation, Counting and Height Estimation
- Detecting soil moisture drydowns in remote sensed products and exploring their potential for land surface model parameter estimation studies
- Detection Potential of Urban CO2 Emissions from Space: a Review of Global Megacities
- Development and deployment of mid-cost CO2 sensors in the Paris region: a collaboration between academia, industry and local government
- Diagnosing and evaluating the dynamics of terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Divergent historical GPP trends among state-of-the-art multi-model simulations and satellite-based products
- Do global inversion systems systematically underestimate the seasonal amplitude of net ecosystem CO2 flux?
- Drying reduces carbon sink strength and carbon stock in northern circumarctic peatlands
- Earthquake doublet revealed by multiple pulses in lacustrine seismo-turbidites
- Evaluating Simulated Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance in the NASA GISS ModelE GCM
- Field-based tree mortality observations constrain model-projected forest carbon sinks across continents
- Global Carbon Exchange Efficiency Reveals Widespread Ecosystem CO2 Loss
- Global Phosphorus Losses from Croplands under Future Precipitation Scenarios
- High Resolution Biomass and Height Maps of the Landes Forest (France) based on GEDI, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data : a Deep Learning Approach
- How Land Surface Models Are Taking Advantage of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- IPCC AR6 WGI Chapter 12: Climate change information for regional impact and for risk assessment
- If You Cant Measure It, You Cant Improve It: How Research Community Can Efficiently Support GHG Inventories under the Paris Agreement
- Impact of bioenergy crops expansion on climate-carbon cycle feedbacks in overshoot scenarios
- Impact of the Anthropogenic Climate Change on Climate Variability in Antarctica
- Implementation of Vegetation and Soil Carbonyl Sulfide Exchanges in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model to Better Constrain Ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity
- Improved Global-Scale Predictions of Soil Carbon Stocks with Millennial Version 2
- Increased Importance of Earth System Model Emulators in the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Increasing Biospheric Imbalances Between Nitrogen and Phosphorus. A New Driver of Global Change with Multiple Consequences for the Environment, Food Security and Human Health
- Interconnected global deep-sea circulation changes over the past 25,000 years
- Large early cold season heterotrophic respiration signal across northern Eurasia
- Learning a weather dictionary of atmospheric patterns using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Looking under the hood: benchmarking soil organic matter pool distributions at the global-scale
- Methane emissions from oil and gas ultra-emitters across the world
- Modeling the Effect of Climate Change on Qatar's Electricity Demand to the end of the Century and Implications for CO2 Emissions from Electricity Generation
- Monitoring Vegetation Status in Tropical Forests and Biomes using Land Surface Temperature
- Monitoring forest management and tree growth at field level in southern China
- Multi-model ensemble does not fill the gaps in sparse wetland methane observations
- Observations From Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Networks Detect the Abrupt Changes in Emissions During the COVID-19 Lockdown
- Observations and Simulations of the Stable Water Isotope Signature of Convective Updrafts and Downdrafts Associated with Different Mesoscale Organization Patterns of Shallow Trade Wind Clouds
- Oxygen stable isotopes in tree rings reveal 300 years of precipitation variability in the South American Altiplano
- Partitioning Climate Change Impacts on Yield Variation Due to Temperature, CO2 Increase, and Adaptation
- Plant gross primary production, plant respiration and carbonyl sulfide emissions over the globe inferred by atmospheric inverse modelling
- Real-time Source Apportionment of Organic Aerosols in Three European Cities
- Reconciliation of asynchronous satellite-based NO2 and anthropogenic XCO2 enhancements with WRF-Chem over two metropolitan areas
- Reconstruction of Seasonal Interaction of Soil Moistureand Tree Water Content Over Boreal Forests
- Regional Antarctic Ice Sheet Acceleration from Satellite Gravimetry
- Short-Lived Climate Forcers
- Siberian 2020 heatwave increased spring CO2 uptake but not annual CO2 uptake
- Tectonic reshaping of the biosphere
- Temperature outcome of net zero emissions scenarios and China's role
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Kids Arent Alright
- The greenhouse gas budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia during 2000s and 2010s
- The limited impact of green recovery packages on CO2 emission pathways
- The response of intense Mediterranean cyclones to climate change
- The role of northern peatlands in the global carbon cycle
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Towards an understanding of Greenland Ice Sheet Instability Through a Detailed Magneto-stratigraphic and Sedimentological Examination of the Deep Eirik Ridge Sedimentary Record
- Tree-ring isotopes from Araucaria Araucana provide new insights on climate variability at Northern Patagonia
- Understanding d13C Cycles in the Geological Record : an Attempt with a Simple Conceptual Model.
- Volcanic Deposits: an Archive of Nitrogen Fixation by Volcanic Lightning at Geological Timescale
- Widespread decrease in temperature control of northern plant productivity
- A global synthesis of biomass loss due to wind disturbances during 2016-2018
- A methodology for attributing extreme extratropical cyclones to climate change: the case study of storm Alex 2020
- A model-data comparison of the hydrological response to Miocene warmth: leveraging the MioMIP1 opportunistic multi-model ensemble
- Atmospheric circulation compounds anthropogenic warming and extreme climate impacts in Europe
- Central African Biomass Carbon Loss Counterbalanced by Carbon Gains during 2010-2019
- Characterizing Geologic Carbon Release as an Explanation for Deglacial Δ14C Anomalies within the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Chasing data-driven probabilistic forecasting tools for heatwaves: the case of analog Markov chains and dimensional reduction via autoencoders
- Climate Change in The Indo-Pacific Basin From Mid-To Late Holocene
- Coarse mineral dust in the Earth system
- Data-model comparison of paleodust during the last climate cycle
- Dynamics Methane Seeps in the Black Sea: Transfer between the Water Masses and to the Atmosphere
- Dynamics of Carbonyl Sulfide Ecosystem Fluxes at a Boreal Forest, Wetland and River and an African Sisal Plantation
- Emissions of Ammonia Declined during the first COVID-19 lockdowns over Europe
- Estimate of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions from the Mexico City Metropolitan Area Based on 1 year of Atmospheric Measurements and Inversion Modeling
- Evaluating JAXA/GOSAT two-layer XCO2 with aircraft measurements and OCO-2 MIP simulations
- Evaluation of Carbonyl Sulfide Potential to Constrain Carbon and Water Fluxes of Boreal Evergreen Needleleaf Forests through Data Assimilation in a Land Surface Model
- Evaluation of Native Earth System Model Output with ESMValTool
- Extreme events increase carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuel
- From Long Term Stable Isotope Observations to Conceptual and Physical Based Model Simulations to Characterize Catchment Runoff Generation in a Snow Dominated Catchment
- Geomagnetic Network Analysis (GNA) a Paleomagnetic Approach for Regional Synchronization and Chronological Improvement: A Case Study Constraining Non-linear Accumulation Rates During the Last Interglaciation in Cores South of Greenland
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Global reorganization of deep-sea circulation and carbon storage after the last ice age
- Greenhouse gas budget for South Asia Region
- Large Loss and Rapid Recovery of Vegetation Cover and Aboveground Biomass Over Forest Areas in Australia during 2019-2020
- Modeling Stomatal Conductance in ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model and Comparison with FLUXNET Observations
- Monitoring urban CO2 emissions from space: insights from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 (OCO-3) mission
- Predicting the trajectory of ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and phosphorus fertilization at EucFACE
- Reconcile seasonal discrepancies of net ecosystem exchange estimates between bottom-up and top-down approaches
- Reservoir operation variations in Alpine catchments: a reconstruction using generalized additive models
- Sensitivity of L band Vegetation Optical Depth to Canopy Height and Biomass of Global Forest Ecosystems.
- The 17O-excess of plant silica, a proxy of continental atmospheric relative humidity in tropical areas: field calibration
- The Biogeochemical Model Database bgc_md2, a Python Package for Fast Comparison and Benchmarking of Element Cycling Models
- The Contribution of Tree-Ring Isotopes to Reconstruct Regional Climate and Atmospheric Patterns in South America
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- Tracking Changes in CO2 Urban Emissions at Neighbourhoods Scale During the COVID-19 Waves Series and Beyond
- Using soil moisture and land surface temperature Earth observations to optimize land surface model performance
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. Karion
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Agatha M. de Boer
- Aimée B. A. Slangen
- Akihiko Ito
- Akihiko Kuze
- Akinori Ito
- Alex Farnsworth
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alice Marzocchi
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Ana Bastos
- Anaïs Orsi
- Anders Ahlström
- Andrea Burke
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andrê S. H. Prévôt
- Aneesh Kumar Chandel
- Annalisa Bracco
- Anne de Vernal
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Astrid Kiendler‐Scharr
- B. H. Samset
- Belinda E. Medlyn
- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Benjamin J. Murray
- Benjamin N. Sulman
- Benjamin Poulter
- Biqing Zhu
- Brad Weir
- Brendan Byrne
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Medeiros
- C. W. Fairall
- Camille Abadie
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Catherine Chauvel
- Catherine Kissel
- Catherine Ottlé
- Changhui Peng
- Charles D. Koven
- Charles E. Miller
- Chelle Gentemann
- Chris O’Dell
- Christine Hatté
- Christoph Müller
- Christopher J. Smith
- Chuang Xuan
- Claire L. Ryder
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Claudia Di Biagio
- Claudia Tebaldi
- Colm Sweeney
- Cuijuan Liao
- Cécile Agosta
- César B. Rocha
- D. T. Shindell
- Dan Zhu
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- Daniel S. Goll
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- Darren L. Ficklin
- David A Hodell
- David Crisp
- David K. Hutchinson
- Davide Faranda
- Denis‐Didier Rousseau
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Dien Wu
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Dustin Roten
- Dylan B. Millet
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Eiko Nemitz
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Eric A. Davidson
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. Chevallier
- Fabienne Maignan
- Fabrizio Falasca
- Felix Vogel
- Fortunat Joos
- France Lagroix
- François‐Marie Bréon
- Gabriele Messori
- Gang Chen
- Gavin McNicol
- Georg Wohlfahrt
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Gustau Camps‐Valls
- Hannes Konrad
- Hanqin Tian
- Hao Tang
- Hervé Giordani
- Hideo Shiogama
- Holger Metzler
- Hong Liao
- Irina Melnikova
- Ivan Mammarella
- J. B. Miller
- J. S. Stoner
- James W. B. Rae
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jim Thomson
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Jocelyn Turnbull
- Joeri Rogelj
- Johannes Karstensen
- John C. Lin
- Jon M. Wells
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jooil Kim
- Jos Lelieveld
- Josep G. Canadell
- Josep Peñuelas
- Julia K. Green
- Julia Pongratz
- Jun Meng
- Jun Wang
- Junjie Liu
- Jürgen Knauer
- K. R. Verhulst
- K. W. Bowman
- Karen J. Heywood
- Kashif Mahmud
- Kassandra M Costa
- Katerina Georgiou
- Katleen Wils
- Katrin Fleischer
- Kelley C. Wells
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kimberly Mueller
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Kyle C. Armour
- L. T. Berner
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
- Laura Gallardo
- Laurent Husson
- Leonie Villiger
- Li Zhang
- Lifen Jiang
- Linda E. Sohl
- Lionel Renault
- Livio Ruffine
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- M. Carmen Alvarez-Castro
- Maarten Van Daele
- Manuel Schlund
- Manuela Irene Brunner
- Marielle Saunois
- Marina Dütsch
- Martin Brandt
- Martina Klose
- María Piles
- Masayuki Kondo
- Mathias Goeckede
- Mathias Vuille
- Mathieu Casado
- Matthew Huber
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Matthias M. Boer
- Matthias Sprenger
- Maureen H. Walczak
- Maximilien Desservettaz
- Mingkai Jiang
- Mukund Palat Rao
- Murali Krishna Gumma
- N. M. Mahowald
- Naota Hanasaki
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathan Collier
- Naveen Chandra
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicolas Delbart
- Nikolaos Evangeliou
- Nima Madani
- Ning Zeng
- P. Artaxo
- P. O. Wennberg
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patrick A. Rafter
- Patrick Alexander
- Peng Zhu
- Pengfei Han
- Pete Smith
- Peter Landschützer
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Peter van der Beek
- Pierre Gentine
- Pierre Sepulchre
- Prabir K. Patra
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qiuan Zhu
- Qiuhong Tang
- R. P. Acosta
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel
- Raphaël Hébert
- Raúl Ochoa‐Hueso
- Richard Wehr
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert G. Hatfield
- Robert Kopp
- Roland Séférian
- Rona L. Thompson
- Rose Abramoff
- Rui Cheng
- Ruixue Lei
- Russell Doughty
- Russell L. Scott
- Ryan A. Green
- Rémi Laxenaire
- S. A. Montzka
- S.K.V. Hines
- Sabine Eckhardt
- Sandrine Bony
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott J. Goetz
- Sean Crowell
- Sebastian Milinski
- Sha Feng
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Sharon Gourdji
- Shufen Pan
- Simon N. Gosling
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sophie Szopa
- Sourish Basu
- Steven J. Davis
- T. Karl
- T. Oda
- T. Taylor
- Teamrat A. Ghezzehei
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Tim DeVries
- Timo Vesala
- Tokuta Yokohata
- Toshihiro Hasegawa
- Vaishali Naik
- Valérie Daux
- Vanessa C. Monteiro
- Veronika Eyring
- Verónika Ceballos-Núñez
- Vivienne H. Payne
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wenli Zhao
- William Collins
- William D. Collins
- William J. Riley
- William R. Gray
- William R. Wieder
- Wim Thiery
- Xiangming Xiao
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xiaojuan Yang
- Xingcai Liu
- Yang Xu
- Yannick Donnadieu
- Yi Yin
- Yoshihide Wada
- Yu Zhou
- Yuanwei Qin
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Zebedee Nicholls
- Zhi Hua Liu
- Zhu Deng
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez