European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France
flowchart I[European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (204)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Application of Inelastic X-ray Scattering to Measurements of Acoustic Wave Velocities in Geophysical Materials at Very High Pressure
- In situ, Time Resolved Small Angle Solution Scattering: A Synchrotron-Based Study of the First Minute in the Life of Iron Sulphide and Iron Oxihydroxide Colloids
- X-ray Spectroscopy at Ultra-High Pressure: Present and Future
- High-pressure Geochemistry of Iron: Towards a Two-Layer Lower Mantle
- Cation Order-Disorder of Dolomite at High Pressure and Temperature
- Effects of Aluminum on the Compressibility of Silicate Perovskite
- Inelastic x-ray scattering in extreme conditions: a tool for investigating deep planetary interiors.
- Single Crystal Preparation for High Pressure Experiments in the Diamond Anvil Cell.
- Sound Velocity Measurements in Textured hcp-Iron and the Anisotropy and Structure of Earth's Inner Core
- Ultrahigh pressure deformation of polycrystaline hcp-cobalt
- Bacterial control on the structure of As-Fe oxy-hydroxides in acid mine drainage.
- Effects of Aluminium on the compressibility of silicate perovskite
- High Pressure - Temperature Effects on Cation Ordering in Magnesioferrite, MgFe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>, Using in situ Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction up to 1430 K and 6 GPa
- In situ determination of Pb, Sr, Rb, Zr partitioning between hydrous melts and aqueous fluids at high pressure and temperature
- Kinetics of Antigorite Dehydration by in Situ X-ray Diffraction
- The Fate of Subducted Basaltic Crust in the Earth's Lower Mantle : an Experimental Petrological Study
- X-ray Fluorescent Phosphors as in Situ Markers of X-ray Position for High-Pressure X-ray Techniques: Equation of State and X-ray Fluorescence Spectra to 40 GPa
- A High Pressure Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in NaMgF3--a MgSiO3 Analog Material
- Aggregate and Single-Crystalline Elasticity of hcp Cobalt
- Assessing Dispersion Induced Errors in Spectroradiometric Temperature Measurements
- MgSiO3 Post-Perovskite Phase P-V-T Equation of State
- New experimental evidence for simple phase behavior of iron and perovskite.
- On the track of 5-fold silicon signature in the high pressure CAS phase CaAl4Si2O11
- Phase Transitions in Transition Metal Monooxides: Interplay Between Structural, Magnetic, and Electronic Properties
- Solving the Controversy about the Role of Al-Defects on the Equation of State of the Main Lower Mantle Perovskite Phase
- Uranium in the Earth's lower mantle
- Crystallography of Powdered Samples at High Pressure: Practical Aspects of Diffraction Data Collection and Analysis.
- Hyperspectral Analyses of Wild 2 Grains Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Magnesium Content of the Core: an Experimental Study
- Melting and phase diagram of iron: New experimental evidence from synchrotron measurements.
- Metal-Ligand Interplay in Strongly Correlated Oxides at Very High Pressure Investigated by X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
- Modeling of the Snow Temperature Gradient Metamorphism by Using 3D Images from X-ray Microtomography
- Pressure-Induced Spin Crossover in Olivine Mg1.8Fe0.2SiO4
- Quasi-hydrostatic equation of state of iron above 2 Mbar; implications for the Earth's core
- Retention of heavy rare gases in silicates at deep Earth's conditions.
- Sound Velocities and Elastic Moduli of Fe- and Al-bearing Mg-Silicate Perovskite by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
- Sound wave velocities of Fe-Ni alloy at high pressure and temperature
- 2D Micro-XAS mapping in Diamond Anvil Cell: Application for Post-Spinel Transition
- Anelastic behaviour of FexO at high pressure
- Atmospheric Sulphur Archives in Tree Rings: a First Comparison With Speleothems
- Disequilibrium Experiments and Micro-XANES Analysis: Novel Tools to Unravel the Speciation of Sulfur in Silicate Melts.
- Elasticity of hcp Metals at High Pressure and Temperature: the Quasi-harmonic Case of Cobalt
- Fast Kinetics of Dehydration of Hydrous minerals at Subduction Zone Conditions
- Fine Measurements of Geomaterials Thermoelastic Properties at Megabar Pressures
- High Pressure Reduction of Selenite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
- Intermediate-spin ferrous iron in lower mantle perovskite
- Investigation of Fe-FeS phase diagram and liquid structure at high pressure and high temperature
- Kinetics of the olivine-wadsleyite transition from time resolved synchrotron XRD
- New Constraints on the Pyrolitic Model: In Situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements on KLB-1 Peridotite Under the Lower Mantle Conditions
- Phase Stability and Melting Temperature of Epsilon Oxygen at Half a Megabar
- Chemical Behavior of Sulfur in Minerals and Silicate Glasses Studied Using Inner Shell Spectroscopy
- Elastic Wave Velocities of Lower Mantle Perovskite With Intermediate-spin Iron and Consequences for Mantle Properties and Dynamics
- Fast Breakdown of Hydrous Minerals may Trigger Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in subduction Zones
- Phase relations of Fe-Si-Ni alloys at core conditions: Implications for the Earth inner core
- Retention of CO2 in Subduction Zones: a Solid Solution Model for Ca-Mg-Fe Carbonates at Upper Mantle Conditions
- The Perovskite to Post-Perovskite phase transition in Al-bearing (Mg,Fe)SiO3: A XANES in-situ analysis at the Fe K-edge
- Tracking Trace Elements Exchanges Between Fluids and Minerals in Situ at High Pressure and High Temperature
- Bulk Sound Velocity Measurements At High P,T Using Nuclear Inelastic Scattering: Influence Of Spin Transitions On Mantle Velocity Profiles
- Complexation of Sr in aqueous fluids equilibrated with silicate melts: effect of melt and fluid composition
- Eutectic melting temperature of the lowermost Earth's mantle
- Kinetics and mechanism of antigorite dehydration at subduction zone conditions
- Melting of Peridotite at Lower Mantle Conditions: Implications for Magma Ocean Differentiation and Melting Processes at the CMB
- Phase relations in partially molten lower mantle material investigated in-situ by X-ray fluorescence
- Study of Fe-S-Si immiscible system at high pressure and high temperature: implications for planetary cores
- The Core Density and Elastic Anisotropy: insights from the hcp-Fe and Fe0.8Ni0.2 Alloy P-V-T Equations of State and c/a Ratio to 220 GPa and 3000 K
- Zircon solubility and of Zr species in subduction zone fluids
- A New Carbonate Chemistry in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- A new method for the experimental study of dislocations in high pressure minerals
- Deformation mechanisms in Phase D to 45 GPa and implications for the seismic anisotropy in deep subducted slabs
- Experimental study of dislocations in grains of MgGeO3 post-perovskite at 90 GPa
- Ferric iron and water incorporation in wadsleyite at 410-km depth
- Improvements of the multichannel collimator set-up on ID27, ESRF: applications to the Fe-FeS system
- Iron spin transitions and elastic properties of (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 perovskite using a newly developed synchrotron Mössbauer source and nuclear inelastic scattering
- Melting of Peridotite to 140 GPa (Invited)
- Melting properties of iron alloys at high pressure determined by in situ X-ray diffraction
- Reactivity of Xe with ice at extreme P-T conditions
- Spin crossover in ferropericlase at high pressure: A seismically transparent transition? (Invited)
- 3D X-Ray Diffraction in the Diamond Anvil Cell: Tracking Single Grains above 100 GPa
- A novel in situ approach to study trace element partitioning between silicate and iron rich liquids at extreme conditions
- Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction of Argon to 65 GPa and 800 K
- Density of alkaline magmas at crustal and upper mantle conditions by X-ray absorption
- Development of in situ synchrotron tomography in the Paris-Edinburgh cell
- Earth's Volatiles History and Cycles: the Case of Iodine
- In situ experimental study of dislocations in minerals at high pressure
- Incorporation of Xe in silicates at high P and T: a mechanism for isotope fractionation and trapping at depth
- Laser-Heated DAC Mössbauer Study of Lower Mantle Phases: Spin Transitions and Implications for Mantle Heterogeneity
- Melting of geomaterials under high-pressure using in-situ time-resolved XRD
- NanoXRF cartography of Middle Jurassic (-170Ma) coccoliths
- New Caledonia as a New Site on Ultramafic Rocks for the French Critical Zone Exploration Network
- Novel Mössbauer Measurements of Spin Transitions in Lower Mantle Silicate Perovskite
- Single crystal diffraction studies of phase transition of minerals across Fe high-low spin transition at high pressure
- Sound velocities of iron aluminum-bearing magnesium silicate perovskite at 25 GPa and up to 1200 K: Implications for heterogeneities in Earth's lower mantle
- The density of dry and hydrous granitic magmas
- Trace elemental nano-imaging of monazite and zircon using synchrotron radiation induced XRF: new insights into polyphase evolution
- Twin Selection at the Verwey Transition Using Uniaxial Stress
- XAS molecular-level speciation and isotopes to assess the biogeochemistry of trace elements in soils and sediments : Few examples on Zn
- Aluminous ferro-magnesium silicate perovskite at lower mantle conditions
- Density and ascent rates of carbonate liquids and implications for the origin of carbonatites
- Effects of the bcc-hcp transition on textures and anisotropy in Fe
- From the meso to the nanoscopic scale through synchrotron imaging approaches: advances and near future at the NSLS-II SRX beamline
- In situ insights to Se (S) partitioning between silicate and metallic melts at extreme conditions
- Magmas trapped at depth and the continental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
- Melt density and the efficiency of fractional crystallization for the generation of phonolite magmas
- Melting curve of iron to 200 GPa
- Melting properties and equations of state of Fe-Ni-S and Fe-Ni-Si liquid alloys up to megabar pressure
- Palaeoclimatic significance of Phosphorus variability in Tropical and SubTropical speleothems revealed by high-resolution synchrotron micro XRF mapping
- Shear wave velocities in deformed Al-stishovite and seismic heterogeneities in the mid-mantle
- Silicate-Iron partitioning of Palladium and Ruthemium up to 110 GPa using nano-X-Ray Fluorescence imaging
- Single crystal equation of state of phase D up to 64 GPa
- Solid-liquid iron partitioning in Earth's deep mantle
- Spin state of iron and elastic properties of (MgFe)(SiAl)O3 under conditions of the lower mantle
- Spin transitions in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite and the electrical conductivity of the lower mantle
- The Halogen's History of the Early Earth
- The buoyancy of large siliceous magma chambers is sufficient to initiate supereruptions
- The origin of low velocity layers in subduction zones: elasticity of hydrous phases at high pressures and temperatures
- A quest for super dense aluminium
- Bromine speciation in hydrous haplogranitic melts up to 7 GPa
- Compositional effects on the density of volatile-bearing magmatic liquids in the upper mantle
- Density measurements and structural properties of liquid and amorphous metals under high pressure studied by in situ X-ray scattering (Invited)
- Elastic properties and phase transitions of Fe7C3 and new constraints on the light element budget of the Earth's inner core
- Electronic spin state of lower mantle perovskite at conditions of the deep Earth's interior from in situ high P,T nuclear resonance measurements
- Experimental investigation of methane hydrates dissociation up to 5 GPa: Implications for Titan's interior
- High-Pressure Behavior of Serpentines and Talc
- In situ 3D-X-ray diffraction tracking of individual grains of olivine during high-pressure/ high-temperature phase transitions
- In-situ viscometry of lunar magmas at high pressure and high temperature
- Melting properties of iron alloys under Earth's core conditions (Invited)
- Sound velocity of ? iron at Moon's core conditions
- Stability of Fe-BEARING Carbonates in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- The influence of solid solution on elastic wave velocity determination in (Mg,Fe)O using nuclear inelastic scattering
- Application of Microanalytical Techniques to an Extremely Slow Growing Speleothem: a Pilot Study Covering the Last Glacial Period
- Complex Effects of Alumina/Silica on Ferric/Ferrous Iron in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Effect of light elements (S, Si, C, O) on liquid iron alloys structural properties under high pressure studied by XRD, XANES and molecular dynamics
- Equation of State of Amorphous MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> and (MgFe)SiO<SUB>3</SUB> to Lowermost Mantle Pressures
- First Laser Shock Experiment at Esrf to Probe Warm Dense Iron
- In Situ Monitoring of Microstructures during Subsequent Phase Transitions in the Olivine System up to 30 GPa and 1100 K Using 3D-XRD Single-Grain Analysis. Effects of Grain Size Evolution on the Stagnation of Slab.
- Micro-, to nano-structural relationships in natural serpentines, derived from cationic substitutions.
- Pressure-Induced Amorphisation in San Carlos Olivine: a XANES Study.
- Probing the oxidation state of iron in the deep mantle using high P,T Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Shear Deformation of Fe Polycrystals in the Rotational Diamond Anvil Cell
- The melting curve of Ni to 125 GPa: implications for Earth's Fe rich core alloy
- Trace and Minor Elements in Magmas at High Pressure: In Situ Structural Insights on Partitioning at Depth
- Understanding Structural Properties of Carbonate-Silicate Melts: An EXAFS Study on Y and Sr in the System Na<SUB>2</SUB>O-CaO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB>-CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Applications of multigrain crystallography for the study of post-perovskite microstructures
- Contrasted distribution of colloidal and true dissolved phosphorus in shallow groundwaters from a small, lowland agricultural catchment
- Core formation in the early solar system through percolation: 4-D in-situ visualization of melt migration
- Discovery of New Iron Oxide Fe<SUB>7</SUB>O<SUB>9</SUB> and its Solid Solution, (Mg,Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>)<SUB>3</SUB>Fe<SUP>3+</SUP><SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>9</SUB>
- Fate of Silicate Melts at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
- High-pressure compressibility and thermal expansion of aragonite
- High-pressure deformation of serpentine + olivine aggregates
- Iron carbonates in the Earth's lower mantle: reality or imagination?
- Melting and Crystallization at Core Mantle Boundary
- Melting of Bridgmanite to 135 Gpa: Toward a Coherent Model for the Melting Behavior in the Lower Mantle
- Phase relations in the system Fe-Si determined in an internally-resistive heated DAC
- Shear modulus and attenuation Qs of olivine from forced-oscillation measurements under mantle conditions and seismic frequencies
- The deep oxygen cycle in the early Earth
- X-ray Raman Scattering at Extreme Conditions: Insights to Local Structure, Oxidation and Spin state
- A volatile-rich Earth's core inferred from melting temperature of core materials
- Compressibility and spin state of iron-rich post-perovskite in ULVZs
- Deformation of olivine + antigorite aggregates : effect of phase proportions and in-situ evaluation of stress partitionning.
- High pressure High Temperature X-ray studies in the laser heated diamond anvil cell - Problems and solutions -
- Iron and iron alloys under laser compression at XFEL for planetary science
- Local structure of molten 3d metals under extreme conditions by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- Physical Properties of Liquid Fe-S Alloys at High Pressure
- Raman and X-Ray Investigation of High-Temperature Methane in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- The Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (mapx)
- Density of alkali carbonate melts in the upper mantle and implications for the mobility of carbon at depth
- Experimental insights into spin state and hyperfine parameters of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in bridgmanite and silicate glass up to 91 GPa
- High pressure study of water-salt systems, phase equilibria, partitioning, thermodynic properties and implication for large icy worlds hydrospheres.
- Looking for carbonates in the deep Earth: an experimental approach at extreme conditions
- On the Interior of Carbon-Rich Exoplanets: New Insight from Si-C System at Ultra High Pressure
- Shear anisotropy in textured carbonates and the detection of carbonated regions in subducting slabs
- Sound velocities and density measurements of solid hcp-Fe and hcp-Fe-Si(9wt.%) alloy at high pressure: Constraints on the Si abundance in the Earth's inner core
- Tracing iron-carbon redox from surface to core
- Triple point fcc-hcp-liquid in the Fe phase diagram determined by in-situ XANES diagnostic and post-mortem XRD and FIB-SEM analysis.
- Viscosity of silicate melts: the effect of volatiles (CO<SUB>2,</SUB>H<SUB>2</SUB>O) at HP and HT.
- Characterization of the Fe-Si-C system at extreme conditions and its application to carbon-rich exoplanets interior
- Chromites as Proxy for Redox Processes in the Archean Mantle?
- Comprehensive equations of state for high pressure ices and aqueous brines for accurate thermodynamic properties predictions.
- Crystal Structure of Walstromite-II, Elastic Behavior and Its Relevance in Understanding Ring Carbonates at Deep Mantle Conditions
- Deformation of olivine + antigorite aggregates : effect of phase proportions and in-situ evaluation of stress partitionning.
- Elastic behaviour of the mineral gageite, Mn<SUP>2+</SUP><SUB>21</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>[Si<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>12</SUB>]<SUB>2</SUB>(OH)<SUB>20</SUB>, the Mn variety of balangeroite, a dense hydrous high-pressure phase recently discovered to be stable at deep subduction environment
- Internally resistive heated diamond anvil cell experiments on Fe-Ni-Si alloy to 200 GPa and 3900 K and its implications for Earth's core
- Large oxygen excess in the primitive mantle could be the source of the Great Oxygenation Event
- Properties of magmas at depth from SiO<SUB>2</SUB> density and local structure measured using X-ray absorption and X-ray Raman spectroscopy
- Stability of carbon and sulfur-rich metals in the deep Earth's mantle
- Structure and geochemistry of the noble gases krypton and xenon at Earth's lower mantle conditions.
- Structure and thermal equation of state of Ca<SUB>3</SUB>KNa(CO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>4</SUB> carbonate
- Constraints on Inner Core Composition from the High-Pressure Sound Velocities and Thermal Equations of State of Fe-Si and Fe-Ni-Si Alloys
- Enrichment Process of Scandium in the Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia: Synchrotron Spectroscopic Study of Spatial Distribution and Speciation.
- Melting Phase Relations in the FeO-MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> system at Megabar Pressure Range and its Application to the Structure and Evolution of the Earth and Super-Earth Planets
- Structural transition in liquid FeO
- Universal signature of melting by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
- Hematite phase diagram under laser shock compression
- In-situ characterization of silicon deformation mechanism at high-pressure: comparison between static and dynamic compression
- Quantification of elemental uptake during serpentinization from in-situ experiments: implications for the volatile transfer in subduction zones
- Revealing chemistry at multi-megabar pressures by means of synchrotron X-ray diffraction: Fe-O system as a case study
- Automating CT scan segmentation for CO2 sequestration applications
- Constraining Mercury's Interior Structure by Density and P-Wave Velocity Measurements of Liquid Fe-Si-C Alloys
- Heterogeneous Melt Distribution and Anisotropic Permeability in Sheared Partially Molten Rock
- The Electronic State of Iron in Peridotitic Glasses up to 172 GPa and Its Implications for Deep Magma Oceans
- X-ray spectroscopy under extreme conditions: exploring planetary interiors with the Extremely Brilliant Source of the ESRF
- Fracture network localization in intact and damaged Westerly granite during triaxial compression with fluids
- Multigrain X-ray Diffraction, Data Processing Techniques, and Microstructures in Pyrolite at Lower Mantle Conditions
- Quantifying Melt Distribution and Permeability Inside and Outside Shear-Induced Melt-Rich Bands Using Digital Rock Physics