Meteo France
flowchart I[Meteo France] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (171)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (33)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fractional Differential Equations and Multifractality
- Which Chaos in Geophysics ?
- 3D modeling of curvature-driven snow metamorphism: first results and comparison with experimental tomographic data
- Effect of salinity barrier layer in the preconditioning and onset of El Nino
- Electrical Activity of Convective Events During MAP Experiment
- Lightning Activity over Tahiti Island
- Multifractality and Universal Laws of the Extremes, beyond Frechet and Gumbel.
- Eddy correlation measurements of sensible and latent heat transfer coefficients over a high altitude glacier snow surface in the Andes Mountains, Bolivia.
- Ten Years of MOZAIC Measurements in the UTLS - Past and Future
- Theoretical Studies And Applications Of Regional 4D GPS Tropospheric Tomography
- Toward an Ensemble Streamflow Forecast Over the Entire France
- Modeling of the Snow Temperature Gradient Metamorphism by Using 3D Images from X-ray Microtomography
- Spatial properties of snow cover in the Upper Merced River Basin: implications for a distributed snow measurement network
- Eddy correlations measurements of turbulent fluxes over a high altitude glacier in the Bolivian Andes
- Methodology for Statistical Detection of Climate Change
- Reanalysis and Forecasts of Global Reactive Gases in the GEMS Project
- Atmospheric CO2 Modeling at the Regional Scale Applied to the CarboEurope Regional Experiment, April 2007.
- Climate Change and Hydrological Extreme Evolution Through a Multifractal Analysis of a Mesocale Model
- Dynamical downscaling of Era40 in Norway
- Estimation of the impacts of different homogenization approaches on the variability of temperature series in Catalonia (North Eastern-Spain), Andorra and South Eastern - France. An experiment under the umbrella of the HOME-COST action.
- Evaluation of the Meso-scale Activity in the Mercator-Ocean Global High Resolution Model (1/12°): Comparison to Observed Data and Improvement due to the Resolution
- Influence of the Reference Frame Alignment on Station Positions and Velocities: Global or Regional?
- Operational Wind Retrieval Within the Frame of the French Weather Radar Network
- Sprites over Africa During the AMMA with Multiple Electromagnetic Detections of Their Parent Lightning Flashes
- Assessing aerosol-cloud interactions linking multi-platform observations and remote sensing
- CoReH2O - A Satellite Mission Dedicated to the Monitoring of Snow and Ice Properties
- Data-Based Comparison of Frequency Analysis Approaches: Methodological Framework and Application to Rainfall / Runoff Data in France
- ESA's Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O): Overview and Progress (Invited)
- Evolution of the Parisian urban climate under a global changing climate
- Gigantic Jets produced by an isolated tropical thunderstorm near Réunion Island
- Microwave Radar Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent
- Reconstructing winter snowpack accumulation from energy balance simulations in alpine glacierised basins
- Towards community consensus clear-sky ocean radiances and SSTs from AVHRR
- A Prototype Balloon-borne GPS Occultation Profiling System for Polar Studies
- Assessing extreme rainfall events in France from probabilistic models
- First results from the surface heterogeneity focus area of the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Improvement of the tropospheric ozone budget of an high resolution CTM with data assimilation
- Investigation of the decay of turbulence over a forest during the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Mesoscale dust forecasts verified against lidar observations during the FENNEC campaign in June 2011
- Monitoring air quality: the role of OSSEs in determining the future observing system
- Multimodel intercomparison of preindustrial, present-day and future tropospheric OH and methane lifetime
- On the relationship of sea ice thickness and sea ice classes in Fram Strait and north of Svalbard
- Sources and evolution of cloud-active aerosol in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Variability Measured by AIRS Under Cloudy Conditions Compared to Under Clear Conditions
- Understanding the Factors That Control Snow Albedo Over Central Greenland
- Vertical profiles of specific surface area, thermal conductivity and density of mid-latitude, Arctic and Antarctic snow: relationships between snow physics and climat
- A stochastic parameterization for deep convection using cellular automata
- An Overview of Peach, the Atmospheric Electricity Component of Hymex
- Convective Cloud Towers and Precipitation Initiation, Frequency and Intensity
- Diurnal variations in the isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrate in coastal California: δ<SUP>15</SUP>N and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O as tracers of daytime and nighttime nitrogen oxide chemistry
- Dual Frequency Radar Observations of Snow and Ice Properties: Esa's COREH2O Candidate Satellite Mission
- Linking glacier annual mass balance and glacier albedo retrieved from MODIS data
- Methodological developments for the remote sensing of water vapor combining Raman lidar, GPS and in-situ observations: results from the DEMEVAP 2011 campaign
- The CARRIBA project: Clouds, Aerosol, Radiation, and tuRbulence in the tRade wInd regime over BArbados
- Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Variability from AIRS and IASI Under Cloudy Conditions
- Using GPS, tide gauge and altimetry data to constrain subduction parameters at the Vanuatu plate boundary.
- Validation of a New Rainbow Model Over the Hawaiian Islands
- Characterization of dust emission from alluvial sediments using aircraft observations and modeling
- Evaluation of Aerosol Distribution in the 3D CTM MOCAGE using the assimilation of AOD measurements
- Extension of the SIM Hydrometeorological Reanalysis Over the Entire 20th Century by Combination of Observations and Statistical Downscaling
- Modeling formation of SOA from cloud chemistry with the Meso-NH model: 2D simulation of orographic cloud observed at the top of the Puy de Dôme Mountain
- 3D Wind Reconstruction and Turbulence Estimation in the Boundary Layer from Doppler Lidar Measurements using Particle Method
- An OSSE to Quantify the Impact of S5 Spaceborne Carbon Monoxide Total Column Measurements on Air Pollution Analysis and Forecast over Europe
- Arctic Sea Ice Predictability and Prediction on Seasonal-to-Decadal Timescales
- Characterization of the impact of land degradation in the Sahel on the West African monsoon using an ensemble of climate models from the WAMME project
- Climatic Slow-down of the Pamir-Karakoram-Himalaya Glaciers Over the Last 25 Years
- Data records of biophysical products in the Copernicus Global Land Service
- Evaluation of regional-scale water level simulations using various river routing schemes within a hydrometeorological modelling framework for the preparation of the SWOT mission
- Improving Estimates of Cloud Properties Through the Application of an Adiabatic Spectrally Consistent Retrieval to the MODIS Cloud Product
- Measuring Cloud Properties from UAVs
- On the ability of surface model to reproduce Soil moisture dependencies over West Africa: The ALMIP experiments
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- Towards an Aassimilation of MODIS VIS/NIR reflectance into the detailed snow model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus
- Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft System to Study the Evolution of the Boundary Layer Related to Fog Events
- Using Water Vapor Isotope Observations from above the Greenland Ice Sheet to improve the Interpretation of Ice Core Water Stable Isotope Records
- Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
- An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems
- Classification of Rainbows
- Numerical Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Only Active Lesser Antilles Arc Submarine Volcano: Kick 'em Jenny.
- Observation and modeling of the seasonal evolution of the snow specific surface area at Dome C in Antarctica
- The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts
- The Importance of Representing Certain Key Vegetation Canopy Processes Explicitly in a Land Surface Model
- The annual cycle of the West African Monsoon in a two-dimensional model:Mechanisms of the rainband migration
- Towards Bottom-up and Top-down Closures of Aerosol-cloud Interactions: multi-dimensional Cloud-aERosol Exploratory Study using RPAS
- Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflectance into the detailed snowpack model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus.
- Variance-based Sensitivity Analysis of Large-scale Hydrological Model to Prepare an Ensemble-based SWOT-like Data Assimilation Experiments
- Contribution Of The SWOT Mission To Large-Scale Hydrological Modeling Using Data Assimilation
- Ensemble approaches and data assimilation for snowpack detailed simulations
- Hyperspectral IR cloudy radiance simulations : comparison between RTTOV and SARTA
- Observation Error Covariance Modelling In Data Assimilation Using Wavelets.
- Preparing for the ingestion of SWOT data into continental-scale river models
- Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT): A new model framework to simulate snow-microwave interactions for active and passive remote sensing applications
- A Quantitative Test for Tropical Ocean Models Based on Explicit Expressions for Zonally Propagating Baroclinic Waves
- A look into hurricane Maria rapid intensification using Meteo-France's Arome-Antilles model.
- Assessment of Multiple Daily Precipitation Statistics in ERA-Interim Driven Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX Experiments Against High Resolution Observations
- Blowing Snow Sublimation at a High Altitude Alpine Site and Effects on the Surface Boundary Layer
- Bridging the Gap Between Large-Scale Drivers of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Lifetime Model Differences & Instantaneous, Localized Measurements of OH & Related Species
- Climate Services Information System Activities in Support of The Global Framework for Climate Services Implementation
- Estimating snow depth of alpine snowpack via airborne multifrequency passive microwave radiance observations: Colorado, USA
- Future Changes in Cyclonic Wave Climate in the North Atlantic, with a Focus on the French West Indies
- Ice cloud properties, an information content analysis from high spectral measurements in the thermal infrared (IASI like)
- Intense Tropical Rainfall along Cold Fronts: Numerical Study of the Lesser Antilles Cases
- Nascent Marine Aerosol Acting as Ultra-Efficient Cloud Nuclei
- North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones: historical simulations and future changes with the new high-resolution Arpege AGCM.
- Observing snow depth and snow water equivalent with Sentinel-1
- Role of the Tropical Pacific in recent Antarctic Sea-Ice Trends
- Snowpack modeling in the context of radiance assimilation for snow water equivalent mapping
- Top-down and Bottom-up aerosol-cloud-closure: towards understanding sources of unvertainty in deriving cloud radiative flux
- Towards uncertainty estimates in global operational forecasts of trace gases in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring System
- A unified approach to quantify uncertainties in sea level projections
- Aerosol Flux Measurements Above the Ocean Surface Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Aerosol-Cloud Closure Study using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Measurements during the BACCHUS field campaign in Cyprus
- Analysis of sea states from ocean wave spectra obtained with real-aperture airborne radar observations in preparation of the CFOSAT mission.
- Climate Services Toolkit Coordination, Development, and Implementation
- Cloud Impacts on Photochemistry: Statistical Analysis of Global Chemistry Models and Measurements from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Current State of the global operational aerosol multi-model ensemble: an update from the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP)
- Development of Extreme Storm Events Wave Ensemble Forecasting Based on Different Reforecast Representations.
- First results on wave spectral properties from the CFOSAT satellite
- Impact of initialized land temperature on sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction (ILSTSS2S) - A GEWEX/GASS Initiative
- Improving Parametric Cyclonic Wind Fields Using CYGNSS (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) Data
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Long term satellite record of Arctic sea ice thickness reveals slower sea ice loss than expected while confirming present day ocean mass changes and their contribution to sea level rise
- Recent updates in the aerosol model of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) of the ECMWF and their impact on skill scores
- Smoke Long range transport: monitoring with the new European automatic Lidar and ceilometer network: E-PROFILE
- The New ECMWF Cubic Octahedral (O1280) Nature Run
- Twenty Years in the SHADOZ: Milestones in Tropical Ozonesonde Reprocessing and Uncertainties
- Water storage variability from GRACE and local hydrology model systems for an intermediate temperate river basin: the Garonne basin (France)
- A Machine Learning Examination of Methane Lifetime Differences Among Model Simulations for CCMI-1
- Adaptative cloud exploration by UAV fleet in simulated cumulus fields for studying entrainment and microphysics of clouds
- Aeolus - Status of ESA's Doppler Wind Lidar Mission
- Aerosol and Energy Fluxes in the South-West Indian Ocean during the Cyclonic Period in 2019 using Unmanned Aerial System Observations
- Application of a high-resolution ensemble prediction system to the prediction of tropical cyclones over the West Indies basin.
- Bayesian Analysis of Infrasound Observations for Atmospheric Parameter Update, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling and Application to the Humming Road Runner Dataset
- Changes in the Hadley cell descending branch and its impact on long-term precipitation variability in southwestern South America
- Characterizing Convective Schemes by Their Linearized Responses
- Densification of the GNSS Terrestial Observation Network in the Southwest Indian Ocean: Current Status, Perspectives and Applications
- Estimating Extreme Geoelectric Field Values for the Australian Region
- Evaluation of CMIP6 precipitation simulations during the last century along the Subtropical Central Andes
- Impact of different microphysics on the warm conveyor belt of a deep extratropical cyclone observed during the NAWDEX campaign and on its associated ridge building.
- Mitigating Climate Impacts on Society: Climate Services Toolkit Coordination, Development, and Implementation
- Observation and forecast verification of cloud fraction over Reunion Island (21°S, 55.5°E) using a 95 GHz cloud radar
- Observations and simulation of boundary layer clouds and fog over Dome C, Antarctica during the YOPP
- Ozone production in the Soberanes smoke haze: impact on air quality in the San Joaquin Valley during the California Baseline Ozone Transport Study
- PROSNOW: a new prediction system for the management and optimization of snow in Alpine ski resorts
- Processes linking the intensity of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability to the climate impacts over Europe as assessed from CMIP6/DCPP-C pacemaker experiments
- The Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Tropical Pacific as Assessed from CMIP6/DCPP-C Idealized Simulations
- The South American Drivers of Megadroughts and Pluvials over the Past 600 years
- The Surface Energy Budget of the 2010 Sahelian Heat Wave and its Sensitivity to the Representation of Physical Processes in Models
- Update on European Regional Air Quality Forecast in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)
- Climate feedbacks through chemistry and aerosols in CMIP6 Earth system models
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling of a Forming Cirrus Cloud in the Tropical Transition Layer over the Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Effective Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Reactive Gases: A Multimodel Comparison from AerChemMIP Experiments
- Equatorial waves triggering extreme rainfall and floods in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Evidence of in situ cirrus formation in the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Global Air quality Forecast and Information Systems (GAFIS) - a new WMO-GAW initiative
- Mapping yearly fine resolution global surface ozone through Regionalized Air Quality Model Performance corrections and Bayesian Maximum Entropy data fusion of observations and model output for 1990-2017
- Organic Composition of Three Different Size Ranges of Aerosol Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Reappraisal of the Climate Impacts of Ozone-Depleting Substances
- Study of thermodynamic properties of cumulus clouds: from strategy design in numerical simulation to application during a measurement campaign
- EPIC/DSCOVR: A Trailblazer in using Oxygen Absorption Spectroscopy for Cloud Remote Sensing
- How Realistic Are Tropical Cyclones in the ERA5 Reanalysis?
- Impacts of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the Tropical Pacific: a multi-model study
- Mapping Global Surface Ozone Concentration Annually Through Data Fusion at Fine Resolution for 1990 to 2017 to Support Health Assessment
- Study of trade winds cumuli using UAS during EUREC4A
- An Evaluation of Short-Term Forecasts of Wintertime Boundary-Layer and Surface Energy Budget Statistics in the Central Arctic
- Assessing the Impact of Forest Snow Process Representation on Simulated Land Surface Properties and Ground Conditions
- Downscaling and Post-processing Wind Fields in Complex Terrain with Deep Learning
- Profiles of Operational and Research Forecasting of Smoke and Air Quality Around the World
- Reconstructed Snow Cover Datasets Provide No Evidence of Hemispheric Atmospheric Teleconnections Involving October Eurasian Snow Cover
- Sargassum detection and forecast operational system at Meteo-France
- Tracking Changes in CO2 Urban Emissions at Neighbourhoods Scale During the COVID-19 Waves Series and Beyond
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexander Marshak
- Anthony B. Davis
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Clare Webster
- Daniel Tong
- Doug Smith
- E. J. Hyer
- Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro
- Eiko Nemitz
- Eric James
- Frédéric Castruccio
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- J. Jason West
- James D. Doyle
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Kai‐Lan Chang
- Leon Hermanson
- M. Talat Odman
- Matthew D. Shupe
- Paul J. Kushner
- Paul‐Arthur Monerie
- Peng Xian
- Peter R. Colarco
- Rosie Eade
- Sara Fleury
- Sarah A. Strode
- Simone Tilmes
- Stephanie E. Cleland
- Susan O’Neill
- T. Karl
- Taichu Y. Tanaka