Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse
flowchart I[Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (410)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (128)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Validation of CHAMP Accelerometer Data Through a Computation of a Single Long arc Orbit
- Atmospheric Drag Variations Observed With the STAR Accelerometer
- Barite in Marine Sediments: new Insights From a Quantitative SEM/EDS Technique
- CHAMP-STAR: Technical and Scientific Impact of Accelerometry in Space
- Estimating slip distribution for the Izmit mainshock from coseismic GPS, SPOT, ERS-1 and RADARSAT measurements
- Evaluating new thermospheric neutral density models with a 30-year satellite drag database
- Imaging Radar Interferometry for the Exploration of Mars
- International DORIS Service on web.
- An Investigation of Recent Observed Changes in the Earth's Oblateness
- Calibrating the Jason-1 Measurement System: Initial Results from the Corsica and Harvest Verification Experiments
- JASON1 mission : POSEIDON-2 Radar Altimeter Design and Results of in flight Performances
- Jason-1 : Geophysical Performance Evaluation
- Jason-1 POD Status and Assessment
- Jason-1 Science Data Distribution
- Radar Altimeter Absolute Calibration Using GPS Buoy and Tide Gauges
- The JASON-1 Mission
- Thermospheric Density Response to Solar Disturbances During April 15-24,2002: CHAMP/STAR Accelerometer Measurements
- 3D Modeling of the Dike Intrusions at Piton de la Fournaise Using Radar Interferometry Between 1998 and 2000
- SPASE prototype : an example application for the interoperability in Space Physics
- Accelerometer and Orbital Drag Thermospheric Density Inter-comparisons
- Atmospheric Neutral Density Observed With Accelerometers
- Crustal Deformation in Iceland: Constraints on Tectonic and Magmatic Processes from InSAR observations
- Development and Assessment of GRACE Derived Gravity Field Monthly Solutions
- Finding Realistic Dike Models from InSAR Data: Applications to 1998 - 2000 Eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise
- Martian gravity field long wavelength seasonal variations model from Mars Global Surveyor radio science measurements
- Velocity field of mountain glaciers measured by correlating SPOT5 images
- A New Glocal Mean Gravity Field Model From The Combination Of Satellite Mission And Altimetry/Gravimetry Surface Gravity Data
- A new Martian Gravity Field Mean Model and its Time Variations
- A new strapdown system for moving gravimetry
- CERES, the Carboeurope Regional Experiment Strategy in les Landes, South West France, May-June 2005
- Combined Geodetic Techniques for Altimeter Calibration and sea Level Monitoring
- Complex Dike Intrusions at Piton de la Fournaise Revealed by Numerical Modeling of InSAR Data
- Decadal Long Wavelength Gravity Field Variations From GRACE and LAGEOS Satellite Missions
- First Steps of Data Assimilation Techniques Implemented in the Physical Salammbo 3D Simulator for the Restitution of the Earth Radiation Belts
- Geocenter : notion, definition and realization
- Gravity Field Recovery with Simulated GOCE Observations
- In-Flight Performance of PARASOL Inside the Aqua-Train Atmospheric Observatory
- Thermosphere Response to Solar Disturbances From CHAMP and GRACE Accelerometer Measurements
- Thermospheric Response to Geomagnetic Storms Observed With Accelerometers
- Characteristics of Large- and Medium-Scale Density Structures from CHAMP Accelerometer Measurements
- Direct in Situ Measurements of Current Density Variations in the Ionosphere by Using the Current Density Probe Rogowski Coil Onboard Sych 1M Satellite
- Gravity Signature Of The Sumatra 2004 And 2005 Earthquakes: What We Learn From A Wavelet Analysis Of GRACE Data
- KaRIN: an Instrument for Measuring High-Resolution Sea-Surface Topography and Fresh Water Extent, Stage, and Slope
- Modeling the Gravity Change Induced by the 2004 Sumatra Andaman Earthquake as Seen by GRACE
- The CNES/GRGS series of time variable geoid models
- The Gravity Signature in GRACE of the Sumatra-Andaman 2004 Earthquake
- The M2,M4,M6,M3 ocean tide loading waves in Brittany, France : modelled and unmodelled vertical and horizontal displacements
- The PARASOL mission
- Time Variations of Mars Gravity Field From Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey Data
- Toward EIGEN-05: Global Mean Gravity Field Models From Combination of Sattelite Mission and Altimetry/Gravimetry Surface Data
- Variability of the Satellite Drag Environments of Earth, Mars and Venus due to Rotation of the Sun
- Verification of the CALIPSO Lidar, Wide Field Camera, and Imaging Infrared Radiometer Geolocation
- A Comparative Planetary Study: Exosphere Temperature Responses of Earth and Mars to Long-Term Solar Change
- CHAMP Density Dependence on Geomagnetic Indices
- GRACE: a Couple of Geodetic Satellites for Ocean Tide Determination ?
- Gravity Field Parameter Estimation Using QR Factorization
- Improvement Of The Ephemeris And Mass Of The Martian Moons From MEX Precise Orbit Determination
- Latest evolutions of DORIS data processing at the LEGOS/CLS Analysis Center.
- Martian Gravity Field Mean Model and its Time Variations From Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey Data
- Monitoring the Environment using High-Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing: Contribution to Health Information Systems
- PPP versus "network" positioning: first results of the GINS CNES/GRGS software.
- AMDA, Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis: A web-based service provided by the CDPP
- Composition of recent lava flows in the Tharsis region of Mars and comparison to terrestrial flows
- Global Quality Assessment of Jason-2 measurements and consistency with Jason- 1
- Improved Jason-2 Altimetry Products for Coastal Zones and Continental Waters (PISTACH Project)
- Improvement of the Mass Determination of Both Martian Moons Using MEX, MGS, ODY and MRO Tracking Data.
- Nonmigrating Tides in Exosphere Temperature From CHAMP and GRACE Accelerometer Measurements
- Preparing the new generation of altimetry products for open ocean
- Progress in Observing the Coastal Zone by Radar Altimetry
- Properties of Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances (TADs) Inferred From CHAMP and GRACE Accelerometer Observations
- Reiteration of GRACE data processing at CNES/GRGS
- SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007-2009)
- SSALTO/DUACS: Faster data delivery for operational oceanography and GMES
- Using Advanced Data Assimilation For Assessing The Capabilities And Limits Of Using The GOCE Geoid To Improve The Shelf And Coastal Ocean Low-Frequency Circulations
- Work out of original basis for a satellite geodetic network of Uzbekistan
- Anomalous Behavior of the Thermosphere During the Solar Minimum
- Assessing the precision on the determination of the Martian CO2 seasonal mass budget from time-variable gravity observations
- CNES-CLS IGS Analysis Centre products : evaluation and recent improvements
- Contribution of the new DORIS/DGXX instrument to the geodetic products
- Dust aerosol optical depth and altitude retrieved from hyperspectral infrared observations (AIRS, IASI) and comparison with other aerosol datasets (MODIS, CALIOP, PARASOL)
- GPS measurements applied to the leveling of hydrological stations in the Amazon basin
- GRACE-derived surface water mass anomalies by energy balance approach
- High-Precision Global Geodetic Systems: Revolution And Revelation In Fluid And 'Solid' Earth Tracking (Invited)
- IDS contribution to ITRF2008
- K-Ar dating on Mars ?
- New global and regional Mean Dynamic Topographies from the combination of GRACE data, altimetry and in-situ measurements. (Invited)
- Remote sensing of plasma density fluctuations and wave source characteristics by means of chorus waves multi point phase correlation analysis
- SWOT, The Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission (Invited)
- Science output and benefit of the CDPP on-line analysis tool AMDA (Invited)
- Simulations of Mars rotation radioscience observation and retrieval for a rover/lander on Mars
- A gravity field model inferred from 6 months of GOCE data using the direct numerical method (Invited)
- A new combined global gravity field model including GOCE data from the collaboration of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse
- Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox: Tools and Tutorial To Use Radar Altimetry For Cryosphere
- Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox: Tools to Use Radar Altimetry for Geodesy
- Benchmarking ray-traced tropospheric delays
- Combining GRACE and GOCE for a new combined EIGEN model
- Contribution of the new DORIS/DGXX instruments to the geodetic products
- Determining the Most Appropriate Solar Inputs for Upper Atmospheric Density Models
- ECCAD : Emission of Atmospheric Compounds & Compilation of Ancillary Data
- Errors Analysis in GPS Precise Point Positioning: Impact of Ambiguity Fixing
- GEOLAND2 global LAI, FAPAR Essential Climate Variables for terrestrial carbon modeling: principles and validation
- Is the Source of Chorus Emissions Located at the Local Geomagnetic Field Minimum?
- Observation of the Ocean Surface Height along the Drake (Antarctica) Passage with Four Onboarded 1Hz GPS Antennas
- Precise Geodetic Infrastructure: National Requirements for a Shared Resource
- Simulation of SWOT measurements over the Amazon delta
- Wave-Driven Longitudinal and Local Time Variability in the Itm: what Contributes to the "WAVE-4"?
- 3D geometry and hydrodynamic modifications in fractured and porous rock samples through chemical alterations.
- Access and scientific exploitation of planetary plasma datasets with the CDPP/AMDA web-based facility in relation to the Europlanet-RI IDIS plasma node activities
- Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox: Tools and Tutorial to Use Cryosat Data
- CNES Research and Technology for Planetary Exploration
- Climatology and Inter-annual Variability of Thermospheric Tidal Winds
- EIGEN-6 - The new Combined Global Gravity Field Model including GOCE data from the collaboration of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse
- EIGEN-6C3 - The latest Combined Global Gravity Field Model including GOCE data up to degree and order 1949 of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse
- First look at GOCE-derived thermosphere density and wind measurements
- GINS: a multi-GNSS software to track small geodetic signals
- GPS/Galileo Observation with the CONGO Network
- High-resolution ocean dynamics from microcanonical formulations in non-linear complex signal analysis
- Mass-induced [|#8#|]Sea Level Variations in the Red Sea from Satellite Altimetry and GRACE
- Performance of High-Rate Kinematic GPS During Strong Shaking: Observations from Shake Table Tests and the 2010 Maule and 2011 Tohoku Earthquakes
- Radar Tomography of Asteroids ASSERT / Marco Polo-R
- Reconstruction of Chorus Type Whistler Waves Distribution in the Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere Using Ray Tracing
- Satellite-only gravity field models inferred from GRACE and GOCE data and oceanographic validation
- Statistical study of the propagation characteristics of whistler waves observed on Cluster
- The GEMS-2 SEIS Experiment
- The HPF Gravity Field Model by means of the Direct Numerical Method using data from the Nominal Mission
- Thermosphere Variability Inferred From CHAMP and GRACE Accelerometer Observations
- Towards regional products
- Towards the daily observation of dust aerosols infrared optical depth and altitude from IASI and AIRS with one spot resolution: comparison with MODIS and CALIPSO
- Use of GNSS data for Hydrology: Applications of the method PPP (Precise Point Positioning) with integer ambiguities fixing for hydrological studies in the Amazon basin
- None
- A preliminary update of the Direct Approach GOCE Processing and a new release of EIGEN-6C
- Altimeter Sar data over ocean, CNES processing strategy and continuity with LRM data
- Comparing altimetry with in-situ measurements for quality assessment in Mean Sea Level studies
- CryoSat Plus For Oceans: an ESA Project for CryoSat-2 Data Exploitation Over Ocean
- CryoSat Processing Prototype, how to generate LRM like echoes with SAR data and a Comparison to DUACS SLA over high latitudes
- Evaluation of GPS Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) techniques. Application to hydrological monitoring in the Amazon basin
- First data quality assessment of SAR altimeter data using CryoSat data
- First observations of post-seismic infrasounds in GOCE air density data
- Free Delivery of a 30-YEAR Vegetation Product Archive by the Biopar Land Monitoring Core Service
- Galileo satellites measurement biases and orbit determination: first results
- IDS plot tools for time series of DORIS station positions and orbit residuals
- Large Scale Water Mass Redistributions between Oceans, Atmosphere and Land and their Signature in the Gravity Field
- Long-Duration Balloon Observations of Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes and Intermittency over Antarctica
- MERLIN: a Franco-German IPDA Mission dedicated to Atmospheric Methane
- Modeling of Vesta's interior structure using gravity and shape models from the Dawn mission and hydrodynamic impact simulations
- Non-diffusive resonant acceleration of electrons in the radiation belts
- Preliminary work on the DORIS contribution to the next International Terrestrial Reference Frame
- Search for a short-term transient deformation prior to the 2011 great Tohoku earthquake using GPS high-resolution positioning
- Simultaneous Observations of TADs in GOCE, CHAMP and GRACE Density Data Compared with CTIPe
- Swarm's Absolute Scalar Magnetometer metrological performances
- The GMES Land Monitoring Service: achievements and continuity
- The INSIGHT SEIS VBB Experiment
- The annual cycle of temperature in the Sahel and its climatic sensitivity
- Thermosphere Winds from Champ Neutral and Plasma Density Measurements
- Time Series of High Resolution Satellite Data as a Means to Produce and Validate Biogeophysical Parameters
- Total relative sea level rise at several coastal areas and island sites since the mid-20th century
- Whistler-mode Chorus Wave-Normal Distribution and Electron Scattering in the Radiation Belts
- a New K-Ar Development for in Situ Geochronology on the Surface of Mars : Calibration and First Results
- Altimetric profiles of Amazon rivers and gage levels gained by GPS-PPP
- An Ensemble Solution for the Earth's time-varying gravitational field from the NASA/DLR GRACE mission
- Analysis of GOCE data after each orbit reduction (Invited)
- Aviso: altimetry products & services in 2013
- Balloon-borne observations in the Antarctic Stratosphere from the Concordiasi Campaign (Invited)
- Density and crosswind from GOCE - comparisons with other satellite data, ground-based observations and models
- Development and Validation of New Advanced Ocean Altimetry Products From Cryosat-2 in Conventional and in SAR Mode
- EIGEN-6C3 - The latest Combined Global Gravity Field Model including GOCE data up to degree and order 1949 of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse
- External Assessment of GOCE Gravity Model Accuracy
- Galileo precise orbit and clocks determination at the CNES-CLS IGS Analysis Center
- Global Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to the April 2010 Geomagnetic Storm
- Groundwater depletion in North China from GRACE satellites, ground-based monitoring network and groundwater modeling (Invited)
- Impact of SMOS data for weather forecast (Invited)
- Interactive visualization tool for station coordinates time series of DORIS and other space geodetic techniques at co-located sites
- K-Ar Development for in Situ Geochronology on the Surface of Mars: Metrology, Results and Upcoming Challenges
- Modeling of the Perito Moreno glacier damming events and water balance of Rico branch (Lake Argentino) based on remote sensing and in situ data
- Multi-technique combination of space geodesy observations
- Quakes and tsunamis detected by GOCE (Invited)
- Quality assessment of Galileo Orbit and Clock Products of the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX)
- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROWEB DATABASE Water level time series on lakes and reservoirs (Invited)
- Rosetta Lander - Philae: preparations for landing on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Search for a short-term transient deformation prior to the 2011 great Tohoku earthquake using GPS high-resolution positioning
- Status of DORIS contribution to ITRF2013
- Synoptic radio observations as proxies for upper atmospheric modelling
- The SEIS InSight VBB Experiment
- The photostablilty of organic matter on cometary grains: studies in ground laboratory and in Low Earth Orbit
- Time variations of Mars' gravitational field using MGS, Mars Odyssey and MRO radio science data
- Z-Earth: 4D topography from space combining short-baseline stereo and lidar
- A 2015 Igrf Candidate Model Based on Swarm's Experimental ASM Vector Mode Data
- Analysis to differentiate marine chlorine to industrial chlorine in the equatorial region of French Guiana
- CH4 Ipda LIDAR Data Simulator and Processor for MERLIN Mission: Prototypes Development at Ipsl/lmd
- Common References for Inter Comparison of L-Band Brightness Temperatures Satellite Acquisitions.
- Comparing Swarm's Nominal Level1b Magnetic Data and ASM Vector Field Experimental Data: a Convenient Tool for Understanding Data Quality Issues.
- Comparisons Between TIME-GCM/MERRA Simulations and LEO Satellite Observations
- Detection of Groundwater from Space-Based IR Data: Application to the Lake Chad Basin.
- Development of web tools to disseminate space geodesy data-related products
- ESA's Release 5 Gravity Field Model by the Direct Approach and its Part in the Combined Model EIGEN-6C4
- Ids and ITRF2013: Contribution and Evaluation
- Impact of Different Data Assimilation Strategies for SMOS Observations on Flood Forecasting Accuracy
- Improved Oceanographic Measurements from SAR Altimetry: Results and Scientific Roadmap from the ESA Cryosat Plus for Oceans Project
- In-flight calibration of the experimental Absolute Scalar Magnetometer vector mode on board the Swarm satellites
- Low resolution optical remote sensing applied to the monitoring of glaciers mass balance.
- Mapping tropical biodiversity using spectroscopic imagery : characterization of structural and chemical diversity with 3-D radiative transfer modeling
- Multi-Technique Combination of Space Geodesy Observations
- Philae - Landing on a Comet
- Philae's landing site
- Results from the First Year of Swarm GPS Receiver and Accelerometer Data.
- SWOT Hydrology in the classroom
- Spectroscopic Observations of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from Mars using ChemCam, OMEGA and SPICAM.
- Swarm's Absolute Magnetometer (ASM) Experimental Vector Mode, a Unique Capability With Considerable Potential
- Swarm's Absolute Scalar Magnetometers Burst Mode Results
- Two Decades of Global and Regional Sea Level Observations from the ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level Project
- Updated Release 3 of the GRACE Gravity Solutions from CNES/GRGS
- Wave Coupling between the Lower and Middle Thermosphere from TIMED and GOCE
- What can we do with an atmospheric seismometer moving at 8 km/s?
- Which Orbit for the GRASP Mission ?
- A New Approach to Detection and Attribution of Ocean Thermal Expansion, using Realistic Values of Climate Internal Variability
- ALTIGAPS: a Global Synthesis of Multisatellite Altimetry, Tide Gauge and GPS
- An earthquake from space: detection of precursory magnetic anomalies from Swarm satellites before the 2015 M8 Nepal Earthquake
- Assesment of water elevation measurement quality from multi nadir altimetry missions over a 'small' river: the Garonne River case
- CDPP activities: Promoting research and education in space physics
- ESA's Soil Moisture dnd Ocean Salinity Mission - Contributing to Water Resource Management
- Environmental changes and microbiological health risks. Satellite-derived turbidity: an indicator of "health hazard" for surface water in West Africa (Bagre lake, Burkina Faso).
- European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management - Project Overview and First Results
- Evaluating Land Information System (LIS) capabilities in simulating the water budget and surface water dynamics over data-scarce areas in the Middle East
- First Analysis of Densities Inferred from Accelerometer Data on ESA's Venus Express
- Front-end and high-voltage electronics developments for compact, dual ion-electron thermal measurements
- GRGS Numerical Simulations for GRASP Mission
- Geographical distribution of surface temperature change over the 2003-2013 decade.
- Gravimetric and magnetic anomalies produced by dissolution-crystallization at the core mantle boundary
- Hybrid Gravimetry for the Monitoring of Water Storage Changes in the Critical Zone of West Africa
- InSight/SEIS@Mars Educational program : Sharing the InSight NASA mission and the Seismic Discovery of Mars with a International Network of classes
- Intercomparison of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture with Synergistic Satellite Products
- Is Anthropogenic Sea Level Fingerprint Already Detectable in the Pacific Ocean?
- MERLIN : a Franco-German active space mission dedicated to atmospheric methane
- MicroCameras and Photometers (MCP) instrument on board TARANIS satellite: scientific objectives, design, characterization results and products
- Multi-technique Combination of Space Geodesy Observations
- Observations of El Niño impacts using in situ GLOBE protocols and satellite data
- On the accuracy of stratospheric meteorological reanalyses using wind measurements at high altitude in the stratosphere in polar and equatorial regions.
- Sea Level Rise: Analysis Results, and Variability within the Water Column
- Solar Spectral Irradiance Observations from the PICARD/PREMOS Radiometer
- The Absolute Vector Magnetometers on Board Swarm, Lessons Learned From Two Years in Space.
- Total Land Water Storage Change over 2003-2013 Estimated from a Global Mass Budget Approach
- Validating crustal velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF201
- Wave coupling between the lower and middle thermosphere as viewed from TIMED and GOCE
- Advancing Atmosphere-Ocean Remote Sensing with Spaceborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Analysis of the signal content in the coordinate time series of the DORIS stations
- DUACS: Toward High Resolution Sea Level Products
- Evaluation of the CIRA models at low altitude with GOCE densities
- Expected performances of the MERLIN mission for the estimation of methane surface emissions.
- How are the wetlands over tropical basins impacted by the extreme hydrological events?
- Hydrology Science and Applications from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission
- IASI-NG: a new generation of infrared sounders for meteorology and atmospheric composition
- Impact of the low elevation measurements on the DORIS scale factor and on the station position estimation
- Integrating lateral contributions along river reaches to improve SWOT discharge estimates
- Intraseasonal to interannual Sea Surface Salinity Variations in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Jason-3 river water elevation measurements accuracy over France
- Mean Effect of the Albedo of the Earth on Artificial Satellite Trajectories: an Update Over 2000-2015.
- Modeling the influence of leaf demography on remotely sensed data using DART and PROSPECT-D
- Oceanography from the SWOT Mission: Opportunities and Challenges
- Recent advance in Mean Sea Surface estimates
- Regional sea level changes for the 20<SUP>th</SUP> and the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century induced by the regional variability in Greenland ice sheet surface mass loss
- SMOS and AMSR-2 soil moisture evaluation using representative monitoring sites in southern Australia
- Systematic Error Mitigation in DORIS Derived Geocenter Motion
- The International DORIS Service: Current Status and Future Plans
- The evaluation of ITRF2014 with respect to Altimeter Satellite Precise Orbit Determination
- Time Continuous Measurements of Cusp Upwelling Event Confirmed by Satellite Pass Through Drag Doubling
- Towards Low-Cost Permanent Space-Borne Observation of the Geomagnetic Field and Ionospheric Environment
- Using Sky, Ocean, Land and Ice to Intercalibrate Satellite-borne L-Band Radiometers
- Using dynamical interpolation to map high-resolution altimeter data in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- A New Model of the Mean Albedo of the Earth: Estimation and Validation from the GRACE Mission and SLR Satellites.
- A gravitational image of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake long-term mass transport
- AirSWOT flights and field campaigns for the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Assessment of CMIP5 Regional Sea Level Simulations Using Sea Level Observations.
- CDPP supporting tools to Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe data exploitation
- Deep structure of the Tristan-Gough plume revealed by geoid anomalies
- E-GRASP/Eratosthenes: GRGS numerical simulations and millimetric TRF realization
- Evaluation of Coastal Sea Level from Jason-2 Altimetry Offshore Hong Kong
- GEOdetic Data assimilation and EStimation of references for climate change InvEstigation. An overall presentation of the French GEODESIE project
- HF-START: A Regional Radio Propagation Simulator
- Hydrological functioning of West-African inland valleys explored with a critical zone model
- Interoperability science cases with the CDPP tools
- Interoperable web applications for sharing data and products of the International DORIS Service
- MERLIN: a Franco-German LIDAR space mission for atmospheric methane
- Mars' time variable gravity: How to improve the solution of its seasonal variations from orbit reconstruction of spacecraft?
- MicroCameras and Photometers (MCP) on board the TARANIS satellite
- Nanosatellite High-Precision Magnetic Missions Enabled by Advances in a Stand-Alone Scalar/Vector Absolute Magnetometer
- On the Long-Term "Hesitation Waltz" Between the Earth's Figure and Rotation Axes
- Original monitoring of desert dust in African air masses transported over the Mediterranean Sea by quasi-Lagrangian drifting balloons and sounding balloons during the summer 2013 ChArMEx field campaign
- Realization of a collection of reference minerals to develop a technique for in situ dating of the Martian rocks
- Recent volumetric variability in alpine lakes on the endorheic Tibet and its link to climate change
- Revisiting global mean sea level budget closure : Preliminary results from an integrative study within ESA's Climate Change Initiative -Sea level Budget Closure-Climate Change Initiative
- SMOS and SMAP: from Lessons Learned to Future Mission Requirements
- Satellite passive microwaves for monitoring deforestation and drought-induced carbon losses in sub-Saharan Africa
- Sea level change since 2005: importance of salinity
- Sentinels for snow science
- Spatial Estimation of Evapotranspiration in an Irrigated Semi-arid Region Using LSMs Driven by Remote Sensing Data.
- Strategy to minimize the impact of the South Atlantic Anomaly effect on the DORIS station position estimation
- UAVSAR Tomography of African Rain Forest
- Update of the DTM thermosphere model in the framework of the H2020 project `SWAMI'
- A GRACE view of the 2011 M<SUB>w</SUB>9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake: from slab depth to the ocean floor
- Analysis of sea states from ocean wave spectra obtained with real-aperture airborne radar observations in preparation of the CFOSAT mission.
- Assessing modern river sediment discharge to the ocean using satellite gravimetry
- COSPAR International Space Weather Action Teams: Coordinated Research Initiative Targeting Improvements of Global Resilience to Space Weather Impacts
- Chemical Aging of Titan's Tholins Exposed to Solar Radiation in Low Earth Orbit onboard the EXPOSE Facility
- Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Field Solutions (COST-G) - current status
- Constructing high-frequency time series of global lake and reservoir storage changes using Landsat imagery and radar altimetry
- Contribution of LaRa (ExoMars 2020) to the determination of Martian nutation amplitudes in synergy with RISE (InSight).
- Contribution of New VLBI Measurements to the Determination of High-Quality Geodetic References - Overall Presentation and First Results
- Contribution of the SWOT mission to Seine reservoirs and gravel pits evaporation modeling
- DORIS and the International DORIS Service: Current status and Planned Evolution
- Design and Installation of a Very Broad Band Seismometer on Mars
- Evidence of Altimetric SSH slope changes potentially induced by IGW
- Exploiting the synergy between future SWOT altimetry and doppler current observations to reconstruct the Ocean surface dynamics
- First results on wave spectral properties from the CFOSAT satellite
- Improvement of the CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center solution for the contribution to the next ITRF
- L-Band Radiometry for Assessing Water Cycle: Recent Advances and Way Forward
- Long term satellite record of Arctic sea ice thickness reveals slower sea ice loss than expected while confirming present day ocean mass changes and their contribution to sea level rise
- MASER, a toolbox for low frequency radio astronomy
- Measuring the Planetary Energy Imbalance Associated to Climate Change from Space Geodesy
- Monitoring the seasonal snow in mountain regions using Sentinel-2
- OrganiCam: A lightweight time-resolved panoramic fluorescence imager and Raman spectrometer for icy world organic detection and characterization
- Retrieval of Sea Surface and Sea-ice Parameters in the Arctic Ocean from Satellite Radar Altimetry with Ocean/Sea-ice Processing Continuity
- Revisiting the changes in terrestrial water storage in Southern Asia
- Seasonal co-variation of plant water storage, canopy greenness, and groundwater storage across the globe
- Stratéole 2: An Ultra Long Duration Super Pressure Balloon Campaign to Study the Equatorial Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- The GEODESIE Project: Overall Presentation and First Results.
- The Mars Atmospheric and Gravity Experiment (MAGE) with ESA's ExoMars2016 Spacecraft.
- The NanoMagSat Nanosatellite High-Precision Magnetic Project
- The Use and Users of SWOT Mission Information Products
- The landing of MASCOT on NEA Ryugu
- Thermosphere Density Inferred From the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Aerobraking Campaign
- What could be the IDS contribution to the next ITRF2020
- A Global Near-Real-Time Soil Moisture Monitor
- A potential constellation of small altimetry satellites dedicated to continental surface waters (SMASH mission)
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- From SMOS/SMAP Surface Soil Moisture to Precipitation Rate
- Hydrological Loading in Western Europe Estimated from the Inversion of GPS Displacements computed with GINS/PC software
- IDS first improvements for the next ITRF2020
- In-Situ Investigation of Asteroid (162173) Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 MASCOT Lander
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- International Scientific Coordination on Space Weather: A COSPAR Panel on Space Weather Perspective
- International Scientific Coordination on Space Weather: A COSPAR Panel on Space Weather Perspective
- Ionosphere/Thermosphere Activities in the International Community Coordinated Modeling Center (iCCMC) Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment Effort
- New developments on the Salammbô Radiation-Belt High-Energy Proton model
- OrganiCam: A lightweight time-resolved fluorescence imager and Raman spectrometer for icy world organic detection and characterization
- PPP of LEO satellites by CNES/CLS Analysis Center
- Response of the Earth to surface mass redistribution and constraints on the rheology of the Earth's interior over seasonal to decadal time scales
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- SMOS-IC L-VOD observed tropical aboveground carbon dynamics
- Showcasing the just released ISWAT website (http://www.iswat-cospar.org) built with a content management platform to serve as an online presence for the ISWAT (International Space Weather Action Teams) - community driven effort hosted by the COSPAR Panel on Space Weather.
- Surface Deformation during the 2018-19 Mayotte Seismo-Volcanic Crisis from Gnss, Synthetic Aperture Radar and Seafloor Geodesy
- The International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance and its possible role in ISWAT
- The Upper Atmosphere Expansion Benchmark Study
- The benefit of integrating GPM IMERG Early Run with soil moisture based rainfall estimates for crop modelling and flood forecasting: case studies in Western Africa
- The gravity field and internal structure of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Un-differentiated GPS and Galileo data processing with Ambiguity Resolution using IGS products: results and perspectives
- Worst-Case Severe Environments for Surface Charging as Dependent on Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Conditions
- A guide to using GRG IGS products
- COSPAR International Space Weather Action Teams: Addressing Challenges Across the Field of Space Weather.
- Current sheet structure and associated small-scale flux ropes in the heliospheric magnetic field observed by Solar Orbiter
- DC/LF electric field and spacecraft potential measurements in the solar wind by RPW/BIAS on Solar Orbiter
- GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth
- MARVEL Mission Proposal: The Latest Update
- Performances and First Results from the RPW/Search Coil Magnetometer onboard Solar Orbiter
- Quantifying and attributing recent changes in global lake and reservoir storage using satellite observations and hydrological modeling
- Solar Orbiter Observations of Waves and Structures from the Tail of Comet ATLAS
- Solar Orbiter: early in situ measurements
- The EnVision Gravity Experiment
- The IDS Contribution to the ITRF2020: Realization and Evaluation
- The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) Instrument on Solar Orbiter: First results.
- The Unique Role of Jason-2 Geodetic Mission for high Resolution Gravity Field Modelling
- The first flights of the Strateole-2 technology demonstration campaign: Observing the global equatorial tropopause with long-duration balloons
- The study of low-frequency waves in the solar wind by the RPW/TDS instrument onboard Solar Orbiter
- 3D Cloud Envelop and Cloud Development Velocity from Simulated CLOUD/C3IEL Stereo Images
- A Global-Scale Lake Topology for Harmonizing SWOT A Priori Lake and River Databases
- A New Global Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas Derived from Altimetry : Presentation and Future Evolutions
- Analysis of the structure and dynamics of the Venus bow shock measured by Solar Orbiter
- COVID-19, Air Quality and Space Monitoring
- Capturing River Dynamics with Observations from SMASH
- Contribution of the lower atmosphere to day-to-day variation of thermospheric density
- Energetic Ions in the Venusian System: Insights from the First Solar Orbiter Flyby
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): First seismic data from the farside of the Moon delivered by a commercial lander
- Impact of Altimetry assimilation in a semi-operational forecasting system of the Niger river basin
- Kinetic electrostatic waves and their association with current structures in the solar wind
- Monitoring the Ocean Heat Content and the Earth Energy imbalance from space altimetry and space gravimetry
- Multi-decadal global lake volume variability impacted by climate and human activities
- New Upgrades of Open-Loop Tracking Command (OLTC) Tables of Nadir Altimeters in 2020 and Benefits for Inland Waters Users
- Science Objectives of the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Radiometers
- Substantial water impoundment in global reservoirs over the past decade revealed by CryoSat-2
- The Indian-French TRISHNA Mission: Paving the Way to Daily High-Resolution Multi-Spectral Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- The SSHR Solar Reference Spectrum
- The Structure of the Martian Core Revealed by RISE
- Using Compressibility to Characterize Circularly-Polarized Waves Near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency Observed by Solar Orbiter
- Validation of Ocean Tidal Loading Corrections with GPS and Galileo Precise Point Positioning
- Applied Science User Communities of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission
- Assessment of Official SWOT Products for Connected Lakes Prior to Launch
- Assessment of ionospheric and thermospheric models during the geomagnetic storm times in low and moderate solar flux years
- Bridging water storage and discharge: a priori data and algorithm improvements towards synergistic use of SWOT's lake and river measurements
- DPOD2020: a DORIS extension of ITRF2020 for Precise Orbit Determination
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Federated Digital Twins for Flood Prediction and Analysis
- Global reconstruction of multi-decadal lake water levels using ICESat-2 and long-term satellite imagery
- Harmonized SWOT A Priori Lake-River Database to Monitor Global Surface Water Dynamics
- Improving Venus' static and time-variable gravity field with the EnVision Radio Science Experiment
- Linking the dynamic instability of GPS orbits to long-memory processes in station position time series
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- Nadir altimeter validation in small lakes using multisource ground observations
- The Indian-French TRISHNA Mission: High-Resolution and High-Revisit Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing to monitor our Ecosystem Health
- The International GNSS Service: Overview and Update
- Thermosphere-ionosphere conditions during the moderate geomagnetic storm of 3-4 February 2022 that led to the loss of 40 Starlink satellites
- Two large quakes sensed in the stratosphere by pressure sensors on board Strateole-2 balloons
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- Ahmad Lalti
- Aleš Bezděk
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrea Piacentini
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Angélica María Gómez
- Anna Horleston
- Anna Maria Gargiulo
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- Balaji Rajagopalan
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benoît Meyssignac
- Boris Maletckii
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. Oaida
- C. Pilorget
- Carène Larmat
- Cecilia Durán
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Corentin Louis
- Cori Pegliasco
- Cédric H. David
- D. Píša
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daniel B. Graham
- Daniel Pacheco
- Daniel Rosenfeld
- Daniele Antonangeli
- David Mimoun
- Dirk Plettemeier
- Dustin Buccino
- Elvira Astafyeva
- Emiliya Yordanova
- F. Joseph Turk
- Federico Fraternale
- Flavio Petricca
- G. C. Ho
- G. M. Mason
- G. Tobie
- George H. Allen
- Gerald G. Mace
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- Hanli Liu
- Hélène Brogniez
- I. J. Daubar
- I. Zouganelis
- J. L. Freiherr von Forstner
- J. Souček
- Jack C. Wang
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jia Yue
- Jida Wang
- Katerina Stergiopoulou
- Konrad Steinvall
- L. D. Woodham
- L. H. Pitcher
- L. Sorriso‐Valvo
- Léo Martire
- M. C. Malin
- M. Codrescu
- M. E. Banks
- M. Fedrizzi
- M. Golombek
- M. Haberreiter
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. P. Panning
- M. Volwerk
- Martin A. Reiss
- Matthieu Plasman
- Min‐Yang Chou
- Mustapha Meftah
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. M. Pedatella
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Niklas J. T. Edberg
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Ningchao Wang
- Nishan Kumar Biswas
- P. Lognonné
- P. Rosenblatt
- Patrick Michel
- Paul W. Stackhouse
- Peter Kettig
- R. C. Allen
- R. C. Weber
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Raphaël Garcia
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Rolf Dach
- Rosemary Morrow
- S. A. Triana
- S. D. Bale
- S. Erard
- S. Joseph Munchak
- S. K. Vines
- Sabrina Ménina
- Safat Sikder
- Sara Fleury
- Sean Bruinsma
- Simon C. Stähler
- Sophie Ricci
- Stefano Bertone
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sylvain Biancamaria
- Sébastien Lebonnois
- T. A. Herring
- T. Chust
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. Pavelsky
- Tim Van Hoolst
- Tom Pike
- Tomoko Matsuo
- Tzu‐Wei Fang
- V. Krasnoselskikh
- Vardis Tsontos
- Wandi Yu
- Yoshihide Wada
- Yuri V. Khotyaintsev
- Zigong Xu
- Zongbo Xu
- É. Beucler
- É. Buchlin
- А. И. Шапиро