Electricite de France, Paris, France
flowchart I[Electricite de France, Paris, France] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (55)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Multifractal downscaling of a GCM rainfield
- Three Dimensional Behaviour Analysis Of Lightning Channel By CFD Modelling
- Use of CMIP3 simulations to estimate the changes of temperature indicators over France and Europe during the 21st century
- On The Amplification Of The Storm Surges At The North-Eastern Coast Of The Bay Of Biscay
- The Cd and Zn Isotope Compositions of PM10 in the Atmosphere of Paris: New Tools for Discrimination and Tracking of the Origin of Metallic Pollution
- Lascar pumice flows and the levée-channel-lobe morphology
- Computation of boundary shear stress distributions throughout river cross-sections: a comparison among four geometrical methods and aDcp measurements
- Data-Based Comparison of Frequency Analysis Approaches: Methodological Framework and Application to Rainfall / Runoff Data in France
- Estimating and communicating hydrometeorological uncertainty in a context of operational hydrological ensemble forecasts
- Using the TIGGE database for ensemble hydrological forecasting: a study on 74 catchments in France (Invited)
- Assessing extreme rainfall events in France from probabilistic models
- Hybrid fitting of a hydrosystem model using dense spatio-temporally distributed data: the Beauce aquifer functioning over 40 yr (France)
- Towards real-time flood forecasting in hydraulics: merits of in situ discharge and water level data assimilation for the modeling of the Marne catchment in France
- A multi-site and multi-variable calibration and validation approach for hydrological modeling of mountainous catchments
- Assessing dry density and gravimetric water content of soils in geotechnics with complex conductivity measurements : preliminary investigations
- Earthquake depth estimations in the Padano-Emiliana North Italy Plain using regional and teleseismic data: influence on seismic properties and tectonic process understandings
- Semidiurnal and seasonal variations in methane emissions from a sub-tropical hydroelectric reservoir (Nam Theun 2, Laos) measured by eddy covariance technique
- the cosmic ray snow gauge: a decade of snow water equivalent monitoring in the French Mountain ranges
- A stochastic model to downscale temperature with a particular focus on extremes
- Calibration period dependence of extreme flood estimations (with a model-based flood frequency method)
- Characterizing a Century of Climate and Hydrological Variability of a Mediterranean and Mountainous Watersheds: the Durance River Case-Study
- Decay of ground motion peak values is faster for smaller magnitude events: investigation of the role played by the attenuation and the scattering effects
- Flood risk assessment in France: comparison of extreme flood estimation methods (EXTRAFLO project, Task 7)
- How can monthly to seasonal forecasts help to better manage power systems? (Invited)
- Model/data fusion at different scales for an improved estimation of snowpack dynamics in an Alpine catchment
- Combined Effects of Dam Removal and Past Sediment Mining on a Relatively Large Lowland Sandy Gravelly Bed River (Vienne River, France).
- Definition and sensitivity of the conceptual MORDOR rainfall-runoff model parameters using different multi-criteria calibration strategies
- Lateral Variations of Coda Wave Attenuation in the Alps
- Measuring the Discharge of River Flood Using Witnesses Movies Found on the Internet
- Projected Increase in Diurnal and Inter-Diurnal Variations of European Summer Temperatures
- Reconciling Streamflow Uncertainty Estimation and River Bed Morphology Dynamics. Insights from a Probabilistic Assessment of Streamflow Uncertainties Using a Reliability Diagram
- A 'Large Catchment Sample' Investigation of the Performance, Reliability and Robustness of Two Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Models.
- Assessment of the Water Balance Over France Using Regionalized Turc-Pike Formula for Operational Hydrology
- Building long-term and high spatio-temporal resolution precipitation and air temperature reanalyses by mixing local observations and global atmospheric reanalyses: the ANATEM model
- Hydrologically-Aided Interpolation (HAI) of Precipitation in Complex Alpine Terrain
- Infering the Relation of Hydrometeorological Variability on the Durance Watershed (southeastern France) to Large Scale Circulation from Anatem Reconstructed Series
- Teleconnections between reconstructed long Canadian streamflow series and climate modes of variability over the 1851-2011 period
- Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport at diversions: why depth-averaged models are not able to capture the inherent physics
- airGR: an R-package suitable for large sample hydrology presenting a suite of lumped hydrological models
- Badlands as a major source of petrogenic particulate Organic Carbon and sediments to the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea)
- Experimental investigation of fluvial dike breaching due to flow overtopping
- Geomorphic Effects of Gravel Augmentation and Bank Re-erosion on the Old Rhine River Downstream From The Kembs Dam (France, Germany)
- Historical floods reconstruction using NOAA 20CR global climate reanalysis over the last 150 years
- Long-term analyses of snow dynamics within the french Alps on the 1900-2100 period. Analyses of historical snow water equivalent observations, modelisations and projections of a hundred of snow courses.
- Optimal resolution tomography with error tracking: Lithospheric thinning beneath the British Tertiary Igneous Province and other new observations
- Two-Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Flood Propagation Induced by Non-Cohesive Fluvial Dike Breaching
- Energy Transport in a Multiple-Scattering Crustal Waveguide: Role of Polarization
- Measuring & Modeling Groundwater Fluctuations in Two Montane Meadows in Southern California
- Numerical study of the effect of vegetation on alternate-bar morphodynamics
- Detecting and characterizing simulated sea breezes over the US northeastern coast with implications for offshore wind energy
- Mesoscale Modeling Sensitivity to Sea Surface Temperature Inputs in the Mid-Atlantic
- Modelling of flood propagation due to levee breaches induced by overtoppig flows
- River Restoration Works Design Based on the Study of the Interaction between Vegetation Development and Alternate Bar Dynamics
- Separation of source, attenuation and site parameters of 2 moderate earthquakes in France: an elastic radiative transfer approach
- Towards a reference attenuation map of Metropolitan France from a complete modeling of seismogram envelopes