Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effect of Loss Model on Manning Roughness Coefficient of Asphalt Plane
- The Taphonomy of Sediments Deposited by the Indian Ocean Tsunami Along the West Coast of the Malay-Thai Peninsula
- The Heliosphere in Space
- 3 Years of Ammonia Monitoring in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming
- An Evaluation of Infrastructure for Tsunami Evacuation in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia (Invited)
- Characterizing the Longitudinal Valley suture in eastern Taiwan and its seismic hazards by historic earthquakes and recent seismicity (Invited)
- Field study of the 20/03/2008, Mw 7.2 Ashikule earthquake rupture (Xinjiang, China)
- Gravitational Failures of Lava Domes at Intersections With Tectonic Faults: Examples from Tatun Volcanic Group, Northern Taiwan
- Impacts of the 2009 Sumatran Earthquake and Its Relation to the Great Megathrust Events
- On Relations between Current Global Volcano Databases
- Recent Eruptive History of the Tatun Volcanic Group, Northern Taiwan: Hazard-related Issues
- Smoking gun of the May-1912 Burma earthquake? Neotectonics of the Kyaukkyan fault system, Eastern Burma (Myanmar)
- Using Postseismic Geodetic Data to Constrain the Sunda Downdip Transition Zone
- A potential submarine landslide tsunami in South China Sea
- Backthrust Earthquake Clusters Over Intermittently Coupled Portion of the Sunda Megathrust
- Combined Petrological and Numerical Modeling Approach to Address Highly Crystalline Magma Remobilization Prior to Eruption at Volcán Llaima (Chile, 38.7°S)
- Crustal Velocity Structure under Singapore Inferred from Receiver Functions Study
- Debris flow probability and extent vary with infiltration rate and intensity-duration of rainfall: Mt. Mayon, Philippines
- Digital Map of Tephra Deposits of the Mono-Inyo Craters, CA
- Distinguishing between storm and tsunami in the geological record; progress, perturbations and potential
- Dynamic map of an evolving plumbing system: Combining geochemical modeling and volcano monitoring at Mt. Etna, Sicily
- Extension in Central-South Tibet, insight from cosmogenic nuclide dating
- Insights from GRACE and GPS data on the seismic cycle and mantle rheology (Invited)
- Mid-Holocene variability of the East Asian monsoon based on bulk organic δ13C and C/N records from the Pearl River estuary, southern China
- Modeling the dehydrogenation of mantle olivine with implications for the water content of the Earth's upper mantle, and ascent rates of kimberlite and alkali basaltic magmas (Invited)
- Moderate Ruptures at a Megathrust Segment Boundary: The MW 7.2-7.3 Simeulue Earthquakes of 2002, 2008, and 2010
- Preliminary Holocene Eruptive History of Ambang Volcano, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Quaternary Slip on the Southern Segment of the Karakorum Fault and Pulan Graben, Western Tibet
- Rapid Gas Transport from Deep Magma Chambers. (Invited)
- Receiver function structure beneath a broad-band seismic station in south Sumatra
- Recent coastal uplift along the southwestern coast of Myanmar from geomorphic investigations
- Ruptures of the San Andreas fault system in San Gorgonio Pass
- Sedimentology and geomorphology of a relict lacustrine system in Tingri, Tibet, China
- Seismic Hazard and Risk Posed by the Mentawai Segment of the Sumatran Megathrust
- Shear-wave Velocity Structure of Surabaya, Indonesia, Inferred from Microtremor Observation
- The Fault Slip Record from Corals Above the Sumatran Subduction Zone and Implications for Fault Rupture Processes (Invited)
- Titan2D simulations of dome-collapse pyroclastic flows for crisis assessments on Montserrat
- Volcanic carbon dioxide emissions: observation strategies using GOSAT FTS SWIR data
- hunting for the Traces of Great Himalayan Earthquakes: Surface Break of the M ≈ 8.1, 1934 Bihar Nepal event?
- A comparison between two inundation models for the 25 Ooctober 2010 Mentawai Islands Tsunami
- Analysis of self-attraction and loading effects on ocean mass using geophysical models and GRACE data.
- Building the GEM Faulted Earth database
- Challenges and perspectives in the geological study of active faults.
- Characteristic slip for five great earthquakes along the Fuyun fault in China
- Characterizing Plumbing System Dynamics Beneath Active Volcanoes by Combined Kinetic and Thermodynamic (MELTS) Modeling
- Co-seismic and cumulative offsets of the recent earthquakes along the Karakax left-lateral strike-slip fault in western Tibet
- Detecting Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Space: Target Mode Observations with GOSAT
- Enhancing the earth-science content and inquiry basis of physical geography education in Singapore schools
- Extreme wet events in Southern Brazil during the Heinrich Stadials
- Geological and Geomorphological Impacts of Two Large Typhoons from the Central Coast Of Vietnam
- Ground-truthing Coral Chemo-geodesy: Insight into Past Earthquakes
- Insight into the rupture process of a rare tsunami earthquake from near-field high-rate GPS
- Joint Seismic and Geodetic Analysis of the 2009 Padang, Sumatra Intraslab Earthquake
- Lithospheric structure and kinematics of deformation of the Western Kunlun range (Xinjiang, China)
- Plate Coupling and Transient Events Detection from Geodetic Measurements in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Precise Timing and Elevation of the Mid-Holocene Highstand at Belitung Island, Indonesia, on the Sunda Shelf, from Coral Microatolls
- Preliminary Stratigraphy and Eruptive History of Salak Volcano, West Java, Indonesia
- Slip Rate and Past Earthquakes Along the Astaneh Fault (iran)
- Surface Rupture of the Mw ≈ 8.1, 1934, Bihar Nepal Earthquake
- The January 21, 1951 Blast of Mount Lamington in Papua New Guinea: Sequence of Events and Characteristics of the Deposits
- Unraveling the structure and processes of magma plumbing systems by combining geochemistry and geodesy
- Use of High Temporal Resolution Thermal Imagery of Karymsky's Volcanic Plume to Constrain Volcanic Activity and Elucidate Vent Processes
- User-driven science: earthquake and tsunami scenarios for the Mentawai Islands, western Sumatra
- Using a distributed hydrologic model to assess the impact of urbanization in Singapore
- Variations In the Seismic Cycle of the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust
- Very Rapid Afterslip Following the Shallow 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai Tsunami Earthquake
- "Long-term" post-seismic rate changes detected by the Sumatran GPS Array, western Sumatra, using a Kalman filter
- A Community Fault Model (CFM) for the Sichuan basin and Longmen Shan
- A Community Velocity Model (CVM) for the Sichuan basin and Longmen Shan, China
- Bioclogging and Biocementation in Construction of Water Pond in Sand
- Characteristic vertical throw, slow late-Quaternary uplift rate, and hanging-wall extension on the Karaxingar Push-up Thrust, Fuyun fault, China
- Clogging and Cementation Caused by Calcium or Iron Biogrouts
- Constrains on the visco-elastic structure beneath the Tibetan Plateau from deformation induced by variations in hydrological surface loading over multiple time scales
- Constructivist learning at the science-policy interface: tsunami science informing disaster policy in West Sumatra
- Coral Microatoll Paleogeodesy in Sumatra: Details of the 1861 Predecessor to the 2005 Nias-Simeulue Earthquake
- Coseismic and Interseismic Slip On the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust During Historic Earthquake "Supercycles"
- Data-Driven, Physics-Based Fault Dynamics: Toward Predictive Modeling of the Earthquake Cycle
- Deformation of Cordón Caulle Volcano (Chile) measured by InSAR from 2007 to 2011 and its relation to magmatic pre-eruptive conditions and processes from petrological inferences
- Degassing of magma rising in a dyke
- Distribution and Abundance of Human Specific Bacteroides and Relation to Traditional Indicators in an Urban Tropical Catchment
- Fault slip model of the historical 1797 earthquake on the Mentawai segment of the Sunda Megathrust
- Gamra: A Parallel, Adaptive Modelling Code for Geophysics
- Geodetic Observations of Ongoing Unrest at Santorini Caldera, Greece
- Holocene Evolution of Qing'ao Embayment, Southern China
- Holocene gravitational collapse and explosive eruption of Mount Popa, Myanmar
- Hong Kong Corals: A Cautionary Tale
- Kalman filtering for decade-length modeling of GRACE gravity
- Late Quaternary reef growth history of Les Saintes submarine plateau: a key to constrain active faulting kinematics in Guadeloupe (FWI)
- Mechanisms of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Mid-Holocene variability of the East Asian monsoon based on bulk organic δ13C and C/N records from the Pearl River estuary, southern China
- Modeling the Lead(Pb) concentrations in corals in the Singapore Straits
- New Diagnostics to Assess Model Performance
- Preliminary Geological Study on the Palu-Koro and Matano Fault zones, Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Prototype Tsunami Evacuation Park in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
- Satellite-based constraints on tropospheric volcanic emissions of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Scientific and Artistic Authority
- Slip partitioning in the Lesser Antilles arc: implications for seismic and volcanic hazards
- Southern Australian high-resolution mid Holocene to present climate change in relation to Southern Hemisphere climate drivers
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Initial <SUP>230</SUP>TH/<SUP>232</SUP>TH in Sumatran Corals and its Influence on the Accurate Dating of Young Corals
- Spatial distribution of afterslip following the 2007 Mw 8.4 Bengkulu earthquake in Sumatra: Exploring its role in redistributing stress along the Mentawai section of the Sunda megathrust
- Split jet, ITCZ shifts, and interhemispheric North-South linkages during abrupt climate changes of the last glacial period
- Testing the Assumption of a Static Sea Level Response to Self-Attraction and Loading Effects
- The Challenges and Rewards of Interdisciplinary Art and Science Collaborations
- The coseismic slip of the 2011 Tarlay earthquake in eastern Myanmar: constraints from InSAR and field investigations
- Thin-bed Ground Penetrating Radar analysis of preserved modern and palaeotsunami deposits from Phra Thong Island, Thailand
- Towards a spatially and temporally constant Karakorum fault slip rate
- Tracking changes of magma transfer beneath Mt. Etna: Evidence from crystal zonation and real-time gas monitoring
- Understanding sea-level variations in the Bay of Bengal
- Using Computer Games to Communicate Prevention and Preparedness Concepts
- Volcanic ash: a potential hazard for aviation in Southeast Asia
- Volcaniclastic stratigraphy of Gede volcano in West Java
- 3D Fault modeling of the active Chittagong-Myanmar fold belt, Bangladesh
- A New Seafloor Spreading Model of the Red Sea: Magnetic Anomalies and Plate Kinematics
- Active Structures in the Georgia Basin, NW Washington State, USA, and SW British Columbia, Canada
- An absolute-dated stalagmite oxygen isotope record over the past 35 kyrs from southeastern Myanmar
- An experimental study of the effect of different onshore cliff angles on near shore hydrodynamics
- Characterization of submicrometer exsolution lamellae in volcanic pyroxenes (Invited)
- Co-seismic and Cumulative Offsets of the Recent Earthquakes along the Karakax Left-lateral Strike-slip Fault in Western Tibet, China
- Comparison Between Slip Distributions of the 2010 Mentawai Earthquake Derived by Two Inversion Modles Based on Tsunami Data
- Coseismic slip on shallow décollement megathrusts: Implications for seismic and tsunami hazard
- Details of the Mid-Holocene Highstand at Belitung Island, Indonesia, on the Sunda Shelf, from Coral Microatolls
- Direct comparison of recent cyclone and tsunami deposits from the Tamil Nadu coastline, south-eastern India
- Estimating seasonal and interannual variability in ice mass loss using a stochastic filter and decade-long GRACE time series
- Examples Not Numbers: Using Historical Events To Present Regional Hazard Information And Stimulate Client Thinking In The Insurance Industry
- Extending Seismic Tomography along the San Andreas Fault to the Lower Crust with Low Frequency Earthquakes
- From direct instruction to inquiry learning in the earth sciences: common challenges and opportunities across cultures in the Singapore context
- From seismic network optimization to real-time diagnosis of magma migration
- High-resolution geodetic observations of fault zone deformation on the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults in southern California (Invited)
- Hydrocarbons on the Roof of the World (Invited)
- Integrated melt inclusion and crystal zoning study to track the timescales and pre-eruption dynamics of violent Strombolian eruptions at Llaima volcano, Chile
- Late Quaternary Slip Rates of the Sumatran Fault
- Mechanisms of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2010 M=7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Paired Thrust/Normal co-seismic faulting at the Karaxingar asperity, hypocenter of the 1931 Ms 7.9 Fuyun strike-slip earthquake: insights into rupture complexity from TLS surveys
- Postseismic response of the Kashmir region and the role of lateral mechanical heterogeneity in the continental lithosphere (Invited)
- Predecessors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in a coastal cave, Aceh Province, Sumatra
- Recurrence of great earthquakes and tsunamis, Aceh Province, Sumatra
- Return period of great Himalayan earthquakes in Eastern Nepal: evidence from the Patu and Bardibas strands of the Main Frontal Thrust
- Revisiting Seafloor-Spreading in the Red Sea: Basement Nature, Transforms and Ocean-Continent Boundary
- Science to Policy: Many Roads to Travel (Invited)
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Deformation beneath the Hindu Kush-Pamir Mountains and the Tadjik Basin
- Sketching for Developing Critical Thinking Skills
- SuMo: a GPS Campaign network for Sumatran Fault Monitoring
- Sulfur Dioxide Degassing at the Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Tectonic geomorphology, aftershock relocation, and sources of the great 1950 and 1897 East Himalayan earthquakes
- The 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai Earthquake: a Tsunami Earthquake With Triggered Subevents Modeled by Regional hr-GPS, Teleseismic Body Waves and Tsunami Observations
- The application of Ground Penetrating Radar analysis to investigate the impact and recovery of coastal dunes and the recurrence interval of overwash events
- The dynamic nature of relative sea level in Southeast Asia: tectonic effects and human impacts (Invited)
- Twin predecessor of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Implications for rebuilt coastal communities
- University-NGO connections for earthquake and tsunami risk reduction: lessons learned in West Sumatra
- Volcanic ash: a hazard for aviation in Southeast Asia (Invited)
- A New Ensemble-Based Method for Assessing Uncertainties and Parameter Tradeoffs in Complex Models of Postseismic Deformation: Application to the 2010 M=7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- A new method to monitor water vapor cycles in active volcanoes
- An Energetic Study of a One-Dimensional Model of a Liquid-Filled Crack.
- Borneo Vortex and Meso-scale Convective Rainfall
- Characterization of Mesoscale Variability in WRF - a Coastal Low-Level Jet Case Study
- Characterizing the Variability of Supercycles on the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust and Implications for Global Fault Behavior
- Characterizing the sub-surface geometry of the Main Frontal Thrust in the Bardibas area of central Nepal
- Climate Change during Marine Isotope Stages 10 & 11 based on High-Resolution Speleothem Records from Eastern North America
- Constraints on the nature and evolution of the magma plumbing system beneath Mt. Etna (1991 - 2008) from a combined thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of the compositional record of minerals
- Crystal Zoning Constrains on the Processes and Time Scales Involved in Monogenetic Mafic Volcanism (Tenerife, Canary Islands)
- Diffusion modeling in olivine: influence of 3D crystal shape and zoning style on extracted timescales
- Drivers of Alongshore Variable Dune Erosion During a Storm Event: Observations and Modelling
- Dyke Propagation Through a Partially Submerged Volcanic Edifice
- Earth Girl 2: Learning and Perfecting Tsunami Preparedness with a Casual Strategy Game
- Elemental and Mineralogical Analysis of Tsunami Deposits from Phra Thong Island, Thailand
- Evidence for power-law rheology of the Wharton Basin asthenosphere
- Forward and Inverse Modeling of Magma Chamber Dynamics and Crystal Zoning Provides Insights into Rates and Processes Leading to Eruption
- Glacial termination hydroclimate in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- Is there a recipe for Plinian eruptions? Evidence from past events and analogous volcanoes.
- Lake Level Changes in the Mono Basin During the Last Deglacial Period
- Lead concentration and isotope chronology in two coastal environments in Western and South East Asia
- Life After the Tsunami, a Motivation to Learn about Earth Hazards
- Mafic Recharge to a Zoned Magma Reservoir Centuries Prior to the 1835 Cosigüina Eruption
- Millennial-scale Climate Variability During the Last Interglacial Recorded in Two Speleothems from Eastern North America
- Modeling Afterslip of the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Mentawai Tsunami Earthquake Using Stress-driven Rate-and-State Frictional Slip
- Modeling Coseismic Slip of the 2012 Nicoya Peninsula Earthquake, Costa Rica: Roles of Megathrust Geometry and Surface Displacement
- Modeling of GPS velocities across the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta - Burma Arc oblique subduction system
- Modeling temporal variations in interseismic subsidence rates recorded by corals in the Simeulue-Nias region, Sumatra: How can we explain them?
- Morphotectonics of the Central Sagaing fault West of Mandalay: Trace of the 1839 Ava Earthquake Rupture
- New insights into volcanic system using physical model for vulcanian and gas burst explosions at Semeru Volcano, Indonesia.
- On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain eruptive sequences
- Paleoseismic Records of Multiple Great Earthquakes from the Subduction Zones of Sumatra, Chile, and Alaska
- Passive degassing during quiescence as trigger of volcanic unrest
- Pluvial Period over NE Brazil linked to Heinrich Stadial 4
- Probing of the Changing Shapes and Viscosity of Suspended Organic Particles as a Function of Relative Humidity
- Recent developments and applications of a real-time tool to detect magma migration in different volcanic settings and network optimization.
- Relationship of magma storage, recharge, mixing, and eruption from U-series crystallization ages and diffusion timescales at Lassen Volcanic Center, CA
- Same Same, But Different: Sedimentological Comparison of Recent Storm and Tsunami Deposits from the South-Eastern Coastline of India
- Similar Seismic Ruptures and Interseismic Strain Rate Variations on the Nias-Simeulue Patch of the Sunda Megathrust
- Slip rates across the sinistral slip fault system of the Shan Plateau, northern SE Asia
- Stable Isotopes of Daily Precipitation in Singapore (2013/2014): A Reflection of Moisture Source and Atmospheric Circulation
- Surface Deformation across Shillong Plateau and Bangladesh from GPS Data
- Surface-wave phase-velocity models of the United States: Expanding with USArray coverage
- The 2008 M<SUB>w </SUB>7.2 North Pagai Earthquake Sequence and its Relationship to Ruptured and Unruptured Parts of the Mentawai Patch
- The science between tsunami science and evacuation decisions
- Timescales of Magmatic Processes Preceding Eruption in a Large, Extraordinarily Restless, Silicic Magma System
- Toward joint inversion of monitoring data with physical models during unrest periods
- Using Li Diffusion to Track Thermal Histories within Single Zircon Crystals
- Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2012 Mw8.6 East Indian Ocean Earthquake
- When History Repeats Itself: Typhoon Haiyan and Its 1897 Predecessor in the Philippines
- Wind Turbine Wake Variability in a Large Wind Farm, Observed by Scanning Lidar
- 3D Discrete Element Simulation of Large-scale Faulting and Crustal Thickening in the India-Asia Collision Zone
- <SUP>206/207</SUP>Pb and Radiocarbon: An Unlikely Pair for Identifying the Source and Delivery Time of Ocean Advection in the South China Sea
- A 15-year slow slip event on the Sunda megathrust offshore Sumatra
- A Multi-Peaked Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Highstand on the Sunda Shelf, Indonesia
- A Self-Consistent Model to Explain Shallow Volcanic Tremor
- A historical analysis of Plinian unrest and the key promoters of explosive activity.
- Accessing the dynamic evolution of terrestrial magma plumbing systems by linking kinetic and thermodynamic modelling
- Acoustic Surveillance of Hazardous Eruptions (ASHE) in Asia
- Active faulting in Raghunandan Anticline, NE Bengal Basin, implications for future earthquake hazards
- Can Diploastrea heliopora be an Alternate Coral Climate Archive in the Indo-Pacific?
- Can a dike "feel" a free surface?
- Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
- Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam
- Constraining timescales of pre-eruptive events within large silicic volcanic centers
- Depth Dependence of Source Characteristics of Slow-Slip Events and Earthquakes on Thrust Faults
- Did Structural Segmentation of the Main Himalayan Thrust Control the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Rupture in Nepal?
- Direct Seafloor Imaging of the 2012 Wharton Basin Great Strike-slip Earthquakes rupture zones
- Distribution and Evolution of Volcanism of the Bolaven Plateau, Southern Laos
- Evidence for fast seismic lid structure beneath the Californian margin and its implication on regional plate deformation
- Evidence of Frontal Rupturing in the Mentawai Gap, SW Sumatra, Newly Acquired High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Bathymetry Data
- Explaining the current geodetic field with geological models: A case study of the Haiyuan fault system
- Fault Geometry and Kinematics of the Main Frontal Thrust in Central Nepal Constrained With Active Source Seismic Data
- Fault morphology controls rupture size: Evidence from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Geodesy-based estimates of loading rates on faults beneath the Los Angeles basin with a new, computationally efficient method to model dislocations in 3D heterogeneous media
- Geodetic Estimate of Water in the Wharton Basin Upper Mantle
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- High Resolution Topography and Multiple Seismic Uplift on the Main Frontal Thrust near the Ratu River, Eastern Nepal
- High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Observations of Crater-Lake Surface Temperatures at Kawah Ijen Volcano, East Java, Indonesia
- Hunt for Slow Slip Events Along the Sumatran Subduction Zone in a Decade of Continuous GPS Data
- Impact Crater of the Australasian Tektites, Southern Laos
- Incorporation of cooling-induced crystallisation into a 2-dimensional axisymmetric conduit heat flow model
- Insights on the Quaternary Tectonic Evolution of the SE Indonesia Arc-Continent Collision from the Study of Uplifted Coral Terraces on Sumba Island.
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation in Metropolitan Los Angeles Distinguished from Oil and Water management using InSAR and GPS
- Is Eruption Style Linked to Magma Residence Time at Kilauea Volcano? Results from Chemical Zoning in Olivine
- Kinematics of Slip Partitioning in Sumatra
- Laboratory Study on Water Uptake by Freshly Emitted Peat Smoke Particles in Southeast Asia
- Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior.
- Long-term faulting behavior of eastern Altyn Tagh fault, north Tibetan Plateau
- Magma Storage, Recharge and the Caldera Cycle at Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
- Magma migration at the onset of the 2012-13 Tolbachik eruption revealed by Seismic Amplitude Ratio Analyses
- Mantle Structures between Guatemala and the Eastern USArray
- Memory in coastal systems: Post-tsunami beach recovery within a decade on the Thai coast.
- Mixing it up in the Makassar Strait: Seasonal Reconstructions from Corals of Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Allow for Records of Source Water Mixing in the Makassar Strait
- Modeling multi-scale turbulent dispersion in two-phase dilute flows
- On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain the eruptive sequence and intensity for the 2014 Kelud eruption
- Pacific slab beneath northeast China revealed by regional and teleseismic waveform modeling
- Petrological evidence for non-linear increase of magmatic intrusion rates before eruption at open vent mafic volcanoe
- Re-investigation of slip rate along the southern part of the Sumatran Fault Zone using SuMo GPS network
- Regional structural analysis and velocity model (Vp) of the Chittagong-Myanmar Fold and Thrust Belt, Bangladesh
- Salient Features of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake in Relation to Earthquake Cycle and Dynamic Rupture Models
- Seismic Investigations of the Central Nepal Region Using Teleseismic and Local Earthquakes
- Seismic and deformation precursory to the small explosions of Marapi Volcano, West Sumatra, Indonesia
- Seismic hazard assessment for Myanmar: Earthquake model database, ground-motion scenarios, and probabilistic assessments
- Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.
- Slip rates across the sinistral slip fault system of the Shan Plateau, northern SE Asia
- Source model and ground shaking of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Mw7.8 earthquake
- Spatiotemporal Detection of Seismic Quiescence prior to the 2010 M<SUB>L</SUB> 6.4 Jiashian, Taiwan Earthquake
- Supporting Research using Satellite Data: A Framework for Spatiotemporal Queries in SciDB
- Surface Break and Coseismic Slip of the Great 1950 Assam Earthquake and Previous Events along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
- The Diverse Slip Behavior of the Banyak Islands Section of the Sunda Megathrust Offshore Sumatra.
- The Merapi Interactive Project: Offering a Fancy Cross-Disciplinary Scientific Understanding of Merapi Volcano to a Wide Audience.
- The Physics of Low-Frequency Earthquakes with Doubling Recurrence Intervals near Parkfield
- The dynamics of a tectonically-controlled active silicic intrusion at Cordón Caulle volcano (Southern Andes) imaged by InSAR: building to the next eruption?
- Uniform slip model underestimates tsunami hazard for probabilistic assessment: results from a case study in the South China Sea
- Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to capture ancient seismic offsets along the Altyn Tagh fault
- WOVOdat, A Worldwide Volcano Unrest Database, to Improve Eruption Forecasts
- <SUP>230</SUP>Thand <SUP>231</SUP>Pa in Seawater Sinking Particles from the North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect
- A 80-Year Long Coral-Based Temperature Reconstruction for the Last Interglacial from Northern Hispaniola
- A Geomicrobiological Approach to Differentiate Storm and Tsunami Deposits in the Recent Geological Record
- A crack between two big pieces of rock is made up of different pieces. This controlled how much the rocks slipped last year.
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A tale of two earthquakes: interactions between the 2007 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.4 and 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Mentawai, Sumatra, earthquake ruptures and their afterslip
- Analysis of long term precipitation patterns and trends over Maritime continent on different land categories using WRF model
- Analysis of the ground motions from the M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Gorkha and M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.3 Dolakha earthquakes in Nepal in 2015
- Are there Tuffs from Toba Supereruptions in Singapore?
- Broadband ground motion simulation using a paralleled hybrid approach of Frequency Wavenumber and Finite Difference method
- Characteristics on the fault behavior of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Coastal Geomorphology, Growth Patterns and Stratigraphy of Uplifted Coral-Reef Terraces of Sumba Island, Indonesia: Towards a Re-Evaluation of Quaternary Sea-Level Highstands
- Constraining the presence and abundance of an excess gas phase prior to the June 1991 eruption of Mt Pinatubo (Philippines) using S-isotopes
- Dynamics of fault motion and the tectonic style on Earth and Venus
- Estimating the rheological properties of the oceanic asthenosphere using geodetic data.
- Evaluating the Possibility of a joint San Andreas-Imperial Fault Rupture in the Salton Trough Region
- Fault Geometry beneath the Chittagong-Myanmar Fold and Thrust Belt, Bangladesh, and Implications for Earthquake Hazard
- Fault kinematics and active tectonics of the Sabah margin: Insights from the 2015, M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.0, Mt. Kinabalu earthquake
- High-resolution mapping based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to capture the paleoseismic offsets along the Altyn-Tagh fault, China
- How Heterogeneous Coseismic Slip Affects Regional Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment: A Case Study in the South China Sea
- Influence of Fault Geometry on Himalayan Megathrust Coupling
- Infrasound Detection Capability in Southeast Asia
- Isotopic constraints on the age of fluid migration and faulting in the deep Nankai accretionary prism at IODP Site C0002
- Joint inversion of afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation following the 2012 Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean earthquake
- Kinematic inversion of postseismic deformation following the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake for the distribution of brittle and ductile crustal processes.
- Large Regional Sea-level Oscillations on Human Timescales, Revealed by Mid-Holocene Corals
- Lithium Zoning in Kīlauea Olivine: Growth vs. Diffusion?
- Magnetotelluric survey in the quest for crustal conductivities in Nepal after the Mw 7.9 Gorkha earthquake of April 25, 2015
- Millennial slip rates and paleoseismology of the Jinghong fault on the Shan Plateau, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Mixing it up in the Southern Makassar Strait: Seasonal Coral Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C Reveals Monsoon-Driven Variability in Surface Water Circulation in the Indonesian Seas
- Moisture sources of the Mono Lake deglacial pluvial events
- Morphology and Role of the Investigator Fracture Zone on the Sumatra Subduction Zone Process using High-resolution Bathymetry and Seismic Data
- New high-resolution seismic imaging of the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) in Bardibas (central Nepal) reveals blind fault strands and buried strath surfaces: implications for paleoseismology
- Permeability Evolution With Shearing of Simulated Faults in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs
- Pinatubo Lake Chemistry and Degassing 1991-2010
- Pore fluid pressure in impermeable fault zones throughout earthquake cycles
- Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for northern Southeast Asia
- Quantifying Coseismic Normal Fault Rupture at the Seafloor: The 2004 Les Saintes Earthquake Along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles)
- Quantitative shape analysis of volcanic ash particles from recent eruptions of Asian volcanoes
- Rapid Earthquake Source Inversion in SE Asia
- Reconstruction of Monsoon Driven South China Sea Surface Ocean Circulation using Coral Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C
- Refine fault geometry with broadband waveform modeling for earthquake source parameters: seismological evidence for the ramp-flat-ramp geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Relative Seismic Velocity Variations Correlate with Deformation at Kīlauea Volcano.
- Rethinking plant functional types in Earth System Models: pan-tropical analysis of tree survival across environmental gradients
- Seafloor Geodesy using Wave Gliders to study Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards at Subduction Zones
- Sedimentological recorders of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge from contrasting Philippine coastal landscapes
- Seismic and infrasound observations of recent explosive events at Marapi Volcano in Western Sumatra
- Shallow seismicity at open-vent volcanoes
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Mount St. Helens Region from the iMUSH array
- Shoreline response to seismically induced land-level changes - A case study from West Aceh, Indonesia
- Sibling ruptures (M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.3-7.4) within a persistent rupture barrier on the Sunda megathrust under Simeulue
- Single station monitoring of volcanoes using seismic ambient noise
- Starting SOLO: A multi-pronged scaffolding approach for developing critical climate literacies
- Strain accumulation on faults beneath Los Angeles: a geodesy-based picture accounting for the effects of sedimentary basins and anthropogenic surface deformation
- Stress geomechanical model application: Stress tensor evaluation in recent Nankai subduction zone, SW Japan
- Structural Segmentation Controlled the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Rupture in Nepal
- Structural and Depositional Evolution of the Stevenson Basin, a Gulf of Alaska Forearc Basin: Insights from Legacy Seismic and Borehole Data
- Structural and Stratigraphic Evidence for Active Deformation and Tsunami Hazard within the Sumatran Accretionary Wedge West of Siberut using MegaTera Seismic and Bathymetric data
- Swarms of small earthquakes on Marapi Volcano, West Sumatra, Indonesia: are these precursors to explosion event?
- TEM PSHA2015 Reliability Assessment
- Tectonic and Geomorphic setting of the Pamir Plateau -Insights from InSAR, Seismic and Optical Data for the 2015 Mw7.2 Darwas-Karakoram Earthquake
- Temperature in the Lower Crust of Taiwan from a Decade of Postseismic GPS Data of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Temporary Seismic Installation in Eastern Bangladesh: Microseismicity and Structure of an On-Land Accretionary Prism
- The "1400BP" caldera-forming magma reservoir (Rabaul, Papua New Guinea) reconstructed from the compositions and volatile contents of melt inclusion
- The 2008 Mw 7.2 North Pagai earthquake sequence: Partial rupture of a fully locked Mentawai patch
- The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence, A Series of Cross-fault and In-fault Triggering Events
- The Awakening of the Mentawai Section of the Sunda Megathrust: Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation of the 2007 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.4 Bengkulu Earthquake in Sumatra
- The Maritime Continent and Coral Triangle: How to make informed measurements in the year of the MC to improve coral protection?
- The Role of Thermal Processes in Defining the Seismogenic Zone: The Interplay Between Faults and Shear Zones
- The Timing and Nature of Northeastern Brazil Climate during Marine Isotope Stage 4 and Heinrich Stadial 6
- Time-marching multi-grid seismic tomography
- Tiny crystals give away the where and when of magma ascent
- Towards a global accurate model for horizontal and vertical elastic response of the Earth to seasonal hydrology derived from GRACE
- Transient flow in the mantle wedge in the last decade following great earthquakes in the Sumatran subduction zone
- Tropical Sumatra Squalls drive stable isotope ratios of precipitation in Singapore
- Understanding the monotonous life of open vent mafic volcanoes
- Visualizing the deep end of sound: plotting multi-parameter results from infrasound data analysis
- A Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Stack, New Jersey, USA
- A Report Of The December 6, 2016 Mw 6.5 Pidie Jaya, Aceh Earthquake
- A catalog of coseismic uniform-slip models of geodetically unstudied earthquakes along the Sumatran plate boundary
- A synthesis of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge, the deposits and the post event state of the coast.
- Anisotropic high-temperature plasticity of hydrated olivine single crystals and its geodynamic implications
- Assessing Covariation of Holocene Monsoon Intensity and Local Moisture Conditions in Eastern and Southwestern Amazon Basin Using Speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr Values
- Capturing Postseismic Processes of the 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan, Using Dense, Continuous GPS and Short-repeat Time ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Implications for the Shallow Slip Deficit Problem
- Characterize the hydrogeological properties and probe the stress field in Salt Lake Valley, Utah using SAR imagery
- Comparison of GPS and GRACE hydrological loading signatures in Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, and Bhutan
- Compiling Holocene RSL databases from near- to far-field regions: proxies, difficulties and possible solutions
- Continuous Real-time Measurements of δ-values of Precipitation during Rain Events: Insights into Tropical Convection
- Continuous and simultaneous measurements of precipitation and vapor isotopes over two monsoon seasons during 2016-2017 in Singapore
- Controls on the organization of the plumbing system of subduction volcanoes : the roles of volatiles and edifice load
- Deciphering the paleoseismic history of the central Dead Sea fault (Yammouneh fault, Lebanon) based on multiple luminescence dating techniques
- Development of piggy-back basins in the Sub-Himalaya: structure of the Triyuga Valley in eastern Nepal from seismic reflection profiles
- Discrimination of tsunamigenic earthquakes by ionospheric sounding using GNSS observations of total electron content from the Sumatran GPS Array
- Dynamics of fault slip near the stability transition combining laboratory and numerical experiments
- Dynamics of folding: Impact of fault bend folds on earthquake cycles
- Early-Ming Era tsunami destruction along the Northern Coast of Aceh, Indonesia: New evidence from Archeology
- Exsolution lamellae in volcanic pyroxene; Single phenocryst thermometry for long-lived magmatic reservoir
- Geodesy cannot presently detect the up-dip limit of frictional locking on megathrusts
- Geographic Size Variation and Intra-Tektite Geochemical Heterogeneity of Muong Nong Tektites: Insights for Cratering Process and Fall Location.
- Geologic Evidence of Tsunamigenic Earthquakes from the Southern Part of the Japan Trench
- High-resolution hydroclimate variability in eastern Amazon over the past 800 years
- High-resolution seismic modeling of deep Earth interior based on hybrid methods: preliminary results
- Highly variable recurrence of tsunamis in the 7,400 years before the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- I had a dream… Continuous InSAR measurement and transparent earth, the beauty of analogue modeling to assess direct model uncertainties
- InSAR Time Series Analysis of Dextral Strain Partitioning Across the Burma Plate
- Interaction between fault systems in a complex tectonic setting: Insights from InSAR and Teleseismic analysis of the 2015 Lake Saurez and 2016 Muji fault earthquake sequence
- Interaction of Geohazards and Settlements through the Past Millennium, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
- Interseismic Deformation due to Oblique India-Sunda Collision: Implications for the Arakan Sleeping Giant
- Investigating the direct meltwater effect in oxygen-isotope records using an isotope-enabled Earth system model
- Ionospheric detection of tsunami earthquakes: observation, modeling and ideas for future early warning
- Is Interseismic Deformation along the Sumatra Subduction Zone Ever 'Stable'?
- Joint models of GPS and GRACE data of the postseismic deformation following the 2012 Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean earthquake
- Kinematics of Active Deformation Across the Western Kunlun Mountain Range (Xinjiang, China), and Potential Seismic Hazards Within the Southern Tarim Basin
- Large-scale displacement following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake
- Mapping tropical hydroclimate changes with speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Mechanical properties of conjugate faults in the Makran accretionary prism estimated from InSAR observations of coseismic deformation due to the 2013 Baluchistan (Mw 7.7) earthquake
- Mining for preparatory processes of transfer learning in a blended course
- Moment tensor and location of seismic events in the 2017 DPRK test
- Multi-Fault Rupture Scenarios in the Brawley Seismic Zone
- New constraints on the magnitude of the 4 January 1907 tsunami earthquake off Sumatra, Indonesia, and its Indian Ocean-wide tsunami
- New insights on active fault geometries in the Mentawai region of Sumatra, Indonesia, from broadband waveform modeling of earthquake source parameters
- Nonlinear rheology of olivine in the Indian Ocean upper mantle
- Numerical simulation of faulting in the Sunda Trench shows that seamounts may generate megathrust earthquakes
- On a Better Assessment of Infrasound Network Detection Capabilities in Southeast Asia
- Paleoseismic investigation on the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault
- Pleistocene rapid exhumation of the Diancang Shan, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: implications for the episodic acceleration of the Red River fault
- Possible Climate Change/Variability and Human Impacts, Vulnerability of African Drought Prone Regions, its Water Resources and Capacity Building
- Postseismic deformation following the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake and the distribution of brittle and ductile crustal processes beneath Nepal
- Pre-eruptive processes and timescales recorded in olivine crystals and melt inclusions from the 2007 caldera-forming eruption of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island)
- Predicting the impact of tsunami in California under rising sea level
- Predicting tidal marsh survival or submergence to sea-level rise using Holocene data
- Quantifying the short- and long-term controls exerted by the basal and lateral boundaries of the Slumgullion Landslide from creepmeters and 3-D surface deformation
- Quasi-static earthquake cycle simulation based on nonlinear viscoelastic finite element analyses
- Relative Sea-Level Stability in Natuna Island, Indonesia, since 6400 yr BP
- Relative sea-level variability recorded by coral microatolls over the past centuries in the Ryukyu arc
- Revisiting the Cretaceous Normal Superchron in the SW Indian Ocean
- Sea level high stand in Marine Isotope Stage 5e: evidence from coral terraces in Sumba Island, Indonesia
- Sea-Level Change in the Russian Arctic Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Sea-level variability in the Common Era along the Atlantic coast of North America
- Segmentation and supercycles: A catalog of earthquake cycle complexities from the Sumatran Sunda Megathrust and other well-studied faults worldwide
- Seismic Structure of Mantle Transition Zone beneath Northwest Pacific Subduction Zone and its Dynamic Implication
- Seismic Velocity Variation and Evolution of the Upper Oceanic Crust across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 1.3°S
- September 3rd, 2017 underground nuclear test in North Korea: Results from satellite radar imagery and dislocation modeling
- Sound Is Sound: Film Sound Techniques and Infrasound Data Array Processing
- Stress shadow prohibits low interseismic coupling on shallow megathrusts, even where they are frictionally unlocked
- Structural and stratigraphic constraints on tsunamigenic rupture along the frontal Sunda megathrust from MegaTera bathymetric and seismic reflection data
- Structural control of the upper plate on the down-dip segmentation of subduction dynamics
- The 2016 Kaikōura earthquake: Simultaneous rupture of the subduction interface and overlying faults
- The 2017 Mw8.2 Tres Picos, Mexico Earthquake, an intraslab rupture crossing the Tehuantepec Fracture Zone stopped by a tear in the Cocos Plate
- The Impact of Climate Change on New York City's Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Pre-Industrial to 2300 CE
- The Kumamoto M<SUB>w</SUB>7.1 mainshock: deep initiation triggered by the shallow foreshocks
- The contribution of glacial isostatic adjustment to projections of sea-level change along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
- The influence of question type, reasoning level, and wait time on student participation rates when using clicker questions with large classes
- The surfacing of past assessment strategies within interdisciplinary teams when encountering an open-ended assignment in an undergraduate sustainability course
- Titanium zoning and diffusion chronometry reveal dynamic and late-stage quartz growth in the Youngest Toba Tuff, Indonesia
- Toward uniform probabilistic seismic hazard assessments for Southeast Asia
- Two-dimensional analysis of post-seismic deformation of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake with rate-and-state friction and non-linear rock rheology
- Uncertainty Analyses for Back Projection Methods
- Under-Pressured and Avoiding Interaction: How Magmatic Storage Regions Can Deflect Dikes
- Variable shortening on the Main Frontal Thrust in Nepal
- Vegetation change and pollen geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the last Millennium
- Waveform complexity caused by near trench structure and its impact on earthquake source study: application to the 2015 Illapel earthquake sequence
- Tectonic and geomorphic setting of the Pamir Plateau: Insights from InSAR and teleseismic analysis of the 2015 Lake Saurez and 2016 Muji fault earthquake sequence
- 1-Octanol Water Partition Coefficient as a Predictor of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Mixed Organic/Inorganic Aerosol Particles
- 240-Year Record of Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca from a Coral off Central Vietnam Reveals Impacts of Monsoonal Upwelling and La Nina Rains
- A Global Reanalysis of Nodal Modulation on High Tidal levels from Hourly Tide Gauge Records
- A Volcanic Hazard Preparedness Game of Show, Tell, and Solve
- A century of erosion and deposition of a marsh planform - which has been more important at sculpting the landscape?
- A spatial-temporal perspective on the glacial-interglacial variability of speleothem-inferred Asian Monsoon over the recent two glacial cycles
- A study of triple oxygen isotopes in precipitation from a tropical region
- A versatile University small satellite platform for space science
- Anthropogenic alterations of the Raritan River, NJ from pre-European settlement through the present
- Anthropogenic influence on monsoonal rainfall and vegetation in southwestern China over the past 300 years
- Application of LA-ICP-MS to tephra correlation studies in Afar, Ethiopia
- Are aftershock locations a good proxy for the mainshock rupture area?
- Assessing SE Asian's Regional Infrasound Network Capability to Generate Actionable Products for Volcanic Events
- Atmospheric Control on the Infrasound Observations from the September 28th 2018 Mw 7.5 Sulawesi Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami.
- Breakup of the Indian Craton and Clockwise Rotation of the Shillong Plateau
- Building a Cross-Dated Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Central Caribbean from Storm Deposit Corals
- CEmin: A MATLAB-Based Software for Computational Phenocryst Extraction and Statistical Petrology
- Characterization of slow-moving, deep-seated landslides using geodetic InSAR observations
- Cluster analysis of a shallow Mw4.1 earthquakes in Sichuan Basin (China)
- Communicating Coral Skeletal Data through Microscopic Images
- Constraining The Postseismic Deformation In A Range Of Tectonic Environments Using Data From The Sentinel-1a/b Satellite
- Constraining global models of the glacial isostatic adjustment process: Where should we look next?
- Coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Reconstructs Sea Surface Salinity in the Singapore Straits Revealing Impacts from ENSO
- Crustal-scale structure beneath Myanmar from joint inversion of receiver function, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and surface wave dispersion
- DEM modelling of the Tertiary Deformation of the Pamir and adjacent blocks
- Deformation of the oceanic asthenosphere and mantle wedge following the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.8 Maule earthquake
- Dike pathway evolution with time scale
- Discrete element modeling of a subduction zone with a seafloor irregularity and its impact on the seismic cycle
- Drivers of rapid global and regional sea level change in the Common Era
- Eikonal equation-based teleseismic traveltime tomography of Sumatra
- Evolution of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Sea-level Rise Projections
- Expanding the Stratigraphic Record of Tsunami Inundation Along the Semi-arid, Siliciclastic Coast of North-central Chile
- F, Cl, OH and S diffusion in apatite and applications to constrain magma ascent rates
- Fault Reactivation and Oblique Rift Opening Revealed by Reoccurring Magma Intrusions in Central Iceland
- First Finite-frequency Tomography of Myanmar
- Fracture heterogeneity, fluid overpressure, and injection-induced seismicity
- High P-Wave Speeds in the Upper Mantle and Their Possible Association with Super Plumes
- Historical Time-Series Of Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics Off Sarawak, Borneo, From Satellite Remote Sensing
- How Well Crystals Record Their Magmatic Environments?
- In situ measurements of coral-associated nitrogen fixation from turbid reefs
- Investigating the characteristics and dynamics of rainfall in Singapore using a GPS-derived proxy to precipitable water.
- Ionospheric detection of tsunami earthquakes: new observations for rapid tsunami risk estimation
- Large Shallow Slip Along the Palu-Koro Fault Associated with Supershear Rupture
- Linking surface deformation with gas regime variation: a new modeling approach
- Mapping Sea-Level Change in Time, Space, and Probability
- Mechanisms of late Holocene relative sea-level variability in the Chesapeake Bay
- Microlens Mono-channel Lightfield 3D Direct Imaging Method Based On Bionic Vision and 3-3 Dimensional Information Transforming Foundation
- Mineralogical insights into the 2018 Puna eruption at Kilauea volcano: magma origins and mixing timescales
- Mw6.0 Myanmar Earthquake Ruptured a Previously Undiscovered Thrust Fault: Using Aftershock Relocations, Seismic and Geodetic Inversions to Infer Fault Geometry
- New fossil foraminiferal estimates of coseismic vertical deformation during the AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake: Washington and northern California, USA
- New insight on the deep structure of the Wharton Basin oceanic lithosphere in the vicinity of the 11 April 2012, Mw 8.6 strike-slip earthquake
- Normal fault connectivity through time: an example from the Chengbei fault in the Bohai Bay Basin, China
- Numerical study of the city-wide effect of albedo change in Singapore
- Paleoecological Investigation of New Jersey Coastal Wetlands and Their Potential to Inform and Guide Wetland Protection, Restoration and Resilience
- Paleosea-Level Records from Late Quaternary Coral Reef Terraces on Araki Island, Vanuatu; Comparison With Previous Results from Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
- Paleoseismologic investigation revealed early events occurred along north Altyn Tagh fault near Shibaocheng, Gansu, China
- Petrologic Deconstruction of Magmatic Events Preceding Major Historic Eruptions of Agung Volcano, Bali, Indonesia.
- Precipitation stable isotopic signatures of tropical cyclones in Manila, Philippines: implications for paleotempestology
- Predicting the impact of tsunamis in California under rising sea levels
- Radiocarbon Dating of the 1934AD Bihar-Nepal Earthquake Surface Rupture Reveals Systematic Biases that Cause Artificially Aging of Historical events
- Recent activity on the Main Boundary Thrust in western Nepal: implications for mechanics of the Himalayan thrust system
- Recent dynamics of large channel bars in the lower Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar
- Reconstructing global and regional sea-level trends during the Common Era
- Rethinking Probabilistic Seismic Hazard in Taiwan after the 2018 Hualien, Taiwan, Earthquake Sequence: Importance of stress perturbation for the assessment
- SAR, InSAR, and Pol-InSAR for Rapid Disaster Response
- Sea-Level and Coastal Evolution of the Kallang River Basin, Singapore
- Space Science with Small Satellites. A new paradigm for Education and Capacity Building.
- Stress magnitude and orientation modeling with logging data in a deep coal-bearing formation near offshore Shimokita peninsular, North-East Japan
- The 2018 Mw7.5 Palu earthquake, a gradually accelerating super-shear rupture stopped by stress shadows in a complex fault system
- The First Strong Motion Database and GMPEs for Sumatra
- The Persistence of Rupture Segmentation from a Worldwide Survey
- The fate of water on Mars: constraints from gravity and topography
- The impact of fault-bend folding on models of tsunami generation and inundation
- The inception of the Anthropocene as revealed by proxy sea-level records
- Time-dependent Seismic Hazard Assessment for Yangon, Myanmar: Impact of Stress Perturbation by Recent Earthquakes
- Timing for the onset of Late Pleistocene wet conditions in the Mono Basin, California
- Towards a Better Understanding of Inter-seismic Deformation in the Mentawai Seismic Gap by Establishing a Denser GPS Network in West Sumatra
- Understanding tropical convection through high-resolution vapor and precipitation isotope analysis in combination with radar data
- Unlocking the Potential of Stable Isotopes to Constrain Thermal Histories: Early Steps Toward a Versatile Tool for Diffusion Chronometry Using Chemical-Isotopic Profiles in Zoned Minerals
- Volcanoes, Music to My Ears
- What Insights Can the Holocene Provide on Previous Interglacial Sea Levels?
- 3-D Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Shear Wave Velocity Model of Myanmar, Southeast Asia from Ambient Noise Tomography
- 50-year δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Sr/Ca Records in Porites Corals from Southern Maldives
- Can We Define a "Caldera Cycle" - A Series of Processes From One Caldera-Forming Eruption to the Next That Are Common to Multiple Volcanic Systems?
- Consequence-driven, counterfactual framework for multi-hazard scenario development
- Controls on Eruption Style at Rabaul, Papua New Guinea: Insights from Pyroclast Microtextures, Porosity and Permeability
- Convective Removal of Lithosphere and Uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains
- Converting GNSS Zenith Wet Delays to Precipitable Water: Investigating the Mean and Variability of the Water-Vapor-Weighted Mean Temperature (T<SUB>m</SUB>) using Reanalysis Data
- Correlation between GNSS-TEC and eruption magnitude supports the use of ionospheric sensing to complement volcanic hazard assessment
- Did a large late 19<SUP>th</SUP> century typhoon dramatically change the morphology of the Yangtze River mouth, China?
- Diffusion timescales in olivine from the 2018 eruption at Kilauea Volcano reveal syn-eruptive (months) and long term (years) magma mixing processes
- Discovery of a thick sedimentary basin along nascent plate boundary (re-activated fracture zones) in the Wharton Basin
- Ductile deformation explains the physics of rock friction
- Earthquake cycles in fault-bend folds
- Earthquake focal mechanism inversion in Myanmar using regional broadband waveforms and a refined 3D velocity model
- Effect of Chain Transform fault on the Lithosphere - Asthenosphere boundary
- Elaborating an early warning prototype to better monitor volcanic eruptions in Southeast Asia overcoming ubiquitous difficulties in the region
- Estimating future sea-level rise by 2100 and 2300 AD from expert assessment
- Evidence for Crustal Extension in the Main Himalayan Thrust Hanging Wall During the Latest Great Himalayan Earthquake in Western Nepal
- Exploring the relationship between repose time and cumulative moment magnitude for volcanoes worldwide
- Extending instrumental sea-level records with coral microatolls
- Extracting Crystal Size Data from Large-area Backscattered Electron Images of Igneous Thin Sections and Digging out their Geological Background
- Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes - complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc setting
- Future of Rapid Disaster Mapping with SAR Observations
- Geochemistry and Geochronology of Quaternary Calderas in North and Central Sumatra (Indonesia)
- Geodetic imaging of the stress shadow: large slip deficit on shallow megathrusts
- Geomorphic indices indicate differential vertical tectonic movement in peninsular Malaysia
- Geomorphology and Suspended Sediment Transport of the Second Largest River of Southeast Asia: the Irrawaddy River, Myanmar.
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment with 3D Earth models in North America
- Ground-Motions from Tsunami Earthquakes: An Example from Indonesia and Implications for Hazard and Warning
- Holocene relative Sea Level change in the Yangtze River Delta, Eastern China
- Identification of plagioclase populations with machine learning methods
- In-Situ Ionospheric measurements from INSPIRESat-1 microsatellite
- Insights into the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Taiwan Earthquake Model: Application to infrastructure safety
- Inter-hemispheric coupling during the extreme sudden stratospheric warming events
- Joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic body-wave data for linear arrays based on adjoint tomography
- Joint regional earthquake and teleseismic traveltime tomography of Myanmar
- La Niña's Diminishing Fingerprint on the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Late Quaternary extension rates across the northern half of the Yadong-Gulu rift - Implication for East-West extension in southern Tibet
- Lateral fault growth in the Kashi anticline (Chinese Tian Shan): Insights from seismic interpretation, shortening distribution and tri-shear methods
- Lidar Imaging Reveals a Frontal Thrust's 4500-year-long Seismic History in Nepal
- Lower-crustal rheology and thermal gradient in the Taiwan orogenic belt revealed by the 14 years of postseismic transients following the 1999 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake
- Lower-crustal rheology in the Basin and Range near the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Measuring Coastal Absolute Sea-Level Changes Using a Combination of GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry and Satellite Altimetry
- Methane Seeps in the Red Sea
- Mitigating risks of injection-induced seismicity using cyclic fluid injection: new evidence and insights from the laboratory
- Nano Scale Mineral Observations and The Geo-thermo-barometry of Volcanic Systems
- Natural hazards monitoring and disaster response for South and Southeast Asia using Synthetic Aperture Radar data
- Outlier-Insensitive Bayesian Inference for Linear Inverse Problems (OutIBI) with Applications to Earth Science
- Particulate emissions from Indonesian peat fires between 2004 and 2015 and the impact on human health
- Permeability evolution with effective stress of rock-concrete interface in underground storage applications
- Physical Controls on the Emergence of Slow and Fast Slip Sequences within the Stability Transition
- Pleistocene rapid decrease in extensional exhumation of the Diancang Shan implies tectonic changes in SE Tibet
- Preservation potential of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami sediments: Assessing rates of post-depositional change in sediments from northern Sumatra
- Reconciling rupture speed constraints from low (<10s) to high frequency ( 1Hz) for large (M>7) earthquakes
- Reconstruction of the December 2018 Anak Krakatau Eruptive Activity Based on Eyewitness Reports, and Remote Seismo-acoustic and Satellite Observations
- Relative sea-level stability and the radiocarbon marine reservoir correction at Natuna Island, Indonesia, since 6400 yr BP
- Response of Port Structures to Tsunami Impacts: A Study of Governing Flow Characteristics in Influencing Port Damage in the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami
- Segmentation and Supercycles: A Catalog of Earthquake Rupture Patterns from Well-Studied Faults Worldwide
- Soil moisture variability and impact on InSAR time series: examples from hyperarid (and not-so-arid) regions and approaches for mitigation.
- Source size and surface expression of the 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake
- Storm Deposit Corals From Little Cayman Reveal Shifts in Sea Surface Temperature and Upwelling in the Central Caribbean During the Holocene
- Stratigraphic Expression and Slip Rate of the Main Frontal Thrust in Central Nepal: A 50,000-year record in the Bardibas area
- Stress geomechanical model construction in Nankai Trough subduction zone
- Structural Controls on Rupture Extent of Sumatran Fault Zone Earthquakes, Indonesia
- Subduction Initiation and the Rise of the Shillong Plateau
- Summertime intra-seasonal variability of precipitable water vapor over Sumatra revealed by the Sumatran GPS Array in Indonesia
- Tectonic uplift and subsidence inferred from coral microatoll archives of relative sea level in La Union province, northwestern Luzon, Philippines
- The 2019 Ridgecrest Mw6.5 and Mw7.0 double-let: shallow and slow rupture on non-planar strike-slip faults revealed by Multiple Point Source inversions using 3D Green's functions
- The Application of Deep Learning to Estimate Flood Extents for Urban Areas using SAR Amplitude and Coherence Time-Series Data: Challenges and Recommendations
- The Deep Lithospheric Structure of the Junggar Terrane, NW China: Implications for Its origin and Tectonic evolution
- The Inception of Modern Rates of Sea-Level Rise as Revealed by a Global Database of Sea-Level Records
- The Short Rupture Interval of The Westernmost Nam Ma Fault in the Past Millennium
- The effects of basin and lithospheric scale velocity structure and a ray-based travel time correction for the back-projection method
- The magmatic plumbing system of monotonous volcanoes: Mayon, Philippines
- Towards Human-Centric Rapid Post-Disaster Impact Assessments Through Transdisciplinary Informatics
- Transient creep of dunites and implication for postseismic deformation
- Transition between slow and fast ruptures of a laboratory fault in granite
- Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Tap Water from Southeast Asia
- Tropical Vegetation and Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Productivity Changes in Central Indonesia During the Past 30,000 Years
- Tsunami risk estimation by GNSS-TEC ionospheric sounding: an additional piece of information for future tsunami warning systems
- Urban Flood Detection in a Bayesian Framework with Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Observations
- Variations in structural and thermal properties of the lithosphere across large Fracture Zones/Transform Fault in the Equatorial Atlantic
- What do the tsunami deposits of the 2018 Palu, Indonesia earthquake say about the hydrodynamics of the tsunami?
- Whole lithosphere isostasy of the continents, and the elevation and crustal thickness of Antarctica
- 3D Transdimensional Bayesian tomography of the Earth's inner core
- A Further Source of Tokyo Earthquakes and Pacific Ocean Tsunamis
- A preliminary relative sea-level history from fossil corals at Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
- Active subduction and strain partitioning in western Myanmar revealed by a dense new GPS velocity field
- Adjoint tomography of teleseismic direct P and coda waves for high-resolution lithosphere structure: methodology and application
- Amazon Hydroclimate Response to Millennial and Orbital Scale Forcing
- An investigation of sea-level variability over short distances at Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
- Best Practices for Coral Proxy-SST Calibration for 20th Century δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο<SUB>sw</SUB> Reconstruction - Initial Results from CoralHydro2k
- Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting
- Colored dissolved organic matter from tropical peatlands strongly impacts euphotic zone depth in a shelf sea
- Common Era Sea-level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast
- Constraining Glacial Isostatic Adjustment models with the quality-controlled deglacial relative sea-level data from the Russian Arctic
- Crustal Velocity Structure of Eastern Bangladesh from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Cumulate Melting and the Evolution of Igneous Rocks
- Dynamic Sea-Level Simulation for Southeast Asia in the CMIP6 HighResMIP models: Mean biases and Changes by the end of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Evolution of Global Sea-level Rise Projections for the 21st Century and their Incorporation in Local and Regional Assessments
- Extensive mineralization of terrestrial organic carbon and acidification in a tropical shelf sea
- From Fault Dates to Orogenic Rates: Fault Gouge Dating in the Spanish Pyrenees and Application to Global Fold-Thrust Belt Strain Rates
- GTDef: An Open-Source Dislocation Modeling Toolset
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- IDEASSat: A 3U CubeSat mission next on the pad for ionospheric science
- Intensifying saline water intrusion and drought in the Mekong Delta: from physical evidences to policy outlooks
- Lava flow damage assessment using remote sensing and ground surveys: 2018 LERZ lava flows of Kīlauea volcano, Hawai`i
- Let it flow: forensic analysis of crystals and field observations to retrieve dynamic of empanelment
- Maintenance of a seismic network in Bangladesh and an initial earthquake catalog
- Mapping the macroseismic effects of the M<SUB>W</SUB> 6.8 Thabeikkyin earthquake in 2012, upper Myanmar
- Mid-Holocene sea-level and paleoseismic histories in Badoc, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
- Natural infrastructure for integrated urban water management in the Global South: A review and some reflections from Southeast Asia
- P-wave Attenuation Structure around the Source Region of 2018 Lombok, Indonesia, Earthquakes
- Paleo-tsunami research along the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia: Science in the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Physical modeling of postseismic deformation following the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake
- Prediction and Hypothesis Testing in Raised Peatland Morphology
- Radial anisotropy of the Alaskan lithosphere revealed by multi-component ambient-noise adjoint tomography
- Ray-free and wave-equation-free seismic traveltime tomography
- Re-opening the case of the Great 2011 Thailand flood: pluvial of fluvial?
- Sea-level Rise Projections and Their Impact on Policy and Practice in Asia
- Spread-F Detection and Forecasting Using CNN Autoencoder
- Step-by-Step... Getting Remote Infrasound Into Real-Time Estimate of Eruption Dynamics.
- Strategies to improve geochronologic constraints on coral microatolls in the Philippines
- Stress shadows of the September 5th, 2012 Nicoya Peninsula Mw 7.6 earthquake.
- Tectonic uplift and subsidence inferred from coral archives of relative sea level in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines
- The 2018 Lombok earthquake cascade was controlled by thermal squeezing of the seismogenic zone from an active arc volcano
- The INSPIRE series of satellites for multi-point Ionospheric observations
- The Viscosity of the Top 500 km of the Lower Mantle estimated using GPS, GRACE, and Relative Sea Level measurements of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Wet vs. Dry the Impact of Water on Infrasound Eruption Signals in Crater Lake Volcanoes: April 2020 Anak Krakatau Case Study
- Who Are we Measuring and Modeling for? Supporting Multilevel Decision Making in Watershed Management
- A Strategy to More Reliably Date Coral Microatolls in the Philippines
- A Travel-time Path Calibration Strategy for Back-Projection of Large Earthquakes and Its Application to the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Earthquake
- A high-precision InSAR-based earthquake catalog for western China
- A new model for predicting rare earth element partition coefficients between apatite and silicate melts based on crystal lattice strain and thermodynamics
- A unified earthquake focal mechanism catalog for the Myanmar region and new insights to the seismotectonics.
- A unified framework for earthquake sequences and the growth of geological structure in fold-thrust belts
- Adjoint-state traveltime tomography
- Adsorption constrains a significant part of the P/Ca in coral skeletons
- Assessing Volcanic Hazard and Exposure at Poorly Studied Volcanic Fields: A Case Study from the Bolaven Volcanic Field, Laos
- Attenuation of regional seismic phases (Lg and Sn) in Myanmar and surrounding regions
- Azimuthal Anisotropy Variations in Central Italy Revealed by Adjoint-state Traveltime Tomography
- Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting
- Centennial Solar Cycle Linked to Climate Change Recorded in Northwestern Vietnam Speleothems during Heinrich Event 3
- Chemical Characteristics and Trends of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
- Constraining Holocene Sea-level Changes in the Far-Field Location of Singapore
- Coral Evidence for Mid-Holocene Sea-Level Rise and an Abrupt Uplift Event at Badoc, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
- Coral geochemistry recorded rapid and multi-dimensional environmental recovery after cessation of proximal land reclamation
- Coupling infrasound, lightning, and satellite imagery to characterize the 2020 Taal volcanic eruption
- Crustal P-wave Velocity Structure of Southern California Revealed by First P and PmP Traveltime Data
- Detection of Thermal Features from Space at Indonesian Volcanoes Using the Medium Spatial Resolution ASTER Sensor (CE 2000-2020)
- Exploiting the frequency signature of trace gas absorption: A model to quantify SO2 from UV spectra of volcanic plumes
- Forecasting Eruption Probabilities at Youthful Volcanoes Without Known Holocene Eruptions
- Getting ready for L-band wide-swath InSAR era: Practices and experiences from JAXA ALOS-2 satellite
- Ground motion behavior and rupture directivity of the Mw 6.8 Thabeikkyin earthquake of 2012 in upper Myanmar
- Halogens in carbonates insights into pCO2, pO2 and pH marine paleoproxies from ab initio computational modelling
- Heat convergence by AMOC or surface heat flux: Testing the causal relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and multidecadal sea surface temperature variability
- High-resolution sedimentary records of Holocene hydroclimate variability in the Maritime Continent
- Holocene Relative Sea-Level Change from Coral Microatolls at Sentosa, Singapore
- Holocene Relative Sea-Level Change from Coral Microatolls on Lazarus Island, Singapore
- How Much Inundation Occurs in the Amazon River Basin?
- Imaging inner core seismic structure using normal mode and body wave data
- Impact of interannual and multidecadal variations on methane-climate feedbacks
- Injection-Induced Frictional Evolution and Slip Transition of a Laboratory Fault in Granite
- Injection-induced Seismic Moment Release in Stratified Sedimentary Rocks
- Investigating 13C values in stalagmites from tropical South America for the last two millennia
- Investigating Active Reverse Faulting and Slip Rate Partitioning in Northwestern Luzon Island from Uplifted Paleo-Coastal Plains
- Investigation of an Ongoing Sequence of Coral Microatoll Diedowns in Singapore (20202024?)
- Linking 5000 years of stratigraphic data in New Jersey to sea level
- Magma Reservoir Evolution: a Dynamically Changing System with a Constant Influx
- Magnitudes and Rates of Past, Present and Future Sea-Level Change in Singapore
- Mantle processes related to the explosive-effusive transition during the last eruptive cycle at Kilauea (Hawaii)
- Mid-to-Late Holocene South Atlantic Convergence Zone Behavior Inferred from Isotope-Enabled ECHAM4.6 Experiments
- Moho Topography in Southern California Revealed by Local PmP and Teleseismic Pms Waves
- Now you see me... no you dont! Quick assessment of seismic network capability to detect magma migration.
- On the choice and implications of rheologies that maintain kinematic and dynamic consistency over the entire earthquake cycle
- Past Records of Lava Flow Impacts for Use in Risk Assessments
- Photogrammetry-Based Three-Dimensional Models of Coral Microatoll Surface Morphologies as a Tool to Aid in Reconstruction of Relative Sea-Level Histories
- Prediction of host minerals for potassium and nitrogen in Earths deep mantle from first-principles calculations
- Preparing the PmP Dataset in Southern California Using PmPNet
- Probabilistic hotspot analysis of potential disruption to Japans electricity infrastructure from volcanic ashfall
- PyGMT: An open-source Python library for geospatial processing, analysis, and visualization
- Pyroclastic Density Currents at Gede Volcano (Indonesia); Understanding Past Events and Future Hazard
- Relative Sea-Level and Tectonic Histories Inferred from Fossil Corals at Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
- Repeating earthquake swarms on Gede Volcano, West Java, Indonesia
- Results from the TREMBLE Seismic Network in Bangladesh (2016-2021): Seismicity, COVID-19 Seismic Noise, and Cyclones
- Rupture Scenarios in the Brawley Seismic Zone: Exploring the Dynamic Interactions Between the Southern San Andreas Fault and Normal Faults under the Salton Sea
- Science in Societies: An International Survey of Over 200 Jurisdictions Using Sea Level Rise Projections in Adaptation Planning
- Shear Wave Splitting Delay Time Tomography of the 2018 Lombok Earthquake Aftershock Area Using Local Seismographic Network Data: a Preliminary Result
- Shear-velocity and anisotropic model of the Alaskan lithosphere obtained by ambient-noise adjoint tomography
- Slab Structures Influence the Along-arc Potassium Content Variation of Sumatran Volcanoes
- South American Hydroclimate Change on Millennial and Orbital Timescales: Insights From 70,000 Year Amazon and Andes Speleothem Records
- Spatial Patterns and Drivers of Smallholder Oil Palm Expansion over Peatswamp Forests in Riau
- Tectonic Geodesy of Western Myanmar: Strain Partitioning and Active Subduction Revealed by a Dense New GNSS Velocity Field
- Tectonic uplift and subsidence inferred from coral archives of relative sea level in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines
- The CoralHydro2k Database: a global compilation of coral 18O and Sr/Ca records for reconstructing tropical hydroclimate over the Common Era
- The Role of an Excess Fluid Phase in Controlling Eruption Styles and Ascent Rates in Basaltic Andesite Magmas
- The mid-Holocene sea-level highstand in Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling
- The role of rheological heterogeneities in earthquake deformation
- Thermal pressurization induced the frequency-dependent rupture during the 2019 Mw8.0 Peru intermediate-depth earthquake
- Traffic Accidents and Delays Present Contrasting Pictures of Traffic Resilience to Coastal Flooding in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA
- Triple oxygen isotopes of speleothems in the Amazon and southern China provide independent support for prior 18O-based interpretations
- Tsunami Hazard in Lombok and Bali, Indonesia due to the Flores Thrust Zone
- Tsunamigenesis revisited
- Understanding unconfined pyroclastic density current dynamics through impact assessment
- Using paleomagnetism to determine heating effect of lava flows on underlying soils
- 17O-excess in tropical cyclones is controlled by integrated local and remote evaporative conditions
- A 3-D Probabilistic Shallow Velocity Model in Myanmar and Its Implication for Subduction Tectonics
- A New Approach to Detect Subtle Changes in Continuous Monitoring Data
- A Shifty Toba Magma Reservoir: Zircon Geochemistry Constraints on the Build-up to Four Caldera-forming Eruptions
- A coral microatoll record of sea-level rise, interseismic subsidence, and El Niño in La Union, Philippines since 1902 CE
- A pilot search for non-volcanic tremors along the Aceh segment of the Great Sumatran Fault
- Adjoint-State Surface Wave Tomography: Incorporation of Surface Topography and Application in Hawaii
- Are initial phases of seismic swarms driven by a cascade of events or precursory slow slip?
- Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability Using GIS-based Modified DRASTIC (DRASTIC-L) Model over Urban and Peri-urban Landscape of an Indian Megacity, Kolkata
- Blind fault branching and propagation beneath Central Myanmar Basin revealed by high-resolution aftershock location and focal mechanism of the 2019 Mw5.5 YeU earthquake sequence
- Climatic Influences on Lombok Strait Precipitation over the Past Two Centuries from Coral Ba/Ca
- Complex patterns of past and ongoing crustal deformations in Southern California revealed by seismic azimuthal anisotropy
- Coupling Between Precipitation and Vegetation Changes in the Maritime Continent During the Past 30,000 Years
- Detection and Attribution of Historical Sea Level Changes over the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool Region
- Disaster Response Products from ALOS-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations: Jan 2022 Tonga Eruption
- Evolution of Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Precipitation during Monsoon Cold Surges in the Tropics: Implications for Evaluating Tropical Convection
- Extent of widespread illegal sand mining in the Mekong Delta
- F marks the site: An ab initio approach to unearthing fluorine incorporation mechanisms in forsterite olivine
- Geological Perspectives of Future Sea-Level Rise in Singapore
- How can tropical peatland management problems benefit from a morphological perspective?
- Imaging the Alaskan Lithosphere Based on Full-waveform Joint Inversion of Seismic Ambient Noise and Local Earthquake Data
- Insights Into the Tectonics in Myanmar From New High-Resolution and Integrated Focal Mechanism Catalogs.
- Investigating the Influence of Monsoon Seasonality on Compound Flooding in Southeast Asia
- Late Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from Coral Microatolls in Sentosa, Singapore
- Lithospheric Attenuation structure of the Indo-Burma subduction Zone and Indochina peninsula using Q Tomography of Regional Seismic Phases
- Lithospheric Structures beneath the Mid-continent Rift Revealed by Full-waveform Joint Inversion of Ambient-Noise Data and Teleseismic P waves
- Long-term trends of atmospheric hot-and-polluted episodes (HPE) and the public health implications in the Pearl River Delta region of China
- Mechanical examination of the marine terrace formation and history of megathrust earthquakes on the irregular plate interface of the Sagami Trough subduction zone, central Japan
- Methane-climate feedbacks and sensitivity: implications of interannual and multidecadal trends
- Multi-scale and multi-dimension detection of limestone cavities
- Numerical Approach to Rheological Heterogeneity and Conjugate Fault Slip with Overlap of Coseismic and Postseismic Slip: 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nariku Earthquake, NE Japan
- On the discrepancy of rates between geological slip and geodetic shortening: A structural geometry viewpoint
- Prediction of Potassium Host Minerals in Earth's Deep Mantle from First-principles Calculations
- Prediction of Potassium Host Minerals in Earth's Deep Mantle from First-principles Calculations
- Quantifying the Influence of Sediment Compaction on a 5000-year Salt Marsh Sea-level Reconstruction
- Revealing the Spatiotemporal Properties of the Mesoscale Convective Systems Most Conductive to the Precipitation Extremes during the 2021-2022 Malaysian Floods
- Seismic velocity structure under Lembang Fault, West Java, Indonesia: The first result of Lembang fault Integrated gps-seismic observatory Network, a collaborative research between National Agency for Research and Innovation of Indonesia and Earth Observatory of Singapore
- Seismicity and Noise in Bangladesh recorded by the TREMBLE network: event detection, site characterization and influence of the monsoon and Covid-19 lockdowns.
- Shallow Slow Slip Events Identified around the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica from GNSS Time Series
- Simultaneous and continuous real-time monitoring of stable isotopes of water vapor and rain in the tropics: insight into vapor-rain interaction
- Structure and slip behavior at the Kermadec subduction zone: apparent 'characteristic' megathrust slip in the 2021 Mw8.1 earthquake sequence
- Suppression of Ozone Formation at High Temperature in China: From Historical Observations to Future Projections
- Tectonic Contributions to Regional Sea-level Projections: Global Probabilistic Vertical Land Motions Model at Subduction Zones
- The 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption scenario and chronology as derived from the ionosphere
- The 2012 MW 6.8 Thabeikkyin earthquake in central Myanmar: A widely felt strong event with unilateral rupture through the Singu basalt on the Sagaing fault
- The First Systematically Estimated Sand Mining Budget for the Mekong Delta
- The Flores Thrust and Its Interplay with Arc Volcanism
- The Preservation of Hurricane Irma's Overwash Deposit in Mangrove Forests from Southern Florida, USA: Implications for Paleo-storm Reconstructions
- The Remnants of Continental Collision in Southern Appalachians: Constraints from Joint Full-waveform Inversion
- The Role of ENSO on Tropical South American Precipitation During the Mid-Holocene.
- The velocity structure of the volcanic plumbing system of Gede Volcano, West Java, Indonesia
- TomoATT: A New Open-Source Traveltime Tomography Package for Subsurface Velocity Heterogeneity and Seismic Anisotropy.
- Two-step Heinrich Stadial 1 and Abrupt Climate Change Recorded in Northeast Brazilian Stalagmite
- Uplift of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia, from Marine Terraces
- Using Digital Surface Models to Reconstruct Sea Level from Coral Microatolls
- Using Non-invasive Techniques to Deduce Growth Histories of Living Coral Microatolls on St. John's Island, Singapore
- Variability of Coral Microatoll Growth Rates in Singapore and its Implications on Sea-level Reconstructions
- Variability of the indo-pacific intertropical convergence zone over the past 2000 years
- What's in a name? The need to acknowledge Black Elephant disaster risks
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Meltzner
- A. W. Frederiksen
- Adam D. Switzer
- Adriana Bailey
- Alexa R. Van Eaton
- Ale×ander R. Cobb
- Allan Lerner
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Andrea L. Moore
- Anna Perttu
- Aubrey L. Hillman
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- B. G. Andersson
- Benoît Taisne
- Boris Maletckii
- Bor‐Shouh Huang
- Brendan J. Meade
- C. Kyriakopoulos
- Carl Tape
- Carmencita B. Arpa
- Carolina Giorgetti
- Caroline Bouvet de Maisonneuve
- Charlotte Barrington
- Chengxin Jiang
- Cheryl Gansecki
- Chris Marone
- Christian J. Sanders
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Cristiano Collettini
- D. D. Oglesby
- Dai Yamazaki
- David P. Gillikin
- David S. Battisti
- Deasy Arisa
- Deepa Mele Veedu
- Devy Kamil Syahbana
- Dhrubajyoti Samanta
- Dongju Peng
- Dung Duc Tran
- E. Gunawan
- E. J. Fielding
- E. O. Lindsey
- Edward Park
- Elaine L. McDonagh
- Elinor S. Meredith
- Elvira Astafyeva
- Emma M. Hill
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- F. A. Darbyshire
- Fabio Manta
- Fangyi Tan
- Fidel Costa
- Frédéric Masson
- Geoffrey A. Lerner
- Hai Cheng
- Haipeng Luo
- Harisma Andikagumi
- Hongyu Zeng
- Hong‐Wei Chiang
- J. B. Gaherty
- J.S.P. Yuen
- Jacob Pate Warner
- James D. Moore
- Jelle Assink
- Jeng Hann Chong
- Jennifer Walker
- Jenny Suckale
- Jens Zinke
- Jesse Nusbaumer
- Jianhua Yu
- Jiashun Hu
- Jiayuan Yao
- Jingyu Wang
- Jun Hu
- Jun Muto
- Junki Komori
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. M. Johnson
- Kai Wang
- Karen Lythgoe
- Kathleen McKee
- Kazi Hamidul Islam
- Kelin Wang
- Kendra J. Lynn
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- Kyle Bradley
- Lian Feng
- Lina Handayani
- Linlin Li
- Logan Brenner
- Lujia Feng
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. M. Scuderi
- M. Simons
- Marino Protti
- Mason Perry
- Mathias Vuille
- Matthew J. Brain
- Menaka Revel
- Mengli Chen
- Michael Grund
- Michael S. Steckler
- Minn Lin Wong
- Muhammad Hanif
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Nivedita Sanwlani
- Nuraini Rahma Hanifa
- P. Elósegui
- Patricia Persaud
- Patrick Martin
- Pierdavide Coïsson
- Ping Tong
- Plinio Jaqueto
- Qiang Qiu
- R. A. García
- Raquel Felix
- Riovie D. Ramos
- Rishav Mallick
- Robert Kopp
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- Roland Bürgmann
- Ryosuke Ando
- S. Rondenay
- Sambuddha Dhar
- Sang‐Ho Yun
- Sarah Lambart
- Shaoneng He
- Shengji Wei
- Shi Tong Chin
- Shidong Yu
- Shijie Hao
- Shucheng Wu
- Simon A. T. Redfern
- Sly Wongchuig
- Sophia W. R. Tsang
- Sri Budhi Utami
- Stephen Pansino
- Steve Hung Lam Yim
- Sujata A. Murty
- Sylvain Barbot
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. M. Shanahan
- Tanghua Li
- Thomas Felis
- Thomas Shea
- Tianjue Li
- Tyler E. Huth
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Valdir F. Novello
- Valère Lambert
- Vanesa Burgos
- Victoria L. Stevens
- Walter Collischonn
- Wan-Lin Hu
- Wardah Fadil
- Wei Ji Leong
- Weili Wu
- Weiran Li
- Wenzhao Meng
- Xiangfeng Wang
- Xin-Yuan Zheng
- Xinnan Li
- Xu Yang
- Yama Dixit
- Yingjie Yang
- Yiran Wang
- Yolanda C. Lin
- Yu Wang
- Yue‐Gau Chen
- Yujie Zheng
- Zhao Jing
- Émilie Pauline Dassié