RAS, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry, Moscow
flowchart I[RAS, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry, Moscow] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (72)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Late Quaternary History of River Discharge and Glaciation in the Southern Kara Sea, Arctic Ocean: Preliminary Results
- Pressure Dependence of Tg in Silicate Glasses From Electrical Impedance Measurements
- Exploring Gusev with MER A
- Mineralogy, Petrology, and Petrogenesis of Lavas Erupted Along the Knipovich Ridge, Northeast Atlantic
- The Effect of Small Scale Convection on the Uplift Rate of Beta Regio
- Role of Impact-Induced, Vapor-Phase Deposition in the Lunar Regolith Formation: Clues from the New Mineral, Hapkeite
- Creation of integrated analytical GIS-system on the Earth Sciences
- Parental Magmas to the Alaskan-Type Platinum-Bearing Plutons: Evidence From Galmoenan Massif (Far East, Russia).
- The Role of Recycled Oceanic Crust in Mantle Plumes -Revisited
- Evaporites and the Salinity of the Ocean During the Phanerozoic: Implications for Climate, Ocean Circulation and Life
- Olivine Phenocrysts Composition and a Role of Non-peridotitic Sources in Mantle Magma Generation
- The Geology of the Ka'u Desert, Hawaii as a Mars Analog
- What We Learned From the Venus Surface in-situ Exploration And What Looks Promising to do Next
- Coupled Serpentinsation and Carbonation Reaction in Ultrabasic Minerals
- Deglaciation of the Last North European Ice Sheet: Responses From Marine Sedimentary Records
- FREZCHEM: An Aqueous Geochemical Model for Mars
- Peculiarities of Knipovich Ridge Magmatism in the Vicinity of Svalbard Archipelago
- Aqueous Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide as a Cause of Acid Rock Alteration on Mars
- Authigenic uranium in the sediments in the La Paz Bay and La Paz Basin, south-western Gulf of California
- Formation of Silica Deposits on Mars by Acid Weathering: Physical-Chemical Constraints
- Rift tectonics in the Amundsen Sea Embayment: Stepwise break-up of New Zealand from West Antarctica
- Significance of E. Paleozoic Paleo-Tethyan Ophiolites in the Balkan Terrane and the Greater Caucasus for the Cadomian-Hercynian Continental Growth of Southern Europe
- Carbon and Water Isotopic Compositions in Altered Oceanic Crust from the East Pacific Rise, ODP/IODP Hole 1256D: Implications for Volatile Budget and Speciation
- Crustal recycling model: testing by linking petrology with isotope geochemistry
- Episodicity in the Geological Evolution of Mars: Analysis of Ages from Crater Counts on Image Data and Correlation with Radiometric Ages of Martian Meteorites.
- Experimental and Natural Evidence for Rapid Water Exchange Between Melt Inclusions in Olivine and Host Magma
- Local Os isotope mantle heterogeneities preserved during melt transport processes in supra-subduction mantle at Voikar Ophiolite (Polar Urals)
- Millennial Variations of Magma and Volatile Fluxes Inferred From Time-Series Study of Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka
- The Role of Karoo-Maud and Kerguelen Mantle Plumes in the Geochemical Evolution of Indian Ocean Magmatism
- The Surface of Venus and Implications for its Geological and Geodynamical Evolution: The View Before Venus Express and Outstanding Questions for the Future
- Magnetic properties of lunar materials: Meteorites, Luna and Apollo return samples
- Mixing Experiments with Natural Shoshonitic and Trachytic Melts
- Evaluating Origins and Fate of Martian Phyllosilicates with Water-Rock Interaction Models
- Hydrothermal alteration products of gabbros help accommodate exhumation-related deformation in mantle-derived ultramafics exposed at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Olivines from Kimberlites and Diamonds: Problem of Origin
- A comparative petrological study of the Siberian and Ethiopian Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and a case study on Triassic mafic rocks in Chukotka, NE Russia
- Complex Zoning of Olivine from Udachnaya-East Kimberlite (yakutia, Russia): Evidence for Kimberlite Evolution
- Role of crystallizational differention in the origin of island-arc andesitic melts: evidence from data on melt inclusions and oxygen isotopes
- Lanthanide behavior in hypersaline evaporation ponds at Guerrero Negro, Baja California, Mexico - an environment with halophiles
- Magnetic Properties of the Chelyabinsk meteorite
- Potential Temperatures of Sources of MORB, OIB and LIPs Based on AL Partitioning Between Olivine and Spinel
- Water in the soil of the Gale crater on Mars: joint analysis of DAN/MSL and HEND/Mars Odyssey data
- How Hot and Wet are Mantle Derived Magmas and Their Sources?
- Rock magnetic effects induced in terrestrial basalt and diabase by >20 GPa experimental spherical shock waves
- The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
- A comparative study of volatile contents of primitive arc bubble-bearing melt inclusions determined by Raman-spectroscopy and mass-balance versus experimental homogenization methods
- Building the Record of late Miocene to Pleistocene Explosive Activity in the Kurile-Kamchatka Volcanic Arc: Initial Results and Challenges
- Discrimination of Thermal versus Mechanical Effects of Shock on Rock Magnetic Properties of Spherically Shocked up to 10-160 GPa Basalt and Diabase
- Exploring the Origin of the Bering Sea: Initial Results of Cruise SO249-2 (17<SUP>th</SUP> July - 13<SUP>th</SUP> August 2016)
- New Insights into the Origin of the Bering Sea from SO201 and SO249 cruises
- The Venera-D Mission Concept: Evaluation by a Joint Science Definition Team of a Means for the Comprehensive Scientific Exploration of Venus
- Looking for carbonates in the deep Earth: an experimental approach at extreme conditions
- Magnetic Characterization of Proposed Tektite-like Objects (Urengoites, South-Ural Glass) from Siberia, Russia
- The New Paleomagnetic Data from the Permian-Triassic Intrusions of the North-Western Siberian Platform: Implications for the Evolution of the Magmatic Activity
- Melt Inclusions in Olivine Provide Constraints on the Water Contents of Archaean Komatiites
- Ni and Mn Partitioning Between Olivine and Highly Alkaline Melts
- Arctic Zone of the Eastern Siberia: Geology and Mineral Resources
- Enrichment of Arctic lakes by elements due to aerbon pollution
- The First Apatite Fission Track Data on the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province: Signs of the Unrecognized Thermal Event or Thick Eroded Volcanic Pile?
- The evidence for recycling of seawater-altered crust in the first billion years of Earth history
- Long-term changes in the water chemistry of subarctic lakes as a response to reduction of air pollution: case study in the Kola region, Russia
- An Experimental Elimination of Fe3+ from the Silicate Melts Provides New Constraints for the Olivine-Melt Fe2+-Mg Partitioning Models
- First data on melt inclusions in olivine from 3.3 Ga komatiites of Pioneer Complex, Weltevreden formation: evidence for near-surface contamination of primary komatiite
- Global Geological Mapping of Venus from Magellan/Venera 15-16: What Have We Learned and How Can New Missions Address Outstanding Questions?
- Large Russian Lakes in Periods of Pollution and Revitalization under climate warming
- Secondary fluorescence effect quantification of EPMA analyses of olivine grains embedded in basaltic glass.
- Song Da Permian komatiites, northern Vietnam contain H2O excess in their primary melts and mantle source similar to other komatiites worldwide
- First Data on Sr Isotopes In Melt Inclusions in Olivine From 3.3 Ga Barberton Komatiites: Evidence of Differentiated Mantle by the End of the Hadean
- Results of Geotechnical monitoring at the scientific test site "Khanovey" in the North East part of Russian Arctic
- Secondary Fluorescence Effect Quantification of EPMA Analyses of Olivine Grains Embedded in Basaltic Glass.
- The processes in the Hadean mantle detected by the in-situ study of melt inclusions in komatiite olivine phenocrysts
- Unusual Endmembers and Water Excess in Song Da 260 Ma Komatiites Revealed by Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions