RAS, Shirshov Institute of Oceanography
flowchart I[RAS, Shirshov Institute of Oceanography] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (124)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (20)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Late Quaternary History of River Discharge and Glaciation in the Southern Kara Sea, Arctic Ocean: Preliminary Results
- Topographically Enhanced Subinertial Currents at Endeavour Ridge
- Biologically-Oriented Processes in the Coastal Sea Ice Zone of the White Sea
- High-Resolution Sidescan Sonar Imagery of an Ultra-Slow and Oblique Spreading Knipovich Ridge, The Northeast Atlantic Ocean: Implication of Obliquity-dependent Volcanism
- Hydro-Acoustic Location of an Oceanic Earthquake Origin Area
- Hydrothermal Plume Signals Along the Knipovich Ridge.
- Pleistocene Changes in Sea of Okhotsk Hydrography and Productivity
- Paloceanographic Changes in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific During the Late Pleistocene: Preliminary Results of Core MD02-2529 From the IMAGES VIII MONA Cruise
- Forecast models of Arctic coastal changes during the next 100 years
- Reconstruction of Cretaceous-Cenozoic Tectonic Stress Fields in the Vicinity of Diffuse Plate Boundary Between North American and Eurasian Plates (Laptev Sea Region)
- Siberian Arctic Continental Margin: Constraints and Uncertainties of Plate Tectonic Models
- Environmental Changes on the Eastern Black Sea Shelf During the Last 12 ka
- Rapid Paleoceanographic Changes in the Okhotsk Sea during Deglaciation, the Holocene and its Implications for North Pacific Intermediate Water
- Studies in the Chupa Inlet, White Sea, Russia in March-April 2004 in the Frame of Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack (OASIS) Interactions Program
- The Holocene Thermal Optimum in the Barents Sea
- Deglaciation of the Last North European Ice Sheet: Responses From Marine Sedimentary Records
- Extreme Eutrophication and Anoxic Events in the Baltic Sea
- New Data on the Stable Isotopes and Vertical Distribution of Benthic Foraminifers in the Western Barents Sea
- Present State of the Aral Sea: Field Surveying and Modeling
- Seasonality and Non-stationarity in Variability of European Air Temperature during the Twentieth Century
- The Spatiotemporal Earthquake Distributions for the Pacific Region: Within-Year Irregularities.
- Tidal Dynamics in the Axial Valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Towards an Operational Model for Prediction and Transport of Oil Spills in the Black Sea
- Variations in Sea-Surface Temperature, Paleoproductivity and Circulation Pattern in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific During the Last 140 kyr: a Multiproxy Study of Core MD02- 2529
- A Reassessment of Gas Hydrate Occurrences in Lake Baikal
- Manifestations of the 15.11.2006 Kuril Tsunami Consequences on the Central Kuril Islands: the Reconstruction Events of the Destruction of Soil and Coastal Vegetation.
- On Physical Nature of the 70-km Seismic Boundary Caused by Tidal and Fluid Effects.
- Preliminary Geophysical Results from the Ninetyeast Ridge Expedition
- Spatiotemporal environmental changes in the Barents Sea during the Holocene
- The 8200 cal. Year BP Event Reflected in the Arctic Fjord Van Mijenfjorden, Svalbard
- The Holocene in the South-Western Barents Sea: Large Scale Natural Climatic and Oceanographic Variability
- A High Resolution Study of Black Sea Circulation and Hypothetical Oil Spills
- Active seafloor seeps with associated methane and methane hydrate bearing sediments on the Mid-Norwegian margin, Nyegga: a multidisciplinary geological, geochemical and biological study
- Detailed structure and tectonics of the Ninetyeast Ridge near Site ODP 758 (on new geophysical data from KNOX06RR cruise of R/V Roger Revelle)
- Estuarine Plume of a Small River Under Wind Forcing: A Case Study
- Geyser-like Ground Motions at the TAG hydrothermal Field
- Interaction Between the Basin-Scale and Mesoscale Dynamics of the Black Sea: Impacts of Wind Forcing and Bottom Topography
- KALMAR - A Russian-German Collaborative Project in the Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutian Marginal Sea - Island Arc Systems
- Multi-element Composition of Terricolous Lichens in the Northwest European Russia
- Sediment Waves of Caspian Sea
- Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Characteristics of Live Benthic Foraminifera from the Okhotsk Sea: Effects of Oceanography, Food Supply, and Microhabitat Patterns
- Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific, and Siberian shelf water masses around the Mendeleyev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean
- Influence of Groundwater Seepage on Water Quality and Ecological Health of the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Southern Portugal (Invited)
- Centennial and Decadal Scale Changes of Synoptic Activity in 20C Reanalysis (1871-2008): Reliability and Evaluation
- Late Weichselian and Holocene environmental conditions in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden, Spitsbergen, inferred from multi-proxy analyses
- Sq effect on the regional electromagnetic response functions in the period band between a few hours and one day
- Subducting fracture zones control earthquake distribution and upper plate properties: examples from Sumatra and Kamchatka
- Tectonics of the Ninetyeast Ridge derived from the spreading records of the contiguous oceanic basins and age constraints of the ridge
- The possible mechanism of the "stratospheric bridge"
- Building advanced climatology of short-wave solar radiation over the global oceans using a new parameterization of short wave radiation
- Geodynamic and Climate Interaction in the Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean Marginal Sea-Island Arc System
- Millennial environmental variability on Shirshov Ridge, Bering Sea, during the penultimate and last glacial cycles
- Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Evolution of the Arctida Paleocontinent and Plate Reconstructions
- New Parameterization of Surface Short Wave Radiation Based on Highly Accurate In-Situ Measurements in the Atlantic Ocean
- Paleoceanographic Changes in the Okhotsk Sea During the Past 25,000 Years - Implications for ventilation of North Pacific Intermediate Water and Stratification Patterns
- Ship-borne measurements of aerosol optical depth over remote oceans and its dependence on wind speed
- The Impact of Transported Pollution on Arctic Climate
- Variations of an oxygen minimum zone in the Okhotsk Sea over the last glacial-interglacial cycle as recorded by benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological data
- Atmospheric forcing of tsunami-like waves along the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- Crustal structure of the Wharton Basin of the eastern Indian Ocean- Geodynamic implications
- Intraseasonal, Seasonal and Interdecadal Changes in the Links between Mediterranean Evaporation and Regional Climate
- New Evidence of the Existence of Gas Migration Pathways Through Sub-Sea Permafrost in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Occurrence, distribution and expression of gas seeps and gas hydrates on the northeastern continental slope of Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk
- Some General Laws of Chemical Elements Composition Dynamics in the Hydrosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Characterization of the 11 March 2012 Tsunami
- The stability of gas hydrate field in the northeastern continental slope of Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk, as inferred from analysis of heat flow data and its implications for slope failures
- Reconstructing spatiotemporal characteristics of sea-level pressure variability in reanalysis data set using a feature-tracking approach
- Storm tracks in Arctic System Reanalysis - new view of polar cyclone activity
- Empirical Modeling and Stochastic Simulation of Sea-Level Pressure Variability
- Observations and Numerical Modelling of Strong Meteotsunami of 13 June 2013 on the East Coast of the USA
- Observations of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami on the Coast of British Columbia
- On the negative initial phase of major 2010-2014 tsunamis
- Remote Correlation of Paleoceanographic Events in the Northern Parts of Bering and Barents Seas during the Termination I and Early Holocene
- Ten Years of Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI): Results and Future Plans
- The 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Generated Major Environmental Changes in a Distal Canadian Fjord
- The Upper Pliocene-Quaternary Evolution of the Ioffe Calcareous Contourite Drift, Western South Atlantic.
- Tsunami Research and Monitoring Enabled through Ocean Network Canada's NEPTUNE Cabled Observatory
- Tsunamis and meteotsunamis observed offshore of the South Kuril Islands
- Decadal changes in carbon fluxes at the East Siberian continental margin: interactions of ice cover, ocean productivity, particle sedimentation and benthic life
- Do Cyclones Steer Surface Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Mid Latitude Oceans?
- Grain Size of the North-Atlantic Drifts Sediments: is the Gloria Drift a Contourite Drift?
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative: Facing the Challenges of Global Change in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Northern Hemisphere Polar Moisture Budget and Its Links to the Major Circulation Phenomena over the Northern Eurasia
- Arctic Sediment Transport from Land to Sea - An Integrated Study of Coastal - Marine Processes and Deposits in Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard
- Building the Record of late Miocene to Pleistocene Explosive Activity in the Kurile-Kamchatka Volcanic Arc: Initial Results and Challenges
- Capabilities of VOS-based fluxes for estimating ocean heat budget and its variability
- Exploring the Origin of the Bering Sea: Initial Results of Cruise SO249-2 (17<SUP>th</SUP> July - 13<SUP>th</SUP> August 2016)
- Impacts of sea ice / SST changes for the observed climate change -GREENICE project-
- Kurile Backarc Basin: Trapped Pacific Floor or Extension/Spreading Structure?
- New Insights into the Origin of the Bering Sea from SO201 and SO249 cruises
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI): Presentation and Justification of the NEFI Science Plan
- The Late Pleistocene Contourites on Ceara Rise: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleoceanography
- The Megafaunal Communities of Mn-crusted Guyots in the Central and Western Pacific
- WIND SPEED Monitoring in Northern Eurasia
- Characterization of freezing precipitation events through other meteorological variables and their recent changes over Northern Extratropics
- Dynamics of Productivity-Related Oxygen Minimum Zone along the Shirshov Ridge, Western Bering Sea, during the Last Glacial Termination
- Open-Ocean and Coastal Properties of Recent Major Tsunamis
- P-wave velocity models of continental shelf of East Siberian Sea using the Laplace-domain full waveform inversion
- Paleocurrents in the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone during the Late Quaternary
- Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the North Atlantic Current Variations from MIS 3 to Holocene Based on Multiproxy Record from the North-East Scotland Continental Margin.
- Analysis of the destructive meteotsunami of 19 March 2017 at Dayyer, Southern Iran using tide gauge and satellite data
- CASSCADE - The Circum-Arctic Shelf Sediment CArbon DatabasE
- Clustering of floating particles due to submesoscale dynamics: a simulation study for the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
- Contemporary Environmental Changes over the Dry Land Belt of Northern Eurasia and Their Consequences
- Deep Convolutional Neural Networks For Polar Mesocyclones Detection Over Southern Ocean
- Eddy Diffusivity Estimates from Lagrangian Trajectories Simulated with Ocean Models and Surface Drifter Data — A Case Study for the Greater Agulhas System
- Observation of anticyclonic mesoscale eddies transporting cold and fresh waters southwestward along the Russian coast in the East/Japan Sea
- Regional atmospheric hydrological cycle responses to the Red Sea evaporation
- Spreading dynamics of small river plumes and generation of high frequency internal waves off the northeastern coast of the Black Seas
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Control on Midlatitude Storm Tracks from Intraseasonal to Decadal Time Scales
- The Chiapas tsunami of 9 September 2017 on the Mexican coast: Spectral properties and energy parameterization
- Validation of the Global Wind Wave Model Hindcast (1980-2017) Against Visual Observations
- Continuation of the Vema Channel in the Southwestern Part of the Brazil Basin
- Identifying Atmospheric Mesoscale Structures in High-Resolution Data
- Closing the water budgets of the three great Siberian Rivers
- Long-term Changes of Streamflow and Heat Transport of two Largest Arctic Rivers of European Russia, Severnaya Dvina and Pechora
- Qualitative Basis for Adaptation of Siberia to Climate Change Impact
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- AMOC variability and watermass transformations in the AWI climate model
- Changing State of the Climate System
- Chapter 8: Droughts, floods, and monsoons: Not Your Parents' Water Cycle
- Multi-Decadal Declines in Particulate Mercury and Sediment Export from Russian Rivers in the Pan-Arctic Basin
- Plume spreading test case for ocean models
- The Significance of Surface Gravity Waves for Oceanic Climates On Terrestrial Exoplanets
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Catia M. Domingues
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David P. Krabbenhoft
- Dimitry Sein
- Dmitry Sidorenko
- Hans Burchard
- Ivan Kuznetsov
- J. W. McClelland
- James Renwick
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jinho Ahn
- Paola A. Arias
- Scott Zolkos
- Sergey S. Drachev
- Suzanne E. Tank
- Thian Yew Gan
- Thomas Jung
- Tuomas Kärnä