RAS, Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres, Moscow
flowchart I[RAS, Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres, Moscow] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (69)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Lower Limit on the Thickness of Europa's Ice Shell from Numerical Simulations of Impact Cratering
- Artificial Plasma Jets Dynamics in "North Star" Active Experiment
- Characteristics of Radiation Emitted by Disturbed Region After Meteoroid Impact Onto Mars
- Electric and Magnetic Fields From High-Speed Plasma Extended in the Geomagnetic Field
- Impact Produced and Mobilized Dust in the Martian Atmosphere
- Recovering of Precipitating Electrons Spectra on the Incoherent Scattering Radar Data.
- Electrification of the Atmosphere by the Underground Sources Causing Lightnings and Corona Discharges
- Bow Shock in Interaction of Solar Wind with Dusty Cometary Coma
- Correlations Between Mass Disasters, Climate Change, Motion of the North Magnetic Pole and Nuclear Tests
- Earthquake Lights and Estimates of Electric Fields and Currents
- Moving of the High-Speed Plasma jet Through the Ionosphere of the Different Density: Optical and Radiation Effects
- Characterizing Starting Conditions for Hydrothermal Systems Underneath Martian Craters
- Geomagnetic Effects From the Plasma Cloud Extending in the Ionosphere
- Laboratory Investigation of the Effect of the Lower Ionosphere Conductivity on FACs, Particles Acceleration, Auroral Luminosity, and Ionospheric Plasma Depletion
- Investigation of Interrelation of Disturbances in the System of Lithosphere-Ionosphere of the Earth by Coordinated Registration of the Geophysical Fields in the Middle-Latitude Russia
- Ionospheric and magnetospheric disturbances caused by impacts of asteroids and comets
- Numerical Simulations of Impact Crater Formation and Modification on Icy Satellites
- Short- and Middle-Term Earthquake Precursors
- Active Rocket Experiment "North Star" Optical Measurements From 1msec Up To 1.5sec
- Formation of Magnetized Regions Antipodal to Lunar Impact Basins: Recent Model Calculations and Implications
- Heterogeneity of the Inner Core Boundary Questioned by PKiKP Amplitude Dataset
- Geophysical Effects of Solar Eclipse of 29 March 2006
- Impact-Induced Deglaciation of the Snowball Earth?
- Ionic Channels in Thunderclouds
- Observations Of The Low-Frequency Electric Field Fluctuations In The Ionosphere Over The Crust Faults
- PKiKP Coda Observations Interpreted in Terms of the Earth's Inner Core Heterogeneities
- Russian auroral and polar ionospheric disturbance magnetometers (RapidMag)
- The Effect of Material Properties on the Impact Cratering Process
- Magnetic field, shock, and crustal magnetization effects of lunar basin-forming impacts
- Electromagnetic fields generated by constrained rotation of structural blocks in the Earth’s crust
- Mid-latitude Electromagnetic and Ionospheric Phenomena Accompanying and Preceding of Abruzzo Earthquakes on April 2009
- Geomagnetic Effect Caused by 1908 Tunguska Event
- Monitoring of glacial seismic events from Greenland at regional distances: experience from the POLENET/LAPNET experiment during the IPY 2007-2009
- Variations of the Levels of the Vlf/lf Radio Signals on the Middle-Latitude Traces during the Deep Solar Minimum
- Dipole Model of Electric Pulse Generation Caused by the Relaxation Processes in the Earth's Crust
- Impact activation of Martian permafrost: Numerical modeling
- Impact of meteorological and wave processes of the middle atmosphere on the VLF-LF propagation under solar minima
- The Use of Explosion Aftershock Probabilities for Planning and Deployment of Seismic Aftershock Monitoring System for an On-site Inspection
- Variations of electromagnetic fields and the ionosphere parameters in Baikal rift zone
- Basin formation ages and the timing of the migration of the gaseous planets
- Interconnection of the Ionosphere Plasma Parameters and Electromagnetic Phenomena with Lithosphere Structures in Baikal Rift Zone
- Modeling of Vesta's interior structure using gravity and shape models from the Dawn mission and hydrodynamic impact simulations
- The Rheasilvia Crater on Rotating Vesta: Numerical Modeling
- The combined study of the middle atmosphere meteorological parameters and lower ionosphere dynamics over Europe by means of remote VLF-LF measurements
- A dynamic pore-network model of water infiltration into soils: equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium effects
- A field study of the Chelyabinsk airburst impact
- Biomat flow: fluorescent dye field experiments, pore-scale modeling of flow and transport properties, and field-scale flow models
- Description and Reconstruction of Soil Structure Using Correlation Functions: Morphological and Pore-Scale Modeling Study
- Ionospheric disturbances initiated by impact of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid
- Multi-scale gas flow in Bazhen formation shales
- Spatial variations of the atmospheric electric field and radon emanation in the zone of tectonic faults in the Baikal rift zones and mountains Altai
- Synchronous Variations of the Magnetic Field of the Earth and Seismic Background
- Variations of Magnetic Tipper in Relation with an Underground Water Level
- Blind Source Separation in CTBTO Expert Technical Analysis Procedures
- The use of waveform cross correlation for creation of an accurate catalogue of mining explosions within the Russian platform using joint capabilities of seismic array Miknevo and IMS arrays
- Anisotropic block in the upper inner core's quasi-eastern hemisphere
- Automatic Event Bulletin Built by Waveform Cross Correlation Using the Global Grid of Master Events with Adjustable Templates
- The Effect of Fracture Filler Composition on the Parameters of Shear Deformation Regime
- Four dimensional X-ray imaging of deformation modes in organic-rich Green River Shale retorted under uniaxial compression
- Remote detection of weak aftershocks of the DPRK underground explosions using waveform cross correlation
- Heterogeneities of the Earth's inner core boundary by pre-critically reflected phases of PKiKP and PcP
- Evolution of acoustic emission parameters during laboratory seismic cycle
- Influence of Pore Fluid Pressure Diffusion on Hydraulic Fracturing.
- On shear wave velocity in the top of the Earth's inner core
- Rupture Dynamics of a Fault with a Heterogeneous Interface
- Calculation of minimum stress in mini hydraulic fracturing experiments and consideration of the effect of back stress
- Radiation Belt Remediation with Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- The interaction between pulsed electron beams and magnetized plasmas