University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
flowchart I[University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (46)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Comparative Study of the Sediment Record of Coastal Lagoons, Sri Lanka: Implications for Paleotsunamis
- Paleotsunami Deposits in Coastal Lagoons, Sri Lanka: Are Tsunamis Always Sedimentologically Important Events?
- Persistence of Salinity in Tsunami Effected Coastal Aquifers In Sri Lanka: Conceptual Models and Research Needs
- Comparative Sedimentology of Recent and Ancient Tsunami Deposits in Sri Lanka
- Effect of Tsunami on Shallow Ground Water Quality in Sri Lanka; Field Observations and Geochemical Modeling
- Ground and Surface Water Quality of Tsunami Affected Southwestern Coastal Area of Sri Lanka
- Delineation of Tsunami Risk Zones for Sri Lanka
- Role of Possible Soil toxicity in Die back of Montane Forests in Sri Lanka.
- Five Years On: Tsunami Risk Mitigation and Disaster Management Initiatives in Sri Lanka
- A comparison of geochemical characteristics of tsunami sediments with rocks, soils and marshy sediments in Sri Lanka
- Geochemical characterization of the Mahawelli River, Sri Lanka, based on basement rock, soil and sediment compositions
- Heavy metal release from serpentine soil dissolution; Fractional speciation of Ni and Mn
- Geochemical processes of the Mahaweli River Sri Lanka using bulk sediments and its 180-2000μm and <180μm fractions
- Nickel adsorption on single and dual site clay surfaces; Effect of pH and nickel loadings
- Prediction of Ungauged River Basin for Hydro Power Potential and Flood Risk Mitigation; a Case Study at Gin River, Sri Lanka
- Genesis of Cr(VI) in Sri Lankan soils and its adsorptive removal by calcined gibbsite
- Potential Influence of Perchlorate on Organic Carbon in Martian Regolith
- Capturing spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon under changing climate
- Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
- Potential Influence of Perchlorate on Heavy Metals and Organic Carbon in Serpentine Soil; Implications for Martian Regolith
- Colorstratigraphy; A New Stratigraphic Correlation Technique
- Holocene Summer Monsoon Variability- Evidence from Marine Sediment of western Continental Shelf of Sri Lanka
- Magma Fertility is the First-Order Factor for the Formation of Porphyry Cu±Au Deposits
- Understanding Natural Gas Methane Leakage from Buried Pipelines as Affected by Soil and Atmospheric Conditions - Field Scale Experimental and Modeling Study
- A 100 ka Summer Monsoon Driven Indian Ocean Paleoproductivity Record with Signatures of Northern Hemisphere Climate Events
- Influence of the North Atlantic Climate Events on the Indian Summer Monsoon Driven Climate in South-western Sri Lanka during the Late Pleistocene.
- Subsurface Methane Migration from Natural Gas Distribution Pipelines as affected by Soil Moisture and Heterogeneity: Field Scale Experimental Study
- Atmospheric reanalysis before modern era using historical weather archives
- Mid Holocene Paleoceanographic Conditions at the Palk Strait - Evidence from Onshore Fossil Corals from Analaitivu Island Sri Lanka
- Modeling Initial Breakdown Pulses of Intracloud Lightning Flashes
- The Changes in Eolian and Alluvial Sediment Fluxes to the Oman Margin of the Arabian Sea During the Mid-Late Pleistocene Period.
- A biomarker record of vegetation change in the Indian Summer Monsoon dominant southwestern Sri Lanka during the last deglaciation.
- Soil-Gas Diffusivity Modelling in Aggregated Soils
- Spatial Comparison of Population Distribution Patterns of the 50 Largest Cities in the World
- The economic potential of granitic pegmatites in Sri Lanka: preliminary findings
- A 20ka Record of Asian Monsoon Associated Oceanographic Changes near Maldives, Indian Ocean
- ELF/VLF Observations from the Sri Lanka Station
- Geochemical Perspective of Felsic Meta-Igneous Rocks from Wanni Complex of Sri Lanka: Indication for Tectonic Setting of Protoliths
- Geochemical Signatures of Metapelites in the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka and Trivandrum Block, India
- New Constraints on Pressure-Temperature Evolution of Eastern Highland Complex, Sri Lanka
- Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Cd(II) and Pb(II) in Saturated Soil: Laboratory Batch Kinetics, Column Experiments and Numerical Simulation
- Indian Ocean Warm Pool Variability during the Last 100 ka and Its Impact on Summer Monsoon Rainfall over Sri Lanka
- Jurassic Tholeiitic Magmatism Associated with Break-up of Central Gondwana: a Sri Lankan Perspective
- Pre-2004 history of Indian Ocean trans basin tsunamis inferred from sedimentary records in Sri Lanka
- Sensitivity of soil and stream dissolved organic carbon dynamics to climate change in boreal headwater catchments
- Use of H2O(+) for Classification of Weathering Grades and Residual Soils of Hard Rocks. A Study from Sri Lanka for Landslide Mapping