Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Allahabad, India
flowchart I[Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Allahabad, India] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (121)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (55)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Stable Reflecting Layers at Medium Frequencies in the Equatorial Mesosphere During Sunrise and Sunset Hours
- The Electrical Structure of the Tibetan-Himalayan Orogen
- Deep Continental Studies in India
- Geomagnetic Storm Induced Infrasonic Waves at Low Latitude
- Extreme Solar Wind Conditions and Extreme Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Magnetic Anomaly Modeling in the Bay of Bengal
- Microscale Physics at Earth's Bow Shock: Cluster Observations of Electrostatic Solitary Waves
- The Dayside Superfountain Effect: October 30, 2003 (Halloween) Magnetic Storm
- Prescription for Identification of the Spatial Structure of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Magnetopause Boundary
- Relating the Interplanetary Electric Fields (IEFs) With the Low Latitude Electric Fields (LLEFs) Under Both Geomagnetically Quiet and Disturbed Conditions
- Role of Small Scale Vertical Winds During Pre-reversal Enhancement
- Analysis of Aeromagnetic data of the NE region of the Indian sub-continent.
- Geophysics Education and Research in India and Role of International Collaboration
- Nonlinear Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed in Connection with the 24 August 2005 Super-Substorm
- Daytime low- and middle-latitude spread-F driven by Rayleigh-Taylor instability during the PPEF events
- Properties of the Dayside Outer Zone (DOZ) chorus relevant to wave-particle interactions
- Seismic Moho, Curie Isotherm Depth and Proxy Heat Flow Map of Indian Subcontinent
- Statistical Properties and Stability of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed at Shock Crossings by the CLUSTER and CASSINI Spacecraft
- Morphological study of Equatorial Spread F (ESF) irregularities over Indian region using multi-instrument observations in the descending phase of solar cycle-23 (Invited)
- Properties of Gendrin Mode and Whistler Mode Chorus: Theory and Observations
- The Shillong Plateau Uplift
- Dayside Outer Zone Chorus Properties During the Declining Phase of the Solar Cycle: Polar
- Plasma-neutral coupling in the heliospheric plasma based on kappa distribution sources
- Evaluation of the Applicability of Environmental Magnetic Pollution Screening in Soils of Basaltic Origin: Results from Nashik Thermal Power Station, Maharashtra, India
- Response of low latitude D-region ionosphere to the Total Solar Eclipse of 22 July 2009, deduced from ELF/VLF analysis
- The Ionosphere and Atmosphere During an 1859-Type Magnetic Storm
- An analytic solution for Quarter wave toroidal oscillations
- Biomarker evidence for increasing aridity in south-central India over the Holocene
- Dayside Pc5 ULF Activities at High Latitudes (L≈14 RE): Their Relation With Interplanetary Conditions and Substorms
- Depth to the bottom of magnetic sources (DBMS) from aeromagnetic data of Central India using modified centroid method for fractal distribution of sources
- Equatorial counterelectrojets during geomagnetic storms and their possible dynamos in the magnetosphere
- Influence of planetary scale waves on the upper atmospheric optical dayglow emissions over equatorial-low-latitude
- Mid-IR Reflectance (DRIFT) Spectral Variations in Basaltic Mineralogy with Direction of Impact at Lonar Crater, India
- Nighttime D-region electron density measurements from ELF-VLF tweek radio atmospherics recorded at low latitudes
- Nighttime D-region electron density measurements from ELF-VLF tweek radio atmospherics recorded at low latitudes
- Nonresonant cross-field diffusion of 100 keV to 2 MeV protons in low and high heliospherical latitude regions
- Study of disturbance dynamo effects on night time equatorial F-region during low solar activity period (2007-2009)
- The ionospheric effect of Total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 in the equatorial anomaly region
- A possible link between North Atlantic cooling and dry events in the core SW monsoon region identified from Lonar Lake in central India: Indication of a connection between solar output and monsoon variability
- Extremely Intense ELF Magnetosonic Waves and a Possible New Source for Plasmaspheric Hiss: Polar Observations
- Spatial Structure and Dynamics of Intermediate -scale Irregularities in the Post-sunset Low-latitude Ionosphere (Invited)
- Substorm Electrojet Dynamics in the Southern Auroral Region: Dependence on the Solar Illumination and IMF Conditions
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere with a Kappa-Maxwellian Proton Distribution
- Information Theory Approach to Evaluate the Geomagnetic and Ionospheric Response to Solar Wind Parameters
- Inversion of Multi-Station Schumann Resonance Background Records for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- Ionospheric disturbances during a strong earthquake (M=5.5) event
- Large-Amplitude Electromagnetic Proton Cyclotron Waves throughout the Earth's Magnetosheath: Cassini and Wind Observations
- Lithospheric Structure and Deformation of the Eastern Himalayan System using Broadband Seismology
- Low Latitude Pulsations Associated with Different Phases of Geomagnetic Storms
- Nonlinear Evolution of Ion Acoustic Solitary Waves in Earth's Magnetosphere: Fluid and Particle-In-Cell Simulations
- Peculiar Features of Ionospheric F3-Layer during Prolonged Solar Minimum (2007-2009)
- Source Region Identification for Low Latitude Whistlers (L=1.08)
- The solar activity dependence of wave dynamical vertical coupling of atmospheres
- Alfven Wave Kinetic Dissipation
- Extreme Magnetic Storms: Their Characteristics and Possible Consequences for Humanity
- Ion Acoustic Solitons and Double Layers in the Solar Wind Having Kappa Distributed Electrons
- Low latitude Ionospheric response to the recent super storm of 17 March 2015: Modeling perspectives and recent findings
- Near-Conjugate Characteristics of Long Period ULF waves at very high Latitudes (L≈14 R<SUB>E</SUB>)
- Oblique Propagation of Ion Acoustic Solitons in Magnetized Superthermal Plasmas
- Response of Ionosphere to the Tropospheric disturbances
- A Nonlinear Inversion Approach to Map the Magnetic Basement: A Case Study from Central India Using Aeromagnetic Data
- First results from the THOR experiment: Blue Discharges at the top of Thunderstorms.
- Heliospheric Plasma Sheet (HPS) Impingement onto the Magnetosphere Causing Relativistic Electron Dropouts (REDs): Possible Consequences for Atmospheric Vorticity
- Occurrence of Large CNA Event at High Latitude During Recovery Phase of St. Patrick Day Geomagnetic Storm
- Zonal Drift Variations and Suppression of Ionospheric Scintillation During St. Patrick's Day Storm Observed by Pingtung SCINDA Station in Taiwan
- Coherent, Intense Duskside Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Depletion of Potential Gradient During Solar Proton Events over South Polar Cap Region.
- NARX neural network Prediction of SYMH and ASYH indices for geomagnetic storms of solar cycle 24 including recent St. Patrick's day, 2015 storm
- On the development of equatorial plasma bubbles around midnight hours of June solstice.
- Verification of a Schumann Resonance Inversion Method for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- Vertical Rise Velocity of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Estimated from Equatorial Atmosphere Radar Observations and High-Resolution Bubble Model Simulations
- Coseismic Contortion and Coupled Nocturnal Ionospheric Perturbations During 2016 Kaikoura, Mw 7.8 New Zealand Earthquake
- First experimental investigation into the possible connections between the zonal neutral wind speeds and equatorial plasma bubble drift velocities over the African region
- Formation and evolution of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances over the epicentral area as deduced from 1Hz GPS data
- How IMF By Effects the Low to Equatorial Ionospheric Electrodynamics?
- Ionospheric Signature Recorded on the Hawaii GPS Network of the Mw 6.9 Earthquake and Tsunami
- Key role of substorm injections in triggering EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
- On the Dawn Dusk Asymmetry in the Ring Current During Geomagnetic Storms: Case Studies
- On the role of vertically propagating atmospheric tides in the modulation of Counter Electrojet currents
- Revelation of Early Detection of Co-seismic Ionospheric Perturbations in GPS-TEC from Realistic Modelling Approach: Case Study
- Study of the inter-depletion distances of EPBs from the dip equatorial region
- Game of drivers and a surprise ionospheric storm
- Generation of asymmetric electron acoustic double layers in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- Investigating the Relationship between IPDPs and Pi1B Waves
- Modeling satellite orbital drag during extreme magnetic storms
- Theory of electron holes in superthermal space plasma
- Characteristics of the EMIC waves Observed at the Indian Antarctic Station Maitri
- Enhancements in Plasma Density Over the Eia Crest Region during Post-Sunset Hours in Geomagnetically Quiet Periods
- How IMF-By controls the Equatorial Electrodynamics during Storm time?
- Injection triggered EMIC waves and their association with enhanced convection periods
- Multi-satellite MMS analysis of electron holes in the Earth's magnetotail: origin, properties, velocity gap and transverse instability
- Multipoint Analysis of Source Regions of EMIC Waves by THEMIS Spacecraft
- Statistical analysis and comparison of kinetic-scale current sheets measured aboard Wind and PSP
- Effects of Ionospheric Disturbances on GNSS Receivers in the Indian Low-Latitude Region
- Energetic Electron Precipitation-related Changes in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity as Indicated by Schumann Resonance Measurements
- Forecasting Geomagnetic Activity (Dst Index) using Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Generation of Ultra low frequency Waves: Kinetic Alfven waves Perspective
- Kinetic-scale current sheets at 1 AU: origin, properties and reconnection conditions
- Molecular Nitrogen (N2) Density Derived from Optical Measurements During Ionospheric Heating Experiment (or an Alternative Hypothesis for the O(1D) Quenching Coefficient Adjustment).
- Morphology of 'Peak Monsoon' Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) Thunderstorms producing Up-ward Electric Discharges - the TLE's
- Role of IMF Bz and Sudden Impulse in Triggering a Substorm
- AC Global Circuit Variation over 19 Consecutive Days
- ARTEMIS Observations of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Waves in the Lunar Wake
- An Investigation Into Possible Effects of Solar Variability on Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Anomalous Electric Field Perturbations In Pre- and Post-Midnight Hours over the Low Latitude Ionosphere During a Minor Geomagnetic Storm
- Butterfly like whistler wave observations from the magnetospheric multiscale (MMS) mission
- Connection between daytime vertical zonal wind gradient and zonal current at low latitude using ICON and Swarm observations.
- Convective interchange mix-modes and phase scintillation In polar patches.
- Dust-acoustic Solitary Waves in a non-Maxwellian Environment – Application to Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Impacts of Tropospheric Extreme Weather Systems on The Upper Atmosphere Based on Red Line Airglow Emission Data.
- Importance of IMF-By in the Evening to Nighttime Electrodynamics of Equatorial Ionosphere During Disturbed Times
- Influence of Geomagnetic Activity on the Northern Atlantic Oscillations (NAO)
- Investigation of Quasi-Two-Day Wave Activity During the 2010 Boreal Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Kinetic-scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind: Properties, Origin and Reconnection Onset
- Latitudinal Variability in OI 630.0 nm Dayglow Emissions due to Equatorial Electrodynamics and Meridional Winds over Low Latitudes
- Long and Short term modulations in Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) waves observed on Ground
- Low-frequency Magnetosonic wave observation in association with EMIC waves by THEMIS spacecraft
- Quantifying the Efficiency of Viscous Interaction during Intense Northward IMF Bz events of 23- 24 Solar Cycles
- SuperMAG SML-LT Parameter as an Indicator of Substorm Triggering Mechanism
- The Pakistan Flood of August 2022: Causes and Implications
- Understanding the Influence of the Solar Forcing on the Global Climate
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Halford
- A. Kumar
- A. M. Santos
- Aditi Upadhyay
- Ajay Lotekar
- Amar Kakad
- Amit Kumar Maurya
- Ankush Bhaskar
- Anuj Prakash Kushwaha
- Astrid Maute
- Bharati Kakad
- Brian J. Harding
- C. G. Brum
- Ciarán Beggan
- D. G. Sibeck
- Diptiranjan Rout
- Duggirala Pallamraju
- Dupinder Singh
- Earle Williams
- F. S. Mozer
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Mitra
- I. Y. Vasko
- Ioannis Kourakis
- J. S. Nanditha
- J. Sreelakshmi
- J.K. Atul
- Janusz Młynarczyk
- Jeff Lapierre
- József Bór
- Kuldeep Pandey
- Kuldeep Singh
- M. B. Cohen
- M. G. Henderson
- Michael Stock
- Mitsuteru Sato
- Patrick Alken
- Pedrina Terra
- Péter Steinbach
- R. Said
- Robert B. Kerr
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. D. Bale
- S. V. Singh
- Selvaraj Dharmalingam
- Shanti Shwarup Mahto
- Sukanta Sau
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Swarup Dangar
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- Tamás Bozóki
- Urmin Vegad
- Vimal Mishra
- Yakun Liu
- А. V. Artemyev