Physical Research Laboratory, India
flowchart I[Physical Research Laboratory, India] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (183)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (70)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Physical Research Laboratory, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division
- Physical Research Laboratory, Planetary Sciences and Exploration Programme
- Physical Research Laboratory, Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division
- Physical Research Laboratory, Udaipur Solar Observatory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of HALOE/UARS Derived Methane Profiles With Balloon Measurements
- Interaction of volcanic aerosols, ozone changes, and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation determine the atmospheric response to the 1991 Pinatubo eruption
- QBO Influences on Large-Scale Waves in the Equatorial MLT Region
- Stable Reflecting Layers at Medium Frequencies in the Equatorial Mesosphere During Sunrise and Sunset Hours
- Origin of the dissolved U-Sr fluxes in the Himalayan rivers: cases of the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra
- 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of the Sylhet Traps, Eastern India, and their relationship to the Kerguelen Plume related magmatism
- Investigating The Kinematics Of Shortening Across The Pakuashan Anticline, West Central Taiwan.
- The Effect Of Floodplain Evolution On The Distribution Of Arsenic In The Shallow Aquifer Of Araihazar, Bangladesh
- Characteristics of Plasma Depletions Over Indian Region During Solar Maximum
- Hot days and warm nights: Influence of climate change on diurnal variation of O3 and CO2 at Barrow, Alaska
- Suspended Sediment Variability and Erosion Geochemical Budget of the Ganga Basin
- Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols From High and Low Altitude Sites in Northern and Western India
- New Insights Into Southwest Indian Summer Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Episode From Stalagmite Paleoclimate Records
- Power-law scaling in atmospheric-CO2 time series - implications for forward and inverse modelling
- Altitude latitude mapping of plasma depletions
- Depth Transects of Sediment Age, Reflectance, and Aquifer Arsenic in the Bac Bo Plain, Vietnam: Implications for Groundwater Arsenic Heterogeneity in the Red River Delta
- Monsoon Variability In The Western Arabian Sea During Last 10,000 Years BP: A Planktic Foraminiferal Abundances And It's Stable Isotope Records
- Rayleigh Lidar study of upper stratospheric thermal structure and long term trends over a sub-tropical station Mount Abu (24.5o N, 72.7o E, MSL height 1.7 Km)
- Holocene Increase in the Bay Branch of the Monsoon Inferred From δ18O of Speleothems From Central India
- What is the internal isotope distribution in ozone?ý
- How Critical Is The Critical Zone To Arsenic: Trying To Solve How And From Where Arsenic Weathers Into The Aquifers Of Asia’s Deltas
- Overview Of Haze And Smoke Measurements in Northern High Latitudes And California During ARCTAS Using The NASA Ames Airborne Sunphotometer And Associated In Situ And Remote Sensors
- Simulation of maturity and decay of methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) in the atmosphere
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- Validation of satellite overland retrievals of AOD at northern high latitudes with coincident measurements from airborne sunphotometer, lidar, and in situ sensors during ARCTAS
- Coordinated investigations of daytime redline optical emissions and incoherent scatter radar measurements from Sondrestromfjord, Greenland
- Estimation of Glacial-melt Component in Ganga River at Himalayan Foothills using Stable isotope and conductivity
- Time evolution of size distribution for smoke aerosols using photon correlation spectroscopy
- Chemical vs. Physical Contributions to Grainsize Distributions in Hillslope Soils along a Denudation Gradient in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Investigating lateral variations in the long-term slip rate of the Chelungpu fault, Central Taiwan
- Observations of the Intra-seasonal oscillations in the tropical MLT and lower atmosphere
- Stable Isotopic Variations of a Stalagmite from Belum Cave, India: Potential for Monsoon Reconstruction
- Aerosol Classification Using Multiparameter Retrievals from Remote Measurements on Space and Other Platforms
- Carbonaceous aerosols and mineral dust in atmospheric outflow from the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- First Yearlong Ozonesonde Observations over the central Himalayas: Influences of Biomass Burning and Downward Transport
- Heterogeneity in aerosol characteristics over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: Implications to the radiative forcing in the Himalayan region
- Identification of source for excess methane in marine atmosphere over Arabian coast
- Isotopic Composition of Daily Rain Events at Ahmedabad in Western India: Wind Trajectory Analyses and Vapor Source Identification
- Mass absorption efficiency of elemental carbon (EC) in ambient aerosols: Characterization from high-altitude sites in India
- Soil Mixing Coupled to Soil Production and Transport on Hillslopes: Responses to Channel Incision, Feather River, California
- Validating a Chemical Transport Model Predicted Seasonality Pattern for the Oxidation Efficiency of SO<SUB>2</SUB> over a Semi-Arid Region
- A search for seeds of equatorial plasma irregularities: Results from ground- and balloon-borne optical measurements
- Amount Effect and Precipitation Source Identification in Daily Rain using Stable Isotopes at Ahmedabad (Western India)
- Classification of Aerosol Retrievals from Spaceborne Polarimetry Using a Multi-Parameter Algorithm
- Evaluation of black carbon simulations over the Tibetan Plateau and its implications for radiative forcing
- Mass absorption efficiency of Brown Carbon and Elemental Carbon in atmospheric outflow from the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Molybdenum Isotopic evidence of anoxia at Permo-Triassic boundary from Spiti Valley Himalaya
- Surface observations of aerosols and vertical ozone profiling: Influence from the Indo Gangetic Plain, biomass burning and LRT
- Variabilities in Ozone and Precursors over the Central Himalayas: Relation with Photochemical and Dynamical Processes
- A Multi-Parameter Aerosol Classification Method and its Application to Retrievals from Spaceborne Polarimetry
- Fast and Ultra-fast Kelvin wave modulations of the equatorial evening F region vertical drift and spread F development.
- High-resolution monsoon reconstruction using an annually resolved stalagmite from Kotumsar cave, India
- Instabilities and Plasma Mixing at the Heliospheric Boundary
- Intra-event Isotope and Drop Size Data Reveal Post-condensation Effects in Tropical Rain
- Simultaneous measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO and CH<SUB>4</SUB> at an urban site of western India using cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique.
- The solar activity dependence of wave dynamical vertical coupling of atmospheres
- Thermospheric meridional circulation during sudden stratospheric warming events
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology of Andaman Ophiolite: Evidence for a Pleistocene mega thrusting event within the Andaman-Nicobar Accretionary Wedge
- Geochemistry of Andaman Ophiolite: Evidence for a Mid-Oceanic Ridge origin
- Physicochemical Properties of Aerosols Over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Northern India: Implications to Air-quality
- Variabilities in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO over an urban site in India: Inter-correlations and emissions characteristics.
- Wave Dynamical Coupling of Atmospheres During Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
- A Prolonged 44 Hour Long Southward IMF-B<SUB>z</SUB> Event of May 02-04, 1998 and Its Space Weather Consequences.
- Archean Crustal Evolution in the Bundelkhand Craton, India: Constraints from Whole Rock Sr-Nd and Zircon U-Pb/Hf Isotopes
- Calibrating Geochemical Proxies in an Aragonite Stalagmite from the West Coast of India
- Complex Channel Avulsion in the Meghna River Foodplain During the Mid to Late Holocene: The Potential Effect of Tectonic and Co-Seismic Uplift
- Coordinated Ground- and Space-based Multispectral Campaign to Study Equatorial Spread-F Formation
- Crustal Magnetic Field Effects on the Martian High-Latitude Electron Density Profiles
- Important Roles of IMF B<SUB>y</SUB> and Substorms on Ionospheric Electric Fields: New Results
- Sources and Characteristics of Brown Carbon Aerosols over North India through Real-time Measurements
- Spectral Absorbing Capacity of Brown Carbon Aerosols Over Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Surface Nutrient Utilisation and Productivity During Glacial-Interglacial Periods from the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- The climatic implications of the Holocene floods in the north-western Himalaya, India
- The impact of the 17 March 2015- St. Patrick's Day storm on the evolutionary pattern of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly over the Indian longitudes using high resolution spatio-temporal TEC maps - New insights
- Deglacial-Holocene variability in Somali upwelling and its influence on Indian summer monsoon precipitation
- Discovery Of Low Oxygen Fugacity (fo<SUB>2</SUB>) Mineral And Fluid Phases In Lower Mantle -Derived Early Pulse Of The Deccan Flood Basalts
- Early-Holocene intensified Indian summer monsoon and its impact on vegetation: study based on hydrogen and carbon isotope values in long chain alkane from relict lake sediments in the Central Himalaya
- Effect of equatorial electrodynamics on low-latitude thermosphere as inferred from neutral optical dayglow emission observations
- Emission sources of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) and their contribution to photochemical ozone (O<SUB>3</SUB>) formation at an urban atmosphere in western India.
- Improvement of Mars surface snow albedo modeling in LMD Mars GCM with SNICAR
- Magnetically Controlled Upper Ionosphere of Mars
- Sand-Venting in the M5.7 Earthquake 3 Jan 2017 and in the Much Larger Penultimate Liquefaction Event with their Sedimentary Setting in an Upstream Valley of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: Implications for Earthquake Hazard
- Small-scale longitudinal variations in the daytime equatorial thermospheric wave dynamics as inferred from oxygen dayglow emissions
- Source of the Organic Matter and Land-Marine Interaction Phases in Great Rann of Kachch Basin, India
- Sources and fate of sediment organic matter in Asia's largest brackish water lagoon and nearby mangrove ecosystem
- Study of Aerosol - Cloud Interaction over Indo - Gangetic Basin During Normal Monsoon and Drought Years
- Subaqueous Sediment Remobilization and Development of Syndepositional Deformational Structures on Mars: A Kinematic Approach from the Noachian Terby Crater
- Aerosol hygroscopic growth and black carbon content: size and mixing state are vital
- Assessing Multiple Liquefaction Events in the Dolai Syncline Valley: IndoBurma Ranges, NE Bangladesh
- Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Nitro- PAHs, their adsorption and absorption partitioning at a traffic dominated Indo-Gangetic site
- Balloon-borne Measurements of Cirrus Clouds over Hyderabad during BATAL Campaign.
- Estimation of F-region Vertical E x B Drift Velocities During Daytime Using Optical Oxygen Dayglow Emissions
- Formation of Al-bearing Bridgmanite in a Katol Meteorite
- Highly Time Resolved Characteristics of Light Absorbing Water-soluble Organics over New Delhi
- How IMF By Effects the Low to Equatorial Ionospheric Electrodynamics?
- Ionospheric Currents at Mars Over the Region of Crustal Magnetic Anomaly
- Late Quaternary Paleo-environmental Implications from the Miliolite Deposits of Kachchh Paleorift Basin, Western India
- MAVEN Observations of the Response of Martian Ionosphere to the Space Weather Events of March 2015
- On the Dawn Dusk Asymmetry in the Ring Current During Geomagnetic Storms: Case Studies
- Plasma depletions in the Martian ionosphere as detected by MAVEN
- Response of daytime low-latitude thermospheric wave dynamics to the geomagnetic storms as inferred from large field-of-view optical dayglow measurements
- The ionospheric electric field perturbations during CME and CIR driven geomagnetic storms
- BATAL: Balloon measurement campaigns of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer
- Balloon-borne Measurements of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds over Hyderabad during BATAL Campaign
- Chemical Composition of the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere during Asian Summer Monsoon.
- Evidence for Acceleration of Solar Energetic Protons in Corotating Interaction Region near 1.5 au from MAVEN
- Evidence of High Latitude Climate Oscillations during the past 50 ka in the Arabian Sea
- Fate of Amino Acids and Nucleobases under Impact Induced Shock - Discovery of Complex Macroscale Structures and Implications to the Origins of life
- High Pressure Polymorphs in Katol L6 Chondrite: Deciphering Thermal History and Shock Conditions
- Improved calibration of coral oxygen isotope for sea surface temperature reconstruction
- Investigation of valley region composition and dynamics using GOLD satellite mission: A data assimilation approach
- Natural Occurrence of Aluminous Bridgmanite and its Formation in a Katol Meteorite
- Reconstruction of Freshwater Flux and Productivity over the Bay of Bengal for the past 33kyr
- Weakening Solar Polar Fields, the Terrestrial Magnetosphere and the Forthcoming Solar Cycle
- Wintertime Organic Aerosol in Delhi, India: Sources, Formation Processes, and Role of Chlorine
- Balloon Measurements of Microphysical and Optical Properties of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds during the BATAL Campaign
- Characterizing Martian Volcanic Provinces' Magmatic Evolution and Chemistry through Equations of State Modeling Initial Study
- Detachment of auroral arcs from the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval during substorm recovery phase
- Effect of Biomass Burning, Firework Emissions, and Haze Events on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Enhancements in Plasma Density Over the Eia Crest Region during Post-Sunset Hours in Geomagnetically Quiet Periods
- Global CO<SUB>2</SUB> recycling time and gross primary productivity of the terrestrial and oceanic biospheres
- Hydro- and biogeo-chemistry of the largest hypersaline lake of India
- Investigation on Longitudinal and Decadal Variations of the Equatorial Electrojet Using a Physical Model
- Light NMHCs over the central Himalayas region: Variabilities and Ozone Production Potential
- New Insights into the Daytime Thermospheric Wave Dynamics over Low-Latitudes Obtained Using Radio Technique: Response to the Solar Flux and Seasonal Variations
- Nitrous Oxide in the Central Bay of Bengal During Summer Monsoon
- Non-stationary response of South Indian hydroclimate to orbital forcing during Marine Isotope Stage 9
- Paleo-biogeochemistry of the Central Himalayan region during late MIS 3 using stable isotopic composition of organic matter occluded in diatoms and lake sediments
- Rapid bedrock incision implies late Quaternary out-of-sequence thrusting along Medlicott Wadia Thrust in the western Himalaya
- Role of Long-range Transport, Downward Transport and Biomass Burning on the Tropospheric Ozone over the central Himalaya
- Similar magnitude of seasonal freshwater flux to the Bengal basin during late Holocene solar minima events revealed from the carbonate clumped isotope compositions of growth bands of fossil molluscs
- Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of the Sun with Chandrayaan-2 Solar X-ray Monitor
- Synthesis of Chemical Provinces on Mars with the Latest Geochemical Maps and Implications for Geologic Interpretations
- Two Successive Interplanetary Shock-induced Plasmaspheric Hiss Variability: Disappearance, Reappearance and Patchiness
- 10Be/9Be Ratio Variation in the Central Indian Ocean during the Last 43 ka; Implication to Past Geomagnetic Field Intensity Changes
- Characterizing the Magmatic Evolution of the Elysium Volcanic Province on Mars
- Diazotroph community and activity in the Southern Indian Ocean
- Dusty plasma in Venus ionosphere and comparison with Earth and Mars
- Extreme Indian palemonsoon states and productivity collapses since the last Ice Age
- First Radiocarbon Evidence of Poorly Ventilated Deep Central Indian Ocean during the Last Glaciation: Implication to Glacial Carbon Sequestration and Atmospheric CO2
- Heating of the solar atmosphere by electric currents
- Influence of Extreme Air Pollution Episodes on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Investigation of major emission sources of non-methane hydrocarbons and their role in ozone formation in New Delhi, India
- Late Holocene Rapid Shrinkage of Larger Lakes and their Hydrodynamics from Trans Himalaya, India
- Microphysical Properties of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds during BATAL campaigns in India.
- Noachian Volcanism and its Implication to the Thermal Evolution of Mars
- Phosphorus in Martian Magmas: Implications for Potential Mantle Sources
- Shock-induced incongruent melting of olivine in Kamargaon L6 chondrite
- The Surprising O2 Density Structure Observed by GOLD
- Themospheric Variability During Quiet and Active Geomagnetic Conditions Using GOLD Disk Observations
- A Study on the Solar Wind Plasma Dynamics in Inner Corona by Radio Sounding Experiments onboard Akatsuki Spacecraft during 2021 Venus-Solar Conjunction
- Aerosol-induced Atmospheric Radiative Forcing and Heating Rate over South Asia increase due to Black Carbon (BC) and BC mixed with dust
- An innovative approach of identifying regional perturbations in the contemporary hydrological cycle due to climate change and anthropogenic factors: An example from southern India
- Anomalous Electric Field Perturbations In Pre- and Post-Midnight Hours over the Low Latitude Ionosphere During a Minor Geomagnetic Storm
- Effects of Chlorine Chemistry on Atmospheric Composition in Contrasting Urban Environments
- Fire episodes and air quality over India from January to June.
- First evidence of paleo wildfire records from Trans Himalaya vis-à-vis climate and human intervention
- Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigation of the Dergaon H5 Ordinary Chondrite: Implications for the Formation of Early Solids in the Solar System
- Geomagnetic storm induced thermospheric changes at mid and high latitudes: GOLD-ICON observations
- Glacial - Interglacial variations of biogeochemical processes in the Arabian Sea
- High cloud forming potential of anthropogenic sulfate aerosols arising from SO2 emissions of a coal-fired power plant during relatively cleaner conditions of Covid lockdown in India
- High-resolution Climatic Signals from Oyster shells collected from a Shell midden, Andaman: signatures of 'Neoglacial Cool period' in India
- Importance of IMF-By in the Evening to Nighttime Electrodynamics of Equatorial Ionosphere During Disturbed Times
- Investigation of Gravity Wave Scale Sizes present in the Low- / Equatorial Latitude Upper Atmosphere With and Without Plasma Bubbles as seen in the OI 630.0 nm Nightglow Emissions
- Investigation of Quasi-Two-Day Wave Activity During the 2010 Boreal Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Investigation of the Southern Hemisphere Mid-High Latitude Thermospheric ∑O/N2 Response to the Space-X Storm
- Investigations on helium abundance in background solar wind and interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Latitudinal Movement seen in the OI 630.0 nm Nightglow Emissions in Poleward and Equatorward Directions and their Relationship with Equatorial Electrodynamics
- Latitudinal Variability in OI 630.0 nm Dayglow Emissions due to Equatorial Electrodynamics and Meridional Winds over Low Latitudes
- Octanol-air (KOA) and Physical partitioning of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their Nitro derivatives
- On the need for an International Geospace Systems Program (IGSP)
- Paleo Thermocline Ventilation and Upper Ocean Water Mass Evolution of the Equatorial Indian Ocean during the Last 44ka
- Results from Coronal Sounding Experiments Conducted by Indian Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) during Mars-Solar Conjunctions of 2015 and 2021
- Role of Macro- and Micro-nutrients in Carbon and Nitrogen Fixation across the Northern Indian Ocean
- Scaliger Crater Region on the Moon: Evidence for Prolonged Volcanic Activity in the Australe North Basin
- Spatial Heterogeneity in Beryllium Isotopic Distribution in the Indian Ocean
- The Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crests – Some Seasonal Differences Observed by the GOLD Mission
- The growth of ring current/SYM-H under northward IMF Bz conditions present during the 21-22 January 2005 geomagnetic storm
- Understanding Mare Basalt Generation from Ancient KREEP-Free Meteorites: Evidence for Possible Shallow Melting on the Moon
- Unexpectedly High Release of CO2 and CH4 from Photo Degradation of Plastic: A Laboratory Study
- Variability of the MLT Tides during September 2019 Minor Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Vertical Propagation Speeds of Gravity Waves in the Daytime as a Precursor to the Onset of Equatorial Spread-F
- X-ray heating of the quiescent solar corona
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Basu Sarbadhikari
- A. Kumar
- A. Prasad
- A. Rani
- Ananyo Bhattacharya
- Andrea Pozzer
- Anil Bhardwaj
- Anil Kumar
- B. Lavraud
- Bo Zhang
- C. R. Martinis
- Chi Wang
- Claudia Stolle
- Debi Prasad Choudhary
- Deepak K. Karan
- Diptiranjan Rout
- Dong Lin
- Duggirala Pallamraju
- Dupinder Singh
- Ewan S. Douglas
- Fazlul I. Laskar
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Mitra
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- Hongyu Liu
- I. J. Rae
- J. Correira
- J. D. Lumpe
- J. Scott Evans
- Jean‐Paul Vernier
- Junga Hwang
- K. Greer
- K. K. Marhas
- K. N. Tiwari
- Kaustubh Thirumalai
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Kuldeep Pandey
- L. Kepko
- Liying Qian
- M. Codrescu
- Mar Benavides
- McArthur Jones
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Melody Avery
- Minna Palmroth
- P. Moitra
- Partha Sarathi Jena
- R. E. Daniell
- R. Eastes
- R. K. Choudhary
- Rajesh Kumar
- Rangu Satish
- Ravi Bhushan
- S. Karunatillake
- Sachchida Nand Tripathi
- Sandeep Kumar
- Saurav Aryal
- Shibaji Chakraborty
- Steven C. Clemens
- Subir Mandal
- Sujoy Ghosh
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Takeshi Imamura
- Ummed Singh Saharan
- Vimal Mishra
- Vishal Upendran
- Wenbin Wang
- William E. McClintock
- Xuguang Cai
- Yash Srivastava