Ispra, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Italy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Detection and Characterization of Surface Heterogeneity at the MISR/TERRA Subpixel Scale Resolution
- Exploitation of Surface Albedo Derived From Meteosat Data to Characterise Land Surface Changes due to Vegetation Fires
- Operational retrieval of accurate biogeophysical information from space sensors
- Size Dependant Organic and InorganicComposition of CCN and Interstitial Particles in Cloud
- The Composition of Precipitation on Bermuda: Regional and Global Significance
- The Seasonally Varying Isotopic Composition of CO at Barbados: Observations and Inverse Model Results
- An Integrated Asian Emission Inventory and Analysis of its Characteristics to Support TRACE-P
- Characterization of Tropospheric Aerosols: New Insights from MISR on Terra
- Detection of Surface Structure and Heterogeneity using MISR/Terra observations
- Documenting Biophysical Activities on Land Surfaces
- Global Modelling of Mixed Aerosol Fields With the General Circulation Model ECHAM5
- Introduction of a Computationally Efficient Gas/Aerosol Partitioning Model for Climate Models
- Monitoring Earthquake Liquefaction Processes Using MISR/Terra Satellite Data
- Monitoring Landslide Displacement Fields at Different Temporal Scale by using GB-INSAR
- The Importance of the Gas/Aerosol Partitioning for Climate Modeling
- Using MISR/Terra Products to Support Regional Climate Modeling
- Change in Mixing State of the Global Aerosol Since Pre-Industrial Times
- Comparison of GCM Calculated Aerosol Fields and Their Equivalents From In-Situ and Remote Sensing Measurements
- Intercomparison of Land Surface Remote Sensing Products From Various Sensors.
- Towards Land Structure Parameters from Multi-angular Remote Sensing Data
- Assessement of Land Biophysical Activity Over Multiple Years From a Sensor Independent Product
- Making Existing Surface Albedo Products Compatible with the Needs of Land Surface Models
- Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimates for North America from Atmospheric Transport Inversions
- Simulated and Inferred LAI, NPP, and Biomes in North America Since the Last Glacial Maximum.
- A New Time-Dependent Inventory of Methane Emissions From Global Wetlands Based on Remote Sensing and Biogeochemical Modeling
- An Improved Spatial Data Set of Tropical Deforestation Rates for the 1980s and 1990s
- Dealing With Spatiotemporal Processes In Soil Moisture As Critical Point Phenomena
- Deriving Tropical Methane Emissions From SCIAMACHY Observations
- Parameter identification and uncertainty estimation for a spatially distributed rainfall-runoff model using global optimization
- Satellite Chartography of Atmospheric Methane from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT
- The worth of data for optimal groundwater management under uncertainty
- Can the concept of fundamental and realized niches be applied to the distribution of dominant phytoplankton in the global ocean?
- Characterizing the Chlorophyll-a Specific Absorption Coefficient of Phytoplankton Measured in the Gulf of Maine in Varying Oceanic Provinces
- Climatic and ecological controls on variability of fire activity in the tropics and subtropics derived from satellite data
- Discrepancies between biogenic sources and Boundary Layer sinks of reactive trace gases during the GABRIEL campaign.
- Dynamic LES Modeling of a Diurnal Cycle
- Evaluation of the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1
- Growing Seasons as Integrated Indicators of Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
- Impact of remote-sensing FAPAR uncertainties on carbon flux estimates
- Methane Sources and Sinks Estimation Using Satellite Measurements
- Optimal Retrieval of Vegetation Canopy Characteristics Using Operational MODIS and MISR Surface Albedo Products
- Preliminary applications of remote-sensing FAPAR products for the CarboEurope project
- Producing Science to Inform Policy on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution
- Retrieval of Forest Canopy Structural Properties from Multiangular Remote Sensing Data
- Uncertainties in BC Estimations: the Role of Atmospheric Processes
- Uncertainties in Carbonaceous Aerosol Emissions, Scavenging Parameterizations, and Optical Properties
- Uncertainty and regional air quality model diversity: what do we learn from model ensembles?
- A Global Assessment on the Effects of Incoming Diffuse Radiation on the Primary Productivity of Terrestrial Ecosystems
- A New Methodology For Estimating CO2 Advective Fluxes In Complex Terrain
- A synergistic effect of anthropogenic N and CO2 on land carbon uptake and its implications for global warming
- Assessment of Impact of Ship Emissions Over the Summertime Mediterranean
- Consistent Partitioning of Solar Fluxes in the Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere System from Satellite Observations: State-of-the-Art 20 Years after FIFE
- Inverse Modeling of Atmospheric Methane Emissions Using 4D-Var
- Retrieving Land Surface Properties from MODIS and MISR Albedo Products
- SeaDataNet Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management
- Sensing methane emissions from space - An improved retrieval version from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT
- Atmospheric Contributions to Excess Nitrate Development in the Subtropical North Atlantic: Atmospheric Viewpoint
- Atmospheric Contributions to Excess Nitrate Development in the Subtropical North Atlantic: Oceanographic Viewpoint
- Flood Forecasting Based on Multiple EPS -- is it Worth the Effort?
- Food Security Through the Eyes of AVHRR: Changes and Variability of African Food Production
- Implementation of the NEAMTWS in Portugal
- Influence of Future Air-pollution Mitigation Strategies on Climate by 2030
- Modeling Multi-Rate Mass Transfer Processes and Multicomponent Reactive Transport with Particle Tracking
- Modelling the influence of small scale variability in sources of CO2 and CH4 on concentrations at receptor points and implications for high resolution inversion systems.
- Pan-European regional-scale modelling of water and N efficiencies of rapeseed cultivation for biodiesel production
- Sensing methane from space - Results from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT
- The effect of irrigation in mitigating drought impact on maize yield during the 2003 heat wave in France
- Using Medium Resolution Earth Observation Data to Monitor Sensitive Industrial Activities
- Validation of Tropical CH4 Emission Inventories Using SCIAMACHY Measurements
- Biosphere Changes Observed from Space over Last Decade
- Characterization of submerged macrophytes in a shallow lake using a combined approach of hyperspectral and LiDAR data
- Comparison of satellite-based instantaneous radiative forcing of tropospheric ozone to four global chemistry climate models
- Coseismic and initial postseismic slip of the 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake, from GPS measurements
- Ensemble flood and drought simulations for Europe
- Evaluation of macro-tracers for modeling the contribution of biomass burning to organic carbon at a rural background site
- Exploiting MISR products at the full spatial resolution (275m) to document changes in land properties in and around the Kruger National Park, South Africa
- Li/Mg ratios in shallow- and deep-sea coral exoskeletons as a new temperature proxy
- Long-term analysis of methane as retrieved from SCIAMACHY
- MISR at 10: Looking back, ahead, and in between
- Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of AERONET - a satellite validation tool over the oceans
- Monitoring and Assessment Science to Support Decision-Making by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- Monitoring desertification from space: From measuring photons to advising policy makers (Invited)
- New scaling rules emerge from linked optimisation of crown nitrogen and water use
- Nitrogen deposition and forest carbon sequestration: a quantitative synthesis from plot to global scales
- Non-Stomatal Ozone Deposition to Vegetation: New Insights and Models
- Prediction of the Dynamic Behaviour and Migration Rates of Sand Waves in the Monterey Canyon System of California
- Quantifying nitrogen fluxes and their influence on the greenhouse gas balance - recent findings of the NitroEurope Integrated Project
- Spectral effects on morphometric analysis in a coastal study using a combined approach of hyperspectral and LiDAR data
- The Y.E.S. Network: An IYPE legacy for engaging future generations of early-career geoscientists
- Advancing Interdisciplinary Approaches for Research and Applications for Forestry, Biodiversity and Drought
- Climatic Effects on the Inter-Annual Variability of Carbon Fluxes for North America and Europe
- Depositional environments of late glacial to Holocene sediments on the deep water levees of Setúbal and Nazaré Canyons, offshore Portugal: preliminary results
- Effects of Fluvial Morphology On Orbital Remote Sensing Measurements of River Discharge
- Enhancement of absorption of visible light in forest canopies caused by snowy backgrounds
- EuroGEOSS/GENESIS ``e-Habitat'' AIP-3 Use Scenario
- Global EDGAR greenhouse gas emissions and national emissions reporting under the UN Climate Convention: availability, structure, definitions and role of uncertainties
- Global EDGAR v4.1 emissions of air pollutants: analysis of impacts of emissions abatement in industry and road transport on regional and global scale
- Inverse modeling of the recent trend and inter-annual variation of CH4 emissions using in situ measurements and SCIAMACHY
- Linking morphology to ecosystem structure using air-borne sensors for monitoring the Earth System
- Megacity and country emissions from combustion sources-Buenos Aires-Argentina
- Regional Inversion of European CH4 and N2O Emissions Using Continuous High Precision Atmospheric Observations
- Semantics Enabled Queries in EuroGEOSS: a Discovery Augmentation Approach
- Space-borne remote sensing of atmospheric methane using near-infrared spectra: Current status and future perspectives. (Invited)
- The Influence of Anthropogenic Reactive Nitrogen Deposition on Oceanic N2O Emission
- The nitrogen fate beyond the current nutrient mitigation measures: sustainability of an integrated agriculture
- Undulated sediment features on Mediterranean prodeltas: distinguishing sediment transport structures from sediment deformation
- Comparative Analysis of Major Global Forestry Datasets for Country Level Estimates of C Stock Change in Living Biomass
- Comparison of Aura TES Methane Profiles to Model Estimates Constrained by SCIAMACHY Total Column Measurements
- Continental level landslide susceptibility assessment in the context of the European Union's Soil Thematic Strategy
- Developing a European Drought Observatory for Monitoring, Assessing and Forecasting Droughts across the European Continent
- EGIDA FP7 European Project: Outcomes of the National Use Cases Workshop
- Exploiting high spatial resolution MISR products to investigate land surface processes in Africa
- FP7 GLOWASIS - A new collaborative project aimed at pre-validation of a GMES Global Water Scarcity Information Service
- GIIDA and SINAnet Partnership: the Italian System of Systems to connect research and environmental monitoring activities
- Global Scenarios of Air Pollution until 2030: Combining Air Quality, Climate Change and Energy Access Policies
- Greenhouse Gas CCI Project (GHG-CCI): Overview and current status
- Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Global Drought Monitor Portal: Adding Capabilities for Forecasting Hydrological Extremes and Early Warning Networking
- Has the Mediterranean Sea Felt the March 11th, 2011, M 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake (japan) ?
- Improved Characterization of Photosynthetic Efficiency From Remote Sensing Based Leaf Chlorophyll Retrievals
- Methane in the Amazon: A forward and inverse regional modeling approach
- Modelling coastal processes by means of innovative integration of remote sensing and modelling analysis
- Multimodel intercomparison of preindustrial, present-day and future tropospheric OH and methane lifetime
- The EuroGEOSS Brokering Framework for Multidisciplinary Interoperability
- The Global Drought Monitor Portal - The Foundation for a Global Drought Early Warning System
- Unattended instruments for ground-based hyperspectral measurements: development and application for plant photosynthesis monitoring
- Unregulated gaseous exhaust emission from modern ethanol fuelled light duty vehicles in cold ambient condition
- Upstream Satellite-Derived Flow Signals for River Discharge Prediction
- Visualising probabilistic flood forecast information: expert preferences and perceptions of best practice in uncertainty communication
- Advances in Global Flood Forecasting Systems
- Advancing the Vision of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems: a European Perspective
- Characterization of the BRDF (HDRF) of snow surfaces at Dome C, Antarctica, for the inter-calibration and validation of satellite remote sensing products
- Consistent assimilation of multiple Earth-observations into CCDAS
- Coupling of ground biosensor networks for water monitoring with satellite observations in assessing Leptospirosis
- Developing an integrated monitoring approach combining remote sensing and field data in a coastal ecosystem
- Diffuse radiation increases global ecosystem-level water-use efficiency
- Earthquakes and tidal records in the Mediterranean sea: case studies
- High spatial resolution (275 m) land surface ECVs from the MISR-HR package
- Improved Mapping of Carbon, Water and Energy Land-Surface Fluxes Using Remotely Sensed Indicators of Canopy Light Use Efficiency
- Linking morphology to ecosystem structure using air-borne lidar and Hyperspectral sensors for monitoring the Coastal Landscape
- Magnitudes and spatial and temporal patterns of self-organized processes between geomorphology and biota that drive salt marsh evolution
- On the relationship between leaf photosynthetic capacity and leaf chlorophyll and implications for simulating GPP in space and time
- On the response of European phenology to Extreme Climate Events
- Prediction of SOC content by Vis-NIR spectroscopy at European scale using a modified local PLS algorithm
- Slip distributions on active normal faults measured from Terrestrial Laser Scan (TLS) data and field mapping of geomorphic offsets: An example from L'Aquila, Italy, and implications for modeling seismic moment release
- Source quantification of size and season resolved aerosols in a semi-urban area of Indo-Gangetic plain, India
- The CEOS/WGCV LPV strategy for defining FAPAR inter-comparison and validation protocols
- The European Drought Observatory (EDO): Current State and Future Directions
- The Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX)
- The role of climate in the global patterns of ecosystem carbon turnover rates - contrasts between data and models
- Top-down and bottom up estimates of methane emissions from the 2006 Indonesian peat fires using Aura TES satellite observations of CH4 and CO and GEOS-Chem"
- Trends of anthropogenic mercury emissions from 1970-2008 using the global EDGARv4 database: the role of increasing emission mitigation by the energy sector and the chlor-alkali industry
- Validating the simulation of optical reflectance by a vertically resolved canopy biophysics model with MODIS daily observations
- Validation of GEOLAND-2 Spot/vgt Albedo Products by Using Ceos Olive Methodology
- Validation of MODIS albedo with in-situ measurements across the global FLUXNET network.
- Vertical Chlorophyll Canopy Structure Affects the Remote Sensing Based Predictability of LAI, Chlorophyll and Leaf Nitrogen in Agricultural Fields
- A new index to quantify the magnitude of Heat Waves in present and future climate
- Abstract Tree Architectures in 3d Canopy Reflectance Models: Impact on Simulated Satellite Observations
- Advances in pan-European flood hazard mapping
- An Open-Source Approach for Catchment's Physiographic Characterization
- Brokerage services for Earth Science data: the EuroGEOSS legacy (Invited)
- Climate Monitoring from Space - Architecture for Sustained Observations
- Coherence between woody carbon uptake and net ecosystem productivity at five eddy-covariance sites
- Constraining canopy biophysical simulations with daily MODIS reflectance data ensuring pixel-target adequacy
- Early detection of production deficit hot spots in semi-arid environment using FAPAR time series and a probabilistic approach
- Evaluating climate change impacts and adaptation options for agriculture in West Africa: a multi-model comparison
- Field and remote sensing for findings on the functions and evolutions of deltas
- Identifying crop specific signals for global agricultural monitoring based on the stability of daily multi-angular MODIS reflectance time series
- Improve the ranking algorithm of the GEO Discovery and Access Broker through resource accessibility assessment
- Linking morphology to ecosystem structure using satellite for monitoring Wetlands
- Mapping cropland GPP in the north temperate region with space measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Multiwavelenghth ('3β+2α') Lidar Aerosol Retrievals combined with sunphotometry and CALIPSO measurements over Ispra
- North Atlantic Oscillation and pollutants variability in Europe: model analysis and measurements intercomparison
- Remote Sensing and River Discharge Forecasting for Major Rivers in South Asia (Invited)
- Soil Organic Carbon Mapping by Geostatistics in Europe Scale
- The 4TH Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison: Using ISO-13528 for Proficiency Testing of Canopy Reflectance Models
- The European Drought Observatory (EDO) - A European Contribution to a Global Drought Information System (GDIS)
- The impact of climate change on grain maize production over Europe - adaptation with different irrigation strategies
- The modern budget of atmospheric methane determined from measurements (Invited)
- Using MISR-HR products to characterize the structure and properties of terrestrial environments (Invited)
- Using R for Global Optimization of a Fully-distributed Hydrologic Model at Continental Scale
- Vision of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems: a European Perspective
- A Global Scale 30m Water Surface Detection Optimized and Validated for Landsat 8
- A Weather climate change Impact Study at Extreme Resolution (WISER)
- Atmospheric sugar alcohols: evaporation rates and saturation vapor pressures
- Automatic calibration of a global hydrological model using satellite data as a proxy for stream flow data
- Carbon Release in Italy through Volcanic, Tectonic and Other Styles of Degassing: Implication for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Storage.
- Comparison of Emissions Inventories of Anthropogenic Air Pollutants in Asia
- Composition and Sources of Aerosol in the Upper Troposphere/Lowermost Stratosphere
- Dissemination of satellite-based river discharge and flood data
- EDGAR_v4.3: a global air pollutant emission inventory from 1970 to 2010
- ENSO and Multi-Decadal 'trends' in Terrestrial Evaporation
- Evaluation of pressures in European river basins reported under the Water Framework Directive: potentials for collaborative improvement of assessments in transnational water management.
- Experimental Observations of Calcite Precipitation in Fractures: The Role of Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity on the Persistence of Preferential Flow Paths
- GEOSS: Addressing Big Data Challenges
- Global Maps of Temporal Streamflow Characteristics Based on Observations from Many Small Catchments
- Integrating Sediment Connectivity into Water Resources Management Trough a Graph Theoretic, Stochastic Modeling Framework.
- Longitudinal segmentation and characterization of river features based on Remote Sensing
- MISR at 15: Multiple Perspectives on Our Changing Earth
- Methane emissions in the US and Canada: contributions of various source sectors and evolution of emissions over time
- Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration in California Vineyards Using Landsat 8
- Scenarios over the past 3 decades: air quality impact of European legislation
- Space-Derived Phenology, Retrieval and Use for Drought and Food Security Monitoring
- Strengths and Limitations of Operational Use of 1 Km EO Biophysical Products for Regional Prediction of Grain Yelds in Europe (wheat, barley and maize)
- Submarine Hydrothermal Sites in Arc Volcanic-Back Arc Environment: Insight from Recent Marine Geophysical Investigations in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea.
- The Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) - Overview of Recent Developments
- The Vulnerability of Permafrost from 1960 to 2300 Based on Simulations of the Process-Based Model GIPL2 Across the Permafrost Region in the Northern Hemisphere: Implications for Soil Carbon Vulnerability
- Towards multi-sensor operational monitoring of the European fire regime
- Trends and Controls of inter-annual Variability in the Carbon Budget of Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Utility of a Thermal-Based Two-Source Energy Balance Model for Estimating Surface Fluxes over a Wide Variety of Landscapes
- Validation of a Global Hydrodynamic Flood Inundation Model
- Verification of non-CO<SUB>2</SUB> greenhouse gas emissions of Europe; capabilities of the current and future surface network
- A Methodology For Flood Vulnerability Analysis In Complex Flood Scenarios
- Biophysical Climate Forcings due to Recent Changes in Global Forest Cover
- Data Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Surface Water Extent into a Global Rainfall-Runoff Model
- Development of a Global Agricultural Hotspot Detection and Early Warning System
- Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
- Flood Risk and Climate Change: The Contributions of Remote Sensing
- Fostering a regional vision on river systems by remote sensing
- Global Crop Area Monitoring at High Resolution Exploiting Complementary Use of Free and Open SAR and VSNIR/SWIR Sensor Data Sets
- Global Evaluation of Streamflow from Ten State-of-the-Art Hydrologic Models
- Human contribution to the United States extreme heatwaves in the coming decades
- Improving the estimation of terrestrial gross primary productivity by downscaling global sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- Linking sediment connectivity to remotely sensed, reach-scale morphology identifies correlations between network-scale sediment regimes and local river forms and processes
- On the reliable use of satellite-derived surface water products for global flood monitoring
- On the value of satellite-based river discharge and river flood data
- Quantification of surface emissions: An historical perspective from GEIA
- The Ability of Atmospheric Data to Reduce Disagreements in Wetland Methane Flux Estimates over North America
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- The Italian Cloud-based brokering Infrastructure to sustain Interoperability for Operative Hydrology
- Urban Change: Understanding how expansion and densification relate to demographic change and their implications for climate change.
- Water dependency and water exploitation at global scale as indicators of water security
- What can'(t) we do with global flood risk models?
- A global assessment of the local impacts of land cover changes on the surface energy budget
- An experimental system for flood risk forecasting at global scale
- Calibration and evaluation of the global flood forecasting system using daily streamflow observations
- Changes in Convective Rainfall in future climates over Western Europe.
- Detailed Surface Rupture Geometry from the 2016 Amatrice Earthquake
- Developing an automatic classification system of vegetation anomalies for early warning with the ASAP (Anomaly hot Spots of Agricultural Production) system
- EDGARv4 Gridded Anthropogenic Emissions of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) from Power Generation, Residential and Transport Sectors: Regional Trends Analysis in East Asia.
- Extreme heatwaves in Europe and Africa and their impacts at 1.5°C and 2°C warming
- Global Gross Primary Productivity for 2015 Inferred from OCO-2 SIF and a Carbon-Cycle Data Assimilation System
- Global Projections of River Flood Risk at Specific Warming Levels
- Global convergence of maixmum light use efficiency using fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll
- Global near real-time precipitation estimates by optimally blending gauge, satellite, and model data
- High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its long-term changes
- Impact of Aerodynamic Resistance Formulations used in Two-Source Modeling of Energy Exchange from the Soil and Vegetation Using Land Surface Temperature
- Influence of atmospheric blocking on the distribution of heatwaves in large climate model ensembles
- Insight on fault segmentation, linkage and hazard from the 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.2 Amatrice earthquake (central Italy)
- Inverse modelling of fluvial sediment connectivity identifies characteristics and spatial distribution of sediment sources in a large river network.
- Investigation of post-seismic deformation resulting from the 24<SUP>th</SUP> August 2016 Central Italy Earthquake (M 6.2)
- Model inter-comparison and evaluation of seasonal ozone vertical profile over North America using the AQMEII group of air quality models
- Non-radiative processes dominate land surface signals in the climate system
- Soil Gas Geochemical Behaviour across Buried and Exposed Faults during the 24 August 2016 Seismic Sequence
- Space-borne Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Greenness, Vegetation Models and Interannual Variability of Photosynthetic Activity: Spatio-temporal Patterns, Mechanisms, and Environmental Sensitivities
- Storm Clustering in the Mediterranean Sea
- Strengthening Agricultural Decisions in Countries at Risk of Food Insecurity: The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning
- The when and where of the increasing land carbon sink
- Atmospheric correction over coastal waters using multilayer neural networks
- Combined role of heat and water stresses on wheat, maize and rice inter-annual variability and trend from 1980 to 2010.
- Continuous estimation of evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity from an Unmanned Aerial System
- Contribution of Temperature to Chilean Droughts Using Ensemble Climate Projections
- Eurodelta-Trends, a Multi-Model Experiment of Air Quality Hindcast in Europe over 1990-2010. Experiment Design and Key Findings
- Global Water Surface Dynamics: Toward a Near Real Time Monitoring Using Landsat and Sentinel Data
- Global projections of extreme sea levels in view of climate change
- Humid Heat Waves at different warming levels
- Modeling Climate and Societal Resilience in the Mediterranean During the Last Millennium
- Multidecadal variations of solar radiation reaching the surface and the role of aerosol direct radiative effects
- Pollen-proxies say cooler, climate models say warmer: resolving conflicting views of the Holocene climate of the Mediterranean region
- Rapid-response flood mapping during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria by the Global Flood Partnership (GFP)
- Recent development in preparation of European soil hydraulic maps
- The changing phenology of the land carbon fluxes as derived from atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- The mark of vegetation change on Earth's surface energy balance: data-driven diagnostics and model validation
- Trends in simulated chemical composition of global and regional population-weighted fine particulate matter over the recent 25 years
- A Global partnership for flood risk reduction
- A flood inundation climatology for Europe based on 24-year simulated streamflow
- A new global anthropogenic SO<SUB>2</SUB> emission inventory for the last decade: A mosaic of satellite-derived and bottom-up emissions and its uncertainty
- Activations of the Global Flood Partnership (GFP) during 2018 Response to Major Global Flooding Events
- Analysis of the Influence of Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters on the Dynamics of Migration Flows of Populations
- Building a Community of Practice: HEPEX's 15 years of successful collaboration to advance ensemble streamflow forecasting for risk-based decision-making in water management
- Dual control of fault intersections on stop-start rupture in the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
- Enhancing Public Awareness of Disaster Risk Management: The Sebastiano Project, a Science and Art Successful co-creation experience.
- Evaluation of Global Emissions from Small Combustion Activities Sector: Sources of Uncertainties and Improvements in EDGAR
- Evaluation of Real-time Global Flood Modeling with SMAP Satellite Based Fractional Water Cover
- Field Survey on the Coastal Impacts of the September 28, 2018 Palu, Indonesia Tsunami
- Global 3D Simulations of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Signature Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O in Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Health co-benefits from air pollutant reduction through coal-fired power plant cancellations
- Improving operational global flood awareness - A European perspective
- Increased global land carbon sink due to aerosol-caused cooling
- JRC ASAP - Anomaly hot Spots of Agricultural Production, recent developments
- Observations and Modeling of Asian and Northern Pacific Dust Sources and Transports
- Process-oriented Integration of Satellite Observations for the Analysis of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- Real-time landslide monitoring with a wireless sensors network based on ultra-wide band technology: applications and perspectives
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Science and Art Looking for a Seismic Waves' New Visualization Method
- Spatial Patterns of Crop Yield Change by Pollutant
- The Global Drought Observatory (GDO): Integrating Hazard, Exposure and Vulnerability for Risk Analysis and Emergency Response
- Top-down estimates of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions over the past two decades
- Verifying Trends in Extreme Rainfall in Italy through a New Comprehensive Database
- A Comprehensive Comparison of Nine Fossil-fuel CO2 Emission Estimates for China - Reconciling Diverse Chinese CO2 Emission Estimates
- An observation-driven assessment of wetland CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions under a changing climate
- Anthropogenic methane emissions in China estimated from GOSAT satellite observations
- Coastal adaptation scenarios for Europe
- Contribution of wind to Polar sea ice retreat
- Dyke intrusion, earthquake and flank collapse at Mt. Etna: co- and post- 2018 events deformation from multisensor InSAR and CGPS
- Estimating resilience of annual crop production systems: from theory to practice.
- Evaluation of the Impacts of Precipitation Uncertainties on Flood Magnitude and Timing
- Evidence-based assessment of the biophysical impacts of land use/land cover change under global warming
- Future impacts of ozone driven damages on agricultural systems
- Global cropland-N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission dataset
- Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (Central Italy) Imaged by InSAR, GPS and Strong-Motion Data: Insights from the 18 January 2017 Events
- Increased extreme coastal water levels due to the combined action of storm surges and wind-waves
- Inversion estimates of regional methane emissions and its trends in 2010-2017 by a global high-resolution model
- Joint Research Unit EMSO-Italia: boosting the national marine science community contribution to the EMSO European Research Infrastructure for ocean observation
- Magnitude-Distance Relationships for Tsunamis Generated by Seismogenic Submarine Landslides - Empirical Constraints
- Neural Network Based Model for Global Total Electron Content Forecasting
- Simulated anthropogenic methane and carbon dioxide enhancements for planning target mode satellite observations
- Strengthening agricultural decisions in countries at risk of food insecurity: The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning.
- The Last Mile Project as an example of Urban resilience to Near Shore Tsunami: the Kos example
- The Pinatubo Emulation in Multiple models (PoEMS) experiment
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- The shallow crustal setting of the Central Apennines in the 2016-2018 seismic sequence area: fault segmentation, interaction, reactivation and implication for seismotectonics
- Top-down Estimates of Methane Emissions in Russia Using Regional Tower Network Observations
- Uncertainty evaluation for the tsunami inundation zone in Italy
- A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Europe's space assets for the benefit of the Arctic: key capabilities, synergies and societal benefits
- Evaluating the 2019 NARO-APCC Joint Crop Forecasting Service yield forecasts for Northern Hemisphere countries
- Global Climate and Air Quality Benefits of Road Transport and Building Electrification
- Global and regional impacts of climate change on vegetation resilience estimated by a new ensemble of Earth System Models
- Improving drought monitoring and crop yield prediction with field-scale soil moisture
- M-LED: a Multi-sectoral Latent Electricity Demand Assessment Platform for Energy Access Planning and Nexus Implications Evaluation
- Methane emissions from rice production: a synthesis of 24 eddy covariance sites
- Modelling the spatial structure of flood events in ungauged basins
- Nuclear isotopic reference materials from EU/JRC in Geel/Belgium
- O3-related marginal damages to crop revenues driven by methane pulses
- Projected Adaptive Capacity Associated with Climate-Change Impacts on Drought, Coastal Flood, and River Flood Hazard and Risk Using the INFORM Risk Index Framework
- Scaling Up Rice Methane Fluxes in Monsoon Asia Through Data-Driven Model
- The inter-annual variability of LULCC biophysical effects assessed from remote sensing
- The past, present, and future of multiple breadbasket failures: constructing a 100-year statistical record to constrain risks
- A Comprehensive Assessment of Sediment Dynamics in the Barataria Basin (LA, USA) Distinguishes Riverine Advection from Wave Resuspension and Identifies the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway as a Major Sediment Source
- A Global Perspective Comparing Urban NMVOCs Measurements with Representation in Emission Inventories
- A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Analyzing the Impact of Heat and Water Scarcity or Surplus Compound Events on Winter Wheat in Germany Between 1989 and 2019
- Building a Collaborative Network for Supporting Regional Capacity Development in Harmonizing Land Use and Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring in West Africa: Initiatives by the West Africa Land Use/land Cover Task Force
- Changing State of the Climate System
- Chapter 10: Linking global to regional climate change
- Comparing National Greenhouse Gas Budgets Reported in UNFCCC Inventories against Atmospheric Inversions
- Comparison of CH4 emissions reported in UNFCCC inventories against atmospheric inversions
- Delineating smallholder fields using transfer learning and weak supervision
- Five Years of Earth Sciences and Art at the European Geosciences Union
- If You Cant Measure It, You Cant Improve It: How Research Community Can Efficiently Support GHG Inventories under the Paris Agreement
- Leaf Economic and Global Spectrum of Plant Forms and Functions at the Ecosystem Level: Are Optimality Principles Scale-Emergent?
- Mapping surface soil moisture at 30-m resolution and assessing its spatial variability across the United States using SMAP-HydroBlocks
- Quantifying the carbon sequestration potential of pan-tropical recovering degraded forest
- Systematic Earth Observations Supporting the Global Stocktake
- The Fifth Phase of Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison: RAMI-V
- The GBOV (Ground Base Observation for Validation) ground stations network: A Copernicus service to increase operational ground system for EO data validation and environmental monitoring
- West Africa Land Use/Land Cover Harmonisation Task Force for ECOWAS
- Global Emissions of Carcinogenic Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Hotspots, Regional Contributions and Trends over 1970-2018 period.
- Impacts of Tropospheric Ozone and Climate Change on Global Agricultural Production
- Implications of underestimated eddy covariance evapotranspiration at high relative humidity for partitioning into transpiration and evaporation
- Nitrosat, a Satellite Mission Concept for Mapping Reactive Nitrogen at the Landscape Scale
- Previous and Subsequent Effects of 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption based on Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Models
- Quantifying Aboveground Biomass Dynamics from Charcoal Degradation in Mozambique using GEDI Lidar and Landsat
- Re-Certification of the IRMM-183-187 Series of Uranium Nitrate Solution Reference Materials
- The HTAPv3 emission mosaic: a global effort to tackle air quality issues
- The impact of meteorological forcing uncertainty on hydrological modeling in representative cryosphere basins on the global scale
- Two decades of carbon, water and energy flux measurements at a Mediterranean forest: fluxes and tree rings comparison for Pinus pinaster Ait. and Pinus pinea L.
- Using Water Availability to Develop Respiration Models for Eddy-covariance Observations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alessandro Bonforte
- Alessandro Cescatti
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alfredo Del Corpo
- Amos P. K. Tai
- Ana Bastos
- Andreas Richter
- Andrew G. Turner
- Andrew J. Newman
- Angelo De Santis
- Benjamin Poulter
- Brian McDonald
- Cathy Clerbaux
- Catia M. Domingues
- Christian Lanconelli
- Christoph Müller
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Dario Sabbagh
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- Darren Ghent
- David Crisp
- Dedalo Marchetti
- Diego G. Miralles
- Dubravko Justić
- E. A. Cherrington
- Elena Xoplaki
- Eric F. Wood
- Erika von Schneidemesser
- Ernesto López-Baeza
- F. Chevallier
- Florian Pappenberger
- G. Mariotti
- George Pouliot
- George Sand França
- Gianfranco Cianchini
- Grégory Duveiller
- Guoqiang Tang
- Gustau Camps‐Valls
- Hanqin Tian
- Hongli Liu
- Hylke E. Beck
- J. G. Murphy
- J. P. Veefkind
- Jacob A. Nelson
- Jasmeet Judge
- Jinho Ahn
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jose Rafael Guarin
- Josep Peñuelas
- Julia K. Green
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Justin Sheffield
- Laura Duncanson
- Laura Torres‐Rojas
- Lisa Emberson
- Loredana Perrone
- Louise Arnal
- Maoya Bassiouni
- Marielle Saunois
- Markus Reichstein
- Martyn P. Clark
- Ming Pan
- Nathaniel W. Chaney
- Nicola Arriga
- Noemi Vergopolan
- Pamela Dominutti
- Pete Smith
- Rebekke Muench
- Reindert J. Haarsma
- Rona L. Thompson
- S. Papalexiou
- Sherrie Wang
- Shervan Gharari
- Steve Smith
- Steven J. Davis
- Steven W. Running
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Trevor F. Keenan
- Wade T. Crow
- William J. Gutowski
- Wouter Knoben
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Zhu Deng
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez