Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium
flowchart I[Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (47)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (12)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Lead Stable Isotope Tracers of Atmospheric and Marine Scavenging in the Sargasso Sea
- Long Term Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements to the Sargasso Sea
- Particulate Ba and U in the Southern Ocean: Links with Exported Carbon and Surface Biogeochemical Processes.
- Silicon Isotopic Measurements in Desolvated Samples by MC-ICP-MS
- The Oceanic Lead Trends Recorded by Sclerosponges.
- Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca in Aragonitic Bivalves: Do They Record Temperature?
- Silicon Isotopic Composition of Isua BIF and Other Early Archean Supracrustal Rocks: a Tracer for Early Life?
- Trace element proxies (Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca and Pb/Ca) in Bivalve shells: environmental signals or not?
- Diatom-induced silicon isotopic fractionation in Antarctic sea ice
- Historical Variations in Zinc Stable Isotope Composition of Smelter Polluted Sediments.
- Present-day Kinematics of the East African Rift
- Seasonal, Inter-annual and Long Term Trends in the Element Composition of Tropical Tree Rings
- Strain distribution in the East African Rift from GPS measurements
- Ultra-low rare earth element content in accreted ice from sub-glacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica
- Activity of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira Volcanoes (Dem. Rep. of Congo) Revealed Using Geological, Geophysical and InSAR data
- Insar Displacements Associated with the November 2006 and January 2010 Nyamulagira Eruptions
- New insights into eruptive activity and lava flow hazard at Nyamulagira volcano, D.R.C., from a new GIS-based lava flow map
- Velocity field for Africa from combined GPS and DORIS solutions: A Contribution to AFREF
- A study of geomorphological features and volcanic deformation in the Virunga Volcanic Province (Central Africa) from Tandem-X interferometry
- Eruptive cycles at Icelandic volcanoes: Constraints on inflation/deflation patterns from geodetic measurements and modeling
- Multi-decadal carbon and water relations of African tropical humid forests: a tree-ring stable isotope analysis
- InSAR study on the 2011 eruption at Nyamulagira volcano, D.R.C: lava flow emplacement and post-eruption ground deformation
- Can Treeline Shift in Tropical Africa be Used As Proxy to Study Climate Change?
- Landscape cultivation alters δ<SUP>30</SUP>Si signature in terrestrial ecosystems.
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Eruptive Activity in a Youthful Extensional Setting: the Case of the Nyamulagira Volcanic Field, Western Branch of the East African Rift
- Lava Lake Level Drop and Related Ground Subsidence in the Nyiragongo Main Crater (D.R.Congo) Measured by Close-Range Photogrammetry and InSAR Time-Series
- Spatial variation of present-day stress field and tectonic regime in Tunisia and surroundings from formal inversion of focal mechanisms: Geodynamic implications for central Mediterranean
- Two decades of historical phenology observations of African tropical tree species: exploring the past to predict the futur
- InSAR Time Series to Characterize Landslide Ground Deformations in a Tropical Urban Environment: Focus on Bukavu, East African Rift System (RD Congo).
- InSAR and GPS ground deformation measurements along the Kivu segment of the East African Rift System during the 2011-2012 Nyamulagira volcanic eruption.
- In-Situ and Remotely-Sensed Glacier Monitoring in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda/D.R. Congo
- Multi-Temporal Interferometry to Investigate Landslide Dynamics in a Tropical Urban Environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)
- Validation Of TRMM For Hazard Assessment In The Remote Context Of Tropical Africa
- Adopting rainfall threshold analysis for landslides in Central Africa using satellite rainfall estimates
- Constraints on the Thermal Structure of the Mantle Beneath the Archean South-Central Kasai Block, Congo Craton and Adjacent Proterozoic Lithosphere, Central Africa
- Late-Holocene sedimentation and sodium-carbonate deposition in the hypersaline alkaline lake Nasikie Engida, southern Kenya Rift Valley
- Monitoring ground deformation and lava accumulation in volcanic craters using UAS image acquisitions and 4D photogrammetry
- Monitoring tree response in the Congo Basin: daily stem fluctuations, carbon gain and leaf phenology
- The X-ray CT avenue: measuring millennial to weekly tree growth
- Dynamics of deep-seated landslides in the tropics: natural and anthropogenic controls
- Shallow Landslides in the North Tanganyika-Kivu Rift Region: Interactions Between Deforestation and Landscape Rejuvenation
- Landslide and Flash Flood Timing from Satellite Radar Imagery in the Western Branch of the East African Rift
- Magma reservoir failure at open-vent volcanoes: lessons learned from Nyiragongo volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Mapping mantle terra incognita: using kimberlite indicator minerals to constrain the thermal and chemical structure of the lithosphere beneath central Africa.
- On the origins of intracrateral eruption dynamics at Nyiragongo volcano in the period 2002-2021
- Propagation and arrest of the May 2021 lateral dike intrusion at Nyiragongo (D.R. Congo)
- Regional Detection of Landslide and Flash Flood Events in the East African Rift