French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
flowchart I[French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (83)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Air-sea fluxes in the tropical Atlantic during AMMA 2006
- Impact of Natural (Storm) and Anthropogenic (Trawl) Resuspension the Sediment Transport on the Gulf of Lion's Shelf (NW Mediterranean)
- MoMAR observatory: A Geophysical, Geological and Oceanographical Approach to the Monitoring of the Lucky Strike Segment (GRAVILUCK Cruise)
- Assessment of the hindcast, nowcast and forecast capabilities of the Mercator-Ocean high resolution ocean forecasting system in the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins
- CNES-CLS IGS Analysis Centre products : evaluation and recent improvements
- Contribution of the new DORIS/DGXX instrument to the geodetic products
- Global Ocean Reanalysis Simulations at Mercator Océan GLORYS1: the Argo years 2002-2008
- Local electric and electro-chemical investigations of cyanobacteria films
- New global and regional Mean Dynamic Topographies from the combination of GRACE data, altimetry and in-situ measurements. (Invited)
- Regional variability on sea level and interannual variability inferred by Jason-1, Argo float and GRACE data over 2002-2008
- Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox: Tools to Use Radar Altimetry for Geodesy
- Contribution of the new DORIS/DGXX instruments to the geodetic products
- Errors Analysis in GPS Precise Point Positioning: Impact of Ambiguity Fixing
- Evaluation of the new Mercator Global Eddy-Resolving (1/12) Ocean Model: Mean State and Day-to-Day Variability
- Multivariate Multi-data Assimilation System in Regional Model with High Resolution
- Ocean modelling aspects for drift applications
- Arctic Sea Level Since 1950
- Drilling below the salt in the Western Mediterranean Sea: the GOLD project
- GINS: a multi-GNSS software to track small geodetic signals
- Regional High Resolution Reanalysis Covered European North East Shelf
- Satellite-only gravity field models inferred from GRACE and GOCE data and oceanographic validation
- The Mercator Océan operational and reanalysis systems: overview of recent improvements and scientific key issues
- Accurately measuring sea level change from space : an ESA Climate Change Initiative
- CryoSat Plus For Oceans: an ESA Project for CryoSat-2 Data Exploitation Over Ocean
- Galileo satellites measurement biases and orbit determination: first results
- IDS plot tools for time series of DORIS station positions and orbit residuals
- Linking the continental landmass to biogeochemical variability in the coastal ocean: the role of hydrological models and new satellite ocean color and salinity sensors.
- What is the expected impact of SMOS/Aquarius SSS in the Mercator Ocean system?
- Aviso: altimetry products & services in 2013
- Deep structure of the Algerian continental margin in the region of the Great Kabylies - Insights from wide-angle seismic data modelling
- Development and Validation of New Advanced Ocean Altimetry Products From Cryosat-2 in Conventional and in SAR Mode
- Galileo precise orbit and clocks determination at the CNES-CLS IGS Analysis Center
- Interactive visualization tool for station coordinates time series of DORIS and other space geodetic techniques at co-located sites
- The ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level project: validation phase
- Improved Oceanographic Measurements from SAR Altimetry: Results and Scientific Roadmap from the ESA Cryosat Plus for Oceans Project
- Two Decades of Global and Regional Sea Level Observations from the ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level Project
- CryoSat Mission over the Ocean: A Review of Product Validations, Evolutions and Scientific Exploitation
- A New CCI ECV Release (v2.0) to Accurately Measure the Sea Level Change (1993-2015)
- DUACS: Toward High Resolution Sea Level Products
- Evaluating the performance of Sentinel-3 SRAL SAR Altimetry in the Coastal and Open Ocean, and developing improved retrieval methods - The ESA SCOOP Project.
- Impact of the low elevation measurements on the DORIS scale factor and on the station position estimation
- MERCATOR operational ice/ocean model outputs and IAOOS (Ice - Atmosphere - Arctic Ocean Observing System) measurements in winter North of Svalbard during N-ICE2015: model performances and inferences
- Recent advance in Mean Sea Surface estimates
- Simultaneous estimation of inflow discharge, river bathymetry and friction from synthetic SWOT data using variational data assimilation
- The Impact of the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill on Phytoplankton as Evidenced Through the Sedimentary Dinoflagellate Cyst Records in Prince William Sound (Alaska, USA).
- The challenge of estimating the SWOT signal and error spectra over the Ocean and its applications to CalVal and state estimation problems
- Using dynamical interpolation to map high-resolution altimeter data in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Winter ocean-ice interactions under thin sea ice observed by IAOOS platforms during NICE2015:salty surface mixed layer and active basal melt
- Danube paleohydrology: Hyperspectral and sedimentological high-resultion study of the last glacial Black Sea rythmites
- SPICE: Sentinel-3 Performance Improvement for Ice Sheets
- Sardine (sardina Pilchardus) Larval Dispersal in Northern Canary Current Upwelling System (iberian Peninsula), Using Coupled Biophysical Techniques
- Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean: performance assessment and improved retrieval methods in the ESA SCOOP Project.
- Stochastic Models in the DORIS Position Time Series: Estimates from the IDS Contribution to the ITRF2014
- Strategy to minimize the impact of the South Atlantic Anomaly effect on the DORIS station position estimation
- Airborne evaluation of dual-band frequency satellite radar altimetry measurements over Arctic sea ice
- Evidence of Altimetric SSH slope changes potentially induced by IGW
- Exploiting the synergy between future SWOT altimetry and doppler current observations to reconstruct the Ocean surface dynamics
- First results on wave spectral properties from the CFOSAT satellite
- Hyperspectral Imaging for sediment cores : a promising method for source-to-sink approach ?
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- Improvement of the CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center solution for the contribution to the next ITRF
- Inferring the Partition of Ocean Motions into Balanced Motions and Internal Gravity Waves using Satellite Altimeters
- Measuring the Planetary Energy Imbalance Associated to Climate Change from Space Geodesy
- Retrieval of Sea Surface and Sea-ice Parameters in the Arctic Ocean from Satellite Radar Altimetry with Ocean/Sea-ice Processing Continuity
- SPICE: Sentinel-3 Performance Improvement for Ice Sheets
- Toward a New Multi-Mission Altimetry Product at High Rate for Coastal Application, Combining the ALES Reprocessing, the X-TRACK Editing Algorithms and a Dedicated Set of Correction.
- Coastal Sea Level Rise from Reprocessed Altimetry Differs from Offshore
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- Large-Scale Margin Collapse of a Drowned, Isolated Carbonate Platform (Lansdowne Bank, South-West Pacific)
- Neutron monitors and the evaluation of radiation doses for civil aviation
- PPP of LEO satellites by CNES/CLS Analysis Center
- Present-day Sea Level Changes in the World Coastal Zones
- wind-waves and currents across the ice edge: exploring mechanical effects and feedbacks with models and remote sensing
- Combining coupled hydrological-hydraulic modeling of river networksand sparse multisatellite observations to define stage-fall-discharge laws
- Optimizing multi-platform sampling strategies to anticipate SWOT validation
- Towards an Operational Copernicus Service: a Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)
- AI4GEO: Toward a Earth Digital Twin to Handle Urban and Peri-Urban Challenges
- New network of altimetry-based virtual stations in the world coastal zones
- Non-Closure of the Global Mean Sea Level Budget Since 2016: Contributions of Altimetry and Argo
- Abundance and Distribution of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Surface Sediments of the Northern Bering Sea
- Advances in Radar Altimetry Processing and Understanding over Ice Sheets
- Coastal sea level trends may differ from open ocean trends