French Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
flowchart I[French Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (85)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Borehole and surface wavefield coherence analysis: study of the Tottori M7.1 earthquake
- Quantification of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chloroform emissions from atmospheric observations at Mace Head and Radon efflux measurement over Ireland
- Seismic Excitation of Rough, Confined Fractures
- Slip Distributions of the Mw 5.9, 1999 Athens Earthquake Inverted From Regional Seismic and SAR Data
- The Study of Poorly Documented Historical Earthquakes in France through a multidisciplinary approach.
- Coulomb Stress Modelling as a Practical Tool in Real-time Aftershock Hazard Assessment: the Example of the PRESAP Blind Test
- Deformation in the Jura Mountains (France) : First Results of Semi-Permanent GPS Network
- Importance of Intermediate Principal Stress Magnitude in Dynamic Rupture Propagation in 3D
- Intraplate Stress Directions and Magnitudes Induced by an Orogenesis: Data From Pyrenean, Alpine and Appalachian Collisions
- Numerical Study on Multi-Scaling Earthquake Rupture
- Scenario Earthquake in the Moyenne Durance, Southeastern France
- Mapping b-values in France using two different magnitude ranges: possible non power-law behavior
- Natural Radioactive Characterization by Gamma Ray Mapping in Relation with Radon-222, Radium-226 Contents in the Atmosphere, Dripping Groundwater and Mineral in a Dead-end Horizontal Tunnel
- Shock S-Wave Characterization for Kinematic Fault Rupture Models With Constant Supershear Rupture Velocity
- Uncertainties in Site Amplification Estimation
- Western Alps Crustal Deformation Monitored by Repeated GPS Surveys
- Detectability and significance of the 12h barometric tide in the radon-222 signal, dripwater flow rate, carbon dioxide concentration and air temperature of an underground laboratory.
- Long-period Amplification by Two-Dimensional Resonance in a Deep Alpine Valley
- Uranium Migration In Organic Rich Sediments
- Influence Of Site Classification On Computing Empirical Ground-Motion Prediction Equations In Italy
- The ROSELEND-Gas Project: Research On Solicitation Effects in a Large-scale Experiment under Natural Dynamics with Gas
- Helium production and transport in low permeability formations: The case of the Toarcian argillites at Tournemire (France)
- Structure and permeabilities of partially desaturated compact clays from microtomographic measurements
- Thermo-osmosis coupled-flow characterization in clay-rocks: experiments and modeling
- Barometric pressure forcing on radon-222 and temperature in fumarolic gases: a tool to describe flow-rate dynamics
- High resolution field study of sediment dynamics on a strongly heterogeneous bed
- Perspective of Using the Results of Monitoring and Modeling of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant's Cooling Pond as Analogue for the US DOE Contaminated Sites
- Field-scale gas tracing experiment in unsaturated fractured media: from deep injection to surface monitoring
- Preliminary analysis of the rupture process of 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Shape of the plate interface near the Mejillones Peninsula in Northern Chile inferred from high resolution relocation of Tocopilla aftershocks
- Small scale seismic measurement bench to assess imaging methods - application to Full Waveform Inversion of a shallow structure
- Strike-slip faults imaging from galleries with seismic waveform imaging methods
- Ground-motion simulations of the L'Aquila earthquake Mw=6.3 (April 6th, 2009) : testing a kinematic fractal source model combined with empirical Green's functions
- Intraplate seismicity and active faults in Western Europe
- Crustal-scale active deformation along the Ecuadorian Andes using Persistent Scatterers SAR Interferometry
- Detection of Polonium-210 on Spirit Dust Magnets and Implications for the Global Martian Dust Cycle
- Estimating Hydraulic Conductivities in a Fractured Shale Formation from Pressure Pulse Testing and 3d Modeling
- Experimental Weathering of Olivine: Effects of CO2 and H2O2 on Secondary Phases
- Gas detection and migration in geological media: lessons learned from the Roselend Natural Laboratory (Invited)
- Mechanical and petrophysical study of fractured shale materials
- Paleoseismological History of the Acambay Graben (Central Mexico)
- Relationship between microbial diversity and chemical contamination along a 50-year-old sediment core
- Spatio-temporal evolution of seismic and aseismic slip on the Longitudinal Valley Fault, Taiwan
- Structural and Petrophysical Characterization of Fault Zones in Shales: Example from the Tournemire Url (sw, France)
- Earthquake Rupture Forecast of M>= 6 for the Corinth Rift System
- Laboratory study of mechanical and petrophysical properties of both intact and naturally fractured shale samples from the Tournemire Underground Research Laboratory
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment In the Upper Rhine Graben, Eastern France
- The Corinth Rift Laboratory, Greece (CRL) : A Multidisciplinary Near Fault Observatory (NFO) on a Fast Rifting System
- Underground Research Laboratories to characterize fault reactivation in shales and carbonates
- Mechanical and petrophysical study of fractured shale materials
- Porosity and permeability evolution of clay faults: in situ experiments
- Historic Surface Rupture Informing Probabilistic Fault Displacement Analysis: New Zealand Case Studies
- Impact of radionuclide spatial variability on groundwater quality downstream from a shallow waste burial in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
- Permeability - Fluid Pressure - Stress Relationship in Fault Zones in Shales
- Physics-Based Broadband Ground Motion Simulations in Near Fault Conditions: the L'Aquila (Italy) and the Upper Rhine Graben (France-Germany) Case of Studies
- Response-Spectrum Compatible Earthquake Record Selection for Nonlinear Structural Analysis
- Slow Active Intraplate Faults: The Paleoseismology Of The Irtysh Fault Zone, Eastern Kazakhstan
- Surface Faulting During a Moderate and Shallow Earthquake in Central Ecuador
- Wave-current interactions in megatidal environment
- Badlands as a major source of petrogenic particulate Organic Carbon and sediments to the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea)
- Estimation of radiation doses in TGFs and gamma ray glows
- Interseismic Coupling on the Quito Fault System in Ecuador Using New GPS and InSAR Data and Its Implication on Seismic Hazard Assessment.
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for Ecuador
- Strength and Anisotropy in Tournemire Shale: Temperature, Pressure and Time Dependences
- Thallium and Silver binding to dissolved organic matter
- Challenges Facing Fault-based PSHA - The FAULT2SHA ESC WG strategy
- Historical records of suspended particulate matter (SPM) origin in a large watershed: use of non-reactive geochemical signature of particles in the Upper Rhône River (France)
- Impact of extreme wave-current interactions on the tidal stream energy estimate
- Impact of the Variability in Hydraulic Parameters of the Vadose Zone on Pollutant Plume Development
- Improving flow hazard assessment using an inversion method: application to the bi-dimensional numerical model of the Garonne River
- Probabilistic hazard analysis (PHA) - Development of an aggregation model based on algebra of events
- The M7 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Earthquake: Surface Strain in the Fault Damage Zone and Shallow Fault Slip Revealed with Near-Field Geodetic Imagery
- The Role of Viscoelastic Stress Transfer in Long-Term Earthquake Cascades: Insights After the Central Italy 2016-2017 Seismic Sequence
- Dynamics of chemical pollution fluxes throughout the Rhône River catchment and at its outlet (France)
- Estimation of doses from electrons, photons, and secondary particles associated with TGFs
- Hillslopes response across a tectonic gradient
- Neutron monitors and the evaluation of radiation doses for civil aviation
- Seismic interferometry at the urban scale: imaging the Quito basin
- Assessing the seismic activity at the front of the French Alps since the Late Glacial period through lacustrine sediments multi-proxy analyses.
- Combination of systematic skew surges and historical water levels for the estimation of extreme water levels
- Effect of Shallow Mechanics and Fault complexity on Earthquake Surface Rupture
- Exploring Complex Normal Faulting Systems Through Physics-based Dynamic Rupture Modeling
- XStorm: A New Lightweight Instrument to Detect Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes and High-Altitude Gamma Ray Glows on Board the Intertropical Balloon Campaigns Strateole-2
- Coseismic and cumulative slip on the ruptured Petrinja-Pokupsko Fault (Mw 6.4, 2020, Croatia) from geodesy and tectonic geomorphology
- Radiation Risk Assessment Associated with TGFs for Aircraft Passengers: Estimations of the Probability for a Commercial Flight to Be Hit by a TGF