Ecole Polytechnique, France
flowchart I[Ecole Polytechnique, France] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (67)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Centre de Physique Theorique, Palaiseau
- Ecole Polytechnique, LLR, Leprince-Ringuet Laboratory
- Ecole Polytechnique, LPP, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
- Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Midcrustal extensional shear zones induced by reaction-softening and microfracturing
- Partial Melting and Liquefaction of Granular Fault Gouge During Earthquake Slip
- Fault Zone Drainage, Heating and Melting During Earthquake Slip
- Anisotropic permeabilities evolution of reservoir rocks under pressure
- High-strain plastic deformation and ductile failure of anorthite-diopside aggregates
- A Micro-Structural Phase-Field Model for Snow Metamorphism and First Experimental Validations using Migrating Air Inclusions in Ice
- Current Status of the Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO): Science and Science Implementation
- Rocks pulverized near San Andreas Fault: insight from high strain rate testing experiments
- Outreach goals of the Europa Jupiter System Mission
- Retro-action model for the erosion of rocky coasts
- Elastic wave velocity and acoustic emission monitoring during Gypsum dehydration under triaxial stress conditions
- New developments in magneto-optical imaging applied to rock magnetism: a case study on meteorites (Invited)
- Seismicity triggered by the olivine-spinel transition: New insights from combined XRD and acoustic emission monitoring during deformation experiments in Mg2GeO4
- A numerical retroaction model relates rocky coast erosion to percolation theory
- Entropy Generation across Earth's Bow Shock
- Ion acceleration by fast magnetosonic waves and their role in ring current radiation belt coupling
- A Comparison Between Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes in Observations and Climate Models
- A multi-proxy approach to local and regional variations in magma chemistry between 36.5 and 41°S in the Chilean Volcanic Zone
- Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign: Multispacecraft Observations of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Proton Kinetic Effects and Turbulent Energy Cascade Rate in the Solar Wind
- Simultaneous infrared and ultraviolet observations of Saturn's aurora using Cassini VIMS and UVIS during the 2013 auroral campaign (Invited)
- An Automatic Image Reconstruction Procedure for the De-Saturation of SDO/AIA Images
- Building a 15-Year Cloud Climatology using Lidar in Space Observations: CALIOP and CloudSat now, EarthCARE next.
- Density Effect on the Structure of Liquid SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Compressed up to 10 Mbar
- Effect of light elements (S, Si, C, O) on liquid iron alloys structural properties under high pressure studied by XRD, XANES and molecular dynamics
- Exploring Plasma Turbulence in the Kronian Magnetosheath Using Cassini Data
- First Laser Shock Experiment at Esrf to Probe Warm Dense Iron
- Magnetic Reconnection Controls Impacts of Solar Wind Ions at Mercury's Surface : Investigation By Global Hybrid Simulations
- Melting of iron close to Earth's inner core boundary conditions detected by XANES spectroscopy in laser shock experiment
- Response of the Martian environment to solar wind dynamic pressure change
- Can Significant Trends in Surface Temperature and Precipitation be Detected over South America?
- Scaling of compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the fast solar wind
- The Hermean Bow Shock and Ion Foreshock as Seen by Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulations
- Decaying shock studies of phase transitions in MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> systems: implications for the Super-Earths' interiors
- Examination of Energetic Electron Acceleration in the Vicinity of Earth's Dayside Magnetopause with MMS
- Machine Learning Applied to Dawn/VIR data of Vesta in view of MERTIS/BepiColombo.
- Subkilometer-scale motions in the tropical tropopause layer from aircraft measurements: characterization and impact on vertical mixing
- Using In-Situ Airborne Measurements to Evaluate Three Cloud Phase Products Derived from CALIPSO
- Coherent structures at ion scales in fast and slow solar wind: Cluster observations
- Collisional dissipation in Vlasov turbulence
- Full PIC simulations of solar radio emission
- Internal tide dissipation at topography: triadic resonant instability and evanescent waves
- Solid - solid and solid - liquid phase transitions of iron and iron alloys under laser shock compression
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Events Associated with SSC over Year of Solar Maximum during Cycle 23: 1. Identification of Related Sun-Earth Events
- Statistical analysis of solar events associated with SSC over year of solar maximum during cycle 23: 2. Characterisation on the Sun-Earth path - Geoeffectiveness
- Surface mapping via unsupervised classification of remote sensing: application to MESSENGER/MASCS and DAWN/VIRS data.
- The Energy Spectrum of the Solar Wind Core
- A Global Discrete Element Method for Friction.
- Automatic detection of ICMEs at 1 AU : a deep learning approach
- Magnetic Energy Bounds for Major Solar Eruptions
- The Solar Orbiter Mission: Status Update
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- Effects of drying and rewetting cycles on respiration and greenhouse gas emissions in saturated ligneous substrate
- EDR signatures observed by MMS : a statistical study of dayside events found with machine learning
- Equation of state and electrical conductivity of warm dense ammonia at the conditions of large icy planets' interiors.
- Magnetic field fluctuation properties in CME-driven sheath regions
- On the Nature of Fault Slip: From the Field to the Laboratory
- Global Sensitivity Analysis of an Oil Spill Model: a Regularized Regression Approach
- HALESIS-Sat : Physical And Technical Feasibility To Observe Infrared Vibrational Signatures Of TLEs From Space.
- In situ X-ray Study of Phase and Spin Transitions in Fe-bearing Pyroxene Under Ultrafast Shock Compression up to 132 GPa
- Necessary Conditions for a Hot Quiet Sun Atmosphere: Chromospheric Flares and Low Corona Twisted Flux Rope Eruptions
- Rate-and-State effect on earthquake nucleation from sub-annual variations of induced seismicity at Groningen.
- Spin State of Iron in Dynamically Compressed Olivine Melt
- Variability of the Mistral and Seasonal Atmospheric Forcing on Deep Convection in the Gulf of Lion
- Development of slow slip front during the nucleation of laboratory fluid-induced earthquakes
- Quantifying the Compounding, Co-Existing Nature and Inequities of Physical and Transition Risks Across the United States