Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
flowchart I[Ecole des Ponts ParisTech] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (97)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Major power law slip-weakening in laboratory gouge friction: micromechanical origin and implications for faults
- Lidar Investigation of Atmospheric Stratification: D<SUB>el=2</SUB>, 7/3, 23/9 or 3?
- Multifractal Large particle limit in rain: implications for radar rain measurements
- Radiative Transfer Through Stratified Multifractal Clouds
- Space-time multifractal models of rain, predictability and nowcasting
- Inverse Modeling of Accidental Releases of Atmospheric Pollutants: New Developments.
- Isotropic turbulence, stable layers: atmospheric fictions
- Multifractal Flood Frequency Analysis
- Mutltifractal Predictability and Mutltifractal Forecasts
- Scaling properties of meteorological analyses, numerical models, and atmospheric fields
- The remarkable wide range space-time scaling of atmospheric reflectivities and visible, infra red and microwave radiances
- The remarkable wide range spatial scaling of TRMM precipitation
- Climate Change and Hydrological Extreme Evolution Through a Multifractal Analysis of a Mesocale Model
- Groundwater Pathways In Fractured Heterogeneous Granitic Aquifers - A Hydrochemistry Survey In The Sassandra Watershed (Inland Ivory Coast
- Modelling and managing runoff processes in peri-urban area
- Multifractal Rainfall: Utopia or Reality?
- Techniques of Multifractal Nowcasting With Rada Data
- Turbulent Flux based approaches to satellite precipitation
- Beyond Statistical Extrapolation: Stochastic Rainfall Generators and Extreme Values (Invited)
- Sensitivity of Hydro-Meteorological Extremes to the High Frequency Quality of Long Time Series
- The interplay between zero-rainfall and multifractal estimates of the extremes: a weighed analysis
- Beyond Quasi-Geostrophic Turbulence: Generalized Scale Invariance and (2+Hz)-Dimensional Vorticity Equations
- An atmospheric emission inventory of anthropogenic and biogenic sources for Lebanon
- Analysis of the sensitivity to rainfall spatio-temporal variability of an operational urban rainfall-runoff model in a multifractal framework
- Comparison of lidar-derived PM10 with regional modeling in the frame of MEGAPOLI
- Multifractal Resilience Metrics for Complex Systems?
- Multifractals for operational hydrology
- Overview of preliminary results on aerosols in ECOCEM - Beirut
- Turbulence and the emergent laws of turbulence generated waves
- A Multi-Hydro simulation for the evaluation of the hydrologic behaviour of a peri-urban catchment
- Cyanobacterial Blooms and Turbulence Intermittency in Lakes, a Multifractal Correlation Analysis
- Detection of High Quality Rainfall Data to Improve Flood Resilience
- Multifractal Analysis of the Small Time-Scale Boundary-Layer Characteristics of the Wind: the Anisotropy and Extremes
- Outliers and Extremes: Dragon-Kings or Dragon-Fools?
- Relationships between present/future climate and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations over Europe
- Salinity effects on the dynamics and patterns of desiccation cracks
- The Multifractal Flood Frequency Analysis to Account Long Range Dependencies and the Clustering of Extremes
- The climate is not what you expect
- Earthquake and submarine landslide tsunamis: how can we tell the difference? (Invited)
- Predicting the impact of water demand and river flow regulation over riparian vegetation through mathematical modeling
- Rainfall: From Fractals to Multifractals, From Weather to Climate
- Scaling Anisotropy and Convective Instability of the Atmospheric Surface-Layer
- 3D Visualization of Hydrological Model Outputs For a Better Understanding of Multi-Scale Phenomena
- Equifinality and the Scaling Exponent of the Structure Function
- Fractal analysis of urban environment: land use and sewer system
- How to Visualize and Communicate Challenges in Climate and Environmental Sciences?
- Intermittent Vector Fields: A Challenge for Mathematical Geophysics?
- Multiscale Resilience of Complex Systems
- Scientific and artistic synergies on the complexity of geophysics
- Uncertainty Quantification of a Distributed Hydrology Model Using Bayesian Framework Across a Heterogeneous Watershed
- A Low-order Coupled Chemistry Meteorology Model for Testing Online and Offline Advanced Data Assimilation Schemes
- Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Turbulence Intermittency Revisited
- Effects of fluid-rock interactions on faulting within active fault zones - evidence from fault rock samples retrieved from international drilling projects
- Empirical Observations of Scaling and Symmetry in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- How QPE algorithms can modify the symmetries of radar data
- Instabilities in geomaterials induced by dissolution
- Multiscale Analysis of the Water Content Output the NWP Model COSMO Over Switzerland and Comparison With Radar Data
- Non-stationary and Trend Assessment of Flash Flood in the Carolinas
- Quantification of Transport Errors in Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inversions with a Calibrated WRF-Chem Physics-based Ensemble
- Scaling Comparison of X-Band and C-Band Radar Data for Urban Hydrology
- The Joint Space-Time Statistics Of Macroweather Precipitation, Space-Time Statistical Factorization And Macroweather Models
- Insight into the different couplings involved in the weakening of faults and their effect on earthquake nucleation
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Physical Parameterization and Initial Conditions on Meteorological Variables and CO2 Mixing Ratios
- Symmetries and stochastic symmetry breaking in multifractal geophysics: analysis and simulation with the help of the Lévy-Clifford algebra of cascade generators..
- A numerical model for modeling microstructure and THM couplings in fault gouges
- Determination of key parameters of vector multifractal vector fields
- Effect of microstructure and THCM processes on fault weakening
- Indicators to assess the environmental performances of an innovative subway station : example of Noisy-Champs
- Microstructure and Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical effects as an explanation for rate dependency during seismic slip
- Multifractal resilience and viability
- On the properties of energy transfer in solar wind turbulence
- Role of microstructure and thermal pressurization on the energy budget of an earthquake
- The EVNATURB project: toward an operational platform to assess Blue Green Solutions eco-systemic services in urban environment
- Thermo-Hydro-Micro-Mechanical 3D Modeling of a Fault Gouge During Co-seismic Slip
- Comparison of the performances of visco-plastic and Cosserat THM numerical models for describing faults behavior
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Multifractal predictability and a deterministic cascade model
- Natural Fracture Network Formation in Low Permability Media under Sedimentation
- Scenario Planning for Uncertain Urban Water Futures
- The Effect of Grain Size Reduction During Shearing of Granulated Fault Gouges
- A Century of Cascades, What Next for Nonlinear Geophysics?
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- Numerical Modelling Using Homogenization Techniques of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Urban Geosciences and Multifractal Operators
- Urban hydrology revisited: What bring multifractals?
- Using scale invariant properties of imperviousness in urban areas to handle missing data
- A typology of compound weather and climate events
- Multifractal approach to urban green spaces distribution in Est-Paris agglomeration (France) and potential benefits.
- Resilience to epidemics and scaling dynamics
- Combining Machine Learning with Data Assimilation to Improve Numerical Models and Estimate the Systems State.
- A Universal Multifractal-based approach to Model Pore Size Distribution, Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity of Granular Green Roof Substrates
- Enhancing landscape connectivity by Nature-based Solutions for cities in a post-COVID world
- Optimizing Zero Emission Green Roof Designs using Multifractal Reference Rainfall Simulations
- Transfer of Small Scales Space-Time Variability of Wind Fields to Wind Turbine Torque Computation using Simulations of 3D Vector Fields
- Vijay Gupta: How Scaling Helps Solve Problems in Hydrology