Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
flowchart I[Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (27)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Acoustic Tomography of the Sun's Interior with SDO: Possibilities and Limitations
- Hard X-ray and Microwave Imaging Observations of the 18-July-2002 Flare
- The Red-Asymmetry Distribution at Hα Flare Kernels Observed in the 2001 April 10 Solar Flare
- Molecular Ecology of Carboxylic Acids in Hydrothermal Environments
- The Dynamics and Magnteic enviroments of Solar X-ray Jets observed with Hinode
- Leakage of Sub-Photospheric Hot Plasma through Magnetic Flux Tube
- The relation between the magnetic fields and the coronal activities in the solar polar region
- Validation of continuous horizontal background oscillations of the Earth with the Kamioka laser strainmeters
- Compact ocean bottom cabled system for dense seismic and tsunami observation
- Hard X-ray and microwave sources located around the apex of a solar flare loop
- Real-time seismic observation using new compact ocean bottom cabled system in Japan Sea
- Relationship between solar radio type-I noise storm and Coronal Mass Ejection
- An extremely microwave-rich flare observed with Nobeyama Radio Heliograph
- Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Sun with Microlens Array and Liquid Crystal Retarders
- Multi-wavelength Observations of Supra-Arcade Structure associated with M1.6 Limb Flare
- Radio Imaging Observations of Solar Activity Cycle and Its Anomaly
- Association of Polar Faculae with the Polar Magnetic Patches as Revealed by Hinode
- Hot Plasma Flows in the Solar Corona
- Multi-wavelength Observations of solar flares detected with Nobeyama Radio Heliograph in the rising phase of Solar Cycle 24
- Snow measurement using a dual Ka-band radar system for GPM/DPR algorithm development
- Two Episodes of Systematic Microwave Source Motions Parallel to Neutral Line during Two-ribbon Flare
- Synoptic radio observations as proxies for upper atmospheric modelling
- Evaluation of Refuge Life Risk using Geographical and Social Grid-Models with Satellite-Based House Ratio and Flood Depth by Tsunami Simulation
- In-situ observations of solid particulate impurities in glacial ice retrieved at NEEM, Greenland
- Tsunami Risk Evaluation of the Shonan Coast, Japan, using Geographical and Social Grid-Models
- Prevention of Multiple Disasters from Tsunamis, Storm Surges, and Floods using Social Models and Caisson-Embedded Banks- A Case Study in Kanto District including Tokyo -
- Selective oxidation on Europas surface: Insights for supply of oxidants into the subsurface ocean