National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
flowchart I[National Institute for Materials Science, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (41)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- New P--V--T Equation of State of Gold: Application to the Post-spinel Phase Transition and the 660-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Hydrogen in Iron at High Pressures and Temperatures
- The Olivine to Spinel Transformation Unmasked: A Direct Atomic View
- Polymerization Experiment Of Amino Acids Under High Pressure And Temperature Conditions Simulating The Deep Lithosphere
- Compression Behavior of Delta-AlOOH and Experimental Observation of the Hydrogen Bond Symmetrization at High Pressure
- Shocked Magnesite And Decomposition On Decompression
- Simulating Coseismic Deformation of Quartz in the Middle Crust and Fabric Evolution During Postseismic Stress Relaxation - An Experimental Study
- Experimental Synthesis of Organic Compounds From Inorganic Materials by the Simulated Impact on the Early Earth
- Polymerization of amino acids under high-pressure conditions: Implication to chemical evolution on the early Earth
- Cathodoluminescence characterization of experimentally shocked alkali feldspar
- Grain growth systematics for forsterite + enstatite aggregates
- New High-Pressure Phase in Fe2O3
- Shock Recovery and Heating Experiments on Baddeleyite: Implications for U-Pb Isotopic Systematics of Martian Meteorites
- Shock experiments for understanding natural impact phenomena (Invited)
- Doping Effect on High-Temperature Plastic Flow in Fine-grained Alumina (Invited)
- Elasticity of cubic boron nitride under ambient condition
- In situ observation of the pressure-induced phase transitions of portlandite and influential factors on the pressure response
- Mantle superplasticity and dynamic grain growth
- Sound velocity measurements of dhcp-FeHx up to 70 GPa using inelastic X-ray scattering: Implications for the abundance of hydrogen in the Earth's core
- A phase transition between hematite and ferrihydrite by particle size change
- Atmospheric pressure creep experiments using highly dense fine-grained mineral aggregates
- Equation of state of Fe3+-bearing Mg-perovskite in the lower mantle and effects of spin transition of iron
- Formation of simple biomolecules from alanine in ocean by impacts
- Can clay minerals account for the non-asperity on the subducting plate interface?
- Dynamic degassing of serpentine by impact process
- Synthesis of the a-Axis Textured Forsterite Aggregate Using Slip Casting in a Strong Magnetic Field
- Neutron and X-ray diffraction study on the hydrous SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass under pressure
- TEM observation of bacteria-induced plagioclase dissolution and secondary mineral formation
- Diffusivity of Si(OH)4 through intergranular fluid: Application to the modeling of pressure solution creep
- Effect of humidity and interlayer cation on frictional strength of montmorillonite
- Experimental simulation of marine meteorite impacts: Implications for astrobiology
- Spark plasma sintering of highly dense fine-grained mineral aggregates
- Micro-indentation tests on olivine: grain-size and indentation size effects
- Oxidation and metal dissolution mechanisms of polymetallic sulfide complex in seawater; implications for impact assessment of SMS-mining
- Structural measurement on 60 mol% Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> - 40 mol% SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass up to 131 GPa
- Deformation Mechanism of Muscovite from Frictional to Plastic Regimes
- Implementation of Replica Exchange Monte Carlo on 4DVar for Global Optimization
- Theoretical and experimental estimation of thermal effect on elastic property of Bt-rich rocks
- First-principles investigation of brucite and gibbsite: An application to their macroscopic frictional characteristics
- Hydrogen generation through interactions of ferrous saponite with HS-rich fluids on early Mars: Implications for planetary climate, environmental evolution, and habitability
- Ab initio melting temperatures of bcc and hcp iron under the Earth's inner core condition