University Warmia and Mazury, Szczecin, Poland
flowchart I[University Warmia and Mazury, Szczecin, Poland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (37)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Response of TEC to solar flare: latitude and longitude features
- Features of the Ionosphere Modification Preceding Strong Earthquakes Derived Using GPS TEC Measurements
- Short-Term TEC Perturbations Associated With Planetary Waves Occurrence in the Ionosphere
- Comparison of Behavior of Ionospheric Electron Density Profiles over Europe Observed by COSMIC, Ground-based GNSS and Ionosonde networks to IRI Model
- Ionospheric modification during moderate geomagnetic storm at low solar activity
- Combined GPS and GALILEO instantaneous precise positioning
- Study of the Bottomside / Topside Contribution to the Total Electron Content during low solar activity
- GGOS-PL - current status and plans
- Use of ground-based and LEO GPS measurements to study the system of the ionosphere/plasmasphere
- Investigation of the plasmasphere electron content on the base of radio-measurements
- Multi-instrumental study of the ionosphere in European region
- New advanced radio diagnostics tools for Space Weather Program
- Monitoring and Modeling of Ionosphere Irregularities Caused By Space Weather Activity on the Base of GNSS Measurements
- Dynamics of the High-latitude Ionospheric Irregularities During the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- GPS Technologies as a Tool to Detect the Pre-Earthquake Signals Associated with Strong Earthquakes
- Application of GPS Technologies to study Pre-earthquake processes. A review and future prospects
- Improved GNSS processing and screening for ZTD monitoring in national network
- The New IGS Ionospheric Fluctuation Maps Product and its Scientific Application
- INSPIRE Project (IoNospheric Sounding for Pre-seismic anomalies Identification REsearch): Main Results and Future Prospects
- Ionospheric Irregularities Characterization by Ground and Space-based GPS Observations
- Plasma density irregularities and Total Electron Content gradients over Europe
- Assessment of Integrated Water Vapor through Ground-Based GNSS Dataset over Central and Northeastern Amazonia
- Comparison of GNSS ZTD estimates from relative and absolute processing solutions for climate applications
- Equatorial Super Plasma Bubbles: Impact on Ground-based and Space-based GPS Measurements
- IGS-IRI cooperation for near-real-time assessment of global weather-climate VTEC deviation
- Ionosphere Nowcast using GIRO and COSMIC
- Large-scale ionospheric disturbances during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm: A model-data intercomparative study
- Signatures of the Tongue of Ionization Structure in Space-based GPS Observations
- The IGS ROTI Map product: current state, scientific applications and perspectives
- Type I solar radio bursts observed with PL612 LOFAR station in Baldy
- Global View of Ionospheric Response Impacts on Kinematic GPS Positioning during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- Ionospheric plasma irregularities specification in 3D
- Multi-instrumental Observation of Storm-induced Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles at Equatorial and Middle Latitudes
- Fine structure of a solar type II radio burst observed by LOFAR
- On the Performance and Constraints of Multi-Constellation Single-Frequency Ionosphere-Free Precise Point Positioning with Low-Cost Receivers
- Tropospheric Estimates from Multi-Frequency Low-Cost GNSS Receivers for Climate Applications
- The use of recent low-cost GNSS equipment in geodesy and climate applications