University of Warsaw, Poland
flowchart I[University of Warsaw, Poland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (59)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (16)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Warsaw, Department of Astronomy
- University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry
- University of Warsaw, Department of Physics
- University of Warsaw, Institute of Geophysics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Lithospheric Structure in Central Europe Revealed by the CELEBRATION Seismic Experiment
- Great Contrasts in Lithospheric Structure Across and Along of the Trans-European Suture Zone in Central Europe
- Influence of Relative Humidity on Aerosol Radiative Efficiency
- Modelling of Infrared Radiative Forcing During the ACE-Asia Experiment - Influence of Dust and Sea-Salt
- Seismic Structure of the Central Europe Lithosphere in the Transition Between Precambrian and Paleozoic Platforms and Bohemian Massif from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- A New Generation of Large Seismic Refraction Experiments in Central Europe (1997-2003)
- Central European Lithospheric Experiment - CELEBRATION 2000: Summary of the Results
- Data From Massive Seismic Experiments in Central Europe Produce Lithospheric Transects From East European Craton Through the TESZ, Bohemian Massif and Carpathians to the Pannonian Basin and Eastern Alps
- DANUBE 2004 Lithosphere Research Program
- Entrainment and Microphysics in DYCOMS-II Stratocumulus
- Lithospheric structure beneath Central Europe from the POLONAISE'97, CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, and SUDETES 2003 seismic refraction experiments
- Tectonic interpretation of a 3D seismic model of the Eastern Alps
- Coupling an ocean wave model with a global aerosol transport model: A sea salt aerosol parameterization perspective
- Is there a universal instability in a convectively-driven dissolution front?
- Pattern formation during fracture dissolution
- Silicon isotope signatures of soils in paragneiss and sandstone catchments (Black Forest, Germany) determined by UV femtosecond laser ablation
- Climate Change Impact Assessments for International Market Systems (CLIMARK)
- The diurnal cycle in the atmosphere and ocean during DYNAMO
- A Hybrid Framework to Bias Correct and Empirically Downscale Daily Temperature and Precipitation from Regional Climate Models
- Detection of Vehicle Tracks and Vegetation Damages Caused by use of Snowmobiles in the Longyearbyen Area on Svalbard using Unmanned Aircraft
- Identifying weathering processes by Si isotopes in two small catchments in the Black Forest (Germany)
- Diurnal Variability and Kelvin Wave Propagation Through Maritime Continent
- Geochemical Self-Organization and the Evolution of Permeability
- High-Resolution 3D P-Wave Velocity Model in the Trans-European Suture Zone in Poland
- Passive Seismic Experiment "13 BB Star" in the Margin of the East European Craton, Northern Poland
- The Diurnal Cycle over the Maritime Continent and its Interaction with the MJO
- Impacts of thermal acclimation of photosynthesis on future land carbon storage
- Between Science Blog and Mythbuster.
- On the Influence of Grid Resolution and Domain Size on the Structure and Evolution of the Stratocumulus-Topped Boundary Layer: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study
- Turbulent Inversion: A Missing Piece in the Puzzle of Stratocumulus Entrainment?
- Unexpected non seismic signals recorded by broadband seismic stations during geomagnetic storms
- Using Paleomagnetic, Geochemical and Structural Data to Recognize Post-metamorphic Tectonic Events in the Caledonide Terranes of Western Svalbard.
- Complex Modeling of the Seismic Structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone's Margin from Receiver Function Analysis
- Development and Deployment of a Particle-into-Liquid sampling - Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometer (PiLs-ESI/MS) for Characterization of Water-Soluble Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Phase Locking between Atmospheric Convectively Coupled Equatorial Kelvin Waves and the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation over the Maritime Continent
- S-wave velocity down to the uppermost mantle below the East European Craton in northern Poland from the inversion of ambient noise recorded at "13 BB star" seismic array
- pySeismicFMM: Python based Travel Time Calculation in Regular 2D and 3D Grids in Cartesian and Geographic Coordinates using Fast Marching Method
- Paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric studies of Lower Triassic red sandstones from the autochthonous cover of the Central Western Carpathians: new insights into paleogeographic setting and tectonic evolution of the area
- Deeply buried Caledonides and their foreland basin in N Poland - insight from new regional seismic reflection data and subsidence analysis.
- Talking the talk AND walking the walk: UMass Geosciences' community-based efforts to increase diversity and inclusivity through improved department climate
- Evolution of Grain Shapes by Dissolution: A Comparison of Pore-Scale Simulations and Microfluidic Experiments
- Combined Neutron and X-ray Time-Resolved Tomography of Wormhole Growth in Dissolving Limestones
- Microphysics measurements made by the BAS Twin Otter during EUREC4A
- Modeling the impact of hydraulic and biogeochemical feedback mechanisms on the morphodynamics of channels incising carbonates
- PlasmaPy: An open source Python package for plasma science
- Experimental Charge Densities of Minerals Under Pressure
- Exploring the dynamic response of bedrock channel width and slope to perturbation by tectonics and rock properties
- Generating informative and accurate descriptions of natural hazards and phenomena using large transformer-based models
- Uncertainty of Vertically-Resolved Cloud Amounts from the Joint CloudSat-CALIPSO Mission
- Upscaling from pore-scale simulations in the transport-controlled limit
- Accurate Crystal Structure of Ice VI and Ice VII from X-Ray Diffraction with Hirshfeld Atom Refinement
- Competition Between Wormholes in Dissolving Rocks Captured with 4D Tomography and Numerical models
- Effects of Inertial Recirculating Flows on Pore-scale Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation
- Experimental Investigation of Karren Formation With a Rainmaker
- From Channeling to Clogging: Phase Diagram for Dissolution and Precipitation in Porous Media
- Hydrodynamic Controls on the Stability of Individual Loops in Coastal Channel Networks
- Large Scale Simulations of Wormhole Growth in Dissolving Porous Media using Lattice Boltzmann Method.
- Tracing Electron Density Redistribution in Minerals Under Pressure
- Upscaling pore-scale simulations at high and low Damkohler numbers