Polish Academy of Sciences
flowchart I[Polish Academy of Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (10)"] AW["Affiliated Works (146)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (30)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Institute of High Pressure Physics, Warsaw
- Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Warsaw
- Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geophysics
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Molecular Physics
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemistry
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics
- Polish Academy of Sciences, International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, Wroclaw
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Space Research Center
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- BEST: Baikal Explosion Seismic Transect
- CO2 supply from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea to the North Atlantic Ocean: evidence for the continental shelf pump
- Exceptional High Seismic P-wave Velocity of the Uppermost Mantle around the Mirny Kimberlite in Siberia
- On Arctic Environmental Change - 1979-2001 coupled ice-ocean model results
- Rifting processes in the centre of Siberia revealed by BEST (Baikal Explosion Seismic Transects)
- ISOMAP-UK: A Combined Data - Modelling Investigation of Water Isotopes and Their Interpretation During Rapid Climate-Change Events
- Ocean Circulation and Exchanges Through the Northern Bering Sea - 1979-2001 Model Results
- Are aragonite nanocrystals in modern microbialites biogenic?
- On the Importance of Warm Pacific Water Inflow Along the Alaskan Coast
- Discovery of a Cretaceous Scleractinian Coral with a Calcitic Skeleton
- Foraminiferal Record from Firth of Tay, West Antarctica
- Investigating the acoustic properties of gassy marine sediments: Results of Laboratory experiments
- On the Relative Importance of Freshwater Fluxes and Variability From the Arctic Ocean into the North Atlantic
- Speciation of Mg in Biologically Produced Calcium Carbonates
- Understanding Recent Variability in the Arctic Sea Ice Thickness and Volume - Synthesis of Model Results and Observations
- Constraints on early Franciscan subduction rates from 2-D thermal modeling
- Deciphering the Causality and Rate of Warming in the Arctic Ocean
- The stability of Cl-CO3-scapolite relative to plagioclase + CaCO3 + CaSO4 in the presence of NaCl brines as a function of P-T-XNaCl
- Why global climate model predictions of Arctic warming are too conservative?
- Impacts of leaves, roots, and earthworms on soil organic matter composition and distribution in sycamore maple stands
- Nutrient stoichiometry of temperate trees and effects on the coupled cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and cations in soil
- An interdisciplinary approach to climate and coastal systems changes on King George Island
- Mapped Submarine Landforms in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica, Indicate Past Ice Shelf Disintegration and Grounding line Retreat
- The Effect of Warming Arctic Climate on Coupling Between the Sea Ice Cover and the Upper Ocean
- Understanding the Importance of Oceanic Forcing on Arctic Sea Ice Variability
- A statistical and experimental approach for assessing the preservation of plant lipids in soil
- Investigation of the Cooling Behavior of Interstellar HE+ Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere
- Relativistic Electron Beams Above Thunderclouds
- Using IBEX Polar ENA Flux Variations to Estimate the Dimensions of the Outer Heliosphere
- On Prediction and Predictability of the Arctic Climate System
- Paleomagnetism and Thermal History of the Permian Succession of the Velebit Mts (Dinarides, Croatia)
- Sensitivity of the Regional Arctic System Model surface climate to ice-ocean state
- The Regional Arctic System Model: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities
- Abrupt climate-triggered lake ecosystem changes recorded in late glacial lake sediments in northern Poland
- An update to the Surface Ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> Atlas (SOCAT)
- Environmental impact of melting buried ice blocks (North Poland)
- Ice-Ocean Interaction at Seasonal to Decadal Scales in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Response of peatland ecosystem to climatic changes in Central-Eastern Europe: a long-term ecological approach
- To which extent do Scleractinian coral recruits control the early stages of their biomineralization?
- δ44/40Ca variations of seawater from Cenozoic and Mesozoic fossil corals
- Biomineralization in Newly Settled Recruits of the Scleractinian Coral Pocillopora damicornis
- Climatic and morphological controls on post-glacial lake and river valley evolution in the Weichselian belt - an example from the Wda valley, Northern Poland
- Estimation of heat content and variability in the upper Arctic Ocean from the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) and available observations.
- Higher Order Analysis of Turbulent Changes Found in the ELF Range Electric Field Plasma Before Major Earthquakes
- Impact of Freshwater Fluxes on Labrador Sea Dynamics in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Lead and Lags of Lake System Responses to Late Allerød and Early Younger Dryas Climatic Fluctuation - an Example from Varved Lake Sediments from Northern Poland (Central Europe)
- Mantle-crust differentiation of chalcophile elements in the oceanic lithosphere
- Morphological and lithological transformation records of the Lake Czechowskie basin on the basis of paleogeography and GIS techniques analysis
- Non-linear feedbacks affecting sea ice deformation in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Advance Understanding and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change at Process Scales
- Scleractinian Fossil Corals as Archives of Seawater δ<SUP>26</SUP>Mg
- The role of ice-ocean inertia in representing the impact of storms on sea ice in fully coupled Earth System Models
- Application of paleoDNA for identification of paleotsunami deposits
- Evaluation of climate model skill in representing upper Arctic Ocean hydrography for its potential effect on sea ice.
- Inter-comparison of isotropic and anisotropic sea ice rheology in a fully coupled model
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction
- Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes
- Variations in Cenozoic seawater uranium reconstructed from well preserved aragonitic fossil corals
- Dumped Munitions in the Baltic Sea - Evaluation of the Problem
- Evaluation and Sensitivity of Climate Model Representation of Upper Arctic Hydrography
- Fire history and human activity in last 2000 years reconstructed from varved lake sediments (N Poland)
- Glaciomarine Sediment Facies: Using Geomorphic Contexts and Multi-Proxy Analysis to Build Ice-Sheet Retreat Models
- Importance of and Challenges in Modeling the Oceanic Exchanges Across the Main Arctic Gateways for Climate Change Studies
- Oceanographic Influences on Ice Shelves and Drainage in the Amundsen Sea
- Past Penguin Colony Linkages to Climate Change and Catastrophic Volcanism on the Northern Antarctic Peninsula
- Prediction of Seasonal Arctic Sea Ice Extent Using the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) - Modeling Approach and Bias Analysis
- Road construction impact of the landscape transformation during the last 700 years in N Poland
- Sedimentological and geochemical characteristic of varved lake sediment of the Lake Jelonek (North Poland)
- Sensitivity of Arctic Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) to Atmospheric Processes
- Suppression of Native Soil Organic Matter Decomposition by Post-Fermentation Sludge in Agriculture Soil as Assessed by <SUP>13</SUP>C Natural Abundance
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in the Eastern Ross Sea Concomitant with Meltwater Pulse-1a and -1b Using New Foraminiferal Radiocarbon Ages.
- An impact of deforestation by extreme weather events on Sphagnum peatland ecosystem
- Determining the Dimensions of the Heliosphere from the Time-Correlation of IBEX ENA Observations with Variations in the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Heat waves and jet stream relations - nature of dry and wet shifts around the 2.8 kyr BP event in Central Europe
- IBEX-lo Sky Maps of Secondary Interstellar Neutrals Helium and Oxygen
- Interstellar He Flow Analysis over the Past 9 Years with Observations over the Full IBEX-Lo Energy Range
- Linking plant stomata and hydraulics through optimal stomatal theory to predict plant responses to climate extremes
- Marine evidence of a deconvolving Antarctic Ice Sheet during post-LGM retreat of the Ross Sea sector
- Observation-based Model of Evolution of the Lyman-Alpha Line Profile During the Solar Cycle
- Ocean Dynamics in the Key Regions of North Atlantic-Arctic Exchanges: Evaluation of Global Multi-Resolution FESOM and CMIP-type INMCM Models with Long-Term Observations
- Ocean-Glaciers Interactions in the Southern Svalbard Fjord, Hornsund.
- Peatlands as a unique climatic hotspots
- Solar wind structure out of the ecliptic plane over solar cycles
- The Downwind Hemisphere of the Heliosphere as Observed with IBEX-Lo from 2009 to 2015
- The effect of initial resident fluid saturation on the interaction between resident and infiltrating fluids in porous media
- Warm Breeze due to Charge Exchange Collisions Between Neutral He Atoms and He+ Ions in the Outer Heliosheath.
- A Statistical Analysis of Secondary Interstellar Neutrals by Using IBEX-lo Sky Maps
- Abundance of interstellar neutral gas species throughout the heliosphere: model results
- Crustal-Scale High Density Body at the Fossil Rifted Margin of Baltica in Poland - an Analogue to Atlantic Continental Margins?
- Deeply buried Caledonides and their foreland basin in N Poland - insight from new regional seismic reflection data and subsidence analysis.
- Duration of the maximum extent of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and subsequent complex retreat
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Evaluating how gymnosperms fit into the mycorrhizal-associated nutrient economy: A comparison of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a forested common garden experiment
- Evaluation of Under-ice Phytoplankton Blooms in the Fully-coupled, High-resolution Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Improving Arctic Climate Projections Using Regional Arctic System Model for Dynamical Downscaling
- Landscape Evolution and Biogeographic Contexts in the Eastern Sahara Inferred from Geomorphic, Sedimentologic, and Geochemical Studies of Pleistocene and Holocene Stratigraphic Sequences
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Measured by the Voyager Spacecraft From 1 to 45 AU
- Precise Measurement of the Interstellar Flow with IMAP, Informed by IBEX Observations
- Science Opportunities from Simultaneous Observations of the Heliospheric Hydrogen and Helium Backscatter Glows
- Sounding The Dimensions of the Heliosphere Using the Time-Correlation Between IBEX ENA Observations and the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- The distribution function of ISN He outside and inside the heliopause
- The effects of pore depth and edge variation on the non-wetting phase entrapment in multilayer micromodels
- What the 4.3 - 8 8 keV ENA flux reveals about termination shock pickup ion spectra and heliospheric structure?
- A Reassessment of the Geochemical and Isotopic Fidelity of Biogenic Carbonates
- Assessment of 2019 Sub-seasonal to Intra-annual Arctic Sea Ice Forecasts
- Assessment of Arctic Sea Ice Conditions in CMIP6 and Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) Simulations
- Diverse temperate rainforests near the Late Cretaceous South Pole
- Evaporation effect on pore-scale concentration changes and interplay between the resident and invading liquids in micromodels
- Expert Assessment of Past and Future Changes in Global Fire Regimes
- Importance of Sea Ice Deformations to Understanding, Modeling and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change
- On the importance of Arctic pelagic phytoplankton blooms beneath a thinning sea ice regime
- Quantification of the mesh quality in terms of pore media geometry projection on the saturation conductivity estimation uncertainty based on X-ray CT images
- Sensitivity of Sea Ice States to Varying Parameter Space in Forced and Fully Coupled Regional Arctic System Model Configurations.
- Soil moisture deficits in Poland: a model-based reconstruction and future projections
- The modern analogue of a Cretaceous coral with a calcite skeleton
- Topological analysis of drainage, evaporation, and mixing in porous media flow
- An Evaluation of the CMIP6 Historical Simulations of the Arctic Sea Ice
- Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the N margin of Tibet Plateau-New model based on seismic data from SW Tarim Basin
- Euler Characteristic of Fluid in Porous Media during Drying Process
- Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Presence in the Eastern Sahara: Evidence for Paleoenvironments associated with the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic in Southern Egypt
- On the variability of the Bering Sea cold pool and implications for the biophysical environment
- Regional Modeling and Prediction of the Arctic Climate System
- Velocity Structure of the Mosha Fault, Northern Iran, from Local Earthquake Tomography
- Why does magnetostratigraphy not work in the Devonian?
- A new local testate amoebae transfer function from northwest Siberian permafrost peatlands
- A perspective on the role of ocean in Arctic Amplification
- Can Terrestrial Grass Tissue Particles from Deep Indian Ocean Sediment Answer the Indian Winter Monsoon Mystery?
- Charcoal hearths mapping and spatial distribution in northern Poland
- Crustal Structure of the Khorasan, NE Iran, Using Rayleigh Wave Inversion
- Do Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Hope for Polar Maritime Remote Sensing? The Use of Drones for Research on Glacial Meltwater Plume in the Antarctic Region
- Dynamics of Euler characteristic in Drying Porous Media
- Examination of the accelerated rate of Arctic sea ice decline in CMIP6 historical simulations
- Global change in fire regimes: An expert assessment
- Neolithic history in Serteya reconstructed based on remains of Coleoptera
- Palaecological reconstruction of a continental peat bog in western Russia (Western Dvina Lakeland)
- The Devonian magnetic field: weak and poorly understood
- Velocity Structure of the Song Trahn 2 reservoir in Vietnam from first arrival P-wave
- A stochastic approach to causality
- Advancing Arctic Climate Prediction Capability from Sub-seasonal to Decadal Time Scales
- Creating Through the Art of Another: Exploring Extreme Ocean Events through the "Exquisite Corpse" Process
- Investigating Titan's Stratospheric Methane Distribution with ALMA
- Microplastics in the Arctic Ocean - Modeling the Pathways and Relative Contributions from Oceanic and Riverine Sources
- On the circulation, water mass distribution, and nutrient concentrations of the western Chukchi Sea
- Progress in developing Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS): Synthesis of actions and developments recommended by the research community for improving regional observations.
- Recent wave conditions in Hornsund, Svalbard from in situ measurements
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Agnieszka Halaś
- Agnieszka Mroczkowska
- Annique van der Boon
- Beata Orlecka‐Sikora
- C. A. Nixon
- Daniele Thallner
- Demetris Koutsoyiannis
- Dominika Łuców
- Dwight Owens
- G. B. Crew
- H. Fichtner
- I. Kowalska-Leszczyńska
- Jaclyn Clement Kinney
- John J. Cassano
- Krzysztof Lamorski
- Leif G. Anderson
- M. A. Kubiak
- M. Bzowski
- Mark W. Seefeldt
- Martin Cordiner
- Martin Jakobsson
- Mateusz Płóciennik
- Michael Słowiński
- P. Swaczyna
- Richard K. Bono
- Su Ming Hsu
- Taghi Shirzad
- Vidusanka Thilakanayaka
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- Zuzanna Swirad