Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
flowchart I[Saint Petersburg State University, Russia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (142)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (41)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Adsorption of Water on the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> (Rutile) [110] Surface: A DFT Study
- Periodic Density Functional Theory Calculations of Sr(II) and Zn(II) Adsorption onto the (110) Face of Rutile
- Spreading Critical Dynamics in POLAR UVI Image Sequences as Evidence for Self-Organized Criticality in the Plasma Sheet
- The Solar Cycle Variation of Total Ozone in the TOMS Record: Role of Extratropical Wave Forcing
- Assessment the Synoptic Variability of Vertical Thermal Structure in Baltic Sea Waters on the Base of in-situ Measurements
- Cluster/DSP observation of current sheet oscillations
- Comparison of Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of Verkhoyansk and Cordillera Miogeoclines
- Electrometrical Methods Application for Detection of Heating System Pipeline Corrosion
- Susceptibility Divergence at the Mean-Field SOC Limit in a 2-D Driven Current-Sheet Model
- Transition from Substorm Growth to Substorm Expansion Phase as Observed with a Radial Configuration of ISTP and Cluster Spacecraft
- Wind-forced Interannual Variability of the East-Siberian Sea Hydrography
- Information contents of satellite aerosol extinction measurements and accuracy of aerosol microstructure retrieval.
- Interplanetary Shocks in the Magnetosheath: Comparison of Experimental Data With MHD Modeling
- Study of CH4 and CO Variability near St.Petersburg Russia
- The role of random fluctuations in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system: a dynamic stochastic model for AE-index variations
- New Association of two Magnetic Structures: FTE and Pi2 Pulsations
- Relaxation Time Distribution From Time Domain Induced Polarization: Synthetic and lab Data
- Magnetospheric Variations Resulting From the Propagation of an Interplanetary Shock
- Reconnection Outflow Associated Multi-Scale Statistics in the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Structure and Dynamics of the Inner Boundary of the Plasma Sheet: THEMIS Observations
- Global properties of magnetotail current sheet flapping: A THEMIS case study
- Sergeev, V
- Timing and localization of near-Earth tail and ionospheric signatures during a substorm onset.
- Aerosols over the Amazon Rainforest Investigated by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Deep lakes in the Polar Urals - unique archives for reconstructing the Quaternary climate and glacial history in the Russian Arctic
- Dipolarization Fronts, Bursty-Bulk Flows and Their Association With North-South Aurora and Substorm Onsets
- Dipolarization fronts: Particle simulations with open boundaries and THEMIS observations
- High-resolution empirical geomagnetic field model TS07D: Present status and outlook
- Mapping energy flux of precipitating particles and comparing to ground observations
- Periodicity in Sediments from the Baltic Sea and in Greenland Ice as Climate Signals for the Late Quaternary
- Plasma Sheet Thickness During A Bursty Bulk Flow Reversal
- Propagation of CIR originated interplanetary shocks across magnetospheric boundaries
- Active Monitoring of Hydraulic Fractures Using Slow Waves in the Fracture and Tube Waves in the Borehole
- An event of interplanetary shock - magnetosphere interaction: Comparison between spacecraft observations and MHD modeling
- Evidence for more extensive ice shelves along the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the Little Ice Age: observations from the LARISSA project in Barilari Bay, Graham Land
- Modeling a Rotating Partial Ring Current in the Saturn's Magnetosphere as a Source of B-field Periodicities: A Progress Report
- Oscillatory braking of BBFs and associated ionospheric response (Invited)
- Assessment of possible climate change impact on the Lena river runoff characteristics
- Climate Change in the Russian Altai Mountains and its Influence on Tree Line and Glacier Dynamics
- In search of a Self-Consistent Explanation of Saturn's Magnetospheric Periodicities
- Long-term Data of the Kolyma Water-balance Station: Results of Upscaling the Process Comprehension to Basins with Limited Observations
- Pollen rain and subfossil pollen spectra of the Mongun-Taiga mountain massif (South-Eastern Altai)
- Record of Late Quaternary Glacial/Interglacial Variability in the Amerasian Basin (Arctic Ocean) with Improved Stratigraphy
- THEMIS Observation of Plasma Sheet Evolution Leading To a Substorm Onset
- The erosion of Arctic coasts and the subsequent release of organic carbon to the Arctic Seas
- Current wedge dynamics and associated transient electron precipitation during oscillatory flow braking
- Flow Diversion in the Near-Earth Region and Auroral Arc Extension
- GUMICS4 Synthetic and Dynamic Simulations of the ECLAT Project
- Mesoscale dynamics in the Lofoten Basin - a sub-Arctic "hot spot" of oceanic variability
- Sector structure of the interplanetary magnetic field in the second half of the 19th century inferred from ground-based magnetometers
- The seismicity of the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its long-offset transforms
- Energy Conversion during Magnetic Reconnection
- Evidences of late-Quaternary sea level changes in the bottom sediments of the continental slope of the South-China Sea
- Experience of the multi-parameters electromagnetic monitoring in the area of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
- Field and Particle Fluxes Variations Ahead of Stopped Dipolarization Fronts
- New Perspectives of "old" Data Sources: the Dataset of Long-Term Research Watersheds in the Former Soviet Union for the Task of Hydrological Models Development, Verification and Comparison
- Numerical Ideal MHD Modeling of the Kink Double-Gradient Magnetic Instability
- Reconnection exhaust associated heating in the solar wind
- The current systems responsible for SYM and ASY indices variation during geomagnetic storm
- Development with MESSENGER Data of a Model of Mercury's Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Confined within the Average Observed Magnetopause
- Features of shoreline displacement in the Holocene of Franz josef Land Archipelago
- Increasing Flow Oscillation Period at a Tailward Retreating Flux Pileup Region during Dipolarization
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Low-altitude Campaign
- Multi-Case Study of Kinetic Ballooning-Interchange Waves in the Plasma Sheet
- Permafrost and Hydrology in the High Latitudes of Eurasia
- A Model of Mercury's Magnetospheric Magnetic Field with Dependence on Magnetic Activity
- All-sky imager observations near footprints of plasma sheet waves with kinetic ballooning-interchange signatures
- An Updated Model of the Substorm Current Wedge.
- First (U-Th)/He Ages of Detrital Zircons From Paleozoic Strata of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago (Russian High Arctic)
- High-resolution estimates of Nubia-Somalia plate motion since 20 Ma from reconstructions of the Southwest Indian Ridge, Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden
- Interaction of the Siberian craton and Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) recorded by detrital zircons from Transbaikalia
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER.
- Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
- New archeointensity data from Novgorod (North-Western Russia) from between c. 1100 and 1550 AD
- On the response of the Black Sea elevation to the Mediterranean Sea level
- Rock Magnetic Studies of Rock Bottom Material from the Mendeleev Rise, Arctic Ocean: First Results
- Seasonal Variations of Stable Isotope Composition of River Flow in Permafrost Regions of Yenisei and Kolyma Rivers (Russia)
- Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and Off-axis Volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise
- Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations
- Decrease in glacier coverage contributes to increased winter baseflow of Arctic rivers
- Low Temperature Magnetism of Rock Bottom Material from the Mendeleev Rise, Arctic Ocean
- New constraints on the geomagnetic field intensity variations in Western Russia over the past millennium
- Reconstruction of the extent and variability of late Quaternary ice sheets and Arctic sea ice: Insights from new mineralogical and geochemical proxy records
- Simultaneous Remote Observations of Intense Reconnection Effects by MMS and DMSP Spacecraft During Storm-time Substorms
- Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Reiner Gamma
- The preglacial sediment record of Lake Ladoga, NW Russia - first results from a multi-proxy study on a 23 m sediment record
- Understanding the Maunder minimum: open issues
- A Dynamic Model of Mercury's Magnetospheric Magnetic Field
- Casting the Coronal Magnetic Field Reconstructions with Magnetic Field Constraints above the Photosphere in 3D Using MHD Bifrost Model
- Comparative Paleomagnetic Study of the Quaternary-Pliocene Sedimentation Rates in the Arctic Basin: First Results
- Comprehensive Case Study of Magnetosheath Pressure Pulses and Rapid Magnetopause/Bow Shock Motion
- Data-constrained models of quiet and storm-time geosynchronous magnetic field based on observations in the near geospace
- Detection of the long-range transport of wildfire pollution to the Arctic using a network of ground-based FTIR spectrometers, satellite observations and model result
- GEBCO-NF Alumni Team's entry for Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE. An innovative seafloor mapping system of an AUV integrated with the newly designed USV SEA-KIT.
- Geomagnetic field intensity variations in Northwestern-Central Russia between the 12th and 19th century AD
- German-Russian project PLOT: new postglacial-glacial-preglacial pollen records from the Lakes Ladoga and Bol'shoe Shuch'e
- Insight into the latitudinal distribution of methane emissions throughout the Holocene from ice core methane records.
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic Settings in the Central Arctic Ocean as Revealed from the Composition of Coarse Grains on the Alpha-Mendeleev and Lomonosov Ridges
- Magnetic Characterization of Proposed Tektite-like Objects (Urengoites, South-Ural Glass) from Siberia, Russia
- New Approaches to the Sea-Floor Mapping: Results From the GEBCO-NF Alumni Team's Technique Developments in Preparation to the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE 2017.
- New paleomagnetic poles from Arctic Siberia support Indian Ocean option for the Neoproterozoic APWP of the Siberian craton.
- Observation and simulation of ethane at 23 FTIR sites
- Processes Leading to Beaded Channels Formation in Central Yakutia
- Simulating the Reiner Gamma Lunar Swirl: Influence of the Upstream Plasma Conditions
- The PLOT (Paleolimnological Transect) Project in the Russian Arctic
- The Stability of Main Characteristics of Possible Impacts of Asteroids with the Earth
- Understanding of changes in river flow using recently collected field and observational data from Russian Arctic
- GEBCO-NF Alumni Team technology development - Round 2 of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
- Initial rifting to seafloor spreading: geochemical and petrologic variations in basalts from the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center
- Magnetotail dipolarization and dipolarization fronts using spacecraft conjunctions
- THEMIS conjugate ASI and near-Earth Plasma Sheet Observations of Waves with BICI Signatures
- Transition from rifting to seafloor spreading behind the tip of the westward propagating Cocos-Nazca spreading center
- Adaptation of the Arctic limnosystems to the climate change
- Automatic classification of plasma regions using 3D energy distributions
- Bent magnetotail current sheet stability: Influence of total pressure
- Continent-Wide R1/R2 Current System and Ohmic Losses by Broad Dipolarization-Injection Fronts
- Creating, Managing and Evaluating Data Legacies : Updates on the Global Earth Mineral Inventory.
- Exploring carbon mineralogy and mineral evolution through deep time with advanced analytics and visualization
- Inter-annual Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes of a Polygonal Tundra Landscape in the Siberian Arctic
- Ionospheric Footprints of Detached Magnetotail Interchange Heads
- Late Glacial and Holocene paleoenvironments in northwestern Russia as inferred from multi-proxy studies of the sediment sequence from two lakes on Valdai Highlands
- Magnetotail Current Sheet Prior to Magnetic Reconnection
- Rock Magnetic Investigation of the Daule Ordinary Chondrite
- Signatures of non-ideal plasma evolution during substorms obtained by mining multi-mission magnetometer data
- Simulating the Reiner Gamma Swirl and Magnetic Anomaly: The Long-term Effect of Solar Wind Standoff
- Statistical analysis of relativistic electron precipitation in the magnetosphere from POES observations
- Vegetation and climate of Kola Region (NW Russia) inferred from complex studies of Late Glacial and Holocene lake sediments.
- Ballooning/Interchange Heads in the Earth's Magnetotail and Their Ionospheric Manifestations
- Electron firehose instability operating in the electron diffusion region
- Integrated provenance analysis of Devonian-Permian deposits from Northern Siberia: implication for continental-scale river development
- MMS and Cluster conjugate observation of current sheet disturbances associated with localized fast flows in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Studying the current sheet structure close to a reconnection point with MMS observations
- A review of the physical processes of meso-scale dynamic auroral forms
- Electron density and conductance in the auroral ionosphere during substorms. Influence of solar wind and plasma sheet state.
- Mining magnetometer data reveals X-lines matching observations of MMS ion diffusion regions
- Mining sparse magnetometer data in the magnetosphere
- Top-down global methanol budget: the view from IASI, FTIR and in situ measurements
- Direct observations of anomalous resistivity and diffusion in magnetic reconnection
- Picturing global magnetotail reconnection by data-mining a multi-mission archive of magnetometer data
- Series of dipolarization fronts with non-linear development signatures of kinetic ballooning-interchange instability
- Systems Understanding of Cross-scale Magnetotail Dynamics
- UAV and Sentinel-2 Satellite Based Upscaling of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter in High Latitude Thermokarst Lakes (Central Yakutia, Lena River Delta, Yamal in Siberia)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Rogers
- Alessandro Retinò
- Andrey Divin
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Annett Bartsch
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- Birgit Heim
- C. Forsyth
- C. T. Russell
- Cathy Clerbaux
- Cecilia Norgren
- D. Fischer
- D. J. Gershman
- Daniel B. Graham
- E. Mazarico
- E. V. Panov
- G. Facskó
- G. K. Stephens
- Gabriella Alodia
- H. U. Frey
- J. A. Slavin
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Sample
- Jean-François Müller
- K. J. Genestreti
- Kimberly Strong
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- L. Kepko
- Leonardo Regoli
- M. I. Sitnov
- Mats André
- P. L. Pritchett
- R. M. Millan
- R. S. Weigel
- Robert Jackisch
- S. B. Mende
- S. Ohtani
- T. Motoba
- V. G. Merkin
- Y. Ogawa
- Е. Е. Григоренко