Czech Geological Survey
flowchart I[Czech Geological Survey] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (42)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aluminum Chemistry in two Czech Catchments with Contrasting Geology Subject to Acidic Atmospheric Deposition in 1992-1998
- Biogeochemistry of Forest Catchments in the Czech Republic With Contrasting Lithology Under Conditions of Acidic Deposition in 1992-2001
- Random Variability or Spatial Pattern? Modeling Drainage Water Sulfate Dynamics of two Watersheds Based on Flowpath Length Distribution Analysis
- Borehole Geophysics, Hydraulic Characteristics and Chemistry of Groundwater Flow in Fractured Granite With Very Low Permeability
- Effects of Climate Variability on Groundwater and Streamwater Quality Determined by Non-linear Statistics
- Long-term trends in stream nitrate concentrations and losses across watersheds undergoing recovery from acidification in the Czech Republic
- Field-dependent AMS and AMR of some ultramafics and host granulites of the Bohemian Massif: implications for metamorphism induced fabric changes
- Diamond and coesite discovered in Saxony-type granulite: solution to the Variscan garnet peridotite enigma?
- Geophysical potential field data interpretations to study continental construction processes of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt
- Low Temperature Magnetic Transition in Meteoritic Troilites - Simple Mmarker for Highly Stoichiometric Iron(II) Sulphide Systems?
- Chromium isotope variations (δ53Cr) in globally distributed chromite- and chromate-bearing minerals and rocks
- Combined marine δ<SUP>88/86</SUP>Sr and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr record supports global anoxia as a cause for P/T mass extinction
- Low temperature magnetic properties of nearly- or non-stoichiometric alfa-MnS
- Low-temperature magnetism of troilite and chromite
- Discerning Subvolcanic Deformation and Magma Emplacement Geometries: The utility of Combined Paleomagnetic and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Studies
- Glacial history of Prince Gustav Channel and James Ross Island
- In situ and laboratory measurements of hydraulic conductivity in granitic rock matrix
- Large pre-historic earthquakes on the Sudetic Marginal Fault in the low-strain intraplate Bohemian Massif (Central Europe)
- Paleomagnetic, Anisortopy of Magnetic Susceptibility, and structural Data Bearing on Magma Emplacement and the growth of the Miocene Hrad Trosky a Monogenic Strombolian Cinder Cone
- Continental Construction and Crustal Growth of Central Asian Orogenic Belt in Mongolia
- Granulite Migmatization and Retrogression: Result of Pervasive Melt Influx? (Invited)
- Influence of Variable Thermal Expansivity and Conductivity on Deep Subduction
- Microstructural and Chemical Reappraisal of Mineralogical Inheritance in Partially Molten Rocks: Implication for Fabric Resetting in Granitoids
- Strain localisation and thermal evolution of a thick ultramylonitic shear zone
- Anatomy of a diffuse cryptic suture zone exemplified by European Variscan belt: a new view on the internal architecture of collisional orogens
- Emplacement of Zebín Hill, Jičín Volcanic Field, Bohemian Paradise, Czech Republic: Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, Ground Magnetometry, Electric Resistivity Tomography, and Paleomagnetic Data
- Extremely weak lower crust and the lower crustal flow induced by crustal thickening
- Molybdenum (Mo) and Iron (Fe) Isotope Evidence of Tepla-Barrandian Black Shales Against Widespread Deep Ocean Oxygenation in the Late Neoproterozoic
- Detection of spatio-temporal changes of Norway spruce forest stands in Ore Mountains using airborne hyperspectral imagery
- Hyperspectral data for assessment of temporal changes in Norway spruce forest conditions in the mountainous region of the Czech Republic affected by long-term acidic deposition
- A Multi-Disciplinary Study Evaluating Magma Emplacement Processes of the Oligocene Zákupy Diatreme (Czech Republic)
- Examining the role of dissolved organic nitrogen in stream ecosystems across biomes and Critical Zone gradients
- Vanadium isotope heterogeneity of the early solar system
- Composition, structure and tectonic setting of the Southern Kangurtag accretionary complex in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Implication for accretionary process of Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Lithium isotopic and concentration gradients in plagioclase - implications for pre- and syn-eruptive magmatic processes
- The Kimberlite - MARID Metasome Link: New Conflicting Evidence
- The scientific and societal value of long-term watershed research.
- GEOMON Network - Tool for the Understanding of the Combined Effects of Acidification, Eutrophication, Climate Change and Land Use on Forest Biogeochemistry
- The Role of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Marine Isotope Budgets
- Subglacial geology and tectonics of the Dome F Region, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Sequence in the Bukovec Section, Outer Flysch Carpathians.
- Comparative catchment studies to assess drivers of stream water DOC concentrations in a changing world