Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
flowchart I[Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (58)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Czech Technical University Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Czech Technical University Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Infiltration Outflow Experiment Showing Flow Instabilities
- 3D MRI Visualization of the Infiltration Outflow Experiment
- Geoelectric Soil Parameters Measurements During Ponded Infiltration Experiments in Field
- 3D Flow of Water Through the Undisturbed Samples of Coarse Sandy Loam Visualized by MRI
- Towards the field-scale experiments and numerical modeling of pesticides in tropical soils
- Manifestation of Preferential Flow and Nitrate Transport in Central European Soils on Acid Crystalline Rocks
- Monitoring Preferential Flow During Infiltration Experiments
- Application of Fluorescent Tracers on Observation of Preferential Flow
- Characterization of Potential Preferential Pathways in Soil Columns by X-ray Tomography and Infiltration Experiments
- Simulation of Soil Moisture Development in Flood Protecting Earth Dams
- The annual horizontal and vertical movements of European Permanent Network stations in Central Europe
- Vertical component of the Earth's surface movement in the region of Central Europe (Czech Republic) from the results of satellite geodesy methods and their comparison with the results of repeated terrestrial geodetic methods.
- Computational Aspects of Dual Continuum Modeling of Variably Saturated Flow and Solute Transport in Structured Soils
- Determination of Preferential Flow Parameters by Means of Inverse Simulation of Tension Disc Experiment
- Effect of the Entrapped air on Water Flow in Heterogeneous Soil: Experimental Set- up
- Modeling Water Flow and Bromide Transport in a Two-Scale-Structured Lignitic Mine Soil
- Noninvasive Imaging of Tracer Experiments in a Soil Column
- Numerical Study of Capillary Barrier Effects on Hillslopes
- Quantifying the Contribution of Ravines to Sediment Loads in the Minnesota River Basin
- Deformations between African and Euroasian plates estimated by methods of space geodesy - new result
- Solute Breakthrough During Recurrent Ponded Infiltration Into Heterogeneous Soil
- Stratospheric Radiation Environment measurements, calibrations and pattern recognition by CERN MEDIPIX-2 and TIMEPIX Radiation Imaging Detectors on ESA BEXUS campaigns
- The Influence of Soil Moisture on Subsurface Storm Flow Dynamics in a Small Catchment
- The Potential of Electric Imaging for Improvement of Numerical Simulations of Water Movement in Heterogeneous Soils
- Detection Of Flow Instabilities Caused By Entrapped Air: MRI Infiltration-Outflow Experiment and 3D Transient Simulation Using CT-Derived Heterogeneity
- Fine orbit tuning to increase the accuracy of the gravity-field modelling
- Solute breakthrough during repeated ponded infiltration into columns of repacked sand and heterogeneous soil
- Investigating the quasi-steady state flow instabilities in structured soil by neutron tomography
- Measurements of heat fluxes and soil moisture patterns in the field conditions
- Temporal changes of saturated hydraulic conductivity - 3D transient modeling using MRI and CT data
- From Particles and Point Clouds to Voxel Models: High Resolution Modeling of Dynamic Landscapes in Open Source GIS
- GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach - First Results
- Real-time Galileo Orbit and Clock Corrections Using IGS MGEX Resources
- Selecting optimal hydrodynamic model complexity using a Bayesian description of bias
- GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach - Status Report
- Hillslope Hydrographs Analyzed Using 1D and 2D Numerical Models
- Advances in GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach
- Non-invasive Observation of the Compacted Plough Pan Layer and Its Effect on Soil Water Regime
- Predominant Runoff Components During Heavy Rainfall Events on Cultivated Catchment
- Gas phase trapping and subsequent redistribution in dual-porosity porous media with continuous and discontinuous domains
- Numerical model SMODERP
- The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission
- The influence of wetting dynamics on the residual air distribution
- Hillslope Discharge Analysis - Threshold Behavior and Mixing Processes
- Effects of Variable Isotopic Signatures and Hydrodynamic Mixing on Hillslope Hydrograph Separation
- Effects of interdomain mass transfer on predictions of tracer breakthrough curves by dual continuum flow and transport model
- MRI study of freezing-thawing process
- Atlas Hydrology - tool for design of erosion control measure and small water bodies in headwater catchments
- Interpretation of Tracer Transport Experiments at Two Different Spatial Scales Using Dual-continuum Model
- Particle and aggregates size distribution of soil transported due to rainsplash, surface runoff and rill erosion
- Protecting Steep Slopes against Soil Erosion: Geotextiles and its Effectiveness under Heavy Rainfall
- Precipitation partitioning in a temperate forest watershed affected by anthropogenic disturbances and climate change
- The importance of adequate correction for the wet antenna effect when predicting urban rainfall-runoff using microwave link data
- Dynamics of freezing and melting of water in fully saturated soils: Magnetic resonance imaging study
- Types of Inverse Magnetic Fabrics in Crystals with Rotational Symmetry, and Possible Ways of their Separation: A Case Study from the Barrandian, Czech Republic
- Using SWAT to Model the Effects of Land Use Changes in a Czech Agricultural Landscape Since the Pre-Communist Era
- Imaging Freeze-Thaw Fronts in Fully Saturated Soil and Sand Using two MRI Pulse Sequences
- Investigation of caprock fracture zone parameter uncertainties on potential leakage brine plume development from storage of CO2 in deep geologic formations using intermediate-scale testing and modeling.