Chengdu University of Information Technology, China
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Land Desertification Monitoring on Tibetan Plateau Using Remote Sensing Technology
- Model Simulation and Observation of PM10 and PM2.5 in the City Cluster of Southwestern China
- A Comparative Study of Tibetan Plateau Vortex and Southwest Vortex Causing Heavy Rainfall Based on TRMM Data
- Advances on Empirical Mode Decomposition-based Time-Frequency Analysis Methods in Hydrocarbon Detection
- Analysis of spatial distribution and temporal trend of soil moisture over the Tibetan Plateau from 1978 to 2013
- 3D seismic imaging of P-wave velocity heterogeneity under Tibetan plateau and its surrounding area
- A Study about the Influence of Plateau Shear Line on Abnormal Precipitation in the Area to the East of the Tibetan Plateau
- Correlation Between Surface Temperature and 0° Isotherm Height Derived from ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data and Radiosonde Data
- Retrieval of Air Vertical Velocity in Convective Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau by Ka-band Cloud Radar
- The effect of the Asian monsoon to the atmospheric boundary layer over the Tibetan Plateau
- A Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Model for Global High-resolution Simulation
- Analyses on Water Vapor Resource in Chengdu City
- Analysis on concentration variety characteristics of SO<SUB>2</SUB>/NO<SUB>2</SUB> in Chengdu city, southwest China
- Assessment of the Reanalysis Flux Products Based on Eddy Covariance Observation in Summer Over the Tibetan Plateau
- Contrastive Analysis of Meteorological Element Effect Simulated by parameterization schemes Land Surface Process of Noah and CLM4 over the Yellow River Source Region
- Establishment and analysis of a High-Resolution Assimilation Dataset of the water-energy cycle in China
- How Might Draining Lake Campotosto Affect Stress and Seismicity on the Monte Gorzano Normal Fault, Central Italy?
- Monitoring and Modeling the Climate System over the Third Pole region
- Numerical Study on Interdecadal Modulations of ENSO-related Spring Rainfall over South China by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Projected Changes in the Annual Cycle of Precipitation over Central Asia by CMIP5 Models
- Researches on snow distribution Correlation Based on Arctic Oscillation and over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Study on Assessment Model of Classification for Snow Disasters in Tibet Plateau
- Tropical Precipitation Variability In the FGOALS-f High-resolution Coupled Climate Model
- A K-band FMCW Radar for Surface Snow Depth Detection
- A climatological northern boundary index for the East Asian summer monsoon and its interannual variability
- Does extreme El Niño have a different effect on the stratosphere in Boreal winter than its moderate counterpart?
- Evolution Analysis of a Winter Persistent Pollution event Caused by the Local Accumulation and Regional Transport in Sichuan Basin, China
- Impacts of the tropical Pacific cold tongue mode on ENSO diversity under global warming
- Multi-model simulation analysis of the east Asian monsoon changes in the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Pollution status and spatio-temporal variations of ozone in China during 2015—2016
- Poroelastic stress change and fault slip modeling of fluid injection induced seismicity
- Research on Multivariable Radar Detecting Cloud Liquid Water Content
- The Progress on the Monitoring and Modeling Land-atmospheric Interactions over heterogeneous landscapes: from Tibetan Plateau to Third Pole and Pan- Third Pole regions
- The Response of Precipitation Concentration Degree 0f the Tibetan Plateau in Summer to Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly
- The study of the surface roughness length and its application in the NoahMP on the northern of the Tibetan Plateau
- Tropical Precipitation Variability In the FGOALS-f2 High-resolution Coupled Climate Model
- CLM4.5 Model Simulation of Soil temperature and Soil Moisture over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Its Performance Evaluation
- Characteristics of Two Bipolar Triggered Lightning Flashes with Twice Current Polarity Reversals
- Comparative Analysis of the Meteorological Elements Simulated by Different Land Surface Process Schemes in the WRF Model in the Yellow River Source Region
- Evaluation on Simulated Snow Depth over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau with BCC-CSM Model during post 30 years and Its Impact on Precipitation in Surrounding Areas
- Integrated Measurement and Modelling of Land Surface and Microwave Emission Processes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Risks of Precipitation Extremes over Southeast Asia: Does 1.5 °C or 2 °C Global Warming Make a Difference?
- The effects of root on soil hydraulic and thermal properties over alpine grassland
- Potential relationship between aerosols and lightning in sichuan Basin and Western Sichuan Plateau, China
- Residual corona streamer structure versus space stem formation: distinct origins of the intermittent propagation in positive and negative leaders
- Evaluation of FGOALS-f3 in simulating the climatology and seasonaltointerannual variability of tropical cyclone characteristics: effect of horizontal resolution