Chengdu University of Technology, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Evidence for Active Strike-slip Faults in the Longmen Shan, Eastern Margin of Tibet
- Geodynamics of Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ): Implications for Origin of Related Tibetan Ophiolites
- Magnetostratigraphy of Tertiary Sediments From the Wulanwula Lake Basin: Implications for the Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Tibetan Plateau
- High Resolution Surface Wave TomographyϤThe Structure of Lithosphere and Dynamics in East Asia and West Pacific Marginal Sea
- Extreme Exhumation Within the Sichuan Basin - Late Cenozoic Erosion, Sedimentation and Tectonics at the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Based on Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology.
- Fluvial Incision and Exhumation Along the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Fenghuoshan and Wandouhu basins: an indirect tool for constraining the Tertiary uplift history of northern Tibet
- Northeastward Growth and Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau: Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution Insights from Cenozoic Hoh Xil, Qaidam and Hexi Corridor Basins
- Structure of the Dayangshu Basin in Northeast China Inferred from Magnetotelluric Data
- Subsurface Imaging Based on Frequency Dispersion
- A few Issues about Wenchuan earthquake of 2008, Sichuan, China
- Active faults and surface rupture in the 12 May 2008 Sichuan earthquake
- Geologic Hazards Associated with Longmen Shan Fault zone, During and After the Mw 8.0, May 12, 2008 Earthquake
- Karstification Of Deep Karst In Maoba Syncline In Yuanliangshan Railway Tunnel, China: Field Investigation And Model Development
- Lithospheric Structures Across the Longmen Shan Mountain Range From Seismologic and Gravimetric Data
- Seismic anisotropy across the Longmen Shan mountain range from a passive seismological survey.
- Structural Geology of Daba Shan and its Tectonic Relationships with the Sichuan Basin and Central China Orogen, China
- 3D Pre-Stack Depth Migration for Complicated Structure by DSR Wave Equation and Its Application
- Parallel Inversion Arithmetic for 3D Multi-Wave Pre-stack Elasticity Parameters and Its Application
- Deep structure and seismogenesis of the North-South Seismic Zone in Southwest China
- 3D Stationary Wavelet Transform Based for Adaptive Suppression of Acquisition Footprint
- Crustal deformation and seismogenesis in the Longmen-Shan Fault zone
- Earthquake-induced secondary hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Longmanshan region, China
- Evidence for co-seismic and post-seismic changes in gravity values associated with the 2008 M=8 Sichuan Earthquake
- Seismic-print analysis and hydrocarbon identification
- Denudation Gradient Across the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- East Tibet Detachment: Evidence for the uplift mechanism of the Longmen Shan fault belt
- Highlight fluid imaging via frequency-dependent anomalies of reservoir seismic response in both numerical simulation and real application
- Scientific Information Platform for the 2008 Great Wenchuan Earthquake
- Seismic velocity and Vp/Vs imaging in Northeast Japan: Implications for interplate coupling and slab dehydration
- Cosesimic landslides and their post-quake effects (Invited)
- Deep conductivity characteristics and preliminary acquaintance of the Lushan earthquake, east edge of Tibetan Plateau, China
- Geophysical Model on Fracture Prediction of Reef Complexes integrated with Geological Study
- Importance of Reactivation in the Thickening of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau (Longmen Shan, Sichuan, China)
- Lithosphere structure of the Longmenshan tectonic zone and main factors of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Output Change of the Gas Wells in Western Scihuan Basin Induced by Wenchuan Earthquake
- Outward growth of the Tibetan Plateau across the Cenozoic (Invited)
- Scientific Research Database of the 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Subsurface Structure Change in Longmenshan Forland Basin induced by Wenchuan Earthquake
- Tectonic control on denudation across the eastern Tibetan Plateau from the Longriba fault zone to the Longmen Shan
- The conductivity structure and dynamic characteristics of Southern-Ningxia arcstructure belt, north-east edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
- The effects of tectonic uplift, landslides, and debris-flow erosion driven by the Wenchuan (Ms 8.0) earthquake on the geomorphic growth of Longmen Mountain,Sichuan,China
- Towards Quantitative Determination of Time Series Contribution of Detrital Sediments to the Northeastern South China Sea Since 28.5 kyr BP
- Simulation Of Broadband Seismic Wave Propagation In A Deep Mine in Sudbury Ontario Canada
- The Geometric Characteristics and Initiation Mechanisms of the Earthquake- Triggered Daguangbao Landslide
- The Study on S-Wave Velocity Structure of Upper Crust in Three Gorges Region of Yangtze River
- Topographical Factors in the Formation of Gully Type Debris Flow By Landslides in Dechang, Sichuan, China
- Advances on Empirical Mode Decomposition-based Time-Frequency Analysis Methods in Hydrocarbon Detection
- Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles from a Mining City in Southwest China Using Electron Probe microanalysis
- Structure, Frictional Melting and Fault Weakening during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Slip: Observation from the WFSD Drilling Core Samples
- The Estimation and Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data with Static Shift
- The inversion method of Matrix mineral bulk modulus based on Gassmann equation
- Tracing industrial heavy metal inputs to topsoils using using cadmium isotopes
- 3D seismic imaging of P-wave velocity heterogeneity under Tibetan plateau and its surrounding area
- Gas Reservoir Identification Basing on Deep Learning of Seismic-print Characteristics
- Geo-electrical Structures of QP Geothermal Field, Southwest Tibet
- Rate effect on residual strength of crushed claystone
- Secondary Migration of Oil and Gas Induced by Earthquake and Earth Tide
- Stress Study on Southern Segment of Longmenshan Fault Constrained by Focal Mechanism Data
- Astrochronology and magnetostratigraphy of the Xujiahe Formation of South China and Newark Supergroup of North America: implications for the Late Triassic time scale
- Joint Source Location and Focal Mechanism Inversion: efficiency, accuracy and applications
- Pleistocene rapid exhumation of the Diancang Shan, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: implications for the episodic acceleration of the Red River fault
- Quantitative Analysis of Karst Conduit Structure Parameters and Hydraulic Parameters Based on Tracer Test
- The development of deep karst in the anticlinal aquifer structure based on the coupling of multistage flow systems
- 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea and poroelastic stress change associated with fluid injection
- 3D anisotropical velocity structure of the eastern Tibetan Plateau based on a 4D dispersion curve inversion method
- A New Method for Finite-frequency Boundary Sensitivity Kernels — Calculation and Application.
- CEmin: A MATLAB-Based Software for Computational Phenocryst Extraction and Statistical Petrology
- Deep 3D electrical structure in Eastern Tibet-Western Sichuan
- Evolution of Aftershocks along Longmenshan Fault Zone
- Long-term Subduction Modulates Localized Compositional Stratification near the 660-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Preliminary study on local earthquakes detection in the southwestern Longmenshan in time-frequency domain using the convolutional neural
- The applications of joint source scanning algorithm (jSSA) and regional stress inversion to a hydraulic fracturing treatment dataset
- The velocity variations of the Kilauea Volcano area of Hawaii revealed by ambient noise
- Toward Mapping P-wave Azimuthal Anisotropy near the Core-Mantle Boundary using Novel Observations of Core-Diffracted Waves PcSdiff
- A Flood Early Warning System Based on an Integrated Precipitation Forecasting with Global Datasets for Adapting Weather Extremes in Data-scarce Nile Delta
- Detecting Seismic Events and Focal Mechanisms by A Greens' Functions Based Matched Filter Method
- Extracting Crystal Size Data from Large-area Backscattered Electron Images of Igneous Thin Sections and Digging out their Geological Background
- Ground Deformation of Wuhan, China, revealed by Multi-temporal InSAR
- High resolution ambient noise tomography of the eastern margin and adjacent areas of the Tibetan Plateau
- Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity, Particle Motion, and Teleseismic Body Wave Data for Sedimentary Structures
- Magnetotelluric imaging of ChangNing-MengLian suture zone and adjacent areas in Sanjiang Tethyan Domain
- On Efficient and Stable Least-Square Reverse Time Migration Method for Exploration Seismology
- Optimization of Water Treatment Design using Numerical Modeling and Surrogate-Based Approach for the Artificial Lake
- Petrogenesis of pegmatite and its genesis relationship with Cuonadong leucogranite, Tethys-Himalayan, The south Tibetan
- Pleistocene rapid decrease in extensional exhumation of the Diancang Shan implies tectonic changes in SE Tibet
- Reactive Transport Modeling to Study Local Mesogenetic Dissolution in Carbonates Induced by Natural Gas Acidic Components
- Superimposed characteristics and tectonic evolution of Sichuan Basin
- The 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea, and poroelastic stress changes associated with fluid injection
- The tectonic coupling between vertical movement of mountain and compression-extension of basin
- Toward Mapping P-wave Azimuthal Anisotropy near the Core-Mantle Boundary using Novel Observations of Core-Diffracted Waves PcSdiff
- Toward mapping detailed feature of 660-km discontinuity beneath central Pacific with novel observations of PP postcursors
- Trend of NDVI Variation in the Tibetan Plateau in Recent 17 Years as Revealed by Multiple Vested Times Series Analysis
- Wave Gradiometry Analysis for Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy in Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Adsorption of Fluorion from Aqueous Solution onto Zr-loaded Calcium Sulfate Whisker
- Distribution and influencing factors on urban land surface temperature of three main megacities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration
- Landslide Monitoring and Deformation Interpretation base on InSAR and Geological Analysis
- Lead isotope to tracing soil heavy metal pollution and bioavailability research in Hanyuan, Sichuan, China
- New Paleozoic atmospheric pCO<SUB>2 </SUB>records based on C<SUB>3 </SUB>land plants
- Pollution level, distribution and health risk assessment of some potentially harmful elements in road dust from steel-industry city, China
- Response of Vegetation FPAR in Growing Season to Climate Change in Hengduan Mountains, China
- Responses of fungal communities along a chronosequence succession in rhizosphere-associated soils of a tailing dam
- The Fate of Sediment After a Large Earthquake
- The Role of Debris Flow Grain Size in the Post-Earthquake Sediment Cascade, Wenchuan, China
- A Unified Framework of Temporal Information Expression in Geosciences Knowledge System
- Extracting 3D velocity and anisotropic structure of lithosphere using the Noise+Wave Gradiometry method: applied to the eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Impact of cold weather and remotely sensed snow cover on hydro-energy generation in Upper Missouri river basin in Montana and Wyoming, USA
- Latest SandbianEarliest Katian (Late Ordovician) "Guttenberg" Positive 13C Excursion (GICE)Spans ca. 1.2 Myr (3 Long-Eccentricity Cycles)
- Orbitally tuned terrestrial timescale and astronomical forcing of regional lake hydrology change in East Asia during middle-late Eocene
- Relationships Between Topography and Internal Properties Control the Deposition of Extremely, Large Post-earthquake Debris Flows
- Responses of fungal communities along a chronosequence succession insoils of a tailing dam with reclamation by Heteropogon contortus
- Study on detoxification and removal mechanisms of hexavalent chromiumby microorganisms
- Temporal and spatial variability in Ku- and Ka-band radar interactions with snow-covered sea ice from MOSAiC: KuKa data and implications for interpretation of satellite radar altimetry data
- Construction of a Fluvial Facies Knowledge Graph (FFKG) and Its Application in Sedimentary Facies Identification
- Hydropower forecast driven by a synergy of remote sensing and ground network data - using complex to parsimonious data models
- Inversion Neural Network: A Deep Learning Approach for Reservoir Heterogeneity Characterization Inspired by the Fast Marching Method
- Investigation of enhanced CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers by WAG and brine extraction in the Minnelusa Sandstone, Wyoming
- Online Databases of Geologic Formations of China, Indian Plate and Indochina, With Display onto Plate Reconstructions of the Asian Region for Any Phanerozoic Time Horizon
- The Grain- Boundary Ionic Conduction Induced by Interdiffusion between Minerals and the Implication to Conductive Anomalies in the Deep Earth
- Upscaling of CO2 migration in 3D heterogeneous geological system.