Nanchang University, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ion Dynamics Associated with Substorm Dipolarization Fronts
- Nonlinear interaction between Super-Alfvén flow and dipolarized magnetic field in the earth's magnetotail
- Nonlocal Acceleration of Electrons During Substorms
- Observations and Simulations of Electron Dynamics Near an Active Neutral Line
- Electron Acceleration Associated with Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Fronts
- Auroral Precipitation during Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Events
- Observations of Magnetosheath Turbulence at the Electron Scale
- A statistical study on the whistler waves behind the dipolarization fronts in the Earth's magnetotail
- Compression-related EMIC waves and associated precipitation of relativistic electrons
- Kinetic Simulations of Ion Beam-driven Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves at Dipolarization Fronts
- Observation of Large Amplitude Electromagnetic Wave at the Dipolarization Front
- Prospects of Comparing Van Allen Probes Data with Recent Nonlinear Radiation Belt Theory
- THEMIS observations of electron acceleration associated with the evolution of substorm dipolarization in the near-Earth tail
- Magnetic Island Dynamics and Energy Dissipation in Multiple X-line Reconnection
- Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation
- Electromagnetic energy conversion at dipolarization fronts: Multi-spacecraft results
- Geomagnetic Storms and EMIC waves: Van Allen Probe observations
- Observations of Current Sheets Passing Through the Near Lunar Wake
- Probability assessment of pressure and geochemical monitoring for CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage detection in the above zones at geological carbon sequestration sites
- Three Dimensional Structure of the Electron and Ion Scales of Reconnection
- Three-dimensional Transient Magnetic Reconnection and Dipolarization Fronts in the Terrestrial Magnetotail
- Coalescence of Macroscopic Flux Ropes at the Subsolar Magnetopause: MMS Observations
- Field Tests of Real-time In-situ Dissolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> Monitoring for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Detection in Groundwater
- MMS Observations of Ion-scale Magnetic Island in the Magnetosheath Turbulent Plasma
- Observations of electron vortex magnetic holes and related wave-particle interactions in the turbulent magnetosheath
- Reduction in plasmaspheric hiss wave amplitudes during a substorm
- Study the ionospheric disturbance caused by geomagnetic activity through spectral whitening method (SWM)
- The MMS observation of an off-equatorial dipolarization front and associated wave characteristics in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Development of a new aurora model for the small- and meso-scale structures through deep-learning methods and their influence on the upper atmosphere
- Influence of Kappa Distributions on the Whistler-mode Instability
- Investigation of waves, instabilities and energy exchanges in magnetotail dipolarization fronts using MMS in situ observations and 3D kinetic simulations
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of an Ion Diffusion Region with a Moderate Guide Field at the Magnetopause
- Observations of Intense Energy dissipation at the Magnetic Reconnection Separatrix Region
- Statistic Properties of Flux Ropes and Flux Transfer Events Observed by MMS spacecraft
- Statistical Study of Electromagnetic Energy Conversion at Dipolarization Fronts by MMS Observations
- The decoupled relationship between belowground microbial diversity and function with aboveground plant diversity along an elevation gradient at the Carex littoral wetland in Poyang Lake, China
- A deep learning model for the small- and meso-scale aurora structures and their influence on the upper atmosphere
- Total Electron Content (TEC) map completion with a deep learning model: DCGAN with Poisson blending
- Under What Conditions Are Whistler Mode Chorus Waves Generated In Earth's Outer Radiation Belt?