Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland
flowchart I[Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (153)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (42)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During 2001
- Multiplicity in the Kuiper Belt: The First Discovery of a Binary Trans-Neptunian Object
- Consequences of OH observations at Saturn
- Groundbased Observations of Io [O~I]6300~Å\ Emission During the Galileo I24, I25, and Cassini Encounters
- Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Europa and Ganymede
- Laboratory Needs and Capabilities for Solar System Science
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During the Extremely Close Approach of 2003
- Gas Flow Near a Young Gas Giant Planet
- Near Ultraviolet Spectra of Saturn's Satellites
- Observational Constraints on n>2 Multiples in the Kuiper Belt
- New Views of 2 Pallas From the Hubble Space Telescope
- A Possible Impact Basin on Pallas
- Orbital and Mass Evolution of Planets Undergoing Run-Away Gas Accretion
- Overview Of NASA Participation In The International Year Of Astronomy 2009
- Binary and Multiple Systems Binary and Multiple Systems
- EO Clearinghouse for GEO
- HST Observations of the July 2009 Impact on Jupiter
- HST UV Observations of the New Jupiter Impact Site
- Integrated Multi-Mission Altimeter Data for Climate Research
- NASA International Year of Astronomy 2009 Programs: Impacts and Future Plans (Invited)
- NASA's Standards Process for Earth Science Data Systems (Invited)
- Recent Changes of the Earth’s land ice from GRACE: methods, signals and errors (Invited)
- Regional and Global Time-Variable Gravity Recovery from GRACE
- Science Education and Public Outreach Forums (SEPOF): Providing Coordination and Support for NASA's Science Mission Directorate Education and Outreach Programs
- The Impact of the Reference Frame on the Determination of Mean Sea Level (Invited)
- A Prototype Flood Early Warning SensorWeb System for Namibia
- An Experimental Gravity Model in Spherical Harmonics to Degree and Order 2700
- Changes in Land Ice from GRACE: Signal, Errors and Relation to Other Missions (Invited)
- Characterizing Ice Sheet Surface Topography and Structure Using High-Altitude Waveform Airborne Laser Altimetry
- Lunar altimetric datasets: Global comparisons with the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter elevation model
- NASA's Standards Process For Earth Science Data Systems (Invited)
- Precision Orbit Determination for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: orbit quality and gravity field estimation
- Tidal Torques and Long-Term Orbital Evolution of Planets in Locally Isothermal Disks
- Time Variable Gravity from Weekly Solutions from 1993 to 2010 using SLR and DORIS data and Comparisons with GRACE
- A new global mascon solution focused on land ice evolution
- Does Vesta Have Moons? Dawn's Search for Satellites
- Effects of Empirical Parameter Corrections on GRACE-Type Missions
- Effects of basin-forming impacts on the historical Martian dynamo
- Improvements in Orbit Determination for Altimetric Satellites
- Polarimetry, Exoplanets and Biosignatures
- Solar Energetic Events and the Statistics of the Most Extreme Space Weather
- Spatial Uncertainty Analysis for LVIS and UAV-SAR Attribute Fusion
- Status of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Geodetic Investigation
- Supporting Scientists' Efforts in Education and Outreach
- The Determination of the Gravity Field of Mercury from MESSENGER data
- The Development of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- A Compact and Robust Method for Spectropolarimetry: Application to Space Exploration
- Extreme Spacecraft Charging in Polar Low Earth Orbit
- High Degree and Order Gravity Fields of the Moon Derived from GRAIL Data
- Improvements to the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System
- NASA's SMD Cross-Forum Resources for Supporting Scientist Engagement in Education and Public Outreach Activities
- NGA's use of aerogravity to advance the next generation of Earth Gravitational Models
- Rapid Onboard Data Product Generation with Multicore Processors and FPGA
- Remote Sensing of Life using Circular Polarization
- SLR Station Recovery, Center of Frame Motion, and Time Varying Gravity
- The Planet Pipeline: Enabling Data Mining and Citizen Science with Hubble Space Telescope Solar System Images
- Analysis of HST pre-perihelion imaging polarimetry of Comet ISON
- Assessing New GRAV-D Airborne Gravimetry Collected over the United States
- Developing Spatial Reasoning Through 3D Representations of the Universe
- Four Years on Orbit at the Moon with LOLA
- From Big Data to Small Transportable Products for Decision Support for Floods in Namibia
- Get Involved in Education and Public Outreach! The Science Mission Directorate Science E/PO Forums Are Here to Help
- Gravity Fields of the Moon Derived from GRAIL Primary and Extended Mission Data (Invited)
- Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC Imaging Polarimetry of Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) (Invited)
- Imaging Polarimetry of Circumstellar Disks
- Impact of recent mass flux and revised geodetic standards on geocentric sea level estimates
- Improvements in DORIS processing for ITRF2013 at the GSC Analysis Center
- Improvements in Space Geodesy Data Discovery at the CDDIS
- NASA Wavelength: A Full Spectrum of NASA Resources for Earth and Space Science Education
- Observing Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) With the Spitzer Space Telescope
- Pre-perihelion characterization of Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)
- Resources from the NASA SMD Astrophysics Forum: Addressing the needs of the higher education community (Invited)
- Science and Science Education Go Hand-in-Hand: The Impact of the NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Program
- Solar System Science with the James Webb Space Telescope
- The Hubble Education and Public Outreach Program: Two Decades of Discovery
- The Mixed Up Solar System: professional development for secondary science and math educators
- We Need You! The Importance of Scientist Involvement in Education and Public Outreach (E/PO)
- A diurnal study of lunar topography to determine regolith temperature contributions to the inference of hydrogen volatiles using epithermal neutrons from the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND).
- Building Effective Scientist-Educator Communities of Practice: NASA's Science Education and Public Outreach Forums
- Engaging Scientists in Meaningful E/PO: NASA Science4Girls and Their Families
- Engaging Scientists in Meaningful E/PO: The Universe Discovery Guides
- Enhancing Floodplain Management in the Lower Mekong River Basin Using Vegetation and Water Cycle Satellite Observations
- Estimating Background and Lunar Contribution to Neutrons Detected by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) Instrument
- Growing Degree Vegetation Production Index (GDVPI): A Novel and Data-Driven Approach to Delimit Season Cycles
- Hubble Space Telescope View of Comet C/Siding Spring during its Close Encounter with Mars
- In-orbit Calibration of the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter Via Two-Way Laser Ranging with an Earth Station
- Lunar Phase Function in the Near-Infrared from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter
- MODIS NDVI Change Detection Techniques and Products Used in the Near Real Time Forwarn System for Detecting, Monitoring, and Analyzing Regional Forest Disturbances
- Maintaining the Accuracy of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- NASA SMD E/PO Community Addresses the needs of the Higher Ed Community: Introducing Slide sets for the Introductory Earth and Space Science Instructor
- Performance Modeling of Orbital Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Asteroids: Monte-Carlo Modeling of the HPGe Mars Odyssey GRS
- Reverse Asteroids: Searching for an Effective Tool to Combat Asteroid Belt Misconceptions
- Solar System Science in the FUSE Band with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on HST
- Starchitect: Building Worlds and Learning Astronomy on Facebook and Beyond
- Time-transfer experiments between satellite laser ranging ground stations via one-way laser ranging to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Tools for Engaging Scientists in Education and Public Outreach: Resources from NASA's Science Mission Directorate Forums
- Using EPA Tools and Data Services to Inform Changes to Design Storm Definitions for Wastewater Utilities based on Climate Model Projections
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Enhance Flood Impact Products and Mitigation in the Lower Mekong Water Basin
- An Overview of the JPSS Ground Project Algorithm Integration Process
- Earth Gravitational Model 2020
- How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings
- NASA Science Mission Directorate Forum Support of Scientists and Engineers to Engage in Education and Outreach
- Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
- Role of dayside transients in a substorm process: Results from the global kinetic simulation Vlasiator
- Search for Trace Species in Europa's Exosphere
- Spectropolarimetry of Photosynthetic Pigments as Global Surface Biosignatures
- Surface Gravity Data Contribution to the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Geoid Model
- The Collisionless Shock in Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- The Use of GOCE/GRACE Information in the Latest NGS xGeoid15 Model for the USA
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Camera, Software, and User Interface
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Image Calibration, Intensity Calibration, and Drift Scan
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Optics and Focus Strategy
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Science goals and student training for 2017
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: normalized radial graded filtering, site-to-site image registration, and preliminary results
- Global-Local Interaction of Structures Formed in Earth Foreshock Waves
- IMPS, A Static-Optics Application of Full-Stokes Spectropolarimetry to Search for Extraterrestrial Biosignatures
- Implementation of high precision optical and radiometric LRO tracking data in the orbit determination to supplement the baseline S-band tracking
- Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Data: Lunar Topography and Surface Properties After 7 Years
- NASA's Universe of Learning: Engaging Learners in Discovery
- Next Generation Telescopes for Terrestrial Exoplanet Characterization
- Variability of Dayside Reconnection in a Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation
- Disseminating NASA-based science through NASA's Universe of Learning: Girls STEAM Ahead
- Evolution of the Foreshock Properties with the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Strength: Vlasiator Simulations
- Saturn Close Up from Cassini CIRS in the Grand Finale
- Solar Wind - Magnetosheath - Magnetopause Interactions in Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- Two-way laser ranging and time transfer experiments between LOLA and an Earth-based satellite laser ranging station
- Comparative Planetology and Exoplanets as a Gateway Back to the Solar System
- Comparative Terrestrial Exoplanetology in an Era of Space-Based Infrared Spectroscopy
- Connecting Libraries to NASA with a Spectrum of Technologies
- Geophysics with the Hubble Space Telescope
- Insights into the atmospheres of the TRAPPIST-1 planets from the laboratory and models
- NASA's Universe of Learning: A NASA Astrophysics Learning and Literacy Program
- NASA's Universe of Learning: Providing a Direct Connection to NASA Science with ViewSpace
- The Exoplanet Yield Landscape for Future Space Telescopes
- The Mid-Infrared Search for Life on Nearby Transiting Exoplanets Using The Origins Space Telescope
- Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot-Jupiter WASP-79b from 0.6 to 1.7 μm
- Aliens and Habitable Planets: Engaging the public in scientific practices characterizing exoplanet orbits
- Future studies of large planetesimals in the solar system with astrophysics assets: JWST and beyond
- Vlasiator: Global, Full 6D Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations of Earth's Magnetosphere
- Comparative KBOlogy: The Dynamic Surfaces of Pluto and Triton
- Persephone: A Pluto-System Orbiter and Kuiper Belt Explorer
- Prospects for Trans-Neptunian Exploration with Interstellar Probe
- The View From Out Here: the Solar System Planets as Exoplanet Analogs
- Water and Agriculture Management from Space - Building a Community of Practice through a Legacy of NASA Earth Observations and Tools
- Engaging the Public in the James Webb Space Telescope
- Simulating the Sodium Exosphere of Mercury
- Evidence that Earth was exposed to Cold Dense Interstellar Medium 2 Myrs Ago as a result of the Encounter with Local Lynx Cold Clouds
- First Measurements of Neptune's Stratospheric Winds
- First Observations of Titan with the James Webb Space Telescope
- Investigating Titan's Stratospheric Methane Distribution with ALMA
- Living With the Young Sun: First Results of HST-XMM Newton and TESS Coordinated Observations of Young Suns and Modeling of Their Coronae, Winds and Eruptive Events
- Observations of the DART Impact by JWST
- Spatial Distribution and Secular Evolution of Pluto's Ices as Seen from the Ground and Space
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Malakhov
- A. S. Rivkin
- Avi M. Mandell
- B. K. Meinke
- B. McLean
- Brandon Lawton
- C. A. Nixon
- C. A. Thomas
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- David K. Sing
- E. Mazarico
- E. P. Turtle
- Germán Schnyder
- Ilya Usoskin
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. Stansberry
- Jian‐Yang Li
- John Rayner
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Luke Tremblay
- M. Guêdel
- M. H. Burger
- M. Opher
- Marshall D. Perrin
- Martin Cordiner
- Max Mutchler
- Maël Es-Sayeh
- Meng Jin
- Michele Bannister
- Naomi Rowe-Gurney
- Natalie M. Batalha
- Patrick Michel
- R. J. Vervack
- R. K. Achterberg
- R. M. Killen
- Rachel A. Osten
- Richard Cosentino
- S. Rodríguez
- Seth Redfield
- T. Cornet
- W. T. Reach
- К. J. Meech