National Solar Observatory, Sunspot New Mexico
flowchart I[National Solar Observatory, Sunspot New Mexico] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (285)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (134)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Impact of NPOESS on Mesoscale Forecasts
- Current Helicity of Emerging Active Regions
- Long-Term Solar Irradiance Variations From Solar Cycle 21 to 23
- Multi-wavelength Structure of an Active Region Filament
- The Right Amount of Glue: Technologies and Standards Relevant to a Future Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment
- CoSEC: Orchestrated Web Services for Living with a Star
- Coronal Radio Magnetography of Solar Active Region 8365
- DASL--Data and Activities for Solar Learning
- Data Integration in the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Diagnostics of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field: 1878 - 2010
- First Results from SOLIS
- Solar Astronomy as a Means to Promote Authentic Science Research in a Teacher Professional Development Program
- Synergy of Research and EPO Programs at NSO
- The Virtual Solar Observatory -- the Why, What, How and Where
- Virtual Solar Observatory Distributed Query Construction
- Doing Science with the VSO: Signatures of CME Initiation
- Mapping the Velocity Distribution of Neutral Sodium Near Io
- Solar Torsional Oscillations and the Extended Solar Cycle
- Solving Science Use Cases that relate to the Sun and Heliosphere with EGSO
- Temporal Variations in the Evershed Flow
- Case Study of A Sequential Chromospheric Brightening (SCB) Associated with May 6, 2005 event.
- High Resolution Optical Spectroscopy, Spectropolarimetry and Spectral Imaging of Filament and Flaring Atmospheres
- ISOON H-alpha Survey of Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings
- My Teacher got a Trip to Kitt Peak Observatory, but all I got was This Lousy Data CD: Lessons Learned in Optimizing a Teacher Professional Development Program for Solar Research
- Bayesian Feature Recognition for Multidimensional NSO Imagery
- Enchancements to the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Multiwavelength Study of Flow Fields in Flaring Super Active Region NOAA 10486
- The Virtual Solar Observatory and the Heliophysics Meta-Virtual Observatory
- The current and future roles of virtual observatories serving the heliophysical data environment
- Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona
- Application of Statistical Image Segmentation to Recognition of Solar Magnetic Network
- Callable Virtual Observatory Functionality: Sample Use Cases
- Dealing with Large Dataset Queries in the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Design Considerations for Data Catalogs
- GONG Synoptic Magnetograms and Coronal Magnetic Field Modeling
- Mexican Virtual Solar Observatory
- SOLIS: status, data products & science
- Sources of fast solar wind streams observed on STEREO and at L1
- Sunspot Numbers and Sunspot Irradiance Reductions as Obtained with OSPAN Semi- automatic Analysis
- The Magnetic Structure of X-Ray Bright Points
- A Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Analyses of Energy and Magnetic flux Transport from Sub-photosphere to the Corona
- Comparison of Exospheric Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer during the First and Second MESSENGER Flybys with Concurrent Ground-based Observations
- Dynamics of Quiet Solar Chromosphere at the Limb
- Polar Magnetic Field Distribution as Observed by SOLIS and its relation with coronal structures
- Recent studies of the behavior of the Sun's white-light corona over time
- STEREO ICMEs and their Solar Source Regions Near Solar Minimum
- Spectral Irradiance Variations and Magnetic Field Changes During Solar Cycle 23.
- The Role of Heavy Ions as Coronal Diagnostics: Recent Results from Total Solar Eclipse Observations
- The Whole Heliosphere Interval: Campaign Summaries and Early Results
- The application of Gaussian Mixture and Histogram-based Bayesian methods to NSO/Kitt Peak VT data.
- The dynamic lunar exosphere: clues from sodium
- Understanding and forecasting solar EUV and UV irradiance variations
- Variations in Mercury's Sodium Exosphere Taken at the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope in January 2008 in Support of the MESSENGER Flybys
- What Are We Tracking ... and Why?
- Automated Characterization of Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings
- Enabling Distributed access to SDO Data with VSO
- Large-Scale Solar Subsurface Flows During Solar Cycle Minimum
- New Global Solar Magnetic Field Maps Using the ADAPT Data Assimilation and Flux Transport Model
- Observations of Metallic Species in Mercury’s Exosphere During the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Recent Progress in Detecting Meridional Flows Deep within the Sun
- Reconstructing the 3-D Structure and Trajectory of ICMEs: Physical and Forecasting Implications
- Simulations of the Evolution of Vapor Ejected by the LCROSS Impact on the Moon
- The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope: Science Goals, Design and Project Status. (Invited)
- The Torsional Oscillation and the Solar Minimum
- The VSO Interface to SDO Data - On Top and Underneath
- The Variation of Solar Chromospheric H-alpha Plage 2002-2009
- The internal dynamics and magnetism of the sun -- the perspective from global helioseismology (Invited)
- Using subsurface helicity measurements to predict flare occurrence
- Vorticity of Granular Flows from NST Observations
- Coronal Mass Ejections from Empty Filament Channels
- Development of a Statistical Diagnostic Scheme for Flare Probability
- End-to-End Observations and Modeling of the 17-21 January 2010 CME/ICME
- Ensemble Solar Global Magnetic Field Modeling
- Evolution of magnetic field in flaring active regions
- Forecasting Earth Arrivals of CMEs with Heliospheric Imagers (Invited)
- Forecasting Solar EUV Irradiance, Validation and Automation
- Global and Local Helioseismology from HMI and AIA
- Helioseismic Studies of a Sunspot using HMI Data
- Improving the Far-Side Seismic Maps
- Magnetic Field Measurements at the Photosphere and Coronal Base
- Non-polar Coronal Holes and Solar Wind
- Photospheric synoptic magnetograms, potential-field models and observed global coronal structure
- Predictions of active region flaring probability using subsurface helicity measurements
- Scientific Revelations on Coronal Mass Ejections Using Heliospheric Imagers and In-Situ Data
- Solar Dynamo: Comparing Models with Observations. (Invited)
- Solar Subsurface Flows derived with Ring-Diagram Analysis
- Subsurface Flows from SDO, SOHO, and GONG (Invited)
- The Flare Patrol Augmentation Tool (FPAT)
- The Impact of Different Global Photospheric Magnetic Field Maps on Coronal Models
- The automatic detection and tracking of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using heliospheric imager data
- WSA Derived Coronal Hole Comparison with STEREO EUVI Observations
- What is the relationship between solar torsional oscillations and solar activity?
- 3D Solar Wind Structure Features Characterizing the Rise of Cycle 24
- Chromospheric Observations of a Kink Wave in an On-disk Active Region Fibril
- Comparison of STEREO's Farside Observations of Solar Activity and Predictions from the Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG)
- Correlation between flare related photospheric magnetic field changes and X-ray flare location
- Detecting the Large Scale Magnetic Helicity Patterns on the Sun using SOLIS/VSM and SDO/HMI fulldisk vector magnetograms
- Evolution of active and polar photospheric magnetic fields during the rise of Cycle 24 compared to previous cycles
- Far-side seismic maps with HMI
- Flux Ropes and Small-Scale Interplanetary Transients - New Revelations from STEREO/SECCHI
- Heliospheric Space Weather at the Start of Cycle 24
- Improvements to the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Properties of Magnetic Neutral Lines and Filament Formation
- Science Highlights Utilizing SOLIS VSM Vector Magnetic Field Data
- Solar Coronal Temperature and Line Emission During the Long Minimum and the Rise of Cycle 24
- Solar Magnetic Flux Transport Modeling with Far-side Data
- Solar dynamics at high latitudes and deep in the convection zone
- The Longitudinal Solar Magnetic Field Measured by SOLIS
- The Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24: General Solar Wind, Large-Scale Solar Wind Structures, and Sector Asymmetry
- A Coral Sea Rehearsal for the Eclipse Megamovie
- Coronal Activity and Extended Solar Cycles
- Revelations on Heliospheric Imaging of Polarized Light
- Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Observations of the Dust Grains from SOFIA and of the Atomic Gas from NSO Dunn and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes (Invited)
- Counting Sunspots from Space (Invited)
- Global Solar Photospheric Magnetic Field Modeling (Invited)
- Modeling the corona and solar wind using ADAPT maps with data assimilated helioseismic detected active regions (Invited)
- Observing Molecular Hydrogen with IRIS
- Solar Active Region Morphologies Selected From Near-Side Helioseismic Data
- Solar Coronal Temperature During the Long Minimum and the Rise of Cycle 24
- Testing the Reliability of Far-side Active Region Predictions from Helioseismology using STEREO Far-side Observations
- The Mg II h&k lines as seen by IRIS: what do they tell us about the solar chromosphere? (Invited)
- Chromospheric Acoustic Oscillations in Active Flaring Regions
- Current and Kinetic Helicity of Long-Lived Activity Complexes
- Dynamical behaviour of photospheric bright points during merging
- Estimating the Global Solar Magnetic Field Distribution Using ADAPT
- First High-resolution Spectroscopic Observations by IRIS of a Fast, Helical Prominence Eruption Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection
- Fitting of Intensity-Velocity Cross Spectrum using GONG and HMI Oscillation Data
- Forecasting Solar UV & F10.7 with ADAPT
- High-resolution Observations of the X-flare on 2014-03-29
- Measurement and Interpretation of Travel-Time Shifts in the context of Time-Distance Helioseismic Detection of Meridional Flows in the Solar Convection Zone
- Next-generation Solar Data and Data Services from the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
- Observational Evidence of Resonant Absorption in Oscillating Prominence
- Quantifying Photospheric Processes Using a New Pixel Dynamics Model
- The DKIST Operations Lifecycle: From Proposal Preparation to Completion
- The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: A Comprehensive Investigation of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales
- Three Dimensional Chromospheric Temperature Structure of Sunspot
- Contextualizing Solar Cycle 24: Report on the Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Cylindrical Symmetry of Sunspots as a Proxy for Flare-Related Changes in Pseudo-Vector Magnetic Field Derived from Line-of-Sight Magnetograms
- H-alpha Off-limb Carrington Synoptic Charts
- Pixel Analysis and Plasma Dynamics Characterized by Photospheric Spectral Data
- Remote Observations of the Lunar Sodium Exosphere
- Response of Solar Oscillations to Magnetic Activity in Cycle 24
- Solar Subsurface Flows During Solar Cycle 24
- Transitioning GONG data processing to NOAA SWPC operations
- A PDS Archive for Observations of Mercury's Na Exosphere
- Absorption by Mercury's Exosphere During the May 9th, 2016 Solar Transit.
- Blending of Ground- and Space-Based Magnetograms: Application to L1-L5 Solar Wind and Coronal Hole Predictions
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Image Calibration, Intensity Calibration, and Drift Scan
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Optics and Focus Strategy
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Science goals and student training for 2017
- Modeling the Global Coronal Field with Simulated Synoptic Magnetograms from L1 and L5
- On the Origin of Long-duration Solar Gamma-ray Flares and Their Connection with SEPs
- Signatures of coronal rain observed in the chromosphere of an Active Region Filament
- Sub-Pixel Magnetic Field Dynamics Derived from Photospheric Spectral Line Profiles
- The DKIST Data Center: Meeting the Data Challenges for Next-Generation, Ground-Based Solar Physics
- The extreme space weather event of 1859: A case of historical and physical alignment
- Citizen CATE: Evaluating Outcomes of a Solar Eclipse Citizen Science Project
- Coronagraphic Observations of the Lunar Sodium Exosphere
- Formation of the UV Spectrum of Molecular Hydrogen in the Sun
- Harmonizing Mangnetograph Data with end-to-end Instrument Simulations
- Polarization Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
- Quantized Advantages to a Proposed Satellite at L5 from Simulated Synoptic Magnetograms
- SunPy: Python for Solar Physics
- The Solar Wind Source Cycle: Relationship to Dynamo Behavior
- Bridging the gap between Hawai'i students and solar astronomy in preparation for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
- Engineering of the HiWIND Thermospheric Wind Observatory
- Evaluating the Performance of a Non-LTE Archive for Fast Inversion of Chromospheric Spectra
- Exploring the Cool Pockets in the Solar Atmosphere
- Formation of a Kilogauss Magnetic Flux Rope Prior to an X9-Class Flare
- How will DKIST Help Us Understand the Magnetic Connectivity Between the Sun and the Earth?
- Multi-wavelength Fourier Observations of Solar Acoustic Waves Near Active Regions with GONG and SDO AIA
- Properties of sunspot oscillations and wave propagation in NOAA AR 12470 as observed with ALMA and BBSO instruments
- An Erupting Solar Filament Observed at the DST
- Calibrating GONG Magnetograms Using an End-to-end Magnetograph Model
- Progression of Solar Cycle 24 As Seen in Acoustic Mode Frequencies of the Sun
- Quantifying Properties of Photospheric Magnetic Field Cancellation Events in the Quiet Sun Internetwork
- Solar Cycle-Related Variability of Sun-as-a-Star Spectral Line Profiles
- Stokes Line Parameters as Possible Indicators of Flaring Activity: A Comparison of Flaring and Non-Flaring Active Regions
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- Time dependent properties of Inverse Evershed Flow and Perspectives with Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)
- Volume-filling Simulations of Coronal Loops Heated by Nanoflares
- A Survey of Computational Tools in Solar Physics
- ALMA observations and spectral inversions - what can we learn about the Sun and our techniques?
- Analysis of Atmospheric Seeing Measurements
- Analysis of DKIST Adaptive Optics Jitter Control
- Automated Single Point Inversions of Infrared Forbidden Lines for DKIST Coronal Observations
- Bringing Together Professionals and Undergraduate Students in a Virtual Environment
- COFFIES - Developing a Reliable Physical Model of the Solar Activity Cycle
- COSPAR International Space Weather Action Teams: Addressing Challenges Across the Field of Space Weather.
- Constraining Global Coronal Models with Multiple Independent Observables
- Constraining wave propagation throughout the solar atmosphere with IBIS, ALMA and IRIS
- Continuous Subsurface Flow Measurements for Solar Cycle 23 from MDI Spherical Harmonic Time Series
- DKIST and Advances in Chromospheric Polarimetry: Connecting the Trees with the Forest
- Derivation of Toroid Patterns from Analysis of Magnetograms And Inferring Their Deep-origin
- Estimation of Low-energy Cutoff of Non-thermal Electrons from a Spectro-polarimetric Observation
- Evaluating Model Advancements for Predicting CME Arrival Time - CCMC/NOAA SWPC Partnership Final Report
- Global Solar Flows and Magnetic Fields: Observing, Simulating and Predicting Their Impact on the Heliosphere and Terrestrial Atmosphere
- Helioseismic Constraints on the Solar Interior Dynamics and Dynamo
- Inferring Plasma Flows in the Solar Photosphere & Chromosphere using Deep Learning and Surface Observations
- Investigating Solar Minimum Below and Above the Solar Surface: Is the Current Solar Minimum Different from the Previous Minimum?
- Investigation of the X1.6 Flare Occurred in the Great Active Region 12192
- Multi-Wavelength Modeling and Analysis of the Center-to-Limb Effects of Solar Spectroscopy and Helioseismology
- On Recurrent Active Region Coronal Jets: Coronal Geyser Sources of Electron Beams and Interplanetary Type-III Radio Bursts
- Solar-Cycle Variation of the Subsurface Flows of Active and Quiet Regions
- Spectroscopic Inversions & Calibrations for DKIST Coronal Observations
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- The CO Fundamental Band as an LTE Diagnostic of the Temperature Minimum
- The Solaris Solar Polar Mission: Exploring one of the last Unexplored Regions of the Solar System
- The Virtual Boulder Solar Alliance REU
- The challenges of cohort development during a virtual internship program in response to COVID-19
- The formation and dissipation of current sheets and shocks due to compressive waves in a stratified atmosphere containing a magnetic null
- The off-limb polarized corona at high-resolution: new synthetic views for the DKIST era
- A Comparative Study of Measurements of the Suns Axisymmetric Flows: A COFFIES Effort
- AWSoM MHD simulation of a solar active region with realistic spectral synthesis
- Adapting Software, Hardware, and Programming Support in a Virtual Environment for the Boulder Solar Alliance Research Experience for Undergraduates Program
- An Alternative Approach to Measuring Solar Velocities on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Using the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
- CLEDB - An Algorithm for Inverting Vector Magnetic Fields in The Solar Corona
- Characteristic based data-driven boundary conditions suitable for rapidly evolving solar active regions
- Chromospheric Heating Mechanisms in a Plage Region Constrained by Comparison of Magnetic Field and Mg II h & k Flux Measurements with Theoretical Studies
- Estimation of projection effects in the solar polar magnetic flux measurements from an ecliptic view.
- Exploration of the Physical and Spectroscopic Characteristics of Coronal Rain
- FETCH Concept: Investigating Quiescent and Transient Magnetic Structures in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation of Spacecraft Radio Signals
- From 1973 to the 2020s, from SKYLAB to 3D vector magnetic fields in prominences
- Global solar flows and their impact on magnetic activity
- Heating of the solar atmosphere by electric currents
- Horizontal Flows Associated with Anti-Hale Active Regions
- Implementing general and robust non-reflecting boundary conditions for MHD simulations
- Increasing the Accessibility of Solar Science through Interactive Demonstration
- Kinetic and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions
- Novel Magnetic Field and Electron Density Measurements of CMEs (within AU) with the Proposed Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST) Mission
- Polarized forbidden coronal line emission in the presence of active regions
- Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE): II. Flares and Eruptions
- Quantifying Magnetic Energy Flux in the Quiet Sun Photosphere using Sunrise/IMaX Observations
- Recent observations of stellar flares on G-, K-, and M-dwarf stars and possible mass ejections
- Solar Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Model Comparison based on 3D MHD Simulations
- Spectral Runway: An Analysis of Solar Balmer Lines through both Observations and Models
- Spectroscopic survey of infrared 1-4 m spectra in regions of prominent solar coronal emission lines of Fe XIII, Si X, and Si IX
- Subsurface Flow Measurements in the Near Surface Shear Layer over Two Solar Cycles
- Subsurface Plasma Flows and the Flare Productivity of Solar Active Regions
- The Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) Data Center: Cyber-infrastucture for a next generation ground based solar telescope.
- The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST)
- The Next Generation GONG (ngGONG) Project: Ground-based Synoptic Studies of the Sun
- Visualizing the Solar Corona in Virtual Reality
- What Deep and Extended Minima Tell us about Magnetism Below the Surface?
- A First Look at Solar Prominences using the DKIST/CryoNIRSP
- Calibrating DKIST Data
- Chromospheric Horizontal Propagating Waves Revealed by Fast-Cadence Imaging in Ca II K with DKIST's Visible Broadband Imager
- Contribution to Solar Brightness of small-size magnetic elements
- Coordinated ground and airborne extended observations of TSE 2024 with Citizen CATE and NASA's WB-57s
- Coronal Polarimetric Calibration Using Thomson Scattering and Emissive Polarization above Solar Active Regions
- CryoNIRSP Commissioning Observations of Si X 1430 nm: Opening up a New Diagnostic
- DKIST Science Operations during the Operations Commissioning Phase
- Evolution of Kinetic and Magnetic Helicities in Solar Active Regions
- First Analysis of DL-NIRSP Integral Field Spectropolarimetry
- First Observation of Chromospheric Waves in a Sunspot by DKIST/ViSP
- First Observations from the DKIST/Cryogenic Near-IR Spectropolarimeter (CryoNIRSP)
- First Results of Non-LTE Spectro-Polarimetric Inversions of Magnetic Fine Structure as Observed with ViSP/DKIST
- Forward Modeling of Forbidden Coronal Lines in Synthetic Flares
- Horizontal Flows in and around "Rogue" Active Regions
- Improving the Detection of Active Regions near Solar Limbs in GONG Farside Helioseismic Maps
- Inferring three-dimensional magnetic structure of a sunspot using multi-wavelength measurements.
- Investigating Magnetic Structure in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation, the FETCH instrument on the MOST mission
- Investigating Ohmic Heating as a Solar Active Region Atmosphere Heating Mechanism
- Large Photospheric Doppler Shift in Solar Active Region 12673
- MHD Simulation Uncertainties Imposed by Boundary Condition Choices
- Measurements of Reconnecting Magnetic Fields with DKIST
- Navigating the Challenges of a Hybrid REU Program to Optimize Student Experience and Value
- Observations and Simulations of Solar Flows and Their Roles in Magnetic Activity Patterns at the Surface
- Progressing Towards Faraday Rotation Tomography of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Properties of Chromospheric Flow Channels Around a Sunspot
- Reconciling Subsurface Flow Measurements from GONG, HMI and MDI
- Small-scale, internetwork magnetism in the quiet Sun: first look using the Visible Spectropolarimeter at DKIST
- Spectropolarimetric Inversion in Four Dimensions with Deep Learning (SpIN4D): Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling and Forward Synthesis Pipeline
- Stellar Wind and the Exoplanetary Magnetosphere Compression in Sun-like Stars
- Sunspots at 0.03" Resolution
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory: Overview and Recent Progress
- The Sun's Global Flows: Differential Rotation
- Total Solar Irradiance During the Last Five Centuries and the Maunder Minimum
- Transient Events in the Chromosphere and Corona with IBIS, ALMA, IRIS, and XRT
- Uncertainty Estimates of Solar Wind Prediction: Significance and Impacts
- Unlocking Coronal Mysteries with DKIST: The First Chapter
- Upflows in solar active regions - producing a mix of abundances that can feed into the solar wind
- Using Infrared Extreme Limb spectropolarimetry with DKIST and CryoNIRSP to Understand the Photospheric Shear Layer
- Validation of novel a 3D magnetohydrodynamic data-driven simulation code using an expanding spheromak ground truth simulation
- Variability of High-degree Acoustic Mode Frequencies of the Sun and their Connection with the Surface Magnetic Activity
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Norton
- A. A. Pevtsov
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. Prasad
- A. Tritschler
- A. W. Merkel
- Aatiya Ali
- Adam Kobelski
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alexei A. Pevtsov
- Alin Rǎzvan Paraschiv
- Alina-Catalina Donea
- Alphonse C. Sterling
- Amir Caspi
- André Fehlmann
- B. Poduval
- Bart De Pontieu
- Bradley W. Hindman
- Brian E. Wood
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. E. Fischer
- C. J. Henney
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Christoph U. Keller
- Cooper Downs
- D. A. Lacatus
- D. B. Jess
- D. J. Christian
- Daniel B. Seaton
- David B. Wexler
- David M. Long
- Debi Prasad Choudhary
- Dibyendu Nandy
- E. A. Jensen
- E. E. DeLuca
- F. Berrilli
- F. Giorgi
- F. Zuccarello
- G. Cauzzi
- Gábor Tóth
- H. M. Antia
- H. Uitenbroek
- Haosheng Lin
- Hardi Peter
- I. Ermolli
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- Irina Kitiashvili
- J. E. Leake
- J. M. da Silva Santos
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. Schou
- J. T. Hoeksema
- J. Zhang
- Jack Jenkins
- James Paul Mason
- James R. A. Davenport
- Jason Kooi
- Kosuke Namekata
- Krishna M. Jain
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- L. Golub
- L. K. Harra
- L. K. Jian
- L. P. Chitta
- L. Teriaca
- Lisa Upton
- Lucas A. Tarr
- M. Falco
- M. H. Burger
- M. Haberreiter
- M. I. Desai
- M. Snow
- M. Stangalini
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Maria D. Kazachenko
- Martin A. Reiss
- Matthew J. West
- Mattia Di Mauro
- Mausumi Dikpati
- Meng Jin
- N. D. Kee
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Gopalswamy
- N. M. Viall
- N. Nitta
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. Romano
- P. W. Schuck
- Paola Testa
- Peter H. Keys
- Petrus C. Martens
- Qian Gong
- R. Howe
- R. K. Ulrich
- Ryan Hofmann
- Ryan J. French
- S. C. Tripathy
- S. D. Bale
- S. E. Gibson
- S. F. Fung
- S. K. Solanki
- S. Parenti
- S. Tomczyk
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- S. Yashiro
- Sabrina Savage
- Sanjay Gosain
- Sanjiv K. Tiwari
- Sarah A. Kovac
- Sarbani Basu
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Shea Hess Webber
- Shuo Wang
- Steven Christe
- Sushant S. Mahajan
- Suzanne L. Hawley
- T. A. Kucera
- T. N. Woods
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tetsu Anan
- Thomas A. Schad
- Thomas Berger
- V. Bernstein
- V. H. Hansteen
- V. Mangano
- V. Martínez Pillet
- Vasyl Yurchyshyn
- W. H. Carande
- W. T. Reach
- Xudong Sun
- Yunqian Zhu
- Yuta Notsu
- É. Buchlin