Academia Sinica, Taiwan
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Anomalously seismic clustering triggered by the Mw = 7.6 Taiwan earthquake
- The Uncertainties of Asian Dust Forecasting over Taiwan During Spring 2002
- Reduction of Ground Motion Variability Using the Variance Components Technique
- Stress-Driven Earthquake Cycle Model of the Active Taiwan Collision Zone
- Double coupled faulting associated with the 2006 Mw=6.1 Peinan earthquake, Eastern Taiwan
- Major Air Pollutants Over the Western Plain in Taiwan
- Hydrological control and anthropogenic effect on dissolved nitrogen in stream water from a subtropical mountainous drainage system
- Mechanical strengths of fault and its surrounding rocks on an active creeping fault at Chihshang, Eastern Taiwan: an approach of numerical modeling
- Orbital-Scale Variability of Deep-Water Circulation in the South China Sea
- The Site Effect in Ground Motion Variability: An Application of the Variance-Components Technique
- Anomalous hydrographic and biological conditions in the northern South China Sea during the 1997-98 El Niño
- Improvement on Vp/Vs structures and earthquake location using a dense strong motion array in Taiwan
- Mechanical strengths of an active creeping fault at Chihshang, Eastern Taiwan
- Observations of Very-Long-Period Tremor at the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan
- Oxygen Isotope Evidence for Higher Summer Temperature in Tridacna maxima Shells from Southern Taiwan, 4,000 B.P.
- Ozone Production and Control Strategies for Southern Taiwan
- Toward a Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network
- What Determines the Distance of Asian Dust Transport?
- Double coupled faulting associated with the 2006 Mw=6.1 Peinan earthquake, Eastern Taiwan
- Jupiter Stratospheric Jet Simulations
- Observations of tri-band beacon signal scintillation in the Taiwan zone
- On Monthly/Seasonal/Longitudinal Variations of Equatorial Irregularity Occurrences and Their Relationship to Post-Sunset Vertical Drift Velocities
- Spatial and Temporal Impacts of Urbanization on Local Hydrological Processes - A Case Study in the Central Taiwan
- Surface CO2 Isotopologues: Influence of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- A rapid creeping reverse fault at the plate suture: the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- An EMD based Neural Network method for Wind Wave Prediction
- An enhancement of seasonal precipitation range under global warming
- CO2 in the middle troposphere
- Continental Margin as A Small River Organic Carbon Sink
- Decadal variations of hydrological processes under the impact of urbanization
- Evolution and Origin of Titan's Atmosphere: Constraints from Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios
- Global/Seasonal/Local-Time Variations of Ion Density Structure at Low-Latitude Ionosphere and Their Relationship to the Post-Sunset Irregularity Occurrences
- Inversion method counting the spatial variation of sound speed structure in the measurement of Ocean Base Crustal Deformation
- Solubility of Metals in Aerosols Over the East China Sea: correlation Between Co and Fe
- Temperature variability in the stratosphere and troposphere from GPS measurements
- The Effect of Aerosol Deposition on Snow Albedo Reduction in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Three-Dimensional Ionospheric Electron Density Structure of the Weddell Sea Anomaly
- Tung, K
- Aerosols and Regional Climate Changes
- An Intense Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction during the Holocene Optimum: Evidence from Sub-alpine Lake Sediments in Taiwan
- Assessing Low Frequency Variability in North Atlantic Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures in Global Climate Models
- Characterization of ozone precursors in a regional background site of the Pearl River Delta by time series observation of non-methane hydrocarbons
- Distribution of H2O and SO2 in the atmosphere of Venus
- Geochemical and sulfur isotope signatures of microbial activity in acidic and sulfuric hot springs, northern Taiwan
- Mechanisms for the weakening of tropical circulation
- Metamorphism in Taiwan : state of the art and some geodynamic interpretation
- Multi-Decadal to Centennial Oscillations and Climate Signals Inferred by Periodic Solar Forcing
- On infragravity motions of the 2009 Samoa tsunami at Penrhyn Island
- Parameterization of the Solar Fluxes over Mountain Surfaces for Application to Regional Climate Models
- Periodic oscillations in the ionosphere associated with recurrent geomagnetic activity during the solar minimum of 2007-2008
- The Impact of Southeast Asian Biomass Burning on CO Mixing Ratios in East Asia
- The Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly
- The importance of small mountainous rivers on carbon cycle (Invited)
- Thermodynamic and dynamic effects of global warming on regional tropical precipitation
- Toward better accuracy for measurement of ocean bottom crustal deformation
- A Millennial-length Reconstruction of the Western Pacific Pattern with Associated Paleoclimate
- Atmospheric Stability and weakening of tropical circulation
- Characterization of Highway Traffic Plumes in New York City with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Decadal Erosion Rates Derived From An Earthquake-Induced Landslide Region, Central Taiwan
- Determination of triple oxygen isotope ratios for tropospheric carbon dioxide
- Global warming impacts on rainfall intensity and frequency—A regional view
- Microstructure and heterogeneity of the Chelungpu fault revealed by Taiwan Chelungpu fault Drilling project (TCDP) Hole C cores
- Modeling the Observed Atmospheric OH Response to the Solar Cycle
- Nonlinear Dependence of Global Warming Prediction on Ocean State
- On the correlation between microseisms and ocean waves
- Overestimation of O2 in Natural Water in Winkler's method: H2O2 Effect and Oceanographic Implications
- Overview of Asian Biomass Burning and Dust Aerosols Measured during the Dongsha Experiment in the Spring of 2010
- Parameterization of Surface Solar Fluxes in Mountains: Application to the Tibetan Plateau
- ROCSAT Observations of Large Wavy Flow Motions at the Topside Ionosphere
- Radiation Parameterization for Climate Models: Some New Perspectives (Invited)
- Reconstructed Topside Ionopsheric Profiles with C/NOFS and Ionosonde Data to compare with FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC observations and the IRI model
- Rheology of Impure Quartzite under Geologic Conditions
- The impact of diverse types of biomass burning in a tropical country
- A fourteen-year time series of rainwater 7Be and 210Pb fluxes in northern Taiwan
- Assimilating chemical compound with a regional chemical model
- Changes in the annual range of precipitation under global warming
- Climate Sensitivity and Solar Cycle Response in Climate Models
- Coastal Erosion in a Coral Reef Island, Taiping Island, South China Sea
- Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis for Volatile Organic Compounds
- Cool Season Paleotemperatures at Tree Line in Taiwan
- Creeping Deformation by the Precise Leveling Survey at the central part of the Longitudinal valley fault, Southeast Taiwan
- Determination of triple oxygen isotope composition of tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Downscaling Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in a Subtropical Reservoir
- Eddy formation and propagation in the East Pacific warm pool: Role of subseasonal variability in Central American wind jets
- Efficient calculation of complete 3D Fréchet derivatives for high frequency compressional teleseismic body waves
- Imaging Seismic and Aseismic Fault Slip on the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan
- Impact of urbanization and industrial development on holiday effect
- Internal waves effects on bacterial production and DOC in the South China Sea
- Investigation the optical and radiative properties of aerosol vertical profile of boundary layer by lidar and ground based measurements
- Nutrient Dynamics in the Northern South China Sea Shelf-sea (NoSoCS)
- Oceanic dynamics associated with ENSO in affecting the SST variation in the Western Pacific / Philippine Sea sector
- Orogenic extension during arc-continent collision: Constrained by earthquake analysis in south central Taiwan
- Seismic-induced water waves by the March 2011 Japan earthquake
- Solar Cycle Variability in Tropical Column Ozone
- Topographic Impact on Surface Solar Fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau
- Using the In-Situ Measured Density Data to Derive Global/Seasonal Scintillation Maps and Outer-Scale Distribution
- 3D Radiative Transfer Parameterization and the Effect on Surface Processes Based on WRF Simulations
- A Sensitivity Test of the Ozone Solar Cycle Response with Respect to Chemical Kinetics and Model Parameters
- Assimilating chemical compound with a regional chemical model
- Currents on the Continental Shelf of Northern South China Sea
- Determination of triple oxygen isotope composition in CO<SUB>2</SUB> from various biogeochemical processes
- Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the North Pacific
- Effect of tropical cyclones on the phytoplankton composition in the oligotrophic tropical waters: Remote sensing observations in the South China Sea
- Effects of Amazon River Discharge on the Oceanic Physics and Surrounding Circulation System
- Impact of different transport mechanisms of Asian dust and anthropogenic pollutants to Taiwan
- Impacts of "wet seasons get wetter, dry seasons get drier"
- Investigation of Atmospheric Recycling Rate from Observation and Model
- Lessons from Multi-Millenium Runs of Coupled Atmospheric-Ocean General Circulation Models
- Meridional SST gradient and tropical marine climate change during the last glacial
- Neural network-based estimates of Southern Ocean net community production from in-situ and satellite observation: A methodological study
- On Springtime Ozone Enhancements in the Lower Troposphere Over Beijing
- Periods of 10-30 minutes of sea level variation observed in the coastal regions of Taiwan
- Postseismic Deformation Following the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan: Implication for Lower-Crust Rheology
- Simulating Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Jovian Stratosphere in a Chemistry-Transport Model
- Sources of Springtime Tropospheric Ozone Over North China: A Modeling Analysis of Ozonesonde and Satellite Observations
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Fault Slip on the Longitudinal Valley Fault Taiwan
- Split jet, ITCZ shifts, and interhemispheric North-South linkages during abrupt climate changes of the last glacial period
- Study of a Coincident Observation Between the Ionospheric Density Irregularities and Ground Scintillation Experiment
- Surface Geostrophic Currents variations from altimetry and GOCE
- The HSP, the QCN, and the Dragon: Developing inquiry-based QCN instructional modules in Taiwan
- The relationship between the energy flux equator and tropical rainfall on interannual timescales
- Unexpectedly high ratio in N<SUB>2</SUB>O/N<SUB>2</SUB> production via sedimentary denitrification off Changjiang River
- An Evaluation of Previously Recognized Transfer Fault Zones in Taiwan's Western Foothills Based on Earthquake Distributions and Focal Mechanisms
- Anisotropic Rayleigh-wave Phase-velocity Maps in Northern Vietnam
- Changes in extreme rainfall over South-East Asia and their link to the monsoon system in 21th century from CMIP5 simulations
- Changes in tropical circulation in a warming climate
- Clay-fixed nitrogen on past nitrogen cycle reconstruction and organics source tracing in seas with high fluvial support and sedimentation rate
- Climatology of the oceanography in the northern South China Sea Shelf-sea (NoSoCS) and adjacent waters: Observations from satellite remote sensing
- Co-Seismic Indentor-Related Deformation during the Termination of Subduction and its Associated Geophysical Characteristics: An Example from Taiwan
- Correlation Between the Occurrences of Ionospheric Irregularity and Deep Atmospheric Convection in Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
- Determination of sulfur isotopic composition of S-32, S-33, and S-34 by MC-ICP-MS in picomole quantities
- Distinct expression of alkaline phosphatase activity in epilimnetic bacteria: Implication for persistent DOC consumption in a P-limited reservoir
- Distinguishing structures of northern Vietnam revealed by ambient noise and teleseismic surface wave analyses
- Earthquake behavior along the Levant fault from paleoseismology (Invited)
- Extracting the Building Response with QCN-Taiwan Sensor Data: Application to the building of Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University
- From integrated observation of pre-earthquake signals towards physical-based forecasting: A prospective test experiment
- Geoid model of Tahiti-Moorea oceanic volcanic islands
- Global Surface Geostrophic Currents from Satellite Altimetry and GOCE
- Implementing a warm cloud microphysics parameterization for convective clouds in NCAR CESM
- Influence of interhemispheric thermal gradient on the tropical climate state and Southern Hemisphere Westerlies
- Interactions Between Tropical Cyclones/Sub-monthly Wave Patterns and Intraseasonal Oscillations over the Western North Pacific
- Magnetic and Geochemical Records of Glacial Terminations, Weathering and Carbon Burial in the Southeastern South China Sea for the Last 800 kyr
- Miocene to Pleistocene explosive volcanism offshore Costa Rica: Evidence for different sources from IODP Exp. 334, 344 and ODP Exp. 170
- Non-linear response of South-WPWP SST to greenhouse gases forcing changes during the past 360,000 years
- On the variability of oxygen anomaly in tropospheric CO2
- Overview of 2010-2013 spring campaigns of Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) in the northern Southeast Asia
- Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer in Mountains for CLM/CESM
- Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer over Mountains and Investigation of its Impact on Surface Hydrology over the Western United States Using WRF
- Radial structure of azimuthal anisotropy beneath North Island, New Zealand
- Removal of Infragravity-Wave-Induced Long-Period Noise from OBS Data and Inversion for Crustal Structure Offshore Eastern Taiwan
- Solar Cycle Induced Variability in the Abundances and Partitioning of Atmospheric HOx
- Spatio-temporal evolution of seismic and aseismic slip on the Longitudinal Valley Fault, Taiwan
- The continuum of summertime Southern Hemisphere atmospheric teleconnection patterns
- The impacts of Cloud-Radiation Bias on Circulations and Temperatures Simulations in CMIP5 and NCAR CESM Sensitivity Experiments
- Three-thrust fault system at the plate suture of arc-continent collision in the southernmost Longitudinal Valley, eastern Taiwan
- Tropical Pacific response to continental ice sheet topography
- A 2000-year high-resolution lacustrine record of El Niño Southern Oscillation from the center of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific region (Genovesa crater lake, Galapagos Islands)
- A Global Model Simulation for 3-D Radiative Transfer Impact on Surface Hydrology over Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains
- A closer look at the wintertime Antarctic sea ice trend with a focus on the Ross Sea
- A comparative study of the triple oxygen analyses of dissolved oxygen in a fresh water system (Feitsui reservoir) and South China Sea at SEATS station
- Active fault zone as a barrier of hydraulic conduits in shallow aquifers: insights from on-site injection experiments at the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- Adjoint Tomography of Taiwan Region: From Travel-Time Toward Waveform Inversion
- An empirical equation of effective shaking duration for moderate to large earthquakes
- Analysis of Ground Displacements in Taipei Area by Using High Resolution X-band SAR Interferometry
- Azimuthal anisotropy and 3-D shear-wave velocity structures of North Island, New Zealand.
- Climate Simulations with a Variable-Resolution GCM: Stretched Cubed-Sphere High Resolution Atmospheric Model
- Constraining the Velocity Structure at the Top of the Earth's Outer Core by SKKS and S3KS Differential Traveltimes
- Constraints on Subduction Zone Coupling along the Philippine and Manila Trenches based on GPS and Seismological Data
- Curvature of Fold and Thrust Belt in NE Taiwan: Paleomagnetic Results and Their Implications on Plate Indentation and Back-Arc Opening Processes
- Development of Hydrophone and Its Aapplications Use in OBS
- DynEarthSol3D: numerical studies of basal crevasses and calving blocks
- Evaluation of cloud microphysical schemes on aerosol indirect effects from different scale models
- Evolution of the Holocene uplifted terraces along the Chihshang Fault, Eastern Taiwan: Interactions between tectonic vertical movement and fluvial sedimentation
- Fault Creep and Kinematics of the Chihshang Fault in Eastern Taiwan Derived from the PSInSAR and Geodetic Techniques
- Fault Plane Determination for Small Earthquakes: Case Study in Taiwan
- Fluid flow pathways study from the 3D seismic data offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Full-Wave Anisotropic Tomography in Southern California
- Geological Processes Affecting the Shallow Seafloor Temperature Fields: Results from 2D and 3D Seismic Reflection Data Offshore SW Taiwan
- High Resolution Atmospheric Model (HiRAM) Projection of Global Warming Impact on the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Identifying and Investigating the Late-1960s Interhemispheric SST Shift
- Impacts of Vertical Structure of Convection on Tropical Circulation in a Warmer Climate
- Late Permian Melt Percolation through the Crust of North-Central Africa and Its Possible Relationship to the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province
- Micro-Raman and micro-XRF analysis of glass beads from the Chungde site, Taiwan
- Near Real-time Waveform Inversion for Finite-source Rupture in 3D Structure
- Numerical Simulation Study of Potential Megathrust Event Along the Southernmost Ryukyu Trench
- On Seasonal/Longitudinal Distributions of Post-Midnight Quiettime Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities
- Potential Impacts of Wintertime Agricultural Irrigation at Low Latitudes on Global Climate
- Potential Negative Effects of Groundwater Dynamics on Dry Season Convection in the Amazon River Basin
- Quantitative Study of Seismogenic Potential Along Manila Trench: Effects of Scaborough Seamount Chain Subduction
- Real-time monitoring of Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation by TCP-InSAR technology and GPS time series analysis in the Taiwan mountain area
- Recent Improvement in Air Quality as Evidenced by the Island-wide Monitoring Network in Taiwan
- Reconstruction of seawater chemistry from deeply subducted oceanic crust; hydrogen and oxygen isotope of lawsonite eclogites preserving pillow structure
- River Terraces along the Hsinwulu River and their Implications for Recent Tectonic Uplift of the Southern Central Range in Taiwan
- Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate
- Seismic Structure Beneath Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Seismologically determined bedload flux during the typhoon season
- Short-term, Seasonal, and Long-term Deformation in the Central Range of Taiwan Induced by Earthflows
- Signatures of cross-tropopause exchange seen in the oxygen anomaly in CO2
- Simulation of cloud microphysical effects on water isotope fractionation in a frontal system
- Solar Cycle Induced Variability in Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>x</SUB> — Abundances and Partitioning
- Study of Typhoon Morakot Loading Signal in Taiwan GPS Time Series
- T-waves Excited by 60 Mw>3.3 Earthquakes in the Taiwan Region During 2006 and 2007: Implications of Their Ray Paths, Amplitudes, and Conversion Efficiency
- Tectonic Escape and Present-Day Crustal Deformation in Northernmost Longitudinal Valley, Hualien Taiwan
- Temporal Variations of Gamma-Ray for Detecting Crustal Activity Changes in the Longitudinal Valley, Eastern Taiwan
- The 3D Velocity Structures beneath the Song Ma Fault Zone, North Vietnam
- The Impact of Orbital Insolation Changes on East Asian Climate
- The Impacts of Cloud Snow Radiative Effects on Pacific Oceans Surface Heat Fluxes, Surface Wind Stress, and Ocean Temperatures in Coupled GCM Simulations
- The Role of Shallow Convection in Tropical Climate via Impacts of the Model Spatial Resolution
- The Study of Crustal Heterogeneity in Ma River Fault Zone, Vietnam : An Application in Receiver Function
- Topography Effects on Frequency-dependent Traveltimes and Amplitudes from Regional Earthquakes
- Upper Water Structure and Mixed Layer Depth in Sub-Tropical Waters: The Seats Station in the Northern South China Sea
- A cyclostrophic transformed Eulerian zonal mean model for the middle atmosphere of slowly rotating planets
- Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years
- Continental subduction induced tremor activity?
- Coseismic Topography Deformation at Sumatra
- Development and evolution of folds, faults and fractures within a thrust sheet in fold-thrust belt, Guoshing, central Taiwan
- Development of arc-continent collision mélanges: Linking onshore geological and offshore geophysical observations of the Pliocene Lichi Mélange, southern Taiwan and northern Luzon arc, western Pacific
- Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes and Tremors in Taiwan
- Effects of Composition and Iron Spin State on the Structural Transition of (Mg,Fe)CO<SUB>3</SUB> in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Elastic and anelastic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath the Western Pacific using waveform inversion
- Estimating the gross moist stability in shallow and deep convection
- Estimation of transient deformation on cGPS measurements at Taiwan region: Implications for tectonic and surface processes
- Exploiting Representation of the Aerosol-Radiation interactions in Climate Systems: Observation-based Analyses and Global Climate Modeling
- Exploring Controls on Sinuousity, Terraces and River Capture in the Upper Dajia River, Taiwan
- Extreme events from hundreds years to glacial cycle: insights from Quaternary terraces across the Taiwan mountain belt
- Extrusional Tectonics at Plate Corner: an Example in Northern Taiwan
- Full-waveform Inversion for Localized 3-D S-velocity Structure in D" Beneath the Caribbean using US-Array Data
- Geometry analysis on the distribution of seismicities recorded in the Nantou double earthquake sequences in 2013, central Taiwan
- Holocene Sedimentation Pattern in the Backarc-Opening Ilan Plain, Taiwan: Implications for Regional Tectonic Subsidence and Basin Shape
- Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon and Hydrology in Himalayas
- Impact of The N - S Fracture Zone Along The Indo-Australia Plate Analyzed from Local Seismic Data In The Western Offshore of Sumatra, Indonesia
- Impact of anthropogenic aerosols on regional climate change in Beijing, China
- Improving MJO Simulation in AGCM by Coupling SIT One Dimensional Ocean Model
- Inhibition of New Particle Formation (NPF) in an Experimental Fores: Effect of NOx in a Biogenic Environment
- Inhibitors of atmosphere/ocean coupling during the El Nino of 2014-15
- Lattice thermal conductivity of dense silicate glass at high pressures
- Measurements of radioactive and stable sulfur isotopes at Mt. Everest and its geochemical implications
- Mineralogical and chemical analyses of ancient glass beads from Taiwan and their implications
- Modeling slope failure by the 3D discrete element method: A case study of the dip slope at the Huafan University campus in northern Taiwan
- New Observations of Seismic Group Velocities in the Western Solomon Islands from Cross-Correlation of Ambient Seismic Noise
- On-and offshore tephrostratigraphy and -chronology of the southern Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA)
- Oxygen Anomaly in Near Surface Carbon Dioxide Reveals Deep Stratospheric Intrusion
- Oxygen Isotope Records in Modern Oyster Shells from Chi Ku, Tainan and Their Implication of Seasonality
- Pn-waves Travel-time Anomaly beneath Taiwan from Dense Seismic Array Observations and its Possible Tectonic Implications
- Potential causes of absolute gravity changes in Taiwan over 2004-2014
- Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone
- Reexamining the Longitudinal Distributions of Post-sunset Quiettime Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity Occurrences During Solstices with Respect to the Vertical Drift and Density Variations
- Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate
- Role of volatile compounds on the thermal evolution of Pluto and Charon
- Ryukyu Subduction Zone: 3D Geodynamic Simulations of the Effects of Slab Shape and Depth on Lattice-Preferred Orientation (LPO) and Seismic Anisotropy
- Seismotectonics and Crustal Thickness of Northwest Mindoro, Philippines
- Short-Range-Order Mineral Physical Protection On Black Carbon Stabilization
- Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Precipitation in Response to the Growth of Taiwan Topography
- Tephrochronology of Lacustrine Ash Layers in Lake Petén Itzá Sediments drilled in the Frame of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP): Implications for Regional Volcanology and Central American Palaeoclimate
- Texas floods, El Nino and climate change - 2015
- The Impacts of Precipitating Hydrometeors Radiative Effects on Land Surface Temperature in Contemporary GCMs using Satellite Observations
- Variability of Extreme Events in East Asia and their Dynamical Control: A Comparison Between Observation and Two High-Resolution Global Climate Models.
- Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during the 7-SEAS/BASELInE field campaign
- 1D seismological structure imaging of Caroline plate using wave-equation based techniques
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen on a South China Sea Coral Reef
- A New Perspective on Increasing Activity of Extratropical Disturbances: Spatial and Temporal Trends of Wave Activity
- A gap-filling model for eddy covariance CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux: Estimating carbon assimilated by a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest at the Lien-Hua-Chih flux observation site
- Calving Geometry of Thwaites Glacier Linked to Semi-brittle Ice Dynamics
- Climate and Biological Drivers of Biodiversity Across the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Cloud-related physical parameterizations for Taiwan Earth System Model
- Coral-inferred Variability of Upstream Kuroshio Current from 1953-2004 AD
- Cross-continental triple oxygen isotope analysis of tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Dramatic mica porphyroblast development history revealed by joint metamorphic and chronological constraints, and implications on kinematics of the active Taiwan orogen
- GNSS/Acoustic measurement conducted on "Source region" of the 1771 Yaeyama Tsunami, Japan -Is huge inter-plate earthquake being prepared?-
- Geological implications of 0212 earthquake in 2014 at the Tatun volcanic group of Taiwan: Synergistic effect of volcanic and faulting activities
- Geomorphic patterns along the Red River shear zone and its implication for active deformation processes in northern Vietnam
- High-resolution geological mapping at 3D Environments: A case study from the fold-and-thrust belt in northern Taiwan
- Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Simulation of Land Surface Temperature and Snow Depth over the Tibetan Plateau
- Impacts of 3D Topography and BC Deposition on Climate Change Over the Tibetan Plateau
- Impacts of Convective Triggering on the Coupling of Convection and Diurnal Propagating Systems over the Southern Great Plains in CAM5
- Improving MJO Forecast Skill of AGCM by Coupling Ocean Model with Refined Vertical Resolution
- Internally heated convection as a possible mechanism at the origin of polygonal structures on Pluto's surface.
- Investigating the Local Three-dimensional Velocity Structure of the 2008 Taoyuan Earthquake Sequence of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Investigating the impact of diurnal cycle of SST on the intraseasonal and climate variability
- Kinematic inversion of postseismic deformation following the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake for the distribution of brittle and ductile crustal processes.
- Large-Scale Control of the Arabian Sea Summer Monsoon Inversion and Low Clouds: A New Perspective
- Lattice thermal conductivity of silicate glasses at high pressures
- Magnetic ocean wave effects in Taiwan
- Moisture sources of the Mono Lake deglacial pluvial events
- Multi-instrument observations of pre-earthquake transient signatures associated with 2015 M8.3 Chile earthquake
- Numerical Elasto-Plastic Models on the Faulting development in Southwest Taiwan
- Origins of East Asian Summer Monsoon Seasonality
- Petrogenetic Evolution of Basaltic Volcanism within the Tertiary Basins of Southeastern Korea and the Opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
- Potential Effect of Extratropical Forcing in Triggering an Unusually Strong MJO and the Onset of 2015-2016 El Niño
- Quantification and implications of dispersed volcanic ash as an input to the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Re-damage of the near-surface structures induced by the 2007 Mentawai great earthquake doublet
- Reassessment of Seismic Hazards on High Strain Accumulation in SW Taiwan: Insight from Multiple Fault Slip Triggered by 2016 Meinong Earthquake
- Remote impact of the warm Tropical Atlantic SST on the East Asia climate variability: present and future
- Remote-sensing supported monitoring of global biodiversity change
- Riverine Li isotope fractionation in small mountainous rivers of Taiwan
- Source Rupture Process and Strong Ground Motion Simulations of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan M6.6 Earthquake
- Spatial-temporal analysis of climate variations in mid-17<SUP>th</SUP> through 19<SUP>th</SUP> centuries in East China and the possible relationships with Monsoon climate
- Spatiotemporal Variation of Ambient Noise Levels and Cross-Correlations observed in Gujarat, India
- Stagnant-lid convection in large versus small-core spherical shells: implications for modeling the Moon and Galilean satellites
- Study on a Dynamic Vegetation Model for Simulating Land Surface Flux Exchanges at Lien-Hua-Chih Flux Observation Site in Taiwan
- Suprasubduction Zone Characteristics of the Guleman Ophiolite, SE Turkey: Evidence from Peridotite Geochemistry
- Tectonic tremor activity associated with teleseismic and nearby earthquakes
- The 2012 Strike-slip Earthquake Sequence in Black Sea and its Link to the Caucasus Collision Zone
- The Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Ice on Arctic and Southern Ocean Sea Ice Simulations in GCMs
- The Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Ice on Tropical Pacific Ocean in a Present and Warmer Climate
- Triple Oxygen and Clumped Isotopes in Synthetic and Natural Carbonates: Implications for Paleoclimate and Paleohydrology Studies
- Volcanic Cyclicities in the Pacific Northwest: Insights from the Marine Tephra Record from IODP Expedition 350, Izu Bonin Arc
- Waveform Inversions for the Slip Distributions of the April 25, 2015, Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake and Its Large Aftershocks
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on a Remote Coral Reef
- 3-D S-velocity structure in the lowermost mantle beneath the Northern Pacific
- A Coincident Observation of Es Layer Scintillation Event with AFRL Pingtung SCINDA Station and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Satellites
- A Quantitative Analysis on Satellite-Observable Storm Top Features
- A bottom-driven mechanism for distributed faulting: Insights from the Gulf of California Rift
- A six-stalagmite composite record of East Asian Summer Monsoon in northern China since 11.5 thousand years ago
- An assessment of tropospheric water vapor feedback using radiative kernels
- Arase: mission overview and initial results
- Cascading hazards: Understanding triggering relations between wet tropical cyclones, landslides, and earthquakes
- Citizen seismology in Taiwan: what went wrong and what is the future?
- Climate variability of heat wave and projection of warming scenario in Taiwan
- Comparison of the Earth's high-latitude disturbances with energetic electrons measured by the ERG/Arase satellite
- Coseismic gravitational potential energy changes induced by global earthquakes during 1976 to 2016
- Crustal Seismic Vs and Vs anisotropy of Northeast Japan Revealed by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Dating paleo-seismic faulting in the Taiwan Mountain Belt
- Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign
- Evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath Mt. Baekdu (Changbaishan)
- Focused Fluid Flow along Convergent Plate Boundaries - Deriving Flow Rates along Faults from Local Upwarping of the Base of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone
- GPS/Acoustic seafloor observation in eastern Taiwan
- Ground Tilts Induced by Fluvial Processes Recorded by Broadband and Strong-motion Seismometers
- Gully incision rates on the bedrock of a large dip-slope landslide revealed by multi-period LiDAR DEMs
- High Resolution Spatiotemporal Climate Reconstruction and Variability in East Asia during Little Ice Age
- Identifying events with prominent fluctuations common to particle and wave observations by the ERG/Arase satellite
- Impact of topography-radiation interaction on surface energy budget of the Tibetan Plateau in GCM simulations
- Intrusion of Kuroshio Diminishs Productivity and Coastal Eutrophication of the Northern South China Sea
- Is Fe-Ti type orogenic peridotite of crustal cumulate origin? Implication from Svartberget garnet peridotite/pyroxenite (Western Gneiss Complex, SW Norway)
- Large scale meteorological patterns and moisture sources during precipitation extremes over South Asia
- Low-energy particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEPe) for the Arase mission
- Observations of fluid and gas geochemistry for earthquake precursor in Taiwan: Past, recent status and future scenarios
- Ocean Nitrogen Isotopic Change in the Early Eocene
- Probing dynamic hydrologic system of slowly-creeping landslides with passive seismic imaging: A comprehensive landslide monitoring site at Lantai, Ilan area in Taiwan
- Reduced Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Fe-bearing Bridgmanite in Earth's Deep Mantle
- Relative locations between shallow very low frequency earthquakes and low frequency tremors investigated based on near-filed BBOBS records
- Siderite transforms to magnetite/hematite during/after the large earthquake along the East Yibug Chaka Fault in the Qiangtang Terrane, Central Tibetan Plateau
- Solar Cycle Variations of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB> and MLS H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region
- Statistical analysis of low-energy electron fluxes in the radiation belt: ERG LEP-e measurements
- Tectonic Uplift of the Danba Area in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- The role of ice particles in the microphysics and dynamics of deep convective storms in various latitudes
- The role of shallow moistening in simulating the MJO propagation over the Maritime Continent
- The tenuous atmosphere of Europa
- Triple oxygen isotope analysis of tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> on the two sides of the Pacific Ocean
- Using AGCM Coupled Ocean Model with Refined Vertical Resolution for Simulating the Diurnal Warm Layer during DYNAMO
- Wide energy electron precipitations associated with chorus waves; Initial observations from Arase and ground-based observations
- A 6-year westward rotary motion in the Earth: Detection and possible MICG coupling mechanism
- Abrupt fluctuation of northern Mediterranean hydroclimate and North Atlantic Oscillation since the middle Holocene
- Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation of the 2016 Meinong Earthquake, Southwestern Taiwan
- Data-driven forecasting of meteorological drought for the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
- Deep sea hydrophone calibration and signal compare with seismometer, DPG on sea floor
- ENSO/AMO on Spatial and Temporal Variability of Rainfall and Temperature over Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
- Erosion of landslide debris with episodic heavy rainfall events as revealed by multi-period LiDAR DEMs
- Ground Tilts Derived from Seismometers: Examples from Taiwan
- Improved Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in the E3SM Atmosphere Model Version 1 (EAMv1) with a Modified Convective Triggering Mechanism
- Improvements of Nocturnal Convection Events with a Modified Convective Triggering Mechanism for Climate Models
- Instant GPS analysis platform established for GPS data processing and observation results sharing
- Intrusion of Kuroshio diminishes hypoxia conditions in Yangtze and Pearl estuaries
- Joint zircon thermochronology modeling on the uplift history of the Middle Hsuehshan Range in Taiwan
- Near real-time estimates on earthquake rupture directivity using near-field ground motion data from a dense low-cost seismic network
- New constraint on the global CO<SUB>2</SUB> oxygen isotope recycling time and implications for gross primary productivity
- Non-linear First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) Measurements
- Optimising Analytical Methods for Determining <SUP>17</SUP>O excess of Carbonates
- Projection of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific Using a Single Column Ocean Coupled Model
- Ps mantle transition zone imaging beneath the Colorado Rocky Mountains: Evidence for an upwelling hydrous mantle
- Seasonality and Solar Cycle Response of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB>-derived and WACCM-X Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region
- Simulations of Intraseasonal variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> driven by the Madden-Julian Oscillation.
- Southern Ocean Upwelling During the Last Deglaciation - Dynamical Control of Southern Hemisphere Westerlies and Sea ice.
- Temporal velocity changes in the crust associated with the 2007 South Sumatra great earthquake doublet
- Terrestrial Water Flux Responses to Precipitation Extremes in Tropical Rainforest Areas Under Global Warming
- The characteristics of low evapotranspiration in Chi-Lan montane cloud forest in Taiwan
- The curious connection between ocean feedbacks and mean state moisture for MJO simulation
- Tidally Heated Convection and Occurrence of Melting in Icy Satellites: Application to Europa and Titan
- Using Energy Closure Fractions as Thresholds on Estimating Gap-filling Latent Heat Fluxes with the Principal Component Analysis
- What Can We Do to Adapt the Distinct Nature of Historical Records in the Quantification Process?
- Where is the missing CO<SUB>2</SUB>? A regional multi-species approach to trace the fate of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Fiordland National Park, New Zealand.
- 3D Fracture Model Construction in Northeast Taiwan
- A New Convective Trigger for Better Capturing the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Weather and Climate Models: Observational Evidence and Modeling Results
- An Eyewitness Account of Cross-tropopause Transport of Water Substance by Storms in East Asian Summer Monsoon and Its Implication on UT/LS Exchange
- Assessing Capturing Efficiency of Different Tree Species on Fine Particulate Matter (PM) for Mitigation Strategies in Urban Areas
- Atmospheric heating and Holocene Asian summer monsoon response to insolation
- Characteristics of gap-filled multi-year flux data of a subtropical evergreen forest in Taiwan
- Constraining Biomarkers as Dissolved Organic Matter Source Indicators: Past, Present, and Future Directions
- Constraints on the composition of LLSVPs
- Drought Events and their Impacts on Vegetation Productivity in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia
- Early onset of rapid exhumation of the Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan revealed by zircon thermochronological modeling
- Evaluation of Precipitation Variability in CMIP5/CMIP6 Models and TaiESM: Do CMIP6 outperform CMIP5?
- Experiments on the Reconstruction Methods and Calibration of the Climate Series Derived from REACHES Historical Database of China in 1644-1911
- Extreme floods in Peru during early 2017
- Forced and Unforced Behavior of the Interhemispheric SST Contrast during the Instrumental Period
- Formation of shallow free gas and gas hydrate accumulations in the continental margin off SW Taiwan
- Further evidence for the influence of a subducting-ridge on the distribution of shallow VLFEs in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity Projected by HiRAM-SIT
- Hemispheric Asymmetry of Pre-Midnight Topside Ionospheric Vertical Flow Velocities Observed at Midlatitudes by FORMOSAT-5 During Equinoxes
- Imaging Dynamic Responses of Large-scale Deep-seated Landslides to Environmental Forcing through Seismic Interferometric Dispersion Analysis
- Impacts of Wildfire Activity over Western United States under Changing Climate
- Implementation of a Two-Moment Warm-Cloud Microphysics Parameterization for Convective Clouds of GCMs: Impacts on MJO Simulations
- Interannual Variations of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB>-derived Global-mean Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Mechanism Design and Data Analysis of 3D Ocean Current Meter (OCM) with Broadband OBS.
- New constraint on the global CO<SUB>2</SUB> oxygen isotope recycling time and implications for gross primary productivity
- Numerical investigation of aerosol-cloud interactions over mountain areas in Central Taiwan
- Observatory- and model-based efforts to understand the influence of cloud-nucleating particles on clouds in Arctic Alaska
- Origins of East Asian Summer Monsoon Seasonality
- Precursory and Coseismic Groundwater Temperature Perturbation: An Example from Taiwan
- Probing mantle plumes using seismic arrays
- Radial P-, S-velocity and anelastic structure beneath Central America using waveform inversion
- Regulation of the Meiyu-Baiu Migration by the Himalayas
- Seasonal Precipitation Change in the Western North Pacific and East Asia under Global Warming in Two High-resolution AGCMs
- The Impacts of Bias in Cloud-Radiation-Dynamics Interactions on Central-Pacific Seasonal, Interannual and El Nino Simulations in Contemporary GCMs
- The diurnal surface fluxes-atmosphere relations in Taiwan's montane cloud forests
- The relationship between aerosol optical depth and synoptic weather systems over East Asia
- Using Cluster Analysis of GPS Velocities to Explore Active Tectonics in Taiwan
- Ectomycorrhizal fungi: mediators of plant-microbial interactions and terrestrial biogeochemistry
- Global CO<SUB>2</SUB> recycling time and gross primary productivity of the terrestrial and oceanic biospheres
- Heat-blanketed convection: numerical simulations and implications for the evolution of the continental lithosphere
- Hydrocarbon and nitrile species in Titan's upper atmosphere from Cassini/UVIS stellar occultation observations
- Impact of mineral dust on summertime precipitation over the Taiwan region
- Investigation of core-mantle boundary topography using adjoint methods.
- Madden-Julian Oscillation Enhances Phytoplankton Biomass in the Maritime Continent
- New insights on the interaction between seismic waves and mantle plumes
- Severe Drought and Locust Outbreak in China in 1368-1911 using REACHES Data Sets
- Spatial and temporal distributions of very low-frequency earthquake activity in the central Ryukyu Trench
- The causes of sea-level rise since 1900
- A distributed shear zone near the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau accommodates plateau expansion and growth
- A systematic study of OH in hydrous pyrope-grossular garnets
- Assessment of controlling factors on seasonal variations of crustal seismic velocity in Taiwan using ambient noise single-station cross-component analysis
- Centennial Solar Cycle Linked to Climate Change Recorded in Northwestern Vietnam Speleothems during Heinrich Event 3
- Constraining S-wave velocity structure of a complex large-scale deep-seated landslide at Chulin, southern Taiwan using Rayleigh wave ellipticity inversion
- Discriminating earthquake mainshock-aftershock sequence and swarm with unsupervised machine learning
- Evaluating the CMIP6 and CMIP5 Model Performance in Simulating the Seasonal Extreme Precipitation in the Western North Pacific and East Asia
- Exploring Intrusive Processes Through the Crystal Cargo of Volcanic Rocks: A Study of Taranaki Volcano Lavas, New Zealand
- Flux Partitioning of Evapotranspiration in Taiwan Montane Cloud Forests
- From the foreland and backarc thrust belts to the mantle transition zone: Multi-scale retrodeformable transect of the active 90mm/y Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Full-wave upper-mantle anisotropy tomography for the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau using SKS splitting intensity data
- Full-waveform modelling and inversion to explore the core-mantle boundary region using adjoint methods.
- High Thermal Conductivity of Stishovite Promotes Rapid Warming of a Sinking Slab in the Shallow Lower Mantle
- Imaging the Yellowstone Magmatic System with Active and Passive Sources Recorded by a Dense Geophone Array
- Influences of Amazonian Fires on Atmospheric CO2
- Mantle Mixing and Heterogeneity Revealed by Tomographic Filtering of Geodynamic Models
- Measurement of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Typical Vegetable Cropland
- Mechanism design and data analysis offshore NE Taiwan of Seafloor Current MeterSCMwith broadband OBS.
- Multi-component Ambient Noise Tomography across Northern Taiwan via Bayesian Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity and Phase Velocity with Formosa Array
- On the detectability of mantle plumes using seismic arrays
- On the hemispheric difference of oxygen isotope anomaly in atmospheric CO2
- Performance of the Taiwan Earth System Model Version 1 in Simulating Climate Variability Compared with CMIP6 Model Simulations
- Reconciling 3-D Mantle Density Models using Recent Normal-Mode Measurements and Thermochemical Convection Modelling
- Representations of sub-grid topographic heterogeneity and their effects on surface energy balance and boundary conditions in the E3SM Land Model
- Role of ConvectionCirculation Coupling in the Propagation Mechanism of the MaddenJulian Oscillation over the Maritime Continent in Climate Models
- Roles of ectomycorrhizal fungi in plant and soil function under simulated global change
- Seismic noise of two Taiwanese landslides: influence from precipitation and earthquakes
- Soil carbon and nutrients change with pine invasion into eucalypt forests
- The Discontinuity of Diurnal Temperature Range along Elevation
- Triple oxygen isotopes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) phytoliths as proxy of relative humidity
- Whispering of the City: Characteristics and Origin of Environmental Shaking in the Taipei Metropolitan Area
- Zircon geochronology and geochemistry of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia
- A self-protection mechanism by the hydration reduced thermal conductivity of hydrous minerals
- Assessment of Local Sea Level Budget around Taiwan
- Changing characteristics of dry season terrestrial precipitation from 1979-2021
- Characterizing complex metamorphism and deformation processes of high-PT rocks occurred in exhumed subduction channel: a case study of the Yuli Belt in eastern Taiwan
- Coastal deformation and paleo-earthquake records inferred from uplifted corals on Cheduba Island, western Myanmar
- Developing a Two-Layer Conceptual Model for Monthly DIC and DOC Concentrations Considering Interannual Typhoon Responses in a Small Subtropical Lake in Taiwan.
- Effect of Methanol on the Crystallization of Primordial Oceans and the Thermal Evolution of Large Icy Moons
- Evident de Vries ( 200-year) Solar cycle on Hydroclimate Variation: Record from Indochina Peninsula and Its Regional Climate Implication
- Externally-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell for Studying Planetary Materials and Processes
- High-Resolution Ambient Noise Tomography across Central Taiwan via Multi Mode Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Inversion
- Imaging the Shallow Yellowstone Volcanic System using a Dense Geophone Array
- Impacts of clustering events on a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment: A case study for Taiwan
- Insights Into the Tectonics in Myanmar From New High-Resolution and Integrated Focal Mechanism Catalogs.
- Investigating near-surface hydrological responses on crustal seismic velocity variations in subtropical and semi-arid regions
- Ionospheric currents response to traveling atmospheric disturbances induced by the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption observed in Taiwan
- Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Dispersion and Ellipticity and Receiver Functions for crustal S-wave velocity structure of Northern Taiwan
- Learning the Representation of Lee Vortices over Complex Topography in Taiwan
- Mechanism of Dynamic Triggering for Slab-related Fluid-induced Tremors Occurred in Nanao, Taiwan
- Origin and Evolution of Flat Slab Subduction: Insights From Numerical Modeling of Thermo-Mechanical Behavior
- Probing an active fault zone through fibers: The Milun fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing (MiDAS) project
- Probing deep-sea internal waves and turbulent motions from ocean bottom seismic and differential pressure gauge data
- Representing sub-grid heterogeneity in E3SM land model
- Seismic response of Nenana sedimentary basin, central Alaska
- Strongly scattering medium along the slow earthquake fault zones, inferred by new observations of short-duration tremors
- The Metamorphic Fabrics in the Taroko High-strain zone of Taiwan Mountain Belt: A Regional-scale, Left-lateral Shear Zone that Accommodated Highly Oblique Plate Convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene
- The analysis of seismic HVSR in the western Solomon Islands
- Thermal conductivity of hydrogen at high pressure and its implications to gaseous planets
- Triple oxygen isotope composition of the Tatun Volcanic Group Rocks, Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone: Implications for the source and magma evolution
- Understanding the 18O enrichment process in the younger basalts of the Deccan Volcanic Province using Triple Oxygen Isotope ratios.
- Variability of the indo-pacific intertropical convergence zone over the past 2000 years
- Zircon U-Pb Ages and Geochemical Characteristics of Magmatic Rocks from Choiseul and Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands: Implications for the Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution in SW Pacific
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Akiko Toh
- Andreas Fichtner
- Ban‐Yuan Kuo
- Bin Chen
- Bor‐Shouh Huang
- Carl Tape
- Chao‐An Chen
- Char‐Shine Liu
- Cheng-Yuan Ku
- Cheng‐Hsun Wu
- Cheng‐Nan Liu
- Chih‐Yu Chiu
- Christine Thomas
- Christopher Johnson
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Chung-Han Chan
- Dongzhou Zhang
- Eiji Ohtani
- Elizabeth Berg
- En Chao Yeh
- F. C. Lin
- Frédéric Deschamps
- Georg F. Zellmer
- Han Yue
- Hao‐Chi Lin
- Hong‐Wei Chiang
- Hsin‐Hua Huang
- Huang‐Hsiung Hsu
- Ilya N. Bindeman
- Isabel Vigo
- J. Y. Liu
- Jamie Farrell
- Jeng‐Wei Tsai
- Jonathan M. Plett
- Jun Su
- Jung‐Fu Lin
- Kate Huihsuan Chen
- Keisuke Nakayama
- Kyle Bradley
- Kyle Smith
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lars Gebraad
- Li Wei Kuo
- Li Zhao
- Mao‐Chang Liang
- Maria Koroni
- Marine Denolle
- Martin van Driel
- Maëlis Arnould
- Meng Huang
- Michael Afanasiev
- Ming Lo
- Peter Sperlich
- Po‐Lun Ma
- Ray Y. Chuang
- S. Hung
- Sally Newman
- Sangbaran Ghoshmaulik
- Satoshi Ide
- Sean R. Shieh
- Shengji Wei
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Sin‐Mei Wu
- Victor C. Tsai
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- Wan‐Ling Tseng
- Wardah Fadil
- Weipeng Ge
- Wei‐Liang Lee
- Wen‐Pin Hsieh
- Xiangfeng Wang
- Xiaojing Lai
- Xun Jiang
- Ya‐Ju Hsu
- Yi-Hsuan Wu
- Yih‐Min Wu
- Yi‐Chi Wang
- Yi‐Shin Jang
- Yu Gu
- Yu Wang
- Yue‐Gau Chen
- Yu‐Ting Kuo
- Yôko Ôta