Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
flowchart I[Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (34)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Accuracy of the 3D Finite-difference Modeling of Earthquake Ground Motion for Real Sites
- New Efficient Methods to Simulate Free Surface in the 3D 4th-order Staggered-grid Finite-difference Modeling of Earthquake Ground Motion
- 3D Hybrid Numerical Modeling of Seismic Motion in Sedimentary Valleys due to a Dynamic Source Model
- In-situ Production Rates of <SUP>53</SUP>Mn in Antarctic Rocks
- Rheological Models in the Time-Domain Modeling of Seismic Motion
- A New Accurate Finite-Difference Scheme Based on the Optimally Accurate Operators and Boundary-Condition Consistent Material Parameterization
- CRONUS-EU Cosmic Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics - The European Contribution
- The EU SPICE Project: a digital library with codes and training material in computational seismology
- The European Network SPICE Code Validation
- 137Cs and Pu Isotope Distribution In The Subtropical Gyres In The Southern Hemisphere In 2003-2004
- Fundamental Formulations, FD Targets, and FD Schemes for a 1D Wave Propagation Problem. Numerical Comparison of the Conventional, Staggered-Grid, and Optimally- Accurate FD Schemes.
- The SPICE Library Of Codes And Training Material In Computational Seismology
- New 3D Gravity Model of the Lithosphere and new Approach of the Gravity Field Transformation in the Western Carpathian-Pannonian Region
- Quantitative comparison of 3D numerical predictions of ground motion in the alpine valley of Grenoble, France.
- Assessing the capability of numerical methods to predict earthquake ground motion: the Euroseistest verification and validation project
- Earthquake ground motion prediction for real sedimentary basins: which numerical schemes are applicable?
- Environmental radioactivity monitoring at the deep undeground Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy
- Uranium groundwater anomalies and active normal faulting
- Is daughter better than parent? A case study: Radon vs Uranium - Actinides for understanding Earthquake Physics -
- Large pre-historic earthquakes on the Sudetic Marginal Fault in the low-strain intraplate Bohemian Massif (Central Europe)
- A Signal of Ice Loading in Late Pleistocene Activity of the Sudetic Marginal Fault (Central Europe)
- New insight into the Cretaceous OAE's from the south-eastern Tethyan Oman Mountains - A bridge between the Pacific and the Tethys/Atlantic
- Some Interesting Facts about Correlation Between Gravity Anomalies and Heights with Implications Towards the Correction Density Estimation
- Structure of the Lithosphere in Central Europe: Integrated Density Modelling
- Up-to-date Terrain Correction Evaluation within the Gravity Database of the Slovak Republic
- Inertial Effects on Thermochemically Driven Convection and Hydromagnetic Dynamos in Spherical Shells
- Geophysical modeling across Inner and Outer Western Carpathians in Eastern Slovakia
- Lithospheric Structure of Central Europe: Puzzle Pieces from Pannonian Basin to Trans-European Suture Zone Resolved by Geophysical-Petrological Modeling
- Combined integrated modeling of the lithospheric structures of the Western Carpathian arc
- Integrated modelling of the Carpathian arc and back-arc basins
- Detecting Underground Cavities Using Seismic Ambient Noise: The Finite-interval Spectral Power Method
- Seismic Waves in Biot and JKD Poroelastic Media: Subcell-resolution Finite-difference Modelling
- Improved mechanistic model of the atmospheric redox chemistry of mercury
- Rupture renormalization from large to small earthquakes for rough faults