University of Lisbon, Institute Dom Luiz
flowchart I[University of Lisbon, Institute Dom Luiz] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (164)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (22)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Azores Hotspot Deep Signature
- A Geo-traverse at a Passive Continental Margin: the Tagus Abyssal Plain, West Iberia
- Aftershock Sequence of July 1998 Faial and Pico Islands (Azores): An Analysis of Waveform Similarities, Seismic Anisotropy and Crustal Structure
- Evaluating Simulations of Orographic Precipitation in the Island of Madeira
- Insights on the Deep Structure of the Iberia Abyssal Plain and Galicia Bank Southern Edge From new MCS and Wide Angle Data
- Rotational Motion of the Victoria Plate with Respect to Nubia and Somalia Deduced from Space-Geodetic Observations
- Assessing the recurrence of big earthquakes and tsunami in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberia) using thin-sheet neotectonic modeling
- High-resolution simulations of shallow and deep convection over land
- Inundation patterns in Huelva, SW Europe, due to tsunami impact
- Late Pliocene To Pleistocene Tectonic Activity In SW Portugal: The S.Teotónio-Aljezur- Sinceira Fault System And Evidence For Coastal Uplift
- North East Atlantic Tsunamis: Update of the Portuguese Catalogue of Tsunamis
- The use of ICAGM07 geoid model for vertical datum unification on Iberia and Macaronesian islands.
- An integrated system for wind energy forecast using meteorological models and statistical post-processing
- Earthquake parameters of historical earthquakes in Europe (Invited)
- Evaluating Tsunami Hazard and Vulnerability Along the Gulf of Cadiz, North East Atlantic
- Far-Field Simulations of Tele-tsunami Observed in the Atlantic Ocean: Impact on the Lesser Antilles
- Improved Magnetic Compilation for the Central North Atlantic based on new data from the Portuguese UNCLOS proposal and CM4 model
- Parameterization of Momentum Transport for the Convective Boundary Layer
- The Tsunami Triggered by the El Asnam (Algeria) Earthquake of 1980: a New Hypothesis of Generation
- A methodology for constructing a weekly upwelling index at high spatial resolution from satellite sea surface temperature maps with application to West Iberia
- An assessment of precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula: WRF regional simulations for a wet and dry year
- Analysis Of Wind And Fire Direction During The 2005's Portuguese Fire Season
- Assessment of trends in global sea surface temperature
- Azores Deep Structure as Revealed by P and S Receiver Functions
- Deep structure of crust and mantle beneath Iberian Peninsula and surrounding regions from P and S receiver functions
- Elucidating the Spatial Scaling Behavior of Cloud Embedded Convection and Rainfall Patterns in Complex Terrain Using Idealized WRF Simulations
- Identification of tsunami-induced deposits using numerical modeling and rock magnetism techniques: A study case of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in Algarve, Portugal
- Methodologies for VS30 Estimation - Application to Lisbon and Lower Tagus Valley Region
- New Magnetic Study of the Mid Atlantic Ridge Between Kurchatov and Hayes Fracture Zones
- Prediction of Tsunami Inundation in the City of Lisbon (portugal)
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Disaggregation Analysis for the South of Portugal
- Sea Level Trend and Low-Frequency Variability in the Gulf of Mexico Derived from Satellite Altimetry and Tide-Gauges Records
- Short-Period Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Measurements across the Cape Verde Archipelago using Ambient Noise
- Signatures of upscale and downscale energy cascades in QuikSCAT winds over the equatorial Pacific (Invited)
- The Parametrization of Momentum Transport in the Boundary Layer
- The Surface Drag and the Vertical Momentum Fluxes Produced by Mountain Waves in Flows with Directional Shear
- Time and scale dependent DFA analysis applied to global sea-level mesurements
- Active large sector collapse and architectural evolution of the Pico Island (Azores)
- Bathymetry, Chirp and Deep Crustal Structure of the Santos Basin SÃO Paulo Ridge Complex (sbspr)
- Cape Verde Hotspot from the Upper Crust to the Top of the Lower Mantle
- Characterization of magnetically enhanced buried soil layer in arid environment
- Introducing Seismic Tomography with Computational Modeling
- Models of segmentation along the Terceira Rift: implications for the MAR evolution to the south of Azores
- North East Atlantic Tsunamis Related with Gloria Fault
- Paleoclimate simulations and reconstructions. An intercomparison for the last millennium
- Strain Distribution across the Terceira (Azores) Rift from 13 years of GPS data
- The MIRROR cruise (2011): Deep crustal structure of the Moroccan Atlantic Margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data
- Comparing the impact of the 2003 and 2010 heatwaves on Net Ecosystem Production in Europe
- ENSEMBLES RCM simulations: precipitation variability and extremes over Portugal
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard in the NE Atlantic from Near- and Far-field Tectonic Sources
- Pyroclastic Flows: the impact of the valleys
- Sensitivity of precipitation to WRF microphysics, cumulus and PBL parameterization schemes in the Iberian Peninsula
- Tomographic study of the East African Rift in Mozambique - Initial results
- WILAS Project: First Results from a Dense Broadband Deployment in Portugal
- 3D Shallow crustal structure of Madeira island revealed from ambient noise tomography
- A methodology for tsunami hazard assessment using Green functions
- Ambient Noise Tomography of the East African Rift System in Mozambique
- Decadal changes in the Canary Current Upwelling Ecosystem
- Deformation of Northwestern South America from GPS Geodesy
- Geochemical evidence for fluid flow in the upper and subducting plates of the Costa Rica margin: Results from CRISP drilling during Exp. 334 and 344 (Invited)
- Geodetic strain-rate field of Iberia
- Large-scale flank collapse(s) in a steep volcanic ridge: the Faial-Pico Ridge (Azores Triple Junction)
- Modeling the dependence on viewing and illumination geometries of Land Surface Temperature retrieved from space borne sensors
- Moment tensor resolvability for the Irpinia Seismic Network, Southern Italy
- Non-Gaussian Dyadic and Triadic Mutual Information among Atmospheric-Oceanic Low Frequency Variability Modes
- Probabilistic tsunami hazard in the North East Atlantic due to seismic sources, implications for NEAMTWS
- Volcano-tectonic evolution of Santa Maria Island: implications for the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary in the Azores
- a Study of Gnss Water Vapor Reconstruction Parameters
- Broadband ocean bottom seismometer in the Gulf of Cadiz (offshore SW Iberia and NW of Moroccan margin): Characterization of ambient noise and tomographic model of the crustal structure.
- Downstream Fining of Polydispersed Gravity Currents Along a V-Shaped Valley.
- Earthquake Safety Tips in the Classroom
- Imaging the Western Iberia Crustal Structure by Noise Analysis
- Paleomagnetic Study of Azores Archipelago: Volcano-Tectonic Implications
- Prevention Starts in Early Childhood
- Teleseismic Tomography of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
- The Origin of White Beds below the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Revisited
- Tomography of the East African Rift System in Mozambique
- Deep-water seamounts in the NE Atlantic, sources of landslides-induced tsunamis: Slope stability analysis and tsunami numerical modelling
- Dehumidification of Iberia by enhanced summer upwelling
- Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339
- Hazard Potential of Volcanic Flank Collapses Raised by New Megatsunami Evidence
- Deep segmentation from 2D forward modeling and 3D tomography of the Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Ceará Margin, NW Brazil
- Deep seismic structure of the Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Cearà margin (NE Brazil) from the MAGIC wide-angle seismic experimen
- East Atlantic (EA) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) interplay over the Iberian Peninsula for the last two millennia
- European Multidisciplinary seafloor and the Observatory of the water column for Development; The setup of an interoperable Generic Sensor Module
- Large-eddy simulation of the very stable boundary layer
- Mesozoic Granitic Magmatism in Macao, Southeast China
- On The Use of Empirical Green Functions to Generate Synthetic Tsunami Waveform Catalogs
- The impact of AMO and NAO in Western Iberia during the Late Holocene
- The role of the NAO on the North Atlantic hydrological conditions and its interplay with the EA and SCAND atmospheric patterns
- Trends in fire risk and burned area in Brazil in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century
- A new method to assess the added value of high-resolution regional climate simulations: application to the EURO-CORDEX dataset
- Atmospheric Rivers in Europe: impacts, predictability, and future climate scenarios
- Coastal Low-Level Wind Jets: A Global Study Based On An Ensemble Of Reanalysis
- Comparison of maximum runup through analytical and numerical approaches for different fault parameters estimates
- Correction of the angular dependence of satellite retrieved LST at global scale using parametric models
- Earth Observations in Support of Offshore Wind Energy Management in the Euro-Atlantic Region
- Exceptional winter storms affecting Western Iberia and extremes: diagnosis, modelling and multi-model ensemble projection
- Extreme precipitation and floods in the Iberian Peninsula and its socio-economic impacts
- Gravitational, erosional and sedimentary processes on volcanic ocean islands: Insights from the submarine morphology of Madeira archipelago
- Improving near-range forecasts of severe precipitation with GNSS and InSAR high-resolution data
- Landslide Tsunami Hazard in Madeira Island, NE Atlantic - Numerical Simulation of the 4 March 1930 Tsunami
- Mantle Upwellings Below the Ibero-Maghrebian Region with a Common Deep Source from P Travel-time Tomography
- Quantifying the clear-sky bias of satellite-derived infrared LST
- Revisiting Caveiro Lake sediment record: the Holocene NAO and AMO impact on Pico Island (Azores archipelago)
- Sardine (sardina Pilchardus) Larval Dispersal in Northern Canary Current Upwelling System (iberian Peninsula), Using Coupled Biophysical Techniques
- The ASTARTE Paleotsunami Deposits data base - web-based references for tsunami research in the NEAM region
- The NAO Influence on the Early to Mid-Holocene North Atlantic Coastal Upwelling
- The influence of Atmospheric Rivers over the South Atlantic on rainfall in South Africa
- The tragic fire event of June 17, 2017 in Portugal: the meteorological perspective
- Ambient Air Quality in a Low Density Territory of Continental Portugal
- An exploration of a global terrestrial reference frame combination that incorporates constraints from atmospheric structure: Implication for future ITRF realizations
- Atmospheric rivers over the Arctic: lagrangian characterization of moisture sources
- Benthic foraminifers response to Mediterranean Outflow Water changes during the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene transition
- Expert Crowdsourcing for Semantic Annotation of Atmospheric Phenomena
- Impact of a Multi-Layer Snow Model in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System.
- Low-Velocity Anomaly in the Upper Mantle Beneath Cape Verde Inferred From Shear-Wave Tomography
- Mathematical modeling analysis of 1755 tsunami propagation in Pernambuco and Paraiba states coast - Brazil, for present days
- Secondary Microseism Sources in Macaronesia (North Atlantic)
- Spatio-temporal Mapping of Soil Salinity Using Joint Inversion of Time-lapse Multi-coil and Multi-heights Electromagnetic Induction Measurements
- The climate change impact on the Eastern Atlantic coastal low-level wind jets
- The geology of Formigas Islets and its significance to our comprehension of the Terceira Rift in the Azores Triple Junction
- The land-atmosphere coupling in CORDEX-Africa: a new coupling metric for climate extremes
- The role of subsidence in shelf development around volcanic ocean islands: Insights from observed morphology and modeling
- Urban Air Quality: Case Study in the City of Brasília/DF, Capital of Brazil
- A Fuzzy Inversion Approach to Earthquake Kinematic Finite-Fault Source Modelling
- A methodology to assign atmospheric fronts to extra-tropical cyclones on the Euro-Atlantic and European Sector
- Catastrophic vs. Gradual Ecological Change in a Coastal Back-barrier Perched Lake as a Function of Climate-forced Barrier Breaching in the Last 2,700 yr
- Dynamics of the Gibraltar Arc System: A Complex Interaction Between Plate Convergence, Slab Pull and Mantle Flow
- Forward and inverse numerical modelling: complementary approaches to better understand palaeotsunamis
- How are ambient noise dispersion curves recorded in OBSs affected by the water?
- Imaging exhumed lower continental crust in the distal Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil
- Interfering sub-parallel rift grabens: insights from combined analogue and numerical models
- New insights on OBS design in DUNE Project
- Onset, evolution and main processes shaping sandy coastal barriers within rocky indented coasts
- Origin of sulfur in carbonatites revealed by isotopes : From a subduction influence to crustal imprint.
- Ranking of concurrent extreme events in the Iberian Peninsula: variability and climatology of large-scale atmospheric conditions
- Teleconnections between NAO, EA, and SCAND and groundwater levels in Portugal
- The 28 February 1969 earthquake and tsunami in the North East Atlantic - A Review
- Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Masirah Island, Sultanate of Oman
- Using InSAR water vapor fields to characterize the water cycle in the subtropics
- A typology of compound weather and climate events
- Disentangling burned area drivers over the Brazilian savanna
- Drought and heatwave concurrent events in Southeast Brazil
- Earth's next supercontinent climate: how tectonics, rotation rate, and insolation affect climate
- Earthquake Detection in Slowly Deforming Iberia using a Convolutional Neural Network Phase Picker
- Electrical crust of Portugal mainland
- Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the Portuguese power network
- High-Resolution Marine Magnetic Mapping of the Portuguese Nearshore: Unraveling Geological Domains, Faults and Magmatic Structures
- Improving river discharge simulations of the HTESSEL land-surface model by inverse estimation of all parameters
- Kinematics of Mw6.2 24/August/2016, Amatrice earthquake inferred from the novel fuzzy inversion method
- SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth: Update
- Stream-channel processes at the eastern Dead Sea from combined surface and subsurface observations
- Tracking Hydroclimate Changes and Human Impacts over the Last Millennium in Lake Sediment Records from Flores Island, the Azores
- Approaching the stability of the joint solar photovoltaic and wind power electricity production across European regions by optimal shares and spatial distributions of the installations
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- An Update on the SMART Cables Initiative for Observing the Ocean and Earth
- Bridging the archetypal Newfoundland and Iberian Atlantic conjugate margins based on new seismic constraints and plate kinematic reconstructions
- Reconstructing the Surface Ocean Dynamics over the last 25 kyr in the Iberian Margin and North Atlantic: the Coccolithophore Contribution
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Amir Salaree
- Bruce M. Howe
- C. A. Rowe
- David Barriopedro
- Douglas S. Luther
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Florian Pappenberger
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. Marinaro
- Gabriela Fernández‐Viejo
- H. A. Janiszewski
- J. Kim Welford
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- John K. Hillier
- Karin van der Wiel
- Nathan Becker
- P. Elósegui
- Patricia Cadenas
- Pauline Rivoire
- Sónia Jerez
- William S. D. Wilcock