University of Cape Town, South Africa
flowchart I[University of Cape Town, South Africa] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (128)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (40)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Cape Town, Astronomy Cosmology and Gravitation Center
- University of Cape Town, Department of Astronomy
- University of Cape Town, Department of Geological Sciences
- University of Cape Town, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Geochemical and Geophysical Constraints on Diamond Formation and Lithospheric Mantle Evolution Beneath Southern Africa.
- Analysis of a long term Regional Model Simulation
- New Thought on the Agulhas Current
- Subannual Climate Records from Aragonite Stalagmites
- The Indian-Atlantic Interocean Secondary Leakage via the Agulhas Bank
- The Pb Isotope Pedigree of Western Samoan Volcanics: New Insights From High-Precision Analysis by NEPTUNE ICP/MS
- 100 kyr-Period in Tropical Insolation
- Enhanced Primary Productivity at the Subtropical Convergence
- Modelling Climate of the Last Million Years
- Tristan-Gough Plume: Negative Ce-Anomalies as Evidence of a Recycled Sediment Component in the Deep Mantle
- Recycled Sediment in Mantle Plumes? Evidence From Tristan-Gough Islands
- Solar Forcing and Woody Cover in Savannas: A 10 000 Year Isotope Record From Cold Air Cave, South Africa.
- Development of Regional and Global Climatologies of Surface Ocean Bromoform Concentrations
- Pyromineralization of soil phosphorus in savanna ecosystems
- Seismic Fault Zone Rocks from a Subduction Megathrust (Kodiak Is., AK)
- A Spectrum of EM-Type Mantle Endmembers (Invited)
- A pressure-induced, magnetic transition in pyrrhotite: Implications for the formation pressure of meteorites and diamonds
- Performance of isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy (IRIS) for analyzing waters containing organic contaminants: Problems and solutions (Invited)
- Cloud climatology at the Andes/Amazon Transition in Peru
- Evaluation of the multi-model CORDEX-Africa hindcast using RCMES
- Nitrogen deposition in a southern hemisphere biodiversity hotspot within and surrounding Cape Town, South Africa
- Dust Observations for Models (DO4Models): Project Overview
- Dust emission dynamics and source area variability: field measurements for climate modelling
- Estimation and Propagation of Errors in Ice Sheet Bed Elevation Measurements
- First contributions to the Climate of the 20th Century Detection and Attribution Project
- New Tooth Enamel Isotopic Data from the West Coast of South Africa and a Comparison of Terrestrial and Marine Records of Plio-Pleistocene Climate Change
- Plume source regions in the South Atlantic - spatial and temporal variability and implications for the LLSVP source region
- Projected Climate Impacts to South African Maize and Wheat Production in 2055: a Comparison of Empirical and Mechanistic Modeling Approaches
- The weather risk attribution forecast for December 2012
- Toward realistic simulation of the southern African rainfall in an AGCM
- Fault Rock Variation as a Function of Host Rock Lithology
- First results from the C20C Detection and Attribution Project (Invited)
- Links between river incision, landslide activity, organic material erosion, and plant species diversity in an Andean Valley
- On the Geological Environment of Tremor and Slow Earthquakes (Invited)
- Temporal Dynamics of Sodic Playa Salt Crust Patterns: Implications for Aeolian Dust Emission Potential
- Terrestrial Occurrence of Perchlorate and the Relationship to Nitrate in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (Invited)
- Internal boundary layer devleopment over a salt pan: Measured and modelled dust emissions
- Intersections of downscaling, the ethics of climate services, and regional research grand challenges.
- Kalahari Tectonic Landforms and Processes Beyond the Okavango Graben
- Attributing the Risk of Late Onset of the Rainy Season in Southern Africa to Climate Change
- Constraining the Protolith of Large, Macroscopically Layered Kyanite-bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
- Distinct Thermal and Metasomatic Characteristics of Mantle Lithosphere Beneath Two Proterozoic Terranes Bordering the Kaapvaal Craton of Southern Africa
- Interannual to Interdecadal variability of winter and summer Southern African rainfall, and their teleconnections
- TLS in Aeolian Environments: Elucidating Process-Form Feedbacks in Dusty Deserts
- The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project
- Toward an Ethical Framework for Climate Services
- Beyond Rayleigh Distillation: Reconstructing Glacial Nutrient Cycles using a Seasonal Model of the Southern Ocean
- Decadal variability of summer southern African rainfall variability, and their teleconnections in the CMIP5 models
- Drivers of Streamflow Variability in West and Central Africa
- Evaluating the Potential Usefulness of the C20C+ Detection and Attribution Archive
- First Ground-Based Observation of Sprites Over Southern Africa and Estimation of Their Physical and Optical Characteristics
- Fluid Flow, Reactions and Exhumation of Mantle Peridotite Along a Serpentinite Fault Zone.
- Mixed Effectiveness of Africa's Tropical Protected Areas for Maintaining Forest Cover: Insights from a Global Forest Change Dataset
- Monitoring of pipeline oil spill fire events using Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing
- The GULLS project: a comparison of vulnerabilities across selected ocean hotspots and implications for adaptation to global change.
- The Relationship Between Carbonatitic, Melilititic and Potassic Trachytic Magma Types at the Saltpeterkop Carbonatite Complex, Sutherland, South Africa
- Improve projections of changes in southern African summer rainfall through comprehensive multi-timescale empirical statistical downscaling
- Pipeline oil fire detection with MODIS active fire products
- The influence of Atmospheric Rivers over the South Atlantic on rainfall in South Africa
- A nitrate isotope view of the seasonal nitrogen cycle of the southern Benguela upwelling system
- Century-Scale Changes in the Seasonality and Drivers of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in CMIP5 ESMs in the Southern Ocean
- Characterizing Remote Marine Ammonia Emissions: An Isotopic Approach in the Southern Ocean
- Investigating the impact of climate departure from historical variability on Crop suitability over West Africa.
- Modern Ocean Ground-truthing of Planktic Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes
- Modes of hydroclimatic variability and water resource availability in a changing climate over West and Central Africa by the end of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Pycnocline recipe revisited using the nitrate isotopes: New estimates for the overturning ratio and low-latitude nutrient supply
- Regional Winter Westerly Wave Variability and Cape Town's Day Zero Drought
- The Cape Point Wave Record, Extreme Events and the Role of Large-Scale Modes of Climate Variability
- The Dynamics of Co-behaviour of Climate Processes
- What If Numerical Forecast Has No Skill? Using Emerging Rainfall Anomaly to Forecast State of Water Resources During Cape Town "Day Zero" Drought.
- An Algorithm to find Densely-Spaced Vertical Offsets in a High-Resolution DEM: Application to End-Glacial Reverse Fault Scarps in Scandinavia.
- Analysis of drought characteristics and their impact on biodiversity
- Effects of an Explosive Polar Cyclone Crossing the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone
- Fire, Land Bridges, Mammal Browsers and the Origins of African Savanna
- Impact of Solar Radiation Modification in Mean and Extreme Climate over Southern Africa
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Mixing and Transformation of Water Masses Adjacent to Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- The Cape Town "Day Zero" drought and Hadley cell expansion.
- The Critical Zone in Southern Africa: Reclaiming Soil Relations
- The Projected Timing of Abrupt Ecological Disruption from Climate Change
- Altered Ice Algal Phenology In A Changing Cryosphere
- Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
- CMIP6-based Assessment of Anthropogenic influence on the 2015-19 Western Cape Drought
- Development of a Wind Atlas for South Africa
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- Evaluation of the Co-Behavior of Regional Climate Drivers in the CMIP5 Ensemble Over Southern Africa
- Global risk to livestock of heat stress under climate change
- Policy exploration for Food-Energy-Water security at a city-regional level: an example in Cape Town, South Africa
- Response of southern African growing hydropower systems to climate change and penetration of solar and wind
- Retrieval of the Particle Size Distribution Using Coated Spheres and Two Particle Populations Mie Modeling
- Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- Boron Isotope Systematics in the Magmatic Evolution of San Pedro and La Poruna Volcanoes, Central Andes, Northern Chile.
- Chapter 10: Linking global to regional climate change
- Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
- Conservation, climate change, and optimal energy pathways in southern Africas low carbon energy transition
- Crustal Melting and Assimilation in Compositionally Bimodal Volcanic Settings: Insights from Hydrothermally Altered Rocks Recovered from Drilling in the Krafla Volcanic Field, Iceland
- Extreme precipitation characteristics of the Uruguay River Basin in El Nino and La Nina years based on Convective-Permitting Model simulations
- Geochemical Variations of Ancient Magmatic Arcs in the Andean Forearc of Northern Chile
- Large-Scale Climate Drivers of the Low-Frequency Variability of Groundwater Levels in Northern France
- Links Between Foreland Rheology and the Growth and Evolution of a Young Mountain Belt in New Guinea
- Magmatic Evolution of Azufre Volcano, Central Andes of Northern Chile.
- Mapping mantle terra incognita: using kimberlite indicator minerals to constrain the thermal and chemical structure of the lithosphere beneath central Africa.
- Multi-model application in electricity sector transition in southern Africa
- Nutrient Variables Regulate the Southern Ocean Microbiota Along the Water Column
- Observed rainfall Extremes in South Africa : mean characteristics (intensity, extension, persistence) and seamless variability across timescales
- Southern African Phanerozoic carbonatites reveal a crucial role for melt-lithosphere reaction and formation of metasomatic lithologies.
- Spatio-temporal variation of water resource and fluxes in the Okavango basin
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Agricultural Drought and Its Linkage to Large-scaled Climate Variability over South China
- Using Scientists and Climate Communicators for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Care in Africa
- A Simple Subtropical High Pressure System Index
- Automatic Stationary-Phase Receiver Estimation (ASPRE) method used in the processing of Imperial Valley Dark Fiber continuous ambient-noise recordings: towards methodological approach for passive reflection imaging with DAS and nodal arrays
- B Isotope Evidence for Subduction Input to Arc Magmatic Sources: A Case Study of Lavas from Paniri, Northern Chile
- Contrasting behaviour of the Bouvet and Shona hotspots as recorded in MORB from the Southwest Indian, American-Antarctic and southern Mid-Atlantic ridges
- Crowdsourced research plan for regional climate information for society
- Development of a Wind Atlas for South Africa
- Evaluating the role of model choice in Sub seasonal to Seasonal predictions for forecast uptake over Southern Africa
- Forecasting vegetation dynamics in an open ecosystem by integrating deep learning and environmental variables
- Links Between Foreland Rheology and the Growth and Evolution of a Young Mountain Belt in New Guinea
- NASA's Prototype Spectral Water Inversion Processor and Emulator (SWIPE): Towards Global Coastal and Inland Water Quality and Algal Biodiversity Monitoring
- Potential Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on Crop Suitability and Planting Season over West Africa
- Quo Vadis Seasonal Forecast in Southern Africa?
- Seasonal Cycle of Sea Surface Salinity in the Angola Upwelling System
- Southern Africa's Future Low-carbon Electricity System under a Changing Climate
- The Impact of Indigenous and Local Knowledge on Climate Adaptation: from Reliability to Effectiveness
- The NASA Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- The WCRP Academy Lighthouse - Equipping current and future climate scientists.
- Validation of a Tailored Gravity Field Model for Precise Quasigeoid Modelling over Limpopo Province in South Africa
- Was the Last Glacial Maximum 'Dry'? Questioning the Glacial Aridity Paradigm Using Speleothem Palynology in the Southern Hemisphere Subtropics
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Afm Kamal Chowdhury
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Anabelle W. Cardoso
- Andrea N. Hahmann
- Andrew G. Turner
- Arnold Wilson
- Asmat Ullah
- Bastien Dieppois
- Caitlin Rublee
- Christopher Lennard
- Erin L. Hestir
- Francis Nkrumah
- Grace C. Wu
- Haozhe Yang
- J. M. Kale Sniderman
- Kwesi Akumenyi Quagraine
- Kwok Pan Chun
- Luckson Zvobgo
- M. Rouault
- Masaki Satoh
- Matthieu Fournier
- Megan C. Kirchmeier‐Young
- Michael Wehner
- Michał Chamarczuk
- Nicholas LaHaye
- Nicholas P. Simpson
- Ojima Isaac Apeh
- Olivier Bachmann
- Petrus le Roux
- Reindert J. Haarsma
- Sara C. Pryor
- Seonggyu Park
- Simone Tilmes
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Stefano Galelli
- Steffen Mauceri
- Subimal Ghosh
- T. Alemayehu
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- William J. Gutowski