Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
flowchart I[Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (75)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (21)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Optimization Framework for Stochastic Modeling of Annual Streamflows
- Development of mathematical models for insitu bioremediation of Cr(VI) contaminated Aquifers
- In-Situ Anaerobic Biosurfactant Production Process For Remediation Of DNAPL Contamination In Subsurface Aquifers
- Migration And Entrapment Of Mercury In The Subsurface
- Predicting Dissolution of Entrapped NAPL in Heterogeneous Aquifers Using New Relative Permeability Correlations
- Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Chemical (THC) Modeling of Hypogene Karst Evolution in a Prototype Mountain Hydrologic System
- Modelling Napl Dissolution from Lens and Pools Under Varying Flowfields in Heterogeneous Subsurface Systems
- Long-Range Correlations and Extreme Space Weather
- Calibration of Distributed Hydrologic Models Considering the Heterogeneity of the Parameters across the Basin
- Dissolution Coupled Biodegradation of Pce by Inducing In-Situ Biosurfactant Production Under Anaerobic Conditions
- Numerical Modeling of Surface-Subsurface Flow Interaction for Flood Routing in Ephemeral Channels
- Quantification of uncertainty in irrigation scheduling and crop growth simulations using neural network based inflow forecast models
- Transfer Function Noise (TFN) Modeling of Dynamic Groundwater Level Fluctuation using Deseasonalized Rainfall Series
- Transmissivity Reduction Of Fracture Due To Silica Precipitation Is Faster For Variable Aperture
- A Novel Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) for Simultaneous and Rapid Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Matter - A Systematic Chemical Speciation Approach on Sustainable Technique for Pallikarani Marshland Remediation
- Development of an Improved Irrigation Subroutine in SWAT to Simulate the Hydrology of Rice Paddy Grown under Submerged Conditions
- Estimation of Actual Crop ET of Paddy Using the Energy Balance Model SMARET and Validation with Field Water Balance Measurements and a Crop Growth Model (ORYZA)
- Impact of Spatial Scale on Calibration and Model Output for a Grid-based SWAT Model
- Necessity of Flood Early Warning Systems in India
- A methodology to generate high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and surface water profile for a physical model using close range photogrammetric (CRP) technique
- An Experimental Study to Control Scour at River Confluence
- Characterisation of Fluorescent Biological Aerosol Particles during South-West Monsoon from a High Altitude Site in South India
- Impact of Uncertainty in SWAT Model Simulations on Consequent Decisions on Optimal Crop Management Practices
- Numerical Modeling on Two phase Fluid flow in a Coupled Fracture-Skin-Matrix System
- Streamflow estimation using WRF-Hydro with dynamically downscaled climate variables over southern tropical Indian region
- Study of primary biological aerosols to characterize their diversity in particulate matter over the Indian tropical region: assessment for climatic and health impact
- A Fuzzy Rule Based Decision Support System for Identifying Location of Water Harvesting Technologies in Rainfed Agricultural Regions
- A generalized methodology for identification of threshold for HRU delineation in SWAT model
- Development And Assessment Of Bias Correction Techniques Based On Distribution Mapping Method For Future Climate Projections
- Effect of Humic Acids and pesticides on Agricultural Soil Structure and Stability and Its Implication on Soil Quality
- Evaluating the uncertainty in optimal crop management placements for bioenergy crop production
- Improving Model Performance by Dynamically Varying the Sensitive Parameters.
- Indoor Exposures to PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>IN a Rural Site of South India
- Temperature Effect on Suspended Cohesive Sediment Concentration
- Finite Element Modelling of the Indo-Gangetic Basin to Study Site Amplification
- Implementation of Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone into the `HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW'
- Indoor exposures to particulate matter emissions in various types of households using different cooking fuels in rural areas of south India
- Antarctic Shelf Break Processes and Circumpolar Deep Water Intrusion
- Size-resolved Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Measurements in Continental Polluted Air in Delhi, India
- A Reduction in Human Activities can Enhance the Urban Heat Island Intensity: Insights from the COVID-19 Lockdowns
- Semi-direct effect of biomass burning emissions on downwind air quality over Northern India
- Signatures of Climatic Phenomena in Climate Networks: El Niño and La Niña events
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Loading and Aerosol Types over South Asia Using Several Satellite-based Datasets
- Study of Isotope Exchange in Molecular Gases in Equilibrium
- Assessing the impact of joint assimilation of surface soil moisture and land surface temperature on the estimation of soil hydraulic parameters
- Decadal Variability in Synchronization of Extreme Precipitation During the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Flood Forecasting Evaluation for an Extreme Precipitation Event: Utility of WRF model, Satellite and Weather Radar Rainfall Estimates
- Reducing stomatal conductance in C4 plants: A trade off between water and CO2
- Regionalization of Non-Stationary Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for Monsoon Asia
- Signatures and predictors of the El Niño and La Niña phenomena in climate networks
- Urban heat stress amplified by ambient warming in the US
- A 3D Computational Model for Ground Motion Simulations in India
- A New Survey-Based Approach to Understand the Role of Technology Penetration in Emissions of Gaseous Pollutants from On-Road Transport Sector of India
- Characteristic Aerosol Properties during Monsoon and COVID Lockdown under Cleaner Conditions: Source Apportionment and Chemical Properties from a High-Altitude site in India
- Effects of Chlorine Chemistry on Atmospheric Composition in Contrasting Urban Environments
- Energy Production and Deformation Analysis of 3D Fractured Reservoir for Geothermal Energy Extraction by Water and CO2 as the Working Fluid
- Estimation of Seismic Parameters using Stochastic Modeling of Ground Motions in Northeast India
- Evaluating applicability of 1D light attenuation in crop modeling with GPU accelerated 3D forward ray tracer in a maize canopy
- Evaluation of Uncertainty in Medium-Range Precipitation Forecasts from Different Sources and Assessing the Usefulness in Crop Irrigation Water Management
- Fish Behavioural Response to Flow Field at River Confluence
- Ground motion models using ensemble learning: application to RESORCE database
- High cloud forming potential of anthropogenic sulfate aerosols arising from SO2 emissions of a coal-fired power plant during relatively cleaner conditions of Covid lockdown in India
- Hourly Streamflow Generation using Hybrid Modified Continuous Time Markov Chain Model
- Importance of Elastic-Plastic Geo-mechanical Models for Predicting the Sea Floor Subsidence while Extracting Gas from Hydrate Reservoir
- Importance of Secondary Fuel use In Cooking Energy Estimation for India: An Initiative For Sustainable Energy Use
- Mass based Hygroscopicity of Atmospheric aerosols from a high-altitude site in India using precision-based Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) technique
- Multimodel Multisite Classification and Regression Technique for the Statistical Downscaling of Temperature
- Overview of Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather
- Particle Migration Phenomenon of Bentonite Slurry Through Porous Media
- Phase-Field Method to Model of Hydraulic Fracturing of Complex Fracture Network System
- Python-based Screening tool with Improved Analytical Solution for Multi-dimensional Reactive Contaminant Transport in Subsurface Porous Media
- Robust observations of smoke - mixing layer height - air quality coupling during crop residue burning season: Implications of elevated smoke layers over Delhi
- Seismic hazard analysis of the Moon
- Simulation of earthquake slip field using convolution neural network
- Size-resolved genomic characterization of fungal bioaerosols with emphasis on the diversity and dispersion of pathogenic fungi affecting crops and plants
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Abhijit Chaudhuri
- Alaa Mhawish
- Andrea Pozzer
- Baerbel Sinha
- Cenlin He
- Dan Li
- Fei Chen
- Haochen Tan
- Harrie‐Jan Hendricks Franssen
- Hugh Coe
- J. D. Allan
- Jianfeng Li
- L. Ruby Leung
- M. Sekhar
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Ramesh Kannan Kandasami
- Roshan Srivastav
- S. T. G. Raghukanth
- Sreenath Vemula
- TC Chakraborty
- Yun Qian